I approached this fic as a sort of narrative study, which I assume didn't turn out that awesome. Nonetheless for my records its id is:
Relationship Dynamic Study I (RDS I) : Human/Robotic
In terms of reviews, along with the standard mix I wouldn't mind knowing if the conversation flowed well.
Does it make sense with the context of Destiny and beyond? Is this a healthy conversation? Did it have an acceptable resolution?
Does this need any continuation to resolve anything that seems unfinished or vague?
Any-who if this turns out to an enjoyable read: thank you. If the whole thing is a steaming pile, please tell me why.
"There I was, surrounded by Vex, their numbers too massive to count! I stood fast, with the holy item the Speaker entrusted me with retrieving; I gathered every bit of Void light I had left within me as their demonic battle cry shook the valley. And thus ignited the most impressive Ward of Dawn I've ever constructed! The hordes rushed towards me as I slammed in the last clip to my rifle. I brought down the machines in droves as they tried of force their way into my barrier-"
The eloquent and no doubt slightly exaggerated story of the boisterous Titan was interrupted as one of his comrades raised his hand.
The Titan's turquoise face couldn't help but produce a small smile. The little human was young; he'd only been a Guardian for almost a year. But anyone be damned if they knew a more clever, if not innocence Warlock that truly cared for his fellow man.
"Can we, um, maybe not use the specific term 'machine'?" he asked timidly, his glance darted to their fire team's leader before settling back on the Titan.
His comrade in arms gave him a peculiar glance before continuing his tale.
"Where was I?"
"You were tellin' about when you 'ad just ran outta ammo and was getting tha poop beatin' out of ya before me an' Bristol had ta come save yer lame ass." came the hardy and extremely drunken voice of a female Guardian.
"That is most certainly not how it happened." the Titan huffed glaring at the two other members of their group.
"Yeah, no shit, we killed most a the Vex." the woman said with a laugh just as she slipped from her stool. But before her form could touch the ground, the mighty arms of their sixth fire team member caught her.
"Maybe I should just take her home, it is getting late." the Guardian said with a sigh as he stood up cradling the inebriated human.
"Perhaps that is for the best." said a towering Exo as he gathered up the woman's auto rifle and helmet.
"Hey...HEY BRISTOL don't be touchin' ma shit." she spat before the last tugs of unconsciousness took her.
"We're gonna get going, see you in the morning." the awoken male said as he carried her out of the bar.
"Yes, have a good night friends." Bristol nodded gathering up the rest of the woman's equipment and stepping out of sight.
"Well I supposed it is late" the Titan said as he stood. "Perhaps later I can finish my story of dashing heroism on the lands of Venus."
"Mh, hm." the Warlock replied with a skeptical smirk.
"See! Alas they poison your mind with lies and fabrication Raj." her exclaimed, "Soon we rectify this predicament with proper tales of my solo exploits in field. But for now I bid thee farewell."
The Titan bowed theatrically before giving Raj a small pat on the shoulder and the fire team leader a snappy salute.
As he left the bar, she stood, walking toward the couch where the Titan had been sitting. Raj watched her as she picked up a small tablet that lay on a nearby table. She placed it on the small round coffee table before dropping down on the seat.
"Rave." she spoke, summoning her ghost. The mechanical spectre appeared near her head, its angular body moving about as if stretching after a long slumber.
"These files are damaged, see if you can piece them back into something that's readable." the Guardian demanded.
"Something on your mind?" the ghost chuckled as its blue light began to scan the tablet.
"Yeah, why the sudden adherence to machines being called machines Raj?" she said without looking up.
The young Warlock still jumped in his seat from being suddenly addressed. He looked at the woman that sat across from him, he tried once to respond before quickly biting it down.
"You shouldn't show sympathy to our enemies, they will show you no such respect." she added before looked up at her fellow Guardian.
"It's not that," he quickly replied, his eyes darting away from hers.
"Then what is the issue? You know I won't tolerate such things on my fire team." she growled.
Raj instantly looked up, "NO, no its nothing that would make you consider that. Trust me. You know I take my role here as a Guardian very seriously."
"I know Raj, that why you're one of the few I can count on. But that's why I'm questioning your new found concern for the Vex."
"It's not the Vex, really. It's just...I...recently I've come to, or I think I've come to a realization about-"
"Machines?" she finished.
"Yes." he said with a sigh.
"So, humor me. What's the epiphany that's got you so rattled."
"It's about you, Nila"
"What? About exos? True we are technically machines, I don't-"
"You are not a machine!" Raj interrupted loudly, drawing an odd glance from his team leader.
"You can't be...there's so much more to you than just wires and programming."
"Well machine sentience is still somewhat of a touchy subject, even today." she replied, placing her attention upon file that now filled the tablet.
"Nila, please don't call yourself that."
"Why? I am an exo, an autonomous mechanical war machine designed by the humans of the Golden Age. How else am I to see myself than as such?"
"No, no, you're more complex than that, you have likes and dislike, quirks, personality traits that are all your own. You're a person."
"We were designed in humanity's image for familiarly and quicker assimilation into human methods, technology, and tools."
"No, you're a unique consciousness that was grown and shaped by your environment."
"Raj stop." Nila said as she looked up again, "Are we really trying to argue about the philosophy of if I'm really alive or not?
"There is no argument, you can feel warmth, sense cold, dislike pain, you are alive Nila."
"I am not getting into this debate with you Raj." the exo snarled, "politics aside, if I see that this new found love of robots you have in any way impacts your performance in-"
"Nila." Raj said, his expression steadfast and solemn.
"Don't interrupt me again Raj that's an-."
"No! Nila I think I…no I know I do. I love you."
Whatever was coming out of the exo's mouth next was cut to a very abrupt halt, leaving the room with a thick new found silence. Even Nila's ghost Rave stopped scanning to look up at the Warlock.
"What did you just say to me?" her metallic face not betraying any emotion.
"I'm in love with you Nilanna-26, and I'm ashamed to admit it's taken me this long to realize it."
Her face stayed frozen for only a few more moments before cracking into a bit of a smirk.
"Did Wrecker put you up to this? I swear the next time I see that idiot, I'm going to kick her over the side of the Tower."
"No one put me up to this Nila, it's just taken me so long to realize it."
"Yeah, well sorry if I have a tough time believing you."
"Why? I've never lied to you before, I never could even if I wanted to."
"I know, that's what bugs me."
"What's not to like about you? You're the most skilled Hunter I've ever seen. You're a natural leader...and well" Raj looked away, suddenly uncomfortable with looking her in the eyes. "I suppose if I've come this far, it goes without saying that you're absolutely beautiful."
"My entire chassis is blood red you imbecile." Nila snapped. "And I seem to be to only sane one right now. For future reference why don't we run through the reasons why you have no idea what you're saying."
"One, I possess very few qualities that a human male would find attractive at all, the biggest being I cannot bear children. Two, you're not attracted to me, you're just infatuated with the fact that I'm based off a humanoid female. If you were to strip me down to my bare chassis you would be extremely disappointed. And three, what are you expecting? For me to just jump into your arms after you confessed to me? Which I should point out, would suck since I weight approximately two and half times more than you."
"Of course not, I expect nothing from you Nila. I just, I wanted to get this off my chest because it's something that's been...affecting me recently. And, well you know how horrible I am with keeping secrets." the Warlock smiled.
"Ain't that the truth," the Hunter deadpanned. "Trust me I'm flattered that you would see in that way, it's just imperative that you realize everything you're thinking, everything you assume right now is wrong."
"What you want is an intimate relationship do you not?"
"...not necessarily."
"But that's part of it, right?"
"I suppose, but that's not all I think about."
"I realize that Raj, what you want is for us to be together." Nila said, meshing her fingers together for emphasis.
"Yes, absolutely."
"So what would that entail, hm? How would our dynamic change? We can't have sex, I possess no genitalia. I'm already around you and the fire team 70% of your waking hours. While Guardian couples are not unheard of, they're immature and fleeting. We're warriors first and for most, our time together could end the moment we step back on the battlefield."
"I know, I know, I just-"
"Just what? Are you beginning to realize how foolish this is? That this is nothing but a blind carnal desire for my form not some higher level of emotion you're confusing it with."
"NO!" Raj cried, slamming his fist down on the table, surprising the Hunter from the sudden outburst.
"Every time I close my eyes I see you, every time I dream it's not about horrors we face everyday, it's of you. It's true I wake up every morning wishing you were there beside me, but in that I begin to realize I can't stand the thought of not being with you." He held out his hand letting a bit a Solar Light congregate around it. "This Light, this power would mean nothing to me, this endless battle against the Darkness would be utterly pointless if it meant living a life without you."
Raj's last speech must have tweaked a sub-routine or something of the like for the exo sat speechless. At that moment all she could do was stare at this Guardian as he poured his heart and soul out to her. But try as she might, she couldn't seem to comprehend this, emotion, the human was feeling so strongly about. The technical definition of "love" was not alien to her, no that wasn't it, no maybe...
"Raj it's not that I dislike you. This feeling, this need you have for me, I don't think I can feel the same because-"
"Don't you dare say it's because you're an exo. That's not true and you know it."
"What if it is true, what would you do then?"
"I won't have to. I've seen you show compassion, I've watched you have sympathy, you have doubts, you have concerns, you have a wider range of emotions than I think you're willing to admit."
"Well I certainly won't argue with that." Nila replied, trying to reel the conversation into her control.
"See, you're even sarcastic like Cayde, expect you know, you're a bit more mature about it."
"Agreed, my Vanguard is a bit of a character to say the least."
"But there's also no doubt in my mind he has the capacity to show love."
That once again quieted Nilanna as she sat back on couch. She studied the Warlock who truly seemed content just being in her presence. But as she pooled information from her sensors she found fidgeting and an elevated heart rate. He was nervous, anxious even.
"You really think over the course of this conversation I would have come to definite decision?"
"Maybe." Raj said slowly and hesitantly.
"I forget how obvilivously positive you can be sometimes. You know affection is based off an initial and often instinctual physical attraction to another organic being."
"Stop that."
The exo gave the human a perplexed look. "Stop what?"
"Why do you assume the majority of any relationship is only about sex?"
The gynoid stifled a laugh, drawing a frown from the Warlock.
"Wait, I know you've mentioned it before but is that truly how you believe I see you? As some sex object?" Raj asked sincerely.
"For the most part, yes. While not as common in this time, robot fetishism is still considered an issue by some elder circles, especially the groups that parallel the Monist."
"You think I like you just because you're...inorganic?"
"No, but it's a possibility I won't ignore."
"Why would you...?"
"Because Raj, the causes and mechanics behind lust and the need to pursue a mate are a characteristic of sentient beings such as humans or awoken. I meet none of the criteria needed to become applicable for copulation."
"I think you are."
"Of course you do." she deadpanned.
"Tell me this, why do you think you're not? Why do you think you shouldn't be the object of anyone's affection?" was Raj's slightly smug reply.
"BECAUSE!" Nila screeched while jumping to her feet, suddenly enraged by the man's line of questioning.
Raj on the other hand could barely suppress his fear of the powerful Hunter looming over him.
"If I may." said a third voice that Nila shouldn't have forgotten was there.
"I've finished decrypting the files you requested." Rave spoke as her form floated in between the two Guardians.
"I will admit I'm not very well versed when it comes to these sorts of matters. But it would appear that Raj is dissatisfied with your vague and impersonal answers, when he is trying to address your thoughts on the matter directly."
Nila coiled up as if to reprimand her Ghost but deflated within moments.
"But I insist we leave, it is getting rather late and all Guardians need their rest, no matter what species they are." Rave continued before floating to the exit, not bothering to see if her Guardian had followed.
The couple stared at each other for moment before Nila moved to pick up her equipment.
"I'm sorry!" Raj blurted, causing the exo to pause for only a moment.
"Why? You've done nothing wrong." she replied while slipping her cloak back on.
"But I have, this discussion has been wildly inappropriate, and I've been nothing but selfish."
"You said it, not me."
The Warlock gave her a look before speaking.
"You are frustratingly sarcastic sometimes, you know that?"
"Absolutely." she replied while gesturing for them to leave.
The duo stepped out into the cold night air of the Tower's hangar. The late night lull was an odd change of pace to hustle and bustle of day time affairs. Their shipwright had turned in leaving the graveyard shift to man the post, even the frame that over saw the trading of Vanguard weapons was gone for the evening.
Silence still gripped Raj and Nilanna-26 as they made their way onto the Tower's main courtyard. Although it was not as barren as the hangar, its two remaining vendors were the ever diligent bounty tracker for Vanguard and Banshee who seemed deeply engrossed in fixing the scout rifle before him. The only Guardian resident was a Hunter who currently napped in the soft grass of courtyard.
Within the stair well that lead to the north tower, it would seem Nila had come to a conclusion about the night's sensitive discourse.
"You know, I have no protocols, instructions, sub-routines, absolutely nothing for when it comes to feeling an emotional or physical attraction to another being."
"Yeah I'm beginning to realize that."
"But that doesn't mean I can't"
Raj looked at her expectantly for a moment.
"Let me rephrase, I sense there's nothing to stop me from learning to like a person for the traits others find attractive. As I stated before, it's not as if I dislike you for any reason."
"Are you saying you'll give, this, a chance?"
"I'm saying you're not a completely despicable person, so how hard could it be to learn to like the positive things about you?"
"Evening Guardians."
Raj and Nila spun around, caught completely off guard be the voice behind them. But the tension was soon laid to rest when all they found was the Speaker before them.
"My apologies, I did not mean to startle you." he added.
"It should be we who apologize, our conversion must have disturbed your work." Raj replied.
"Think nothing of it, I'm glad to see two Guardians once locked in debate come to an understanding."
"And perhaps this is an opportunity to probe the wisdom of the Speaker." Nila thought aloud.
"What? No, don't ask him about this, it will certainly seem trivial to him." Raj said immediately.
"Nonsense, there is no matter too small for which I will try to provide aid." the Speaker reassured him.
"Do think it possible for an organic being such as a human or awoken to find or have a romantic connection with a non organic one such as an exo?" Nila asked rather bluntly.
"Hm, a matter of the heart? Not my strongest area of expertise. You seek the factor that defines the connections of two souls. And yet" he said as he placed a hand on each of their shoulders, "I already sense a strong bond between the two of you."
It was only Nila that gave the speaker a surprised look.
"You define the consciousness of both man and machine as separate, yet what I see before me is two souls re-forged of light, stronger together than they ever where apart."
He then gently grasp their arms, Nila's left and Raj's right, guiding their hands together causing them to intertwine.
"You were gifted new life from the power of the Traveler's light, yet it was never said that this responsibly had to be burdened alone. For that is why we have multiple Guardians protecting our city. To find solace in someone who shares your triumphs and burdens I believe is not just a facet of previous lives but this one as well."
Raj attempted to move his hand away, but Nila stood fast keeping them together.
"But how?" the exo asked, "How can there be this deep connection when I don't even know what it looks or feels like?"
"Do you like this Warlock?" the Speaker asked.
"I suppose..."
"Do you find him reliable, responsible, a true strength when things are dire?"
"Well he hasn't failed our fire team yet, so yes."
"Does his absence strain you, do you find his proximity important."
At was at this point that Nila released Raj's hand and stepped away.
"Nila?" Raj asked a bit hurt at her sudden repulsion.
"It would seem one of you has indeed reached a revelation. I hope I could be of some assistance Guardians. Keep your light strong." the Speaker said with finality before leaving the two at the entrance to elevator. Leaving the two to sit in another cold silence. It took a moderate amount of time before Nila's voice broke through the night air
"I realize how cold my hands must feel." the exo said quietly, almost a mumble.
"No, they're warm, very warm." Raj reassured her.
But the Hunter didn't respond as she hailed the elevator.
"Nila?" Raj asked again.
"I dedicated some memory to running a simulation of your absence in non-combat situations." she started, not looking towards Raj in the least.
"For the past several months you've been within audible distance of me, not at your discretion, but at what appears to be mine."
"Is that bad?" Raj commented, "So we spent a large amount of time together, you yourself already said that."
"It was when the sim' brought back a negative value that the details got...anomalous."
Nila nodded as they stepped on to the elevator.
"One example: I seem to prioritize your presence above the rest of the fire team when I clearly shouldn't, there's no reason for it."
"I do too Nila, I don't a reason, only to know that you're there. Isn't that enough?"
"I don't know, but..." the exo paused to let out a sigh," If it's alongside you Raj, I suppose I wouldn't mind your help finding that reason."
Raj lit up immediately, a ridiculous grin creeping across his face. But before he move he look to the Hunter for confirmation. The exo slowly nodded but still barely had enough time to steady herself from the tight embrace that came moments later. She let them stay like that for a short time, she figured she could spare the man a small bit of intimacy.
"Aaaannnnd enough of that." Nila said as she grasped the back of the man's collar, lifting him into the air.
"Sorry." Raj said sheepishly.
"Whatever this is, let's try to take it a little slow, okay?" she smirked
"Oh so I guess that means we can't make out yet?" Raj asked, half-jokingly.
"Make out?"
"Old slang term for prolonged kissing, also can put me down please?"
But Nila only glared at him.
"Sorry." he said again as the Hunter set him down, just as the elevator doors opened to his floor.
"I know Raj," she replied with a small pat on his shoulder, "now go before I change my mind."
"Yes ma'am." Raj replied playfully as he started down the hall.
Nila watched him leave as the sliding doors eventually blocked him from view. During the rest of her descent she held out her hand, the hand that Raj held while the Speaker had given them his blessing. She hadn't the heart to tell him she felt no spark or other worldly connection, but this was a new chapter in her life. He didn't see her as some tireless war machine, but as a companion, a woman, maybe even a lover.
Nilanna-26 would be damned if she couldn't find this, whatever it was the Speaker said was between them. If it existed, this thing could be discovered, learned, and perfected so that she could one day return the gracious affection that Raj had offered her this day. She would push forward to make sure this became part of her legend.
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