Chapter Nine


Hello everyone! Alas! Our journey through the roads of Lancaster has finally come to an end. It's been an amazing ride and it's been a pleasure to ride along with all of you. Thank you for the amazing reviews and love I have received for this story. Thanks to all of you who have followed and favorite The Lords of Lancaster. I am so glad that you have enjoyed reading LOL as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you. So without further ado, I present to you all the final chapter of The Lords of Lancaster. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

Two week later, Serenity was back at East Eaton. It was beautiful Sunday afternoon outside and Serenity savored feeling the warmth of the sun's radiance on her skin as she stood on the balcony gripping the banister. She watched from her balcony as the children played below and ran around the lawn driving Rogers and Williams insane. It was set up like a mini fair with games, prizes, booths, clowns, face painting, jugglers, and a magician for the children. Endymion spared no expense for his children and invited everyone in the community to attend, regardless of their station in life. Chloe and Benjamin were celebrating their belated fifth birthday with their school friends from town.

The twins refused to celebrate their birthday until Chloe returned home. The twins' birthday party had also become a celebration of the return of their beloved Chloe and also Serenity's return from the hospital a week ago.

After Serenity passed out at Diamond's castle, she was immediately rushed to the local hospital in North Lancaster. Doctor West tended to the unconscious woman's wounds. He emerged before Endymion, Lita, and Caleb and informed them that Serenity had lost conscious due to the traumatic brain injury she suffered to her head. Lita glanced over at Serenity lying unconscious in bed with her head, arm, and her chest bandaged underneath her hospital gown. Her leg wound was also treated and bandaged. She listened along with Caleb and Endymion as Doctor West went on to explain that Serenity suffered from a basal skull fracture to the brain, lacerations to the head, trauma to the brain, broken ribs, sprained right arm, and a low-velocity injury from being shot in her right leg. Luckily, her bullet wound was an exit wound and hit no major tissues. He heeded mentioning the physical blows her body received from Diamond's abuse. They were all relieved when Doctor West said she was lucky she was still alive. He added quite impressed that the young woman was a survivor. He finally informed Endymion that his wife would be fine. Lita and Caleb watched Endymion approached Serenity's bedside and reached over and touched his unconscious wife's hand. He looked proud as his mouth curved into a small smile.

When Serenity woke up days later, she was surprised to see Endymion was sitting in a chair next to her bedside. She expected Caleb or Lita but not Endymion. She caught a flash of pain in his eyes when she immediately asked for Lita. He rose from his seat and went to fetch Lita. Thirty minutes later, Lita arrived and was overwhelmed with joy when she saw her friend was awake. When Serenity mentioned her surprise that Endymion was there, Lita informed her that Endymion never left her side the whole three days she was in a coma. When Endymion returned after Lita left to return back to work, she informed Endymion how much she hated hospitals and wished to go home. Endymion smiled quietly at her. He fetched Doctor West.

Doctor West informed both Serenity and Endymion that it was fine only if she stayed in bed and off her feet for the next few weeks until all her wounds heal and she took her medicine everyday like clockwork. Serenity happily promised she would. Doctor West warned Endymion in a whisper of no strenuous activities with his wife. Endymion went white and flustered. Serenity snorted overhearing the good doctor's advice. Endymion turned to Serenity and stared crossly at her. She attempted to look serious but he caught the amusement in her eyes as she stifled back a laugh. When the doctor walked off to check on other patients, Endymion shook his head before smiling at her with smiling eyes. He planted a chaste kiss on her forehead and told her to get some rest. He had business to attend to and will return tomorrow. Serenity nodded.

The following day she was discharge from the hospital. Their ride back to South Lancaster was quiet but it was a comfortable silence. Endymion broke the silence and told her that he found the bodies of the women she spoke about. The coroner waited two days for people to claim the bodies, but no one ever came. The coroner informed him that more than likely the women were poor, homeless, orphans, or prostitutes with no loved ones to care if they went missing or not. Endymion expressed his sorrow for those women's cruel fate and had them all properly buried in a local cemetery in North Lancaster. Serenity smiled at Endymion and simply thanked him. He stared at her a long moment with an unreadable expression on his face then he turned his head and looked back out of the window. They remained silence for the rest of the ride home.

Chloe was basking in the attention she was getting as she told everyone who asked about her days of horror at the party outside. She seemed to be bouncing back to her normal self quite quickly. Serenity was happy she suffered no long –term damage.

Everyone down below at the party seemed to be having a blast and so much fun. The servants served the guests in shifts, and were allowed to join in the festivities. Unfortunately, Serenity could not join them. She was still forbidden by doctor's orders from leaving her room even though she felt much better with the exceptions of a few dizzy spells and fainting here and there. It did not help that Doctor West and his wife Mrs. West were down below enjoying the activities too. Dr. West came and checked on her once a week when he had business in South Lancaster to attend to. She was still on bed rest for several weeks until her body healed properly. The children were equally disappointed that Serenity could not join them. Emily promised to bring her something sweet and tasty to make her feel better. Serenity thanked her little princess with a kiss.

Serenity spotted Lady Audora and her uppity friends sitting at a table at the patio probably gossiping about the latest news in the town. Since Serenity saved her eldest granddaughter, Lady Audora now loved her new daughter-in-law. She could not get enough of Serenity and brought over her friends to listen of Serenity's horrid tale of saving Chloe.

Serenity experienced an awkward moment on Monday night. Serenity was used to the children joining her in bed. She was surprised when Endymion showed up in his nightclothes to join them for their nightly slumber party. The children were excited and they stayed up until midnight. Endymion kept looking across the bed at Serenity with a sheepish expression. It's like he did not know what to say to the woman who saved his daughter. His thank you was enough gratitude for saving his daughter. When he left East Eaton abruptly on Thursday afternoon, he came to visit her room and told her he was leaving on business for a few days but will be back for Benjamin and Chloe's birthday party. Serenity awkwardly bid him a good trip. She found it strange since he never told her about his whereabouts before. As a parting gift, Serenity gave him Mina's diary to read. Claudia had been waiting on her hand and foot since she arrived back home. She bathed her, did her hair every day, changed her bandages, brought her meals to her, made sure she took her medicine like clockwork, and most importantly she kept her mistress up to date with the latest gossip in town and in the manor. On Tuesday morning after their awkward slumber party, Serenity had sent Claudia to fetch Mina's diary for her from the South Wing, which Endymion had recently reopened to Serenity's surprise. She thanked Claudia and had placed the diary in the top drawer of her nightstand waiting for the moment Endymion came by to visit her again so she could give it to him. She hoped reading his late wife's diary would give him the closure he needed to move on with his life. He looked clearly shaken holding the small diary in his hands. He awkwardly thanked her before hastily leaving out of her room without a good-bye.

Lita and Caleb were doing great. Caleb and Lita now owned the inn and bar since the elderly innkeeper decided to retire and move out to the countryside with her daughter and her family. Lita was engaged. Caleb had proposed to her days after Serenity had woken up from her coma in front of the patrons of the bar. Lita wept with joy as she accepted his proposal and then hugged Caleb tightly as she cried in his arms. Lita held onto Caleb as he lifted her off her feet and swung her around in his arms before lowering her back on her feet and happily kissing his blushing love in front of everyone. Everyone cheered and applauded the happy couple. Caleb was so exultant he declared free drinks on the house, which made the customers happier. Lita was also delighted to tell Serenity that she was with child in a letter she wrote to Serenity. Serenity wrote back she was overwhelmed with joy. Lita and Caleb had full access to East Eaton now and could visit whenever they wanted. As a matter of fact, she expected them later on today to come to the party since they were going to close the bar up early. Everyone seemed fine in Serenity's life except Endymion. Claudia had informed her of his return home last night as she helped Serenity get ready for bed. Serenity had not seen him since she gave him Mina's diary on Thursday. She hoped that he was alright.

Endymion closed Mina's diary after he read the last entry. His eyes were red as he sat in his study in his lounge chair with his legs crossed and Mina's diary on his lap. He glanced up at her smiling portrait hanging over the fireplace. Tears fell from his eyes at how guilty he felt. He had no idea what she went through. Five years ago, the doctors deemed her a danger to herself and the baby. The doctors wanted him to put her into a mental institution. He refused to allow them to. He refused to allow them to put his wife in a mental institution. So he moved her to the South Wing where she would be far away from the children. Until he read her diary, he had no idea Mina went through so much hell in the final year of her short life. Diamond had recommended the maid, who had treated their father until his father's death, since she had trained as a nurse also. He always suspected foul play in his father's death, but he had no idea that his own brother was responsible for their father's death and the maid was poisoning him. It was Beryl who brought him to his senses and told him deep down inside he knew Mina was only telling him the truth he did not want to hear about his brother. He was such a fool and Mina paid the ultimate price. He had failed his wife in every way. She deserved so much better. Serenity deserved so much better. He would let her go. She deserved true happiness and he deserved to spend the rest of his days alone. He tilted his head back and looked up at the ceiling feeling a lump in his throat. He closed his eyes.

"No you don't, Endymion." He exhaled the fresh air as he felt a tingling sensation on his lips. Only one person ever kissed him like that. He opened his eyes and slowly turned to his right.

Mina was sitting in the chair next to him wearing a pretty white gown. She had a white glowing aura around her. Her long blonde hair hung freely down her back and over her shoulders. She smiled at him as the side of her pretty face touched the cool leather interior of the seat and her arms resting on the armrests. "Hello, Endy…."

Endymion's mouth opened but no words came out. His tongue finally began to work. He asked in disbelief, "Mina…"

Mina laughed lightly. He missed the sound of her laughter. "Endy, I forgave you a long time ago. I know you meant no harm. I have known your heart since we were teenagers in love. Now, that Diamond and Laura are gone for good and can no longer harm my family, I am ready to move on."

"You haven't moved on either?"

She smiled shaking her head. "No, my soul could not move on knowing that my family was not safe. I've been in this house watching over you and the children for the last five years. I watched them grow up into good children. You are doing a wonderful job raising them."

Endymion smiled. "Thank you."

"Endymion, I need you to do something for me before I can leave."

"What is that?"

"I need you to let me go. I cannot leave this world knowing that you are unhappy in it. For the last five years, you let my death consumed you and blamed yourself for what happened to me. Endymion, let it go. It was not your fault. You were simply blinded by the love of your brother. You made me so happy in life. You are the only man I have ever loved. My life was cut short, but it was an amazing life. Now, it is time for you to move on with your life."

"I don't want to move on. I want you. I am tired of being alone."

"You are not. You have the servants, your mother, the children, my sister, and you have your wife."

Endymion froze. "I only married her to protect her from Diamond."

Mina laughed not believing him for a second. "You married her because she is the one you have been searching for your entire life. She is your beginning and your future. She's the one."

"I don't understand."

Mina drawled slowly, "She's the one." Endymion's eyes widen as his heart began to pound rapidly. Mina smiled felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders. She was finally free.

Endymion stared at her with emotional eyes. "Good-bye, Mina."

She smiled at him. "Good-bye Endymion." Mina faded away. He was alone in the room again. He watched as Mina's diary suddenly flew off his lap and into the flames of the fire. He watched as the diary burned along with one of the darkest chapters of his life. He smiled. He finally felt free. Mina's forgiveness had released him from his guilt. He glanced up at her portrait and saw her pretty face smiling down at him. He left out of the room.

"How did you learn to read so fast?" Serenity pivoted her body to see Endymion standing in the doorway holding up a dessert plate with a big chocolate cupcake. He looked quite handsome in his slate gray three piece suit with a black silk puff tie. He held out the plate and said jokingly, "Compliments of Lady Emily." Serenity grinned then nodded in approval. He nodded then set the cake down on the end table.

Serenity said slightly embarrassed, "Your daughters taught me the basics. Chloe and Emily are really good teachers. I guess they learnt from the best." Endymion beamed like the proud father he was. "Then with the really big words, Claudia and Kelsey helped me learn them. I read something every day like the newspapers, books from the library, Lita's letters about Chloe and you while Claudia helped me get ready for the day." Endymion was quite impressed and thought he would definitely have to give Claudia and Kelsey pay raises.

"I still cannot believe you read the entire diary and was able to use it to save my daughter." He strutted over to her. He beamed, "You are a truly remarkable woman, Serenity." She blushed.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, I was somewhat off. I thought The Wiseman was Lady Beryl."

Endymion burst into laughter as if it was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. He stood next to her on the balcony. He glanced at his friend Beryl down below at the party mingling with the guests. "Beryl is the least stuck up of the aristocracy you'll ever find. She is like the little sister I never had. Beryl and I have no sexual or romantic chemistry at all. We have never been intimate. Contrary to popular belief, I am no Casanova. I've been with only two women my entire life. Mina was one of them." Serenity stood stunned by his admission. He smiled shyly at her then cleared his throat. He continued on with his firsthand account of Lady Beryl's true temperament. "Lady Beryl Morgan is one of my dearest friends, but because of her looks, money, and title, people assumed she is a snobbish person and females dislike her, especially women with boyfriends and husbands. Once you get to know her, she really is a sweetheart."

Serenity was surprised at Endymion's candor. It seemed very important to him that she trusted and believed in his faithfulness. Yet, Serenity already believed him. Beryl and Endymion's relationship was really more like brother and sister. She observed them interact with one another downstairs at the party earlier. Beryl playfully flirted with another wealthy nobleman right in front of an indifferent Endymion. He greeted her with chaste kisses on her cheeks like he did his mother. Their mannerisms were only friendly and civil to one another and sometimes playful like two siblings teasing one another. Serenity also noticed that the ones who were discreetly admiring Endymion were the some of the noblewomen with lovers and husbands of their own. She wondered if these women intentionally tried to throw a wedge into Mina's marriage out of pure spite. Mina's opinion of Lady Beryl was apparently poisoned long before she even met the woman. When Serenity returned home from the hospital, Serenity casually brought up the topic of Lady Beryl into the conversation when she conversed with Lita and Kelsey. Both women informed her of their honest opinion of Lady Beryl as a good woman which matched Endymion's account of her.

Serenity acknowledged, "Okay, I confess I was wrong to believe Lady Beryl killed your wife and kidnapped your daughter. She seems like a good person, and I would love to meet her." Endymion smiled very pleased with her response then nodded in agreement. She changed the subject. "So how was your trip?"

Endymion said proudly turning to her. "Very productive. I travelled up to the capital city of Noland and personally visited with his majesty the king. I asked him to eradicate the law that states only men should be allowed to own property. Everyone should be allowed to own property including women." Serenity smiled proudly at him. She now understood what Lita meant when she said she now owned the Inn and Bar.

Serenity exclaimed happily, "That is wonderful news, Endymion!"

Endymion hesitated. "Now, things will not change overnight. The law has passed but it will take a while before it is fully accepted throughout the kingdom."

Serenity laughed, "Don't worry. With women like Lita around, I think those backwards old men will get the picture." Endymion chuckled. Serenity turned and stared down at the children. She gripped the banister tightly. They watched the children playing games with the servants and the other children. Benjamin had fallen to the ground trying to keep up with his brother Christopher and the older boys. He got right back up laughing and chased after the big kids. There was a comfortable silence as Serenity and Endymion watched the peaceful scene of laughter and happiness below them.

Serenity heard a ruckus behind her. She glanced back and was shocked to see Claudia and Kelsey outside of her room packing up her things. "I am moving your things out of your chambers tonight." Endymion spoke in an authoritative voice breaking the silence. Serenity looked at him in confusion. Was he kicking her out already? She was not that horrible of a wife. She didn't nag him or anything. He clarified as if he read her thoughts, "I am moving your belongings into my chambers." She sighed in relief.

"I see."

"And I think you should sleep in my bed from now on."

"I see."

"Without the children."

"Of course."

"And I think we should consummate our marriage."

"I thought we did."

Endymion grinned. "Technically, we did not. We slept together before I married you. Then, you told me that sleeping with me meant absolutely nothing to you and I was just like the other men you slept with." Serenity cringed as she recalled telling him that.

She rambled apologetically, "I'm sorry. I did not mean it. I was only trying to protect you from Diamond."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I figured that. But it still stung to hear those words. You wounded my ego. It's been a while since I've been intimate with a woman so I am a bit rusty-"

Serenity laughed. "You were fine." He stared at her with an attentive gaze. "You are fine as a lover. You are fine as a father, son, and a man. You're perfect in every way, and I am the luckiest girl in the world to be married to a man like you. I am happy here at East Eaton. Your children are delightful. The servants are wonderful. Your mother likes me now. And I feel truly safe and loved here for the first time in months. I understand if you do not think I am a suitable wife and mother. I know I'll never be Mina. I know I'll never take her place. But I will try to be a good mother to your children, and a wife that doesn't embarrass you even if my past is less than honorable. And if you want to have other women who are more up to your standards, I understand. And if you want to annul our marriage now that Diamond and his followers are gone, I understand that too. I'll be happy being the nanny to the children…"

Endymion turned his back on her as his lips quivered in amusement. His body shook uncontrollably. She asked concerned then frowned when she realized he was laughing at her. "What? I bare my soul to you and you-" In one quick movement, she found herself in his arms with his mouth capturing hers in a sweet, tantalizing kiss. He slowly drew away from her. He opened his eyes pursing his lips together and licking them from the inside of his mouth as he savored her sweet taste on his lips. He held her in a loose embrace. His hands lazily caressed the soft fabric of her gown before comfortably resting on her lower back. Her hands splayed over his broad shoulders and lightly stroked his strong biceps through the thick fabric of his coat before resting on his forearms. Her dreamy blue eyes gazed at him in surprise.

Endymion twisted a long, curly strand of her golden hair with his finger with a relaxed smile on his handsome face. He looked like he was recalling a happy memory. She saw pure happiness in sapphire eyes as he stared down at her. "Serenity, you are perfect in every way also. And I am the luckiest man in the world to have finally found the woman I have been searching for my entire life. I know that you are that little girl I met when I was a boy. You were trying to steal a loaf of bread to feed your family. I saved you from losing your hand. I was dumbstruck by your pretty, blue eyes. They remained etched in my psyche and I never forgot you. I became obsessed with finding you. I even travelled back to Beechwood over the years to find you, but I never did. I searched for you in every girl then woman I met as I transitioned from boyhood to manhood. I honestly thought Mina was you when we first met until she told me that she was from Castleberry and did not know someplace called Beechwood actually existed. When I eventually fell in love with Mina, I finally gave up on finding the little girl with the blue eyes. I married Mina, and we were happy together. Her death devastated me for a long time, but it is time for me to finally move on. And I want to do so with you, Serenity. I did not think that was possible for me to ever love someone as completely as I loved Mina until that little blue eyed-girl walked back into my life again when I needed her the most. She grew up and became one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes upon. Serenity, you always had me. You had me when I was a boy. You had me from the first moment I met you again as a man. I have loved you before I even understood the true meaning of love. You are everything I wanted. And my only desire is to make you happy and to be a good father to our children." He turned her towards the children playing down below. "I did not pick you as their mother. They did and I think Mina did too. My children love you as much as their father does." Serenity looked up at Endymion. He was staring at her with heartfelt eyes. "So please be my wife in every way. I neither desire nor need any other woman but you. You are more than enough for me."

Serenity covered her mouth with her hands. He noticed her eyes starting with tears and she was quite emotional. He asked concerned, "What is it, my love?"

Serenity sniffled dropping her hands from her mouth. "I have been searching all my life for you too. The blue eyed boy who was the first person to show me an act of kindness. No matter how tough and mean-spirited the world was, I knew good people like you existed because you showed me by buying me those two loaves of bread to feed my starving family. I know it was an insignificant moment to you but it was a big deal to me. I never forgot your act of kindness. You are the only man I have ever loved. I have been searching for you too in every boy then man I met over the years. I never forgot you either and you grew up to be the great man I always imagined you would be. I have been in love with you since I was a little girl. I love you Endymion Lancaster and I want to be your wife in every sense of the word if you be my husband in every sense of the word also."

He became emotional as he stared down at his wife like she was the most amazing woman he ever laid his eyes on. He became choke up inside overwhelmed with happiness that the dream girl he loved his entire life really existed and now stood before him as his wife. And she was telling him that she loved him as much as he loved her. That she thought about him over the years too. That he was good enough for her. That he was enough. He never had anyone to tell him those words before besides Mina. He always lived in his brother's shadow. And now Diamond was gone forever. He was the Earl of Lancaster again and his Countess was the girl of his dreams. He was really the luckiest guy in the world. He cupped her tear-stained face in hands and kissed her once more in a soft, passionate kiss.

Chloe smiled when she stopped running with the other little girls and watched her parents kissing on her mother's balcony. She formed a triangle with her hands over her mouth and yelled loudly, "Mama, papa, come join the party!"

Benjamin ran up next to Chloe and yelled loudly, "Come on, you two. We're about to blow out the candles!" Serenity and Endymion laughed as they aversely broke apart from their kiss and turned their attention to the children down below. Chloe and Benjamin gestured for them to hurry downstairs.

Serenity glanced at Endymion and asked as the children ran off to go back to playing with their friends, "Well, may I go outside and mingle with our guests, Master Endymion?"

Endymion arched an eyebrow at her and appraised his wife's appearance. Her long curly, golden hair was brushed back into a loose low ponytail. She had a bandaged wrapped around her head. Another bandage wrapped around her chest underneath her dress. She had a leg cast on her right leg that poked out from under her pale blue dress. He knew she had hopped on one leg from her bed to the balcony. She should not be out of bed and Doctor West would surely chew him out as soon as he brought her outside. He glanced at her pouty, kissable lips now swollen from his kiss and the hint of hilarity behind those pretty blue eyes of hers. He held her at arms' length. He yielded letting out a defeated sigh.

He said in a firm tone, "Only for a little while." He stepped closer to her holding her chin up between his forefinger and thumb. He then drawled throatily, "And then you are going to get right back into my bed. Is that understood, milady?"

Serenity stifled back a laugh. It appeared that her goody two-shoes husband was planning on disobeying the good doctor's orders in more ways than one. She teased him mockingly, "Yes, Master Endymion." Serenity squeaked as Endymion suddenly swept her into his arms with her leg cast poking out mid-air. She relaxed her head against his chest listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat. She sighed in complete happiness for the first time in her life. Endymion carried her out of the chambers passed the maids and down the hallway. Claudia and Kelsey smiled as they watched their master carried their mistress down the hallway.

Claudia took a short break from packing up the Countess' belongings. Lord Lancaster had fetched them from the party. He asked them to move the Countess' belongings in Mina's old rooms in his chambers. Then they could return right back to the party afterwards. Claudia and Kelsey happily agreed. The entire staff even Williams were quite pleased that their master was finally embracing his marriage.

For a brief moment, Claudia watched Lord and Lady Lancaster's retreating figures turning the corner. Their master had finally awakened from his darkness and became the great man they all desired him to be. North Lancaster and South Lancaster were one city again. The citizens were happy with better wages, housing, lower taxes, and better work regulations. The servants of East Eaton were happy and East Eaton itself seemed brighter, warmer, and happier than it ever was before. Lady Audora was hardly there anymore and when she did visit, even she was much nicer. The children were happy and finally had the mother they always wished for. When Kelsey playfully threw a cloth at her telling her to get back to work, Claudia chuckled then went back to work. From the big round of applause she soon heard coming from downstairs, Claudia smiled warmly knowing that Serenity had finally realized how much she was loved by the citizens of Lancaster too. She was no longer the peasant girl, the orphan, the courtesan, or the rich man's mistress. She was the Countess of Lancaster and the next chapter of her life had just begun.