A/N: A few quick notes!
So I'm totally glad I started writing this! Thanks for reading!
OOC Levi and Eren!...sorta
Levi is like…17
Eren is like…immortal (but looks 17)
Oh yeah, I want to apologize for grammatical errors. Since I don't have anyone proofreading my fics and I'm just kind of a one-man writing blob, I don't really check for mistakes and I just kinda post like...instantly after finishing. I know there were a few errors in "Not So Simple" and some others, so this time I'm sort of checking as I go along. Sorry!~
Chapter One: Crossing Paths
Berlin, Germany – 1577
"Are you leaving?" an old woman asked, her grey eyes shining in the sunlight of early morning. A light breeze made her shawl dance behind her as she glanced down at the stone streets, her bristle broom moving slowly in her hands.
Levi nodded, pulling on the strap of his leather bag, which was slung over his shoulder. He smoothed his pine green cloak absent mindedly.
"Yes. My father is sending me on another errand. I'll be back in a few weeks." Levi replied. He turned on his heel and he dug into his pocket, pulling a crinkled piece of paper out and passing it to the old woman. She smiled at him as she began to unravel it.
"What's this?" she asked curiously, reading the contents of the parchment.
Levi grinned. "Recipe for soup. My father wants to test it out for the inn. He was wondering your take on it."
The lady patted Levi on the side of his arm. "Then I'll give him his input. Where are you headed, Levi?"
"Naumburg. I'm picking something up for my father. He's gotten to the age where he won't be able to go back and forth anymore. I'm taking over."
She nodded slowly in understanding. "Then you best be on your way."
Anxiety pooled into Levi's head as he abruptly spun around and strode down the streets. They were barely filled, only a few passing people so early in the morning. Knowing it would take at most five days to get there, he decided to leave early and travel most of the way. If he was lucky, he would be able to pick up a ride with the spare change he had made over the past few months.
His father was the local inn runner, keeping it open all hours of the day for weary travelers. But it required holding business strong, which, in turn, meant that every few months someone would have to make a trip to another inn in a different city and pay them. Levi would make a trade; payment to the local inns, and in turn, they would make sure nobody would shut down their business.
It was much like black market trading.
Levi's father had been making the trips for nearly twenty years, and by now, he was tired, unable to do so further. In turn, Levi took it up himself to do it.
Six hours into his journey, Levi took a break. He managed to hitch hike with a local merchant, but he had to drop off.
Eleven hours into his trip, Levi was a third of the way there. He was in the middle of a field on the edge of a forest when nightfall finally came and he was forced to stop and make camp for the night.
He piled sticks and created a small fire to keep him warm and to stave off the wild animals which lurked as he settled in to sleep. He would be leaving first sight of morning.
Eyes closed and flames crackling softly, Levi relaxed. He had made trips to cities before, but this was his longest by far – the first time he had to camp out – he had always been able to make it to the other destination by nightfall.
Steel blue eyes snapped open when he heard an audible crack of branch under foot. The way it snapped, the rustling of dead leaves instantly afterwards – it was definitely a human.
Levi scrambled to the opposite side of where the sound came from, reaching behind him to grab his hunting knife.
He was about to draw it when strong arms came from behind him and wrapped under his arms and up, their hands locking behind his head. Levi was lifted off the ground kicking and flailing.
Of course it was thieves.
Two people emerged from the bushes in front of him, one holding a massive tree branch, the other with a knight's spear. He probably stole that, too.
Levi huffed and stopped squirming. His eyes followed every movement the two men made as they rummaged through his bags.
"What'sa lil' guy like you doin' out in the woods alone?" one asked as he tossed a piece of dried meat into the fire. It made a loud pop when it came in contact with the flames and ashes flew into the air.
The other burglar walked close, raising his eyebrow as he laughed breathlessly. "You're kinda tiny, arnt'cha?" He waved the spear back and forth. Levi's eyes tracked the tip of the weapon like a cat stalked a mouse.
When the cold steel hit the center of his throat, he gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on his knife. The burly brute holding him noticed his increased anger and he tightened his hold, squeezing his arms and cutting off the circulation to his arms. Eventually, the knife slid from Levi's grasp and dropped to the muddy grass without a sound.
The man holding the spear snickered and sunk low as he sulked and made his way around the campfire in a threatening manner, as if to intimidate Levi.
"He's got nothin'." The one who was going through his stuff stopped and rose to his feet. "Absolutely nothin'."
Levi flinched when the spear was pointed at him again and he instinctively kicking, knocking the monstrous man behind him in the shins. He didn't seem to notice that much.
"Let's gut 'im and take everythin'. Gotta be worth somethin', right?" the spear burglar suggested.
The man behind him laughed loudly. "Fools…just stab the bastard." he spat, shifting slightly. The strain on his arms loosened and Levi took it as his opportunity. He slammed his head into the brute's nose, hearing a small snap. The man released him and Levi dropped to his feet, sweeping up his dagger and flipping it into a reverse grip, the blade pointed out towards the two standing men. They towered over Levi as they inched their way closer.
Without hesitation, Levi kicked into the air, knocking one in the side of his face. A tooth went flying as the man dropped to a useless heap on the ground. The other's determination faded as he dropped the spear he held and broke into a run, leaving his partners in crime behind. Levi growled and picked up his things. He shoved the stuff back into his bag and stomped his foot over the now dying, dull orange fire. It went out almost instantly.
"Pieces of shit," Levi mumbled, walking away while still glancing back at his attackers. He then ran straight into something.
His head snapped up and he gripped his knife harder as he came face to face with another person. At first, he thought them to be a part of the band of thieves, but he was dressed to nicely – good shoes, expensive coat and beautifully sewn shirt. His hair was done nicely and intense sea-green eyes stared deep into his own. It was almost hypnotizing.
When the stranger suddenly grabbed Levi's wrist, he gasped in surprise. His hands trembled and his dagger rattled in his grip, but he refused to let go of his weapon. The stranger placed his free hand on the back of Levi's head, his long fingers tangling with Levi's smooth black hair.
"Release the knife." the man spoke softly, his voice as smooth as chocolate. It was absolutely mesmerizing, and Levi felt his strength wavering as he stared into that man's eyes. The hold on his weapon was faltering, but he quickly snapped out of the trance and attempted to wriggle free.
The stranger pursed his lips and furrowed his brow. "Tsk. That's not gonna work." At first, Levi thought he was taunting him. But the iron like grip on his wrist turned painful as he heard something shatter and Levi screamed in agony as he felt the bones in his wrist being rearranged painfully. He instantly dropped the dagger.
His knees buckled as he felt himself sliding to the grass, but he was simply raised back to his shaking feet as the stranger's hand trailed down to his lower back. The cold hand came back and was resting on the back of his neck, like ice against his skin. He felt no warmth to the man's touch.
The stranger leaned forward and rested his head on the crook of Levi's neck, breathing in his scent, ignoring the whines of pain that Levi gasped out. "You smell nice," the man whispered. Levi shivered and felt himself seize up, his body going rigid.
The green-eyed man giggled and pulled away. "My apologies, it was not my intention to startle you. My name is Eren."
Levi gulped when Eren leaned extremely close to his face; close enough that their noses were touching. Everything went still for a moment when Levi held his breath, waiting for Eren to pull away.
He didn't.
Instead, Eren moved to his right. His hand gently pushed Levi's head to the left, exposing his neck involuntarily.
"What are your thoughts on immortality?" Eren hummed, his voice low and dangerous. Levi swallowed harshly.
"Only cowards are immortal," Levi began, making sure his words were as hateful as a poison vendetta. "It proves their fear and weakness – death. I do not fear death."
Eren's eyes flickered over to Levi's, and for a split second, Levi was sure he was going to be killed. Instead, the corners of Eren's lips curled. Baby fangs glistened. Levi's heart slammed against his ribs and his eyes widened.
"Is that so…" Eren trailed off, licking his lips slowly. When he smiled, Levi noticed that his teeth, only the four sharp ones, were much larger than a normal human. He could feel his blood run cold as Eren fiercely grab a fistful of Levi's hair and jerk his head further to the left, enough that it was uncomfortable. The tips of his fangs brushed against Levi's skin and the smaller whimpered.
Levi watched in horror as Eren gave him one last glance before sinking his teeth into the warm skin of Levi's neck. Levi bit down on his lip to stifle another scream, but Eren was thoroughly enjoying himself. The taste of Levi's blood sliding down his throat made him pull the small man closer to him. Eren straightened his posture and bit down harder. Levi struggled to stand upright, straining to stand on his toes while he felt the life practically draining from him. His breaths became more shallow and his eyes fluttered close. He felt light headed, like he was floating, suspended in air.
He barely registered the demon pulling his fangs from his neck. All supports left him as Eren released him and he dropped to the ground, his half-lidded gaze on Eren unwavering. Eren hovered over him before kneeling down next to him. He watched, barely conscious, as Eren slit his own wrist and brought it to Levi's lips.
No matter how badly he wanted to turn away, Levi was frozen in place. He cringed slightly at the sharp coppery tang. But he didn't taste it for long before everything faded to black.