Hi, I understand this is really short, but I did it for an English assessment and it wasn't allowed to be too long. I welcome any feedback so please review!

Corrie PoV

I stepped into the shearers' quarters with Kevin and moved silently over to the window. Gliding my fingers along the dusty sill, I turned and let myself settle down beneath it, sliding down the rough wall onto the grimy wooden floor. Leaning against Kevin's shoulder, I entwined my fingers with his, listening to the low voices of Ellie and Fi talking of more trivial items to take into Hell later tonight. Homer arrived, his face blank of all emotions in the darkening shadows.

I began to drift through my thoughts, hardly noticing the humming intruder until the others darted over to the window above my head. When I did see it, I felt as if a claw had gripped my heart, slowly constricting and squeezing the life out of it.

A sinister jet came in low out of the slowly sinking sun. Its engine snarling at me, daring to be defied. An unexplained feeling of dread crawled over me, as though this one plane was about to change my ever changing world.

It quivered, as if shaking off all emotions, and two black darts glinted in the dusk as they were released from underneath its wings. In an instant my fearful confusion became utter clarity. The constricting chains around my beating heart released, and with them all that was locked inside. All the pain of the past, the uncertainty of the future, the terror of the present. All my emotions and feelings were released in one anguished cry.

Yet no one moved, they only watched the bombs spiral, harsh and ugly, towards the only home I had ever known. Time was frozen. Nothing else existed as we watched the events play out before us.

The first one hit the house, and in that instant Father Time hit the fast forward. The building was torn limb from limb as the flaming bush grew out of the meagre space it had been allotted. Fiery tendrils reached out of the fountain of flames, groping for more destruction to cause.
The tall trees surrounding the house bent beneath the blast. Pieces of wood and bricks were strewn across the hill. I threw myself back from the destruction, incomprehensible thoughts and images flying through my mind's eye like as many birds taking wing. The memories of my family, of my home all bearing down on me at once.

There was another explosion a moment later, but I barely registered it. I felt detached from my physical form, like I was floating above my body. Distantly I could hear voices calling my name, but they were far off and only just audible. As I drifted in and out of feeling, I was aware of jerking like a puppet in the hands of a child, with no control over myself.

Suddenly a wave doused me, washing away the shock. My spirit was drawn back into me, the walls pressing in around, reminding me always of the horrors I had witnessed, of a time only a few days before when I had lived without fear.

As I curled in on myself and wept for all we had lost, I sank into the dark and drifted into oblivion.