Chapter 91: End of Arc 3


3/2/2018 I apologize for being late. To put it shortly and simple, the website was preventing me from uploading this chapter for some reason, so I had to do it at some other time. Though I guess if this issue persists it won't matter so long as I upload this chapter. I have my final thoughts at the end, I won't give it here because it's a long stretch of text and is more fitting to add it at the end. So with this all said, enjoy this.

Wasure felt the warm summer heat on her skin as she sat at one of the local park benches, eyes closed as she simply relaxed. She was wearing a black tanktop and a dark blue pair of sweatpants. She opened her eyes and took a look around at the scenery, seeing animals move around the ground, scavenging for food while kids and even some adults played games together in the distance. She smiled and let out a sigh, looking to her right as someone was walking up on her.

"Turns out they only had vanilla, but I know you like that anyway…" Yang said, holding two cones of ice cream in her hands. She too was also wearing a tanktop and sweat pants, except her's matched her theme of yellow and brown. "Here you go…" She said, handing Wasure one of the cones before sitting down next to the blonde.

"Thanks, we worked up a pretty good sweat didn't we? But you need to work on those kicks of yours…" Wasure said, taking the ice cream and took a few licks before speaking.

"Oh c'mon, I totally had you backed into a corner. I just had some bad footing is all…" Yang retorted, taking her own licks of her ice cream, referring to the sparring match they just had not five minutes ago.

"Yeah, and by corner you mean one with no barrier… speaking of corners, did you know that apparently Cardin cut some when he was trying to apply for a job on the council? That idiot basically just screwed his entire life with that little detail on his permanent record." Wasure stated, chuckling a bit as the jerk hadn't changed in the four years since they graduated Beacon Academy.

"Really? Well once an ass, always one. Speaking of butts, has my little sister been feeding you those sugar bombs she's been making? You seem to be a tad bit thicker than the last time I saw you…" Yang said instantly getting a stare from Wasure.

"To answer your question, yes, Ruby has been feeding me those damn things. They are seriously nothing but sugar and she makes them almost everyday since I stayed at her place for last month. The only way she manages to keep her own form is that I think her semblance has an effect on her metabolism…" Wasure said with a sigh as she had put on a couple extra pounds.

"Yeah, she's still got a sweet tooth despite being all grown up and all on her own now. How's Blake doing? Haven't heard from her for a while, last I heard was that she managed to get that Adam Taurus guy to step down from the White Fang. Dude had some issues…" Yang said, licking her ice cream.

"Yeah, when you plan to make an example of the White Fang's drive for liberation by trying to ransack a hotel supposedly only humans, only to realize it was packed with Faunus, things don't tend to go so well with the boss. As for Blake, she's doing alright, currently she's actually helping the White Fang try and become a bit more peaceful, Adam's failed mission opened a lot of eyes to the violence they were causing. Heard anything from our older twins?" Wasure asked, finishing the scoop of her ice cream and started working on the cone.

"Nope, but apparently two good looking blondes are said to have stopped an attempt at a large scale human trafficking in a village of Vacuo." Yang answered as she licked some melted ice cream off her fingers. She was speaking about their future selves, trying to be discrete about them as they shouldn't really exist.

"I wonder if that's their way of having fun, I would have thought they'd have settled down by now." Wasure said as she finished her ice cream, sighing as she laid back against the seat of the bench.

"Are you saying that slaying monsters, stopping bad guys and saving people isn't fun? Who are you and what have you done with my Wasure?" Yang asked with a smile as she joked, causing Wasure to giggle a little.

"Well while I enjoy fighting crime and saving the day, I also enjoy just relaxing, expressing my freedom." Wasure said as she put her hands behind her head and looked up at the sky, only to hear a snap and the two blondes suddenly fell backwards.

"Ah man…" Yang said as she saw that her ice cream had gone splat on the grass, "Looks like the bench's back legs gave out…" She said after getting up and inspected the park bench, seeing that the metal legs were all rusted out and broken.

"It's alright, I got this…" Wasure said, flipping the bench right-side up before kneeling down and hovered her hand over the legs of the bench .

Without even touching them, shiny new metal grew out of the broken legs attached to the bench. They grew out and formed into the same shape as the old legs, almost like molding clay with ease. The rusty parts of the rest of the legs flaked off to reveal a matching shiny layer of metal that looked brand new.

"Cool, remind me again of how you can do that…" Yang asked, remembering that something like this happened with the fight between both Wasures when stone and metal pillars erupted from the ground.

"I just changed and rearranged a bunch of atoms and their structures, it's the same thing as to how I harden my skin and make objects harder than what they were before hand. Though I would prefer that part to not be considered part my semblance, skin hardening and structurally changing an object's density to make it harder is already considered my semblance. Having others learn that I can basically change one substance to another would be a little bit too much to consider a semblance." She said, getting up as the bench was now fixed.

"Yeah, I guessed it would be kinda freaky, but then again, we've been through alot so it makes since. C'mon, let's head home and get ready to call it a day." Yang said, leading the way around the park. Parked alongside the road, next to a parking meter was Yang's bike, Bumblebee with a few improvements. "How do you like that? This baby went from having four cylinders to six with just a low payment of 300 Lien while actually having better fuel economy." Yang said, giving her bike a little pet of affection.

"Nice, but I see you still haven't installed those handlebars like I asked for when I ride in the back seat." Wasure said, knowing that riding in the back seat of Bumblebee was a little bumpy. "Honestly Yang, I know I can hold onto the underside above the tire, but I don't like the feeling of my fingers rubbing against the tire when we hit a bump. Plus I'm also likely to tear a hole in the tires that way." She said, hopping onto the back of the bike, opening one of the satchel bags on the bike and pulled out a helmet, undoing the hair bun she had before putting on the helmet.

"Well then that's why you hold onto me then…" Yang said, hopping on the front of the bike, putting on her helmet. Watching as a meter girl walked by, looking over at their parking meter just before it dinged. They were lucky enough to avoid a ticket as Vale's law states that so long as the owner of the vehicle is next to them, they can't be charged with any crime.

"But it's embarrassing…" Wasure mumbled as Yang kicked on her motorcycle, placing her goggles down over her eyes as the machine seemed to roar to live, giving a nice little rumble as stood idle.

"Well then hold on tight to something!" Yang shouted as she revved the bike to life, giving it a wheelie straight from the start as they moved onto the main road and started moving. "Looks like you don't mind holding onto me that much…" Yang teased as she felt Wasure hug her from behind.

"I almost fell off and got left behind because of that!" Wasure replied over the rush of wind and Bumblebee's engine, still holding onto Yang even though they were now riding on both wheels.

The two drove down the road, crossing a few crossroads and taking a couple of turns as they made their way around the city, eventually stopping at a red light.

"Sorry, did you say something? Couldn't hear you over all that wind and Bumblebee's engine. Thought you said you love me and would should hang out more often…" Yang said, getting a closed-mouth mumble from Wasure who finally let go of Yang.

As they waited for the lights to change from red to green, a roofless sports car with four men around their age drove up beside them and honked their horn, grabbing the attention of both blondes.

"Hey there pretty ladies! Nice ride, either one of you girls seeing someone? We could spend some time together, maybe go for a ride together? You two do look like you know how to have a good time..." The driver asked as the boys next to him howled and gave a wolf whistle at the thought of the idea.

Yang gave a toothy smirk and pointed back at Wasure, "Sorry boys, but I'm already seeing someone and this is her…" She said proudly as Wasure blushed and turned to look away, whispering Yang's name in a bit of anger.

"Well that's a shame. Tell you what, how about a little race?" The driver asked, making Yang raise and eyebrow in interest. "First one to the docks wins the race, but if me and the boys here win, you gotta look our way for the rest of the day, you might like what we have in store." He offered.

"Yang, I know what you are thinking, but please don't accept." Wasure asked, looking at the boys as a couple of them looked at her a bit funny, causing her to look away once more, slightly blushing.

"I accept!" Yang said, making Wasure slump in reaction as she still had her back turned to the boys, "However if we win, you gotta pay for a full gas tank of my ride and for me and my girl's next three meals…" Yang suggested, looking at the driver who was also getting a look from his companions.

"Sounds like a deal to me, when the light turns green we go!" The driver said, shifting in his seat as he looked towards the stop light.

"You're on!" Yang said as she revved up Bumblebee's engine with a grin on her face.

"Yang you should really consider this. I think this is a really bad idea, it's still in the middle of the day and there still are a bunch of CARS!" Wasure said, trying to convince the brawler only to have her sentence end in a scream as they took off instantly at the change of the light; grabbing out and holding onto Yang once more.

The two racers took off and were about head to head until the first turn came up, where the car took the lead and drifted around the corner very smoothly. Yang groaned as this wasn't a good way to start off as they still had a few blocks to pass before coming close to the docks. Wasure held on tight as Yang sped up, having to slide between lanes in the road as their opponent was passing cars farther up ahead.

"Yang you didn't think, again!" Wasure shouted over the loud high pitched wind as they buzzed pass cars.

"Oh c'mon Wasure, motorcycles are way faster than cars because of all that scientific stuff, you should know that…" Yang casually said as she actually waved to the boys before passing them.

"Yes, but cars are better at handling than motorcycles because they can't turn as great at high speed! You should know this because you ride one! And the matter of who wins isn't what I'm just getting at!" Wasure shouted as they came up to a three-way intersection.

Yang applied the brakes and started to slow down, having to make a left turn only for their turn to start become a little wide. Before they new it, the bike had slipped up onto the sidewalk, thankfully no one was walking by. Wasure gave Yang a look that said "I told you so" as Yang drove off the sidewalk and back onto the road. The two blondes then rode down the road before taking a slower turn and saw the docks in sight.

"Pfft, this was easy, we'd have won even if Bumblebee was just on one wheel…" Yang said, booming with confidence, only to hear a loud engine roar and saw the same car with the same boys rush pass them and slide to a stop at the docks. "Huh… didn't expect that…" Yang said with a shocked expression as she was at a lost for words as she slowed down as they neared the docks, and towards the parked car with the guys celebrating.

"If any of them ask for a massage in a certain area, I'm not helping them…" Wasure whispered to Yang as they parked Bumblebee, taking off their helmets and placed them on the bike as they got off.

"I can tell you're surprised! Well I had a little Nitrous Oxide stored up in little compartment I made in my car, so that gave me and the boys here that little boost at the end." The driver said, walking up to Yang, who from outside of the car was tall, handsome and muscular, as were the other three.

"Nitrous huh… should have figured, a normal car wouldn't stand up to a motorcycle." Yang said as she crossed her arms in thought before sighing, placing her hands on her hips, "Alright, you won what do you want to do first? Catch a movie, drive around, hang out at stores and maybe a few restaurants, sex? Probably the latter..." Yang said, knowing how the men were acting when they challenged the two blondes.

"Sex? Nah, we're all gay! Well except Mike over there, he's bisexual." The driver said, surprising Yang and Wasure as he smiled, pointing to the man who was wearing a black collared shirt, being Mike.

"Wait, are you saying you actually weren't hinting at anything sexual while we waited at that stop light? Then what was with all the cheers, potential innuendos, whistling and stares?!" Wasure asked, looking at the boys that gave her the uncomfortable stares.

"A trick! It's funny to play the cliche "men hitting on girls" thing and then surprise them with the truth. Of course, it doesn't always work given how some girls react, Johnny here got scolded by an old lady who was hiding in the back of a car, it was still pretty funny though…" Mike responded, pointing at the one with a leather jacket on.

"Oh c'mon, we've all had our own little embarrassing moments. Like when Thomas actually lost a race and had to have a little private moment with a girl who was itching for a little action if you know what I mean." Johnny added, pointing back at the driver who rolled his eyes, "Of course, Bill here actually had his moment with Mike's old ex, oh man that was something to see!" He added, looking at the last member of the group who was perhaps the buffest man of the group.

"Anyway, when we said you'd have to look our way if we won the race, we really just meant to spend some time together." Thomas said to the girls, "Of course, we understand if you don't really want to hang out, we can do it another time if you want." He added.

"You know, you're pretty cute, especially with your hair let down like that, such pretty eyes as well." Mike said, walking up to Wasure with smile as Thomas and Yang started talking.

"Oh uh… thank you?" Wasure replied, blushing softly as she hadn't really been complimented like that before, "So you really are all into men? You're the only one into women as well?" She asked, hoping this wasn't going where she thought it was.

"Well I honestly switch preferences depending on how I'm feeling and don't worry, I'm not in the mood for either right now, just a nice perhaps all of us hanging out." He said, letting Wasure give out a sigh in relief.

"Then it's settled, we'll have a little night on the town next Friday and see how things go from there. C'mon guys, let go!" Thomas said, hopping back into the car as his friends followed him, waving goodbye before taking off and out of sight.

"Well that was unexpected…" Yang said before getting a slap on the back of the head by Wasure, "What? It all worked out in the end!" She said, only getting a roll of the eyes from Wasure.

"This time, I'm driving. You still are as reckless as ever, would have been stuck giving a bj to a total stranger if they all weren't into women…" Wasure said, walking back to Bumblebee and put on her helmet, taking the front spot and scooted Yang's helmet to the back seat. She quickly started the bike with a loud roar and looked at Yang, "You getting on or planning to make more crazy bets with people?" She asked, looking at the blonde who nodded and made her way to the bike like a child who was just scolded and wasn't going to argue.

Yang quickly got on the back before she grinned, reaching around and got two handfuls of Wasure's breasts, making the driver squeal and quickly turn bright red before she managed to rip Yang's off of her chest, turning around and gave a burning gaze at the blonde brawler, "What? I need to hold onto something when you drive, too bad I didn't install those handles…" She said with a smirk on her mouth as she looked back at the tomato red Wasure.

"We are in public and there's a group of workers over there!" Wasure said in a strained voice as she looked at Yang before she let out a huff of air, turning around and started driving off, only for Yang to resume her grip on her chest as she drove out of the docks and onto the road. She was unable to remove Yang's arms without stopping and pulling over wouldn't stop anything as she would just continue holding them.

"Hmm…" Yang hummed before she started to fondle her favorite fighter's breasts as they stopped at a red light, raising an eyebrow before grinning and leaned over Wasure's ear, "You're not wearing a bra today, are you?" She said, giggling a bit as the other blonde stayed silent, only turning redder as Yang didn't stop playing with the mounds and she wasn't wrong about her assumption. "Aww… here already?" Yang moaned as Wasure stopped the bike at a reserved parking spot in front of a two-story building that was Yang's apartment.

"Yes, here… thankfully." Wasure said with a sigh, having to take at least an hour in from the docks to Yang's apartment when it was 15 minutes away from the park, that was not including that the trip from the docks was during rush hour, making the trip even longer. "So, what's for dinner?" She asked, tossing the keys to Yang after locking the bike up, making their way to the door.

"I was thinking a little steak dinner would be a nice to have…" Yang said, unlocking the door and stepped on in, turning the light and revealed that the first floor was a rather nice abode, a large living room and kitchen with a hallway leading to a storage room and the bathroom with the laundry machines. Up stairs was another bathroom with a large tub, two bedrooms one being the master's and the other a guest room. The apartment looked big enough to accommodate at least four people. "I washed all your clothes before you got into Vale, they did need a cleaning as you weren't here for three months…" She added, placing her keys in a bowl on a coffee table next to the front door.

"Good, I'm thinking of taking a bath while the food is cooking." Wasure said as she stretched and walked towards the stairs.

"I'll join you in a minute! I got this new machine that can cook different steaks to however you like it…" Yang said as she made her way into the kitchen, pulling out two raw ribeye steaks. She pulled out what looked like a miniature grill with a hinged lid, plugged it in and turned the machine on before adjusting the settings and placed the steaks inside, closing the lid and walked away, up the stairs.

Wasure had already walked into the bathroom, the tub nearly filled with hot water before Wasure stripped down and slipped into the tub. She sighed and sunk deeper into the tub, letting her ears be submerged under the water and block out the sounds and closed her eyes. It wasn't until she heard someone get in and looked over to see Yang on the other end of the tub, getting comfortable herself.

"Today has been a rather good day, got my girlfriend staying with me for the month, had a few hours of sparring together, met some rather good looking guys after a race and now we're slowing the day down by taking a bath while dinner gets ready…" She said with a sigh as Wasure reached over and turned off the faucet as the water was nearing the edge of the tub by now.

"Good is a putting it a bit heavily, you did a few illegal traffic violations, dodged a bullet on having to be an object of affection and perhaps pleasure all night, and basically molested me on the drive back to your place. After spending three months with the other girls of the team I completely forgot just how energetic and careless you can be… I kind of missed that." Wasure said, smiling softly.

"Speaking of the team, I don't think I ever asked about Weiss, how's the ice queen doing?" Yang asked, reaching out of the tub and grabbed a rubber ducky before placing it on the surface of the water and letted it float around.

"Rather well actually, it's been two months but she was last working on a bunch of request forms for a few Schnee Dust mines, improving their working conditions. It's sort of like tests to prove that she can actually take on the job of leading the Schnee Dust industry, you know… Heiress stuff." Wasure said with a shrug as she didn't really get into that side of the world. "Though I will say I can never get use to those soft beds she has, it's like sleeping on pure fluff…" She added.

"Yeah that sounds about right, ever since she went back home it's been work nonstop with her, she'll make a great parent, that is if she ever leaves the mansion at that point…" Yang said as the ducky came floating around back to her before getting stuck between her cleavage, "Though she's got the most posh life of us all with her family's riches and whatnot, so it makes sense that her place would have the best stuff, but sometimes that lush stuff… isn't the best…" Yang said with a smile as she sent the ducky on a new course across the tub.

"Yeah, though she wasn't that happy when you called and requested for a small loan of four million Lien…" Wasure said, giving Yang an exact stare that Weiss would give her, only making Yang chuckle nervously.

"Look, let's stop talking about the ice queen for a second and just enjoy the hot water… and maybe each other a little later?" Yang said, smiling at the thought of having a bit of fun.

"No." Wasure replied with a frown, bringing down Yang's smile, "You had enough fun with my chest on the ride here, so no touchy!" She said, sending the ducky away as it tried to get into her cleavage.

Yang only grinned and tried to reach forward at Wasure, hands wide open with wiggling fingers as if ready to get a handful of something. Only Wasure's foot reached out and held the long-haired blonde at bay as the two had different thoughts on the matter, sloshing water out of the tub and onto the floor where it mostly got soaked up by the matts laid out. Eventually Yang finally went back to her side and slumped down into the water.

"You're no fun anymore, you use to always get nervous and blush at the slightest thing…" Yang said in a pouting voice before she sunk half her face down into the water and blew bubbles.

"Well blame me for getting social skills then, and for hanging out around you so much…" Wasure retorted, reaching over and grabbed the soap and started cleaning herself up, "But that doesn't mean I've changed, I'm just more adapt than I was when you first talked to me." She said, covering herself in suds before dipping all the way underneath the water and surfaced clean.

Yang only made a hum underneath the water as her eyes shifted. She dunked down completely under the water before rising her head back out, grabbing the shampoo just as Wasure was reaching for it, squirting a great big glob of it into her hand. "That still doesn't change the fact you're no longer any fun, you're just a buzz killer…" She said, turning her head and looked away as she worked the shampoo into her hair.

"I'm still fun and you know it, you're just more outgoing than I am…" Wasure replied, grabbing the shampoo bottle and squeezed it to only have the bottle wheeze out a very small amount dribble out. She sighed and scooted closer to Yang, only for Yang to scoot away, "What are you doing?" She asked, looking at the girl who was still looking away from Wasure.

"You don't want to touch, so I'm not going to touch you." Yang said, making a 'humf' when she looked at her before looking away.

"Oh c'mon Yang! I can't wash my hair with this! Let me borrow some of the soap from your head!" Wasure said, holding out the pitiful amount of shampoo in her hand, only to not get a response from the brawler. "Look, fine, you can touch me, but only if you let me wash my hair." She said, knowing that she'd be arguing with Yang until she had her way.

"Alright then! Take as much of the stuff as you want!" Yang said, wrapping her legs around Wasure's waist, placing her hands on her partner's shoulders. She tilted her head down for Wasure, hearing her sigh as she scooped out a bunch of shampoo that hadn't turned into suds yet, washing her hair with it. "See? Isn't this fun?" Yang said, squeezing a couple of things that made Wasure blush.

"Sure… So much fun…" Wasure said as she tried to keep her cool and not freak out, letting out a little scream as Yang's hand went underneath the water for a moment.

The two blondes finished bathing and stepped out, draining the tub as they dried off. Yang kept giving Wasure a closed-mouth grin about the fun they had while Wasure just gave a stare back.

"So what's going on with Onmyō? I haven't really seen or heard of him since you won your fight with your future self, he kinda just disappeared…" Yang said, blowing her hair with a hair dryer.

"He's sorta not around anymore, not dead, but just gone…" Wasure said, brushing her hair as the two girls stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom.

"What does that mean? He's gone but not dead…" Yang said thinking for a second before pausing and looked over at Wasure, "Hey, who exactly is Onmyō? Where did he originally come from and why is he so powerful?" She asked, causing Wasure to freeze up for a moment. The drain for the bath also seemed to stop, and the duck that still floated on the surface of the water stopped and turned to face the girls as if it was alive.

"Yang, will you promise not to tell anyone this? Because some knowledge is best not known and it's best kept safe by those who take secrets to their graves." Wasure said, looking at Yang as she set down the brush, getting a silent nod from the other blonde who looked a bit concerned. "Alright…" Wasure said before she took in a deep breath, "Onmyō was never born, he was created from the merging of his brother and sister, Yin and Yang who partook in a large scale battle between Gods and Demons. He was created on that same battlefield eons after it finished and was raised by a passing Sun Goddess who happened to be relaxing in the grassy fields that once was covered in blood. Though after enough time, he grew up and the powers of his siblings began to emerge from within. However, after witnessing the murder of his adoptive mother, his mind snapped and with that, emerged his own power that cracked and shattered the world around them, creating worlds that were both parallel and alternate from others. Yang, it isn't easy to say, but Onmyō created the Multiverse on accident because he went insane. With that insanity, his own powers rose forth and then I was created as the capsule for his power until he was ready to claim it again." She explained, watching as Yang was wide eyed and utterly shocked.

"Well THAT'S a lot to take in, but I'll believe you after everything we've been through. But if he created the multiverse, does that mean there are others like me and you?" Yang asked, who saw Wasure shaking her head.

"I'm afraid not, me and Onmyō are one of a kind. Imagine this mirror is shattered and it continues to shatter into even bits of sand-like glass. Onmyō is the mirror, I can be considered the magic that causes a mirror to reflect, the shards are the universes, those who look into the mirror that's shattered are the various versions of themselves in each universe. So while there's only one of me and Onmyō, there's countless Yangs and other people that are at least different in a minute way. But that means you are special in your own way from the others that look, sound, and even act like you." Wasure explained, looking at Yang who nodded as she paid close attention.

"Originality vs Speciality, something else to take in, but I like it…" Yang said as she finished blowing her hair and grabbed a yellow fluffy bathrobe hanging on a hook and slipped it on. "Let's go, I'm sure the steaks are done…" She said, casually moving on from the heap of information that was just dropped on her and made her way down the stairs.

"I'll be down in a minute…" Wasure said, looking over at the tub and saw that the rubber ducky had moved from the surface of the water, onto the sink counter before the tub started to continue draining out water.

She left the bathroom and headed into the bedroom, pulling open one of the drawers and saw the clothes she had left in Yang's care were still there. She pulled out a regular T-shirt, underwear and some sweatpants, pulling them on before heading down the stairs. She raised an eyebrow when she got to the foot of the stairs, the lights were turned off and soft music played in the background while the only source of light came from the kitchen table, being two lit candles placed apart from one another on the table. Between the candles was a vase with a single rose and on both ends of the table was a plate with a steak set out on it, while on one end was Yang, smiling at Wasure.

"Really?" Wasure asked as she made her way towards the table, sighing as she sat down and looked at Yang from across the table, "Did you really have to go out and make it a romantic dinner?" She asked, watching as Yang pulled out a couple of wine glasses and set them up, pouring a glass of wine for herself and then some water for Wasure.

"I had to for my girl. So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Yang asked, talking smoothly for her first sentence before deciding it was time to plan their next day.

"It's been awhile since we've been to Jr.'s club right? Maybe we should go down there and give the guy a heart attack, perhaps talk to the twins as well, they've been doing rather well…" Wasure said, sniffing the water and quickly poked the water with her tongue to see if she could taste any alcohol and didn't. She took a sip before cutting into her steak and took a bite.

"Sounds like something, but his men are a bit more trained than what they were last time we went there, one guy actually got a hit on me." Yang said as she started to eat her own food, "Speaking of Jr and heart attacks, apparently the old man nearly had a heart attack because some girl was trying to pay off her debts to him in a certain way…" Yang stated with a mouthful of food, giving a subtle hint as to how Jr. was doing in that department.

"I see, wonder if that's always been something he's done since he ran that club of his. Though how do you think Team JNPR are doing? I actually haven't heard anything from Jaune, Pyrrha or the rest of their team since I bumped into them with Blake nearly a year ago." Wasure stated, casually eating her steak.

"Didn't you hear? It seems Jaune and Pyrrha are actually married, and expecting a kid on the way shortly. As for Nora and Ren, I'm not entirely sure what's going on with them, I think they are working with shipping companies to keep cargo safe during travel from the Grimm and bandits. They've been keeping to themselves lately, but I'm sure they are alright…" Yang explained, taking another bite of her steak.

The two continued to eat and talk until they finished, calling it a day just as they sun was setting in the distance. Yang cleaned up while Wasure sat on the couch and caught up on the news of Vale in the living room.

"They're trying to rebuild that extension of the city at Mt. Glen?" Wasure asked, looking back at Yang as she was still in her bathrobe as she cleaned the dishes.

"Yeah, though they are learning from their mistakes and intend to build it as a part Vale, so it's less of an extension and more of as spreading the city out to what it once was. Of course, the defense there is gonna be a lot more stronger than what it had before, so it's way more secure." Yang explained as she finished scrubbing the wine glasses and turned off the water, walking behind the couch and placed her hands on Wasure's shoulders, "You could teach them a few things, perhaps be an engineer or a fighter and bring in some big money for me…" She said, leaning into Wasure's ear.

"In the one month I'm spending with you, I'm not gonna be able to bring in that much. Unless you want me to stay for three months and not see me for nine more…" Wasure said as she looked back at Yang.

"I wouldn't mind that, of course you could always just settle down with me and perhaps visit the rest of the team periodically…" Yang said, slumping down to be level Wasure, wrapping her arms around her and nuzzled her head against Wasure's with a smile on her face.

Wasure paused and thought, she was basically living off her old team's kindness and didn't exactly have her own source of income. "I'll talk with the other girls and see what they think. To be honest, rebuilding Mt. Glen isn't the brightest idea with how it faired last time, but I can prevent that same fate from happening and help keep that little extension of Vale safe." She said, seeing that Yang let go of her and stood back up from the corner of her eye.

"Alrighty then! Maybe I can help join in the fight with you, show those fools what real fighters can do!" Yang said before slamming both her fists together in excitement.

"Maybe, but first we get some rest…" Wasure said as she turned off the TV and sat up, yawning.

The girls then went back upstairs, blowing out the candles on the table before heading up. Wasure slipped into Yang's bed, kicking off her sweatpants before opening the drawer of the nightstand on her side of the bed. Inside was a book titled "The Man with Two Souls: The Man with Eight Souls" that Wasure had forgotten to take with her since her last visit with Yang. She pulled out the slip of paper that worked as a bookmark and started reading the book from the beginning under the light of the lamp on the nightstand. Yang was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth as Wasure had already done hers first. Finishing up, she rinsed her toothbrush and walked into the bedroom, taking off her bathrobe and slipped into the empty spot of the bed.

"You're not going to put on anything?" Wasure asked, looking away from her book and at the naked Yang in her bed.

"Nope, I kinda like sleeping in the nude. Normally you don't wear a bra to sleep anyway so it's just one garment you have on at night…" Yang said, the only thing covering her up were the sheets. "You should try it, I promise on my left arm I won't do anything to you… without consent." Yang said, holding up one of her hands as if she was pledging to something.

"Your future self did lose an arm, so you probably shouldn't be making any promises with your arms Yang…" Wasure said, closing the book and setting it on the nightstand before turning off her light. "But if you do touch me, I'm sleeping in the guest room for the rest of the month." She said before laying down, back turned to Wasure.

"Alright, alright… ruin more of the fun that way. I love you…" Yang said, looking at Wasure who didn't say anything, "Wasure… I'm waiting…" Yang said, propping her head up with her hand as she looked at Wasure's backside.

Wasure slowly slightly turned her body and looked at Yang, her face a little red from blushing, "I love you too Yang…" She replied before getting a kiss on the lips from Yang.

"I know you do, no matter how little you like to admit it, that part of you hasn't changed in all these years… Goodnight." Yang said smiling as she turned over, reaching out for the lamp before pulling the string and turned off the light.

So this is it, the end of a story that should have been finished years ago. I honestly enjoyed making this story from day one, though I will say looking back at this old piece of work makes me feel a bit embarrassed at some parts given how much I've changed with my way of thinking (I.E all the pervy bits or just things that felt cheesy to me). For those who didn't know or forgot, I actually started this story with little intention of making it so big and important, it was just something I created to vent out story ideas I had for a now canceled and deleted RWBY fanfic. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would create such a long story that excelled just over 90 chapters, being my largest work to date while also my most loved from what it seemed.

What crushes me though is that this story is ending, but for good reasons with one being that I fear to never actually complete this story unless I end it here. I still had plenty of chances to incorporate various other characters into the story, but with how the actual RWBY show is progressing, I feel like I should leave things be perhaps until the series is complete. I personally like to make stories as close to the source material as possible, while adding my own twists then and there. It's so out of context now with some stuff, I mean Winter in this story (as she wasn't properly introduced when I made the story) is a little girl, being Weiss's younger sister and their dad wasn't oppressive, at least not in my story (Evil yes, but not controlling and manipulative).

I will be honest, I sometimes go through the reviews of this story and can't help but smile and chuckle as so many of the reviews are packed with one emotion or the other, it's really what pushed me at times as did receiving the notifications of followers and favorites. If any of you reading this are artists, I would like to see some fanart of this story, but only if you want to, I don't want to come off as making this seem forceful or heavily suggestive.

I might actually make a sequel to this story if I feel like it, though just by thinking of that alone and I've already got ideas for a story buzzing around in my head (some things never change). Though I want to leave the beginning idea for the sequel of this story up to you, the readers who have made it this far, I want to hear any ideas you may have for the sequel. Should this continuation take place some time after this chapter (be it years or simply a couple of weeks)? Should it instead begin some time after the fight of the two Wasures, between the timeskip of this chapter and the last? Or should it begin right where Chapter 90 left off and move its way up to the time within Chapter 91? I want to hear what you readers think I should do next if I were to make a sequel. I'll mention the idea of the one who seemed the most interesting that I used to start the sequel off on, unless I come up with something of my own (no point in giving myself credit for my own idea).

With all this said and done, it's time to draw this story to a close, for now or forever, either one and only time will decide if it's the former or the latter. Please leave a review that describes this story for you, with your own words. It doesn't matter whatever you say, be it painfully emotional or you just call me a fool/idiot with no reason to back it up, I just want to hear back from you all because this entire thing has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget. I hope you all have a glorious life and if we don't see each other again, goodbye.

-Sincerely, Onmy