Pre author's note: I actually uploaded this just now, but there was a formatting issue, so I'm uploading it again:)
Author's note: Okay, hey guys, wait! Don't leave the story yet! Here's a few things I would like to say. I actually wrote this about 4-5 years ago? (Yes, I know it's been really long!) Right, so I recently found this in a folder where I put a whole bunch of fanfics in, and I really enjoyed writing this last time, so hopefully you'll enjoy this too! This is old, so Ziva is still on the team (she always will be part of the team anyway) and there's a whole load of ships (Tiva and etc !) and scenes you wished you saw every week on your screen.
So... please check this out! Thanks!
(P.S. I was pretty literally like 12 or 13 years old when I wrote this so this might not be the best language ever? But I will be editing before I post it, and it's actually complete so I'll update like every week so hang around, pretty please?:D)
"Parrotfish." Ziva said, tapping her lip with a pencil, as she watched Tony walk jauntily out of the elevator, a wide smile plastered across his face as he whipped off his shades, and straightened his usual suit. As he neared the squad room, she abandoned the pencil and whipped back to face her computer monitor, and began to tap away at her keyboard, as McGee was doing. Goodness knew what would happen to Tony's already inflated ego if he spotted her looking at him.
So she ignored him, focusing hard on her emails, murmuring an irritated swear when she saw the amount of trash waiting for her, and began the slow, arduous task of filtering through and deleting them all. Maybe Tony will settle down soon, she thought. Yeah, right.
Smiling to herself with a small, dismissive shake of her head, Ziva continued to trawl through the emails, grateful that she had not been assigned any paperwork. A quick glance at her colleague proved her earlier thoughts to be correct.
Tony's smile, which was beginning to look very creepy, was still on his face, and Ziva could swear that he was bouncing on his chair like a child with a serious case of the sugar rush. It was a few seconds before she realized that the clicking keys of the remaining keyboard had stopped.
"Okay, what is it, Tony? McGee asked, in his 'I'm tired of you but I'm asking although I don't give a damn' tone. Ziva watched, her slender fingers resting on her keyboard. Tony's gleeful eyes darted between his coworkers, and put on a very unTony-like innocent face.
"What is what, McGee?" he asked. McGee rolled his eyes, and gritted his teeth, in a way anyone would if they were dealing with Tony.
"Why are you so happy today?"
"Maybe his new toy came in the mail this morning." Ziva mused, cocking her head to one side, smiling amusedly.
"Bingo, David!" Tony exclaimed, pointing at her cockily. "Give the girl a prize!" McGee still looked on, his face a total opposite of Ziva's.
"Seriously, Tony. Why are you so happy today?" he asked.
"Well, McGoo, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, didn't he?" Tony said sadly, as he tried a wounded puppy look on him. It did not work. Ziva looked on, something interesting was going to happen, she just knew it. "But my new toy can make you happier."
"Hypnotism?" Ziva scoffed, as Tony pulled out the classic hypnotism tool: the coin on a string. "Hypnotism is going to make McGee happier?" she paused. "I'm guessing that you saw this in a movie once." McGee did not look much happier, as Tony presented the apparatus in a 'Ta-da!' manner.
"Tony, stop fooling around. We all know that you can't hypnotize any of us with a coin tied to a string." He said drily.
"Yes I can." Was Tony's cheeky reply.
"Prove it." Tony smiled to himself.
"Well then, ladies and gentlemen-although there's only one lady-give it up for our first volunteer, NCIS Agent Tim McGee!" Tony said in his best 'Ryan Seacrest ' tone. "Now, Agent McGee, I want you to stare at this coin."
"This is crazy." McGee protested. "I'm not doing it."
"Come on, McGee, according to you, I can't hypnotize anyone with this coin. What do you have to lose?" Tony reasoned. "If it doesn't work, I'm the one getting the humiliation, not you."
McGee thought about the odds. There was no way it would work. "Fine." He finally relented, and Tony smiled.
"Look at the coin, follow it. Every time it swings, you're gonna feel more relaxed." McGee rolled his eyes, resigned to the fact that he was going to be Tony's guinea pig yet again, but fixed his green eyes on the coin. Ziva stared; face cracking into a smile, as she rested her heads on her hands.
Tony swung the coin, back and forth, and McGee continued staring. "Tony…" Ziva started, but was silenced by a finger to the lip from Tony. He caught the coin in mid-swing, and smiled triumphantly at Ziva.
"Let me present the new Tim McGee." Ziva climbed out of her chair, towards the stone faced McGee, who was still staring glassy-eyed at where Tony's coin had been less than a minute ago. She waved her hand in front of his face, but he did not respond.
"You kidding me?" she asked. Tony returned, with a thick, black, permanent marker in his hand. He wrenched the cover off, and began to stencil a mustache onto McGee's face. "This was your plan all along, wasn't it?"
"Shh…" Tony said, running the marker over the mustache again to darken it. He offered the marker to Ziva. "Anything you want to draw on him?"
"You're mean, Tony." Ziva said, and headed back to her desk.
"I'll take that as a no." he said. Gibbs walked briskly into the squadroom, the usual coffee cup in hand.
"Got a dead Marine, grab your gear." Tony and Ziva rushed to get their guns, bags and badges, trying to make it before their boss made it to the other side of the office. Gibbs stopped halfway, and the two nearly ran into him. He turned. "McGee!" No response from McGee, and Tony and Ziva could feel the annoyance leaking out from their boss. "MCGEE!" he roared, but still got no response. Other agents were looking now. "DiNozzo!" he said accusingly.
"Waking McGee up, boss." He said, walking towards the statue-like McGee, but stoped halfway, and turned. "Um.., I don't know how."
"Ziva." Gibbs said. "You're up." Ziva smiled, and headed towards McGee's desk, pushing past Tony. She paused, stretching her fingers, and gave McGee a sudden tight slap across his left cheek.
"Argh!" McGee yelled, and shot an angry look at Tony and Ziva. "What was that for?!"
"You missed Gibbs' signal to 'grab your gear', McGee." Tony said, trying to act like the angel of the entire situation. Ziva elbowed Tony in the ribs, and he winced and rubbed his chest, mouthing 'ow'.
"McGee, if I were you right now, I would grab my gear and go before Gibbs decides to put a bullet into my skull." Ziva said calmly. McGee still looked at her, dazed, as he processed what she had said. "Do you understand what I am saying, McGee?"
"Yeah, yeah." McGee said, pulling out his gun and badge, and hefted his bag onto his shoulders. He glared at Tony. "I hate you." They walked towards Gibbs.
"That's really mature, McGee." Tony said, half jogging past the boss into the elevator, where Ziva was already waiting.
"McGee, I really hope that you know something that can remove black permanent marker." Gibbs said, before walking to the elevator. McGee squinted into the glass at his reflection, and saw the thick black mustache stenciled on his face.
"TONY!" he screeched.
A/N: With this story, I was trying to stay as true to an NCIS episode (one from the past anyway), with the comical opening of sorts. Really hope you like this, thank you so much for reading, and do share, vote, or comment (Tell me if you liked it, give me some feedback?)!
Until the next chapter,