Today was the day.
Choices were to be made.
Time was of the essence.
He could move on and let bygones be bygones. Let this take its own course. But the thought of Hinata being dragged into this nagged at his mind. Haunted him. He couldn't even sleep since the day he was told about this plan. What was he to do?
"You love her Naruto." Menma spoke from behind him.
Naruto was outside sitting on the porch. Staring at the lilies that swayed in the field. He didn't answer his brother right away. But he sighed, turning his head to see his brother sit next to him.
"I know." He whispered
"If you want to go, we can, if you want to stay, we can also do that."
"But you guys- I don't want this to effect you Menma. This wasn't the life that you deserved."
"Naruto that's enough. Don't worry about me, I'm a big boy, I've told you this already." Menma chuckled."do what you feel is right."
Naruto slowly nodded his head.
"If we go Menma, they will be after us. After this, we will be a target. Wolves that aren't to be trusted. They will slaughter us all. But if this works. The Hyugas will be the one to be slaughtered. Those wolves have no sympathy for Hinata and know that she is the daughter of the monster that enslaved them. Do you really think they wouldn't use her?"
"No, I'm almost certain they would. There's a lot of vindictive wolves that were taken. Their families killed and friends. The treatment is horrible as well. Forced to do something they don't want to do. Hinata will not be saved in anyway."
Naruto stared at his rough hands. Clenching and unclenching his fist.
"I gotta do something... Menma I'm sorry... but I gotta..."
Menma smiled,"I'm going too."
"What! No the hell you aren't!"
"Yes the hell I am! Do you think you are the only one that cares about Hinata? Our first friend? Hinata means a lot to me, just as much as you." Menma stood up."so let's do it."
"Temari and the others will try to follow, I don't want them involved."
"So then we won't tell them.." Menma shrugged.
"As if!" A new voice shouted at them. Temari was behind them.
"Eh! T-Temari!" Menma stammered.
"You knuckle head! Do you think we are gonna let you do this alone?" Temari questioned with her arms crossed. "Hinata was our friend before she was yours."
"Fine.. but this will be tough.. I want you guys to stay nearby. I don't want you apart of it - okay?" Naruto said sternly standing up."including you Menma ."
"Fine!" Menma said sarcastically back"but if anything goes down I'm comin in, capeesh?"
Naruto rolled his eyes, his family was as hard headed as he was.
It was finally time. The day seemed to move too quickly for Naruto's taste. His body felt weird to him. Nervousness set into him. He didn't understand the Hyugas idea to have a moonlight wedding. But it didn't concern him. He wanted to get in and get out. Protect Hinata. That was the mission. Make sure no wolves hurt her.
"Listen up!" Zabuzas booming voice caught his attention. The group of wolves surrounding him. They had already killed the guards who was on patrol. Brutally at that.
The wolves were hungry, hungry for blood.
"We will attack after the bride and groom are at the stand. We have to be swift. Hiashi and the guards are the ones with the controls. They go down first."
Naruto stared at the moon, he had some time. That's all he needed. Time.
"After the bombs are set off then we move in. You guys know where to set up. Get into your groups and go."
the group screamed together. Some already transformed and others in a half wolf half human state. Naruto had chose to stay in his human form. He had his own agenda.
But he himself didn't even know what that agenda was. Bottom line, he had to protect her. That's all he cared about at this time.
"Move out!"
The wolves began to sprint forward, jumping over bushes and trees. They were eager for this fight. The idea was that they catch them by surprise, make them think they are being attacked by humans before showing themselves. Naruto being the only one without a shock collar was to make sure his team didn't get slowed down by the guards.
The shock was painful, very painful, but with enough drive he's sure they can at least get to them before they were put down. It was a very risky game they were playing.
Soon Naruto was in position.
Naruto tried to ignore the girl but it was hard to when she started tapping him.
Naruto looked at the girl. She was about his age. She had long black hair. And big black eyes
"Thank you."
"For helping, dad said that you probably wouldn't, but I'm glad you did."
"Oh." Naruto raises a brow. This must be zabuzas girl.
"My names Haku by the way." She smiled
"Naruto." Naruto said back staring at the building.
"My dad speaks highly of you..almost makes me kind of jealous." She laughed softly.
Naruto looked at the girl again and gave her the best smile he could. Did he have that deep connection with Zabuza? He seemed more like a mentor then anything else. But it was there. Deep down inside of him. That's why his heart hurt that much more, when he thought about going through with his plan. He could toss his family Hinata aside and help them. He truly could...
He caught a whiff of his target and zoned in on the scent. Ge moved in a little closer.
His group behind him.
Minutes went by without a word. All he could hear was the wedding music that played.
Anger began to set in. Hinata was getting married. He couldn't believe it still. But he had to focus. Focus.
After what felt like forever a huge explosion went off. Screams were followed after. Another explosion went off and the building began to crack.
"Go go go!" Naruto yelled. They rushed forward intent on catching the Hyugas that ran out. Some had ran in their direction and the guards began to pull out guns seeing them coming their way. The group killed them swiftly including the innocent. Naruto was rather disgusted. He didn't understand why they had to kill them all. Why not just the guards ? But he had to push on. Make them believe he was in on their plan. If they were able to over throw the Hyugas good for them, but if they weren't he didn't know how to feel about that.
He dashed into the now burning building.
Pieces of the place falling down. Screams were filling his ears.
"Catch up with the others!"
"What? Where are you going?" Haku questioned."Zabuza said stick together!" Another wolf yelled.
But Naruto ignored them. He had made his decision. He killed everyone in sight. Leaving the civilians. He didn't want to kill them for no reason. Just the ones who tried to attack him.
"THE WOLVES! ITS THE WOLVES!" He heard . Then the gunshots were heard.
Naruto pushed on getting passed people. He had to find her.
Another explosion shook the building and he was tossed to the ground.
"Fuck!" He cursed. And then he smelled it. Blood invaded his nostril. But not just any blood. Hinata's.
Naruto angrily ripped through the building. Following the scent.
He rushed down the hall and into a room.
There stood the man he hated with a passion. Hinata was on the ground bleeding from her leg. The explosion must of knocked her out.
"Hiashi." Naruto stated.
"You.." Hiashi growled. Hiashi quickly whipped out a gun from his pocket. Aiming it at him.
"Hiashi, Hinata is hurt. Let me get her out of here!"
"You expect me to hand my daughter over to a monster? The same monster who attacked us?"
"Hiashi please. I just want to protect her." Naruto stared at Hinata. He hasn't seen her in so long. His chest ached at the sight of her. Her beautiful white gown soaking with blood.
Hiashi shot at Naruto several times but he was able to successfully avoid the bullets.
A big white Wolf bashed into the wall from across from them.
A snarl on his face.
Hiashi shot at the wolf and stepped backwards grabbing his remote control for the shock collar.
Naruto lunged at Hiashi but the collar was already activated. Zabuza frantically flopped on the ground in pain, trying to make his way to him.
Naruto could barely make it to Hiashi before gun shots were fired his way. He quickly dodged the bullets getting scratched witth one.
"Disgusting creatures." Neji sneered holding a machine gun.
Naruto jumped back transforming into a wolf. He stared at Zabuza as he twitched in pain. A growl escaping his lips.
The building shook again and pieces began to fall.
Naruto took this time to make his way to Neji. He jumped over fallen debris and dodged flying bullets.
"LOOK OUT!" Hiashi yelled as more debris fell from the roof. The building was falling apart.
"We have to get out of here. " Neji called shooting at Naruto. Hiashi picked up Hinata in one arm and began to shoot at Naruto.
Naruto felt a bullet pierce his shoulder and he was sent flying to the ground.
"I should've ended you when I had the chance." Hiashi glared at him.
Naruto felt agonizing pain as the bullet burned his shoulder. He stepped back staring at the two over the fire.
"Take Hinata, I'll finish these two."
Neji grabbed Hinata from Hiashi and made his way for the exit.
Hiashi stepped by Zabuza looking down on him.
"I'm disappointed in you the most."
Zabuza twitched in pain, howling into the air. Hiashi pointed the gun at Zabuza.
NO! Naruto got up as best as he could but it was too late.
The gun fired off and Zabuza stopped moving.
Naruto's eyes were wide. Tears at the corner. Hiashi pointed the gun towards him with no remorse.
No last words were said.
"NARUTO!" Menma was running at Hiashi in his half wolf form. He slashed at Hiashi making him drop the gun.
Hiashi stepped back putting up his fist. The two attacked each other in a bloody match. Menma slashed and clawed at him but he was not as strong as the other wolves. The two danced together in the fire. Tackling one another trying to get the upper hand. Naruto could barely see them over the roaring flames.
He got up on his three good legs, with the other one limp.
Menma put up a good fight but Hiashi had pulled out an electric baton. He hit Menma several times sending him to the floor. He writhed in pain.
'Menma!' Naruto called in his mind.
He Limped towards them and with as much strength as he could muster he lunged himself onto Hiashi, biting down on his neck. Hiashi struggles for a bit but A crack was heard, and then Hiashi did not move. Menma was up on his feet and by his side.
He helped Naruto as they hurried outside of the burning building. Naruto looked one more time at the white wolf. Why? Why did he leave his group? Was it because of him?
Naruto felt misery overcome him. It was his fault.
They got outside and saw blood everywhere. Bodies of humans and wolves covered the ground.
"We have to get out of here." Menma whispered.
"Come on!" Temari yelled from the outskirts of the woods. Her eyes big with a hint of fear.
Naruto transformed back into his human form looking amongst the bodies. Temari covered him up with a blanket.
"Hinata.." Naruto whispered.
Naruto broke away from Menma finding Hinata on the ground , Neji beside her, his leg hurt. He looked at them dangerously. He held his bleeding leg.
"NARUTO COME ON!" Menma screamed at him. Reinforcement would be there soon.
Naruto looked at Neji and looked at Hinata next to him. And he gently picked Hinata up staring at Neji.
"You son of a bitch!" Neji cursed at him.
"You better kill me now, or I promise I will find you!"
Naruto stepped back with Hinata in his hands. He felt rage. Rage like no other. And he didn't know why he didn't kill Neji. But he didn't. He heard cars zooming towards them. And Menma grabbed his arm.
Despite the pain in his shoulder, He said nothing as he turned with Hinata in his arms. He glanced over his shoulder to see Haku staring at him from the burning building. Tears streaming from her eyes.
Naruto swallowed the lump in is throat. And caught up with his family. His eyes burned.
"Naruto What are you doing."
Menma questioned as they ran into the woods.
"Naruto?" Temari questioned as well. Looking at the unconscious girl.
" I'm bringing her with us."
A distant look in Naruto's eyes.
No one said anything when they arrived with the rest of the family.
Garaa and Kankuro just stared at them. Karura gasped. "Oh Naruto..." she said sadly.
" guys made your decision..?" Kakashi looked at the sad faces. From one face to the other and finally on Naruto's. The moon high in the sky behind him. The woman in his arms in a white gown to match.
"I didn't know we were bringing extra weight..."
"She's coming too." Naruto said flatly.
"I'm not sure how well this is gonna go-"
"I said she's coming !" Naruto snarled.
That was the first night Menma had realized Naruto was changing. Changing into something else. And he was not strong enough to help his brother. At the time he wished he saw the signs but something that night had changed him.
Menma stood outside the hospital room hearing the nurses rushing around and Sakura screaming at the top of her lungs.
He wished he was stronger.
If he had been stronger he would've been able to help Naruto in his time of need. Naruto's mental state went down the whole after that night. He started treating Hinata like shit. Demanding everything that he wanted. He remembered when Hinata woke up shocked at her situation and how she got there.
Menma put his face in his hands.
Oh what a day- what a night. And everything Naruto shouldered.
He asked him many times why he let Neji live and he never really said why. He could've killed him at the time. And if he did , maybe this wouldn't have happened.
But he knew his brother well. At the time Naruto didn't want to kill. He barely wanted to kill Hiashi. The shit haunted him for sometime.
Naruto began to transform into a monster. A monster he didn't even recognize. And it all started that fateful night. The night he turned his back on everyone including himself.
"Menma.." Sakuras tired voice called to him. Her hands on her hips.
"Naruto... he's woke up from his coma."