Wait a second! This story is a continuation of another fanfic of mine(actually two tho)! If you want, you can read them. You might be a bit confused if you don't! I may just put them here eventually, but not any time soon.
Continuation of;
A Bit too Young(Romerica)
Five Minutes Before, Five Minutes After(Engita)
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!
Sitting at the table, Alfred's legs swung lightly as he smiled at his soul mate. The delicate, feather light signature of his soul mate where his clock once was. Lovino Vargas. Alfred has always looked at his little signature with pride, as Lovino's own signature is a bit less legible. Right now, though, his soul mate is running about the house, trying to get everything ready and not letting Alfred help because he'll 'throw off the artistic vision.'
"Alfred! Is you're brother's soul mate a woman or a man? Do you think your parents would want one room? Would your brother and his soul mate want one room or two?" Lovino breathed quickly, his words fast as he stirred the tomato sauce. "If Feliciano gives me another damned excuse about why he can't come I'll whip his damn ass." Lovino grumbled, showing off some of the slang he had taken from Alfred. Alfred just laughed, his high-strung lover always wanting to show off for guests.
"Mattie would want one room, and his soul mate is a chick. Her name is Michelle, she's real nice. I've only met her once, though. Mom and dad'll want one room." Alfred responded, a large smile on his face. Lovino again found himself looking at that smile a silly blush. Lovino glared at the pot of tomato sauce, cursing his soul mate's stupid good looks. "I'm sure he'll make it here this time. At least last time I came instead so you didn't get too mad." Alfred laughed, knowing how stressful it must be to not know your brother's soul mate. Feliciano had cancelled twice, the first time calling the day they were supposed to show and the other time a week before. Both times on account of his soul mate's mysterious brothers, which only made Lovino angrier. If Feliciano didn't come soon, he'll have to get his soul mate to cancel due to his own angry brother.
The phone rang at the most inopportune time. The small chimes ringing through the room, and Lovino glared holes in its direction. Alfred spared him the trouble, picking it up himself. He was instantly met with the sounds of a busy airport and a heavily breathing Italian.
"Hey Feli, what's up?" Alfred greeted through the phone, hearing a small chuckle from the obviously tired Italian on the other side. A small bit of conversation on the other side, two voices talking for a minute until a much younger sounding one overpowered the older voices.
"Alfred? Yeah, there is a problem. I was able to get the extra plane ticket, but I didn't get to call you until now. Well, I actually forgot to call you until now." Feliciano took in deep breaths, the other voice seeming excited and then a loud laugh filled the phone. Another, much more serious, voice was able to shut up the laughing child. "One of Arthur's brothers is coming with us. He'll be staying at Lovi's with us, if that's okay. His soul mate clock is way too close, too. I don't know what to do." Feliciano whined on the other side, and in the background Alfred could hear the two voices argueing again. The younger voice whined while the older voice tried to calm him down, but only getting angry in the process.
"It'll be fine. Just bring him on, this place is huge. I'm sure we can keep one more guy. How old is he?" Alfred asked innocently, only to hear Feliciano have to stop the argument to ask. The boy, who Alfred assumed was the brother, whined and called himself an adult, the older man said he is twelve.
"I think he's twelve." Feliciano chirped, much more calm now. Now that the argument ended, Feliciano let himself lean back into the chair. He nearly started another conversation, but he was cut off by an announcement. "I'd talk more but we're boarding now. Sorry for the sudden call, Alfred! I can't wait to see you!" Feliciano said, a small click and the phone conversation ended. Alfred laughed a bit, turning to tell Lovino the news, only to be inches away from a large, angry scowl.
"What the hell was that?" Lovino demanded, his eyes filled with venom and voice lined with complete fury. Alfred felt his heart skip a beat at the Italian's rage, and he gaped for a second as he clicked the phone back into it's receiver.
"That was Feliciano. He's getting on the plane now, and it turns out one of Arthur's younger brothers is coming too." Alfred laughed awkwardly, thankful to see Lovino's fire calm down. Lovino put his face to he dinner table, wanting to cry. He has to prepare another damn room. At least Feliciano's soul mate- Arthur?- is a grown man. His brother must be at least mature enough to be calm.
"How old is Arthur's brother?" Lovino asked. Is Arthur a grown man? Maybe he's younger than Feliciano, it's not like Lovino had even asked during any of their phone conversations. It's almost Christmas, of course relatives are dumping their kids on people now. Feliciano's soul mate must be no exception. Alfred nearly laughed at Lovino's position, angry at the world with his head on the table.
"He's twelve. Apparently really loud, too, as he and that Arthur guy were arguing a storm before Feli shut them up." Alfred sighed, thinking of the crazy week surely ahead of them. Arthur's little brother sounds like a pain in the ass, either that or Arthur himself is a pain in the ass. Alfred is more willing to bet that it's the younger brother, but sometimes you can't tell.
"Oh my god. I will not tolerate a little brat destroying my home!" Lovino yelled in agony, pounding a weak fist onto the table in front of him. at least he didn't have to deal with him and Matthew before they separated. House hockey wasn't exactly the best sport, and Alfred wasn't exactly one for playing by the rules. Not that Alfred ever bothered to actually learn the rules to house hockey. Hopefully Arthur's little brother will be smarter and a little more well-behaved, but god did that yell on the phone indicate a bad week for both he and his soul mate.
"They'll be here by sundown. Dinner should be ready by then, right?" Alfred asked happily as Lovino slowly lowered himself onto Alfred's lap, wallowing in self pity. "Matt and Mic should be here a bit after they arrive." Alfred continued, petting Lovino's hair.
this is just the introduction. next chapter is going to be longer i swear. i love this so much, i think i'm happy. Michelle is actually Seychelles, if you're curious. canasey is too cute, I'm sorry. ;A; this entire thing was just to originally vent out my rare pairings love, i swear!
i love engmano too. GRAA