Mikau: Hi there, everyone! Thanks for coming back once more! A big thanks especially to my reviewers from last time: Bunnyz-chan, GeekyGenius, Assasin8, lany-chan, and Miss Emotion! I had fun with this one, and I think it turned out pretty sweet. Again, it's one of the daily word prompt projects, and the words were: eating, night, insult, goal, and decoy! Also, I wanted to let you know that I have a new one-shot out called Healing Heartbreak for the Holidays. I guess the pairing is actually HakuShin turning into a KaiHakuShin threesome. Anyway, I'm super pleased with the way it turned out, so if you have the time, give it a read. I've also got a HakuSera fic called Falling in Love Literally that gets updated pretty often, if that sounds interesting to you. But I digress. On with the show!
Disclaimer: If I owned it, all of the minor characters would have their own episodes detailing their backstories. Because I'm a sucker for backstories, and there are a lot of minor characters (even some main) that haven't really been fleshed out. A lot of the characters are just barebones skeletons. The foundation is in place, but there's not much there. It makes fanfiction writing more fun, but…if I owned it, I'd spend a little more time on the people around Conan in his life.
Saguru had been eating breakfast when he got the news: heist tonight! Joy and rapture! Just what he needed, really. It wasn't as if Saguru had plans that he'd been looking forward to immensely, you know. It wasn't as if Kuroba Kaito had known a whole week ahead of time that Saguru had plans for that particular night.
He snapped his morning paper shut and picked up his mobile, angrily punching in number two on his speed dial.
Kaito picked up just before the voicemail service got it. "'Lo?" the magician responded groggily.
"I have a date tonight, you hear me? You cancel your heist this instant!"
"Haku-chan, I don't know what you're talking about," Kaito yawned. "You mean Kid-sama? Is Kid-sama holding a heist tonight?"
"Don't insult my intelligence, Kuroba," Saguru hissed. "Is it your personal goal to sabotage my love life?!"
"Oh. Gosh," Kaito replied thoughtfully. "I guess you and Kudo won't be able to go on your date tonight, huh? I bet Kid-sama has already sent Kudo a personal invite too. Man, Haku-chan. That's too bad."
"I hate you. You suck," Saguru mumbled, hanging up and pressing speed dial number one.
"Hello?" Shinichi picked up much quicker than Kaito had, but the other detective sounded just as drowsy as the thief had been.
"Shinichi?" Saguru replied hesitantly, wondering if he woke up uncommonly early for someone his age or something.
Shinichi snapped to instantly at the sound of his name on those lips. "Oh, hey. Saguru. What's up? Did you need something?"
"Oh. Um…no. Sorry. I just…" Saguru mentally commanded himself to get it together. He had called for a reason, after all. "Sorry to wake you so early, but it appears that there will be a Kid heist tonight, so…"
The Great Detective of the East blinked, not drawing the same conclusions from the information that Saguru himself had. "So?" Shinichi replied simply.
"So…I guess our date will just have to wait for another night, huh?" Saguru returned softly, trying to hide the deep disappointment in his voice.
Shinichi blinked, sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Wait. Why? What do you mean?"
Now it was Saguru's turn for confusion. "Well…Kid's set the start time for the heist at the same time as our dinner reservation, so…"
Shinichi's heart constricted when he realized what Saguru was saying. "You…would rather go to the heist?"
"N-No!" Saguru assured, flustered by the hurt sound to his intended's voice. "Absolutely not, but…"
"Then…can't we just let the police handle this one?" Shinichi bit his lip, held his breath, and waited.
Saguru was floored. "…You never say that."
"Well, yeah, but…that's usually about murders," Shinichi explained sheepishly. "I mean, I'd never just leave a murder to the police, but…we all know that the Taskforce has danced this tango before. Kid's just gonna pop up out of nowhere, taunt them, take the jewel, use some kind of dummy decoy as he flees, and that'll be the end of it."
"Yes, but…the Taskforce has never once failed to go for the dummy. If we don't go…Kid will get away," Saguru concluded gloomily.
"He'll get away even with us there." Shinichi shrugged, no longer annoyed or offended by those facts. "And then he'll return the gem later, so we don't really have to be there, do we?"
"He'll prank us both to the extreme later if we skip out on one of his heists," Saguru pointed out with a shudder.
"I'm man enough to take it," Shinichi chuckled. "If it means I get to spend the evening with you."
Saguru nearly dropped the phone at the soft, affectionate way that Shinichi said those words. He could imagine the other detective's face turning a fetching watermelon pink shade because Saguru's own face was as red as a clown's nose.
"So…" Saguru gulped. "You think we should skip the heist and go on our date as planned?"
"Yep," Shinichi chuckled with a carefree smile. "In situations like this, you have to prioritize…and…you're always my priority, Saguru. SoI'llseeyouatsix!" Shinichi eeked out the last part and hung up before he could overheat and pass out from all of the embarrassing things coming out of his own mouth.
Meanwhile, Saguru was trying not to swoon. He decided to savor the moment and not consider the fact that Shinichi regularly ran off in the middle of Saguru's sentences whenever there was a murder, so clearly Saguru was not always Shinichi's priority.
However, Saguru completely understood. Whenever there was a murder, Saguru was just as guilty of leaving off in the middle of that same sentence, completely forgetting that he had even been talking in the first place, and running off right alongside Shinichi to solve the crime together.
They were a fitting pair, and they'd suffer through whatever punishment Kuroba deemed fit to give them together. Maybe they'd get lucky and get handcuffed together or strung up by their shoelaces together or maybe even tarred and feathered together. But that was if Kuroba was feeling particularly generous.
Saguru was really expecting the latter half of their date to be crashed by his best friend as soon as the heist was over, but…even then, Shinichi and Saguru would deal with it together.