Hi. I haven't written in a while, but this plot has been bothering me for a while now. I hope you enjoy it. I do not own Harry Potter.

In the dark shadows of an alleyway, a creature lurked. He watched as a woman narrowly missed getting hit by this recent, popular invention the mortals called a 'car'. The woman was not particularly eye pleasing with a pointed nose that was much too big for her face and dull brown eyes. Yet, when she passed she drew your attention. Maybe it was because she was because she was at least 9 months pregnant and had her face screwed up in pain.

The creature watched the woman until she turned the corner and went out of his view. The creature disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. He fallowed the women until she stopped at an orphanage, unable to travel any further. She was forced to have a baby there.

The creature observed the pregnant woman as she begged the caretaker of the orphanage to have pity and help her. The creature stepped into the light of a street lamp to get a better view. He took the form of a man. He had white blonde hair and gloomy black eyes.

A couple traveled up the road with mirth in their eyes. They had probably were heading home from parties that the mortals where celebrating. The creature wondered why mortals felt the need to celebrate the ending of a year as the couple drunkenly bumped into him.

"I am terribly sorry, Sir," the male slurred.

The creature smiled charmingly at the merry mortals, "It is quite alright."

The couple giggled than returned to their walking, but the woman snuck another glance at the handsome man behind her. Yet, the object of her attention had his eyes on the pregnant woman who seemed to finally convince the orphanage caretaker to permit her entrance. He knew that the woman would not survive the night in her weak state.

The man whispered to himself, "I do not understand why humans allow emotions to control them."

"She is heartbroken. Her husband left her while she was pregnant with his child."

The man predicted his companion's arrival; she was there for all monumental births. Yet, he did not turn to greet her he just watched the orphanage. He could feel as the pregnant woman, Merope Gaunt, life slowly left her. "Surly she knew that Tom Riddle wouldn't stay by her side."

His companion moved so that she was next to him, "Merope knew it. Yet, she was blinded by love."

"That is what I do not understand."

"Venus would be happy to educate you."

He sighed at the mention of their mutual friend, "Is Love still using that name?"

"You would stick with the same name for thousands of years too if the mortals named a planet after you."

The man turned away from his friend with a frown on his face and whispered, "The mortals wouldn't do that."

The woman sensed that her friend was slightly insulted that the love deity got a planet named after her while he didn't. She giggled and pinched his cheek, "Aww, is Death jealous."

The man that was proclaimed Death, flicked his cheek out of his companion's reach. Death glared at the midnight haired woman, "Leave me alone, Life."

The woman, now known as Life, playfully glared at Death before punching him lightly on the shoulder.

The deities turned their attention to the building across the street. They both felt the woman's life slipping. They appeared in a room within the orphanage that held a sweaty Merope Gaunt with four women that acted as mid-wife's for her, invisible to the mortals of course. After a couple minutes or more specifically at 11:29 PM on December 31, 1926 Merope gave birth to a baby boy. She named him Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Death grew inpatient as the woman with the weak life force was asked if she would like to hold her son. He took her soul before she could even respond. He did not understand humans and their emotions. Nor did he understand why every time he would take a mother's life before she got to hold her child Life would glare at him. He brushed it off, as always and turned his attention to the crying child.

The workers at the orphanage cleaned him off. One then dressed him in dirty, old clothes before taking him to a bed in a room separate to the others where other infants were held.

Life cooed at the mortal children who reached out to grab her hair. Death stared at her with distain. The only thing that he cared about was that he would have to collect a quarter of these children's souls soon for the reason that they would not survive winter.

The woman that assisted the caretaker covered Tom Riddle Jr. with a blanket before leaving him in the dark with the others. When she left Life stopped playing with the child and turned her attention to the newborn in the corner.

Together they approached the bed. Tom Riddle had a tuff of brown hair and the blue eyes of a newborn. Tom looked up at the two people standing over him with wonder. His attention shifted from Death to Life, as if he was trying to decide who he likes better. He made his decision as he reached towards Life.

The amusement and joy she had while interacting with the other infants was gone and she stared at him with grim eyes. She was very over protective of the life she created and always got upset over matters such as homicide, animal cruelty, or even deforestation. The fact that this small infant will grow up to be responsible of the mass murders made Life cold towards him. Yet, the fact that he was still an infant compelled life to force a small smile and cradle Tom in her arms.

"He has a dark life planned for him," Death mused.

Life nodded in agreement, "Yes. I wish that Fate was not so cruel."

Scoffing, Death said, "You know how much our dear little sister loves to plan dramatic and tragic lives. Has she decided an ending?"

"Yes. She has not decided the hero she wishes to use, though she has an idea."

"I pity which ever mortal she chooses."

Life spared Death a glance before looking back down at the baby rocking in her arms, "She asked me to be reborn as a human again."

Death looked surprised, "She wants you to be the wizarding world's savior."

Life did not respond, but instead started humming to little Tom Riddle. It was a melancholy, but beautiful tune. She rocked the little child until well after he was fast asleep and then put him back in his make-shift crib. She turned to her twin brother and stared at him with big sprightly emerald so different to Death's emotionless black ones. Death would never take Fate up on her offer. Yet, he was sure that Life wound, due to the fact that they contrasted.

Life vanished then reappeared outside of the orphanage to watch as people from the morgue came to collect Merope's body. She knew what would await her. The death and destruction. She did not even want to be in England at the time of the Wizarding Wars. Yet, a part of her wanted to help the lives she created. If she went then there would be fewer deaths and families torn apart.

She knew she could not outright stop the wars because that would be against the ancient laws. The wars have to happen but there are some things she could change by her presence. The only set back is that she would not be able to remember anything about her life as …well Life until her brother, Death, came to collect her.

Life has been born a mortal before and has fought in wars against other deities, but she has never been in a mortal war as a mortal. She has seen the cruelty that Humans inhabit. She was scared.

Death reappeared next to her as the everlasting protector he was. His chilling presence and guidance was almost always welcome. He touched her shoulder, "You know you do not have to-"

She cut him off, "Yes, I do. I could save many lives."

Sighing, Death continued, "You do not always have to be the hero. Your presence will not only change the death count."

"I know."

They stood in silence long after the people from the morgue dragged Merope's body away. The street light flickered and the winter wind hollowed. Death watched his sister as she started at her bare feet before smiling, "I need to go sister."

She did not react to his statement. Only when he gave her a farewell kiss on the cheek did she look up, "Leaving so soon."

He shrugged, "Many more souls to collect, I have been rather neglectful by standing here with you all night."

Life then noticed that the sun was rising. This reminded her of all her duties. She had to give all the women that got impregnated last night her blessing so they would not be stillborn. She needed to check the fertile lands for crops the coming spring. Most importantly she needed to tell Fate her answer.

On July 31st, 1980, Death was in St. Mungo's Hospital for the birth of a baby girl. She was named Lux Harlow Potter. Death chuckled because her name literally translated into 'light army'. He smiled as he watched both James and Lily Potter hold their daughter.

"Good Luck, dear sister."

Then he vanished in a puff of black smoke.

Please Review.