"I had and still have no idea just what exactly Shockwave ever did to Elita while she was his prisoner, all I know is that she was given her Spark Time Power. She rarely, if ever uses it because it drains her power every time she uses it." Chromia finished.
"Jeez. She went crazy? I wonder how that felt." Bulkhead remarked.
"Yeah. She is okay now right?" Smokescreen asked.
"Oh yeah. Although, she is a lot quieter now. And does tend to keep to herself a lot more. Other than that she's the same femme that I've known for my whole life." Chromia answered.
"That's good. No offence, but I don't think I'd want to bunk with a psycho." Wheeljack spoke.
Chromia sighed. Then the engine of a fast, I coming car could be heard. The new alt. mode of Elita One pulled into Hanger E.
"Elita!" Chromia exclaimed happily. "You're back! Are you alright? Feeling okay?"
Elita smiled. "Yes. I'm fine. Sorry I just ran out. That was selfish wasn't it? I promise I won't worry you all like that again."
Chromia shook her head. "If you need too, you go run right out of this base. I would never ask you to remain somewhere where you're not comfortable."
"Thank you big sister." Elita spoke and the two femmes hugged, then Chromia looked over to Arcee.
"Get over here Arcee. You're a Sister too." Chromia assured.
Arcee suddenly stood very stiffly. She then smiled and walked over to the other two femmes and joined their hug.
"Group hug!" Miko shouted. Bulkhead took that as a signal to run over to the three femmes and held them all in a tight hug.
"Oh!" Elita gasped.
"Bulk!" Arcee exclaimed.
"What? It's a group hug!" Bulkhead replied as he set them all down.
"I'm not sure that it is appropriate to just grab them without warning." Ultra Magnus remarked.
"No no. It's alright. We're fine." Chromia spoke. "We welcome hugs."
Elita smiled. Then turned when Optimus reentered the Hanger.
"Optimus! There you are! Where did you go?" Elita asked.
"I went on patrol. I couldn't help but notice that you had left the base. Are you alright Elita?" Optimus wondered.
"Oh, I'm fine. I just went out for a drive, to clear my thoughts." Elita replied. "Now, I couldn't help but notice the bland landscape, whereas the place where we landed was much more...exciting than this one."
"Yes, well, this is quite the diverse planet. One which I have little doubt that you and Chromia will come to call home. As we all have." Optimus said.
"And us as well." Elita replied happily.
There! I'm done! Introductions: Sisters is officially done. I know this was short and nothing really happened but this is the conclusion. Please don't hate me for it.
Now, on a completely unrelated note, who here reading this likes Shattered Glass?...