Sherlock really does contemplate calling Mycroft because it would mean not having to leave John alone but once John regains consciousness and starts to be aware of just how much Sherlock is pestering the staff he asks him to bugger off. Incidentally he is too confused and in too much pain to remember to tell Sherlock not to go after the harpy. Sherlock knows that a sharper less injured John would tell him not to go after the evil woman but he chooses to retain a selective memory on these matters.

It does however take extreme self-control to go to Anderson instead of Lestrade, Molly or even in a pinch Mycroft. Sherlock hates Anderson, if he had a choice he would avoid him indefinitely, for life… yet he knows that test results will arrive fastest, and with the most legal impact if they arrive through Anderson's channels. Mycroft would of course have the results more quickly but apart from the frustration involved in having to ask Mycroft for more help the results would be legally unacceptable...

It's not that Sherlock really cares if the stupid woman is caught legally or not, yet he knows that John would care and that makes a strange sort of difference. Strange because since his mother's reprimands as a child this is the first time in Sherlock's life that another person's opinion has seemed relevant.

But John would want official channels, he would want proper procedure and therefore it is with great displeasure that Sherlock leaves an unconscious John and goes to visit the man who isn't quite his arch nemesis but close enough. He brings a stack of photographs, both the ones from the evil woman's medical file and the ones of John's recent injuries… but more importantly detailed photographs of Johns perfectly beautiful and undamaged hands. With measurements attached. He has no doubts what so ever that Anderson will be able to prove Johns innocence… even with his limited intelligence.

Anderson briefly insults Sherlock in his usual manner but the minute he sees the pictures of John's injuries he falls silent. There seems to be a strange wetness to Anderson's eyes as he promises to do everything to prove John's innocence and Sherlock has to admit that he is surprised. He has never viewed Anderson as the sympathetic kind, not like John who seemingly cares for absolutely everyone.

Despite this Anderson clutches the pictures to his chest and disappears only to re-appear six hours later at John's bedside. He is holding a potted pelargonium and a card in an envelope and is looking oddly sheepish. He doesn't however arrive alone, Lestrade comes with him and the enthusiastic police presence is a definite surprise to the medical staff who have seen enough abuse cases to know that they don't usually get this kind of attention.

Lestrade insidentally drags Sherlock out of the room with some force and a stern, 'I need to talk to you alone'. Sherlock has no illusions. It is not Lestrade who wishes to speak to him alone but rather Anderson who wishes to speak to John alone, but Anderson is looking scared and Lestrade is looking determined and curiosity never really killed the cat so Sherlock allows Anderson to remain in John's room as he exits with Lestrade.

'So, are you going to tell me what is going on with Andeson and this case? Did Sally use to beat him up?' Sherlock asks only half in jest and Lestrade flinches.

'After what happened to John, how can you be so heartless' Lestrade asks and Sherlock finds himself actually feeling uncomfortable.

'I swear to God if you ever tell anyone this I will kill you.' Lestrade says and after a moment of careful consideration Sherlock nods. 'His brother had some sort of developmental disorder. I'm guessing ADD but who knows. His father took it really well, tried to support both the boys, but his mother…. I only know this because I came across a report I shouldn't have… she beat the poor child to a pulp every time he could not live up to his older brother's achievements… Every time Philip excelled at something he was proving his younger brothers inability and he knew it would result in a horrible beating.' Lestrade hesitated for a second wondering if he was committing the ultimate sin of betraying both his friends and his profession… yet he had found out about Anderson during a strange briefing by Sherlock's freaky older brother not from work and thus legally sharing this wasn't really a problem, it wasn't officially classified.

Lestrade took a deep breath and proceeded. 'What you feel for John, it's what Philip… what Anderson feels for his brother… imagine if every time you said something clever it meant John would get beaten up. You know how bad it's been for these past few months… Philip had that for years.' Lestrade stares at the intuitive detective who always deduces everything about everyone… yet this has been something he had not deduced. He looks honestly frightened, confused by this new bit of information.

'I, I… I'll be back… ' Sherlock mumbles and then hurriedly leaves the hospital.

Lestrade has no idea where the detective has gone. He does not know what the information he has provided may have resulted in, but he does know that all of his friends are more than a little upset at the moment. He stays in the hallway for the better part of an hour. Then when Philip bursts out, tears streaming down his face and terror clearly evident in his eyes he pushes forward to see what the hell is going on.

John is crying and shaking clutching at his shoulder and his lower arm intermittently, offering a continuous 'please don't…don't touch me… oh god it hurts… please don't… I can't breathe… oh god.. please….'
Lestrade has never actually seen someone experiencing a flashback before but he is pretty sure that is what he is seeing now.

The fact that both Sherlock and Philip have buggered off is not helping matters as Greg tries to sooth John and frantically calls the nurse on duty. She comes and immediately leaves again on order to bring the doctor on duty who orders some sort of sedative and fifteen minutes later John is deeply asleep while Sherlock and Philip are nowhere to be seen… Lestrade can't help but worry… a few hours ago he had had one friend to be really worried about… now he suddenly had three.