Author's Note: Final chapter guys! Thank you to soccernin19 (To be honest, I'm a little sad about it too) and Wombo Combi (I just have a few loose ends to tie up in this chapter. And happy endings are the best! Also, thanks so much for the awesome rating!) for reviewing the last chapter! I own nothing.
It was good to be home. Bruce made his way carefully down the stairs to find his children saying good bye to Oliver Queen, Jade Nguyen, and Roy Harper. Bruce and Oliver had spoken the night before, despite the Wayne patriarch's obvious exhaustion and the disapproving looks from Alfred, and agreed that they were going to have a serious talk with the other Justice League members about secret mission protocol when dealing with families. Bruce had also let go of his pride long enough to thank Queen for dropping everything to come help his family. Queen had shrugged in response. Now the man waited patiently by the door while Roy and Jason exchanged sarcastic comments and Dick rolled his eyes at them. At last the door shut and his children turned only to startle when they saw him standing at the foot of the stairs.
Dick broke into a wide grin, scrambling across the empty space to hug him tightly and bury his head in Bruce's shoulder. Jason smirked at the man but there was genuine happiness in his eyes as he slung an arm over Damian's shoulders. The youngest boy wasn't smiling outright but his eyes were gleaming with the same happiness as Jason's did. Tim was grinning openly, his expression bright. He had an arm around Stephanie's waist and she was giggling over the fact that Dick was refusing to release Bruce.
"You do realize he hasn't eaten anything yet?" the blonde asked, eyes sparkling with joy. Cass snorted from a doorway and shook her head slightly as Dick released Bruce, flushing slightly. The man ruffled his oldest son's hair and then gently pulled his daughter in for a hug. They pulled apart after a moment and she kissed his cheek before standing shoulder to shoulder with Dick who smiled lightly at her.
"So, Batman?" Bruce asked after a moment, arching and eyebrow at Jason.
"It would have destroyed Dick," his second child snapped defensively. "And passing the cowl on to him in a video? Totally a jerk move."
"I know," Bruce said. "The messages I left hurt you all in some way. For that I am sorry." His children nodded, their expressions becoming solemn, and Jason pulled Damian closer as if trying to protect him from an unknown threat. Bruce felt regret twist in his gut at that. He had recorded the video wills close to two years ago and left them tucked away in the Batcomputer, even knowing the words were stilted and heartless. He had never really meant for his children to watch them. "And I wasn't judging you Jason. I'm grateful for what you've done."
Jason studied him warily and then nodded at last. That settled, he turned towards Damian. The boy wasn't protesting Jason's protective arm around him, which was new. Ever since Talia had left the boy on the doorstep of Wayne Manor and ran, Damian had been as prickly as a cactus. He had shunned physical contact and threatened bodily harm to anyone who attempted so much as a hug. To see him easily accepting it from someone now was both awe inspiring and relieving. "I'm sorry for what I said to you in my message," he apologized, eyes only for his son. "You are my son, regardless of whether or not we share the same blood." To his surprise, that was all it took. Damian lunged across the empty space between them and hugged him tightly. The boy was murmuring something against his rib cage. It took him a moment to realize the boy was repeating "I love you" as a mantra under his breath.
Jason packed the last of his supplies in a duffel bag and zipped the top, turning to see Damian standing in the doorway. If he was honest, he had been expecting this. He and Damian had grown close over weeks they'd worked together. "You are leaving?" The words were formal but Jason could clearly hear the plea not to be abandoned in the boy's voice.
"I have to help your mom sort things out with Ra's," Jason replied easily, shouldering the duffel. "I'll be back in a few days."
"And back to not talking to us," Damian said, glancing down at the floor.
"Hey, I didn't say that." Jason dropped his bag on the floor and crossed to the doorway, placing a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "I'll be back as soon as Talia gets everything settled. After all, I can't leave my Robin behind." He watched, pleased, as a small smile slipped on to the boy's before he could stop it.
"You had better come back in one piece Todd," the boy said, fixing an irritated scowl on his face almost as soon as he realize he was smiling. "I cannot have people saying that my Batman is an incompetent fool."
"You've got it kid," Jason agreed with a grin, ruffling Damian's hair and then dodging the hit the tiny assassin aimed at the offending hand. "And give B a chance, okay demon bird?"
"Okay," Damian agreed.
"Good boy." Jason patted his head and the boy growled.
"See you later kid," Jason called, grabbing his bag and slipping past his brother. Damian didn't demean himself enough to shout after his older brother but Jason was sure it was a close thing.
Talia was waiting for him in the entryway, a sword strapped across her back. "Are you ready?" she questioned and Jason grinned.
"Definitely. Let's do this."
Damian wandered into the entryway, a forlorn look on his face, just as Tim was preparing to leave. Dick was taking his bags out to the car and the pair of them were heading to San Francisco. Dick had offered to help Tim start a team of his own. Eager to start making a name for himself, Tim had agreed and Bruce had approved it, leaving the pair to pack up. Cass was riding with them to the airport and then heading back to Hong Kong, her main base of operations. She had stayed to help during the mess but she had her own missions to work on. "Hey," the older boy said awkwardly, still not quite sure how to interact with his little brother. He and Damian seemed to have come to some sort of true but Tim wasn't eager to mess things up between them.
"You're leaving?" the boy asked, looking rather like an abandoned puppy. It dawned on Tim then that Jason had left with Talia and Dick was leaving with Tim. That meant Damian was being left behind in the huge house with Bruce and Alfred.
"Dick and I are going to start up a team in San Francisco," Tim said, squirming a little before adding, "Do you want to come with us?"
"Of course not," Damian huffed defensively but he didn't stalk off.
"I'll leave a spot open for you then. When you get to the point when you decide you want to step away from our siblings and make your own name, or if you just want to escape for a bit, you can come find me." Damian smiled at him, the first genuine smile the boy had ever directed towards Tim.
"Okay," the boy agreed. "Thank you."
"Hey Timmy, are you coming or not?" Dick yelled from outside and Tim rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm coming," he yelled at his older brother before turning back to Damian. "Call me if you need anything." He left, scrambling out of the manor before Damian could grumble at him that he didn't need help. The sun gleamed overhead, a rarity for Gotham, and the sight made the young man grin. Bruce was alive and his family were all in one piece. For the first time in a long time, Tim felt that everything was going right.
End Part Three
Final Author's Note: First of all, thank you for everyone who has followed this story and Broken Wings. It's been a great journey and it's sad to see it come to an end. I have left the door open to a possibly sequel with the second version of the Titans (Bart Allen, Cassie Sandsmark, Conner Kent, Tim Drake, and in this universe Damian Wayne) as central characters but for now it will remain complete. If someone else wants to play in this universe, feel free! Just send me a link to your work when you publish it so I can enjoy it!
On another important note, I have a poll on my profile about what story to start next. I have all of these stories started and all will be posted eventually but I'm curious about what one you would like to see again so please vote! I'll be closing the poll and starting posting on Tuesday the 10th so I'm giving you until Monday morning to vote. Thank you all again for coming along on this adventure with me!