A/N: This is a rewrite of my original fan fic in . Hope you enjoy!
Cast Notes:
Katherine aged 8-13: portrayed by Frederique De Raucourt
Katherine aged 14+: portrayed by Asli Tandogan
Tom aged 8-13: portrayed by Hero Fiennes-Tiffins
Tom aged 14+: portrayed by Christian Coulson
Tom and I were the twins of the orphanage.
A very simple statement to describe our remarkably mundane life.
We were often bullied by others merely because of the fact that we were different- and we knew that very well. We were two of the three children that were born into the orphanage- the vast majority of the others having been brought into the abysmal orphanage when abandoned by their parents. Tom and I were birthed by our mother, Merope Gaunt, on the Summer of 1926. Our nurses often look back on our past with nostalgia, claiming that they'd never seen such quiet children. We were often told that we were the best behaved children at the time and were often adored and called handsome. As a result, I was often mistaken as a male child due the aristocratic features that my brother and I shared. As we grew up in the harsh place, we were taught discipline not by loving words and lessons as parents would, but by the stick or hand. We were familiar with the burning pain that the wood brought us and, as such, learnt not to cross with it again by behaving.
Unfortunately, that was easier said than done.
You see, there were many unexplained incidents that revolved around us, the Riddle Twins. We were bullied before, but I aided Tom in turning the tables. Of course, that is not to say that I was in the background- goodness, no- I played just a major role as Tom had in many of the rendevous that we had went through in the orphanage.
Of course, when we were but mere children we weren't consumed by the darkness- yet. We had fun like others and there was not a single time when we left eachother's sight. I was but a mere five year old when the orphanage required me, as the second eldest, to go out and get groceries. Even then, though it was not Tom's job, my brother always went with me. However, London was a dangerous place to be a girl, so I had, at my own insistence, cut my hair.
I looked like Tom's mirror image.
He had whined, moaned, done every form of tantrum possible, but I kept cutting my hair so that I looked like a boy until I was not required to go out anymore, as Martha- the assistant- had been hired. At the time, when there was no more fun left to do when we were allowed to leave the orphanage, Tom had finally realised how much he had missed doing our double act with me as a boy, but it was too late. I could no longer cut my hair with the Matron's permission unless I had a death wish. I had to grow out my hair and Tom still looked back at those times with a small amount of yearning in his eyes.
Then there was magic.
Tom and I were never the same again. It just...happened. Our teacher had been furious at us for correcting his work and demanded that we walked up to the front to get caned. But Tom and I stood our ground, and defied him. The teacher walked up and yanked my hair, forcing me to follow him before Tom used his magic to make my hair slip through his hands like gel. It wasn't long before the teacher was thrown across the room, with our hands in front of us as though we had just pushed him physically. Since then we had known- simply knew- that we were special. That happened four years ago, when we were seven. Ever since then, we had been terrorizing the children at the orphanage (though I had put down set limits that Tom rarely crossed- until the cave and Billy's rabbit). Only recently had we received our Hogwarts letters, but the visit from Dumbledore was something that I could not discuss as of yet, because Dippet demanded our attention with the tapping of his spoon.
"Students, the sorting hat will organize you all into houses. Please do not object and go to your colour- coordinated table." Dippet announced. The man was the Headmaster, but he was a puppet. Dippet was attached to Dumbledore like the strings of a marrionette- he was afraid of making a wrong move and continually asked the deputy about his opinion. The reason why was unknown. We were just as in the dark about this as the other houses. We were at a loss as to why the man would trust the childhood best friend and lover of the infamous Dark Lord Grindelwald. As such, the prejudice against Slytherins grew. Unfortunately, Tom and I were certain that we were cut out for the house. Ravenclaw was our second option and our last resort would be Griffindor. We would never go to Hufflepuff, though it was no secret to the orphanage that I was softer than Tom was- and therefore an easier target.
" Alson, Marcus!"
" Ravenclaw!"
" Bridge, Ingrid!"
" Slytherin!"
" Clowda, Charles!"
" Griffindor!"
" Ditch, Selena!"
" Hufflepuff!" My brother snorted. But the list went on and we became more and more apprehensive about our own sorting. Eventually, the list neared the surnames that began with 'R'.
" Richardson, Elena!"
" Griffindor!"
" Riddle, Katherine!" My name was announced. I stumbled through the crowd.
How elegent.
Then, when I had made my way through, I righted my posture and attempted to look like Tom did around others. I caught his eye and he gave me a sharp nod. He never showed his affection for me in public- he feared that it could be used against him. For all people knew, we could just be strangers to one another if it weren't for our second name and almost identical appearence- such was the alienation between my brother and I. However, behind closed doors, we were as close as any other sibling would be if their brother was their twin and was the only remaining family left. It was no secret to Tom that I loved him dearly, and would be heartbroken if he happened to die or feel hatred for me. I knew that Tom loved me also- it was shown in his protectiveness, but sometimes he would acquire a strange crimson colouring in his eyes whenever he was angry or thinking of revenge. I never thought much of it, but I had started to notice a pattern- he usually became more violent whenever his eyes were coloured crimson. I was shaken back to the present and gave a quick nod in return to my twin and turned to the sorting hat. I sat down and it was placed on my head.
" Why, a pair of twins! The first we've had in a decade!" The hat commented. " Griffindor won't do for you- you have a fear of darkness and heights... Ravenclaw would suit you due to your intelligence- my, how like your brother... Hufflepuff would also suit due to your loyalty and respect for your only family..." I could almost imagine Tom's sneer at me once I thought of the house of loyalty and hardwork. I knew that he would bully me if that happened in public-but our private relationship would be left unknown to me. With this in mind, I started to panic. It turned out it was unnecessary and was quickly quelled when the sorting hat whispered the next few words in my ear; words that sounded like music. " But you have the calculating wit of a Slytherin. You are quick and sharp when you want to be, but Slytherin is certainly the place for you." I closed my eyes.
" Slytherin or Ravenclaw, Slytherin or-"
" SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted.
Uncertain, I pulled the hat off and passed it to the Transfigurations Professor (who I remembered as Professor Dumbledore) and journeyed toward the house of the Snakes, sneers, hatred and disgust painted on their faces. I attempted to sneer back, but only managed a grimace. I sat down at the end of the table once it became clear that no one was willing to help me out.
" Riddle, Tom!" All eyes were now on Tom. He swallowed and got up, putting up his mask of arrogance. He made his way through the crowd and some people even put out their legs in an attempt to ruin his cold, arrogant and rather intimidating entrance by tripping him up, but he swiftly kicked their legs and they retracted them, wincing in pain as they nursed their foots.
Served them right.I thought, filled with conviction and self-righteousness.
Eventually, he reached the sorting hat. His face was impassive, but his eyes were frantically searching for mine. Our eyes locked and I gave him a small smile. I nodded. He nodded in return and let out a breath. The sorting hat was lowered onto his head. The second the disgusting hat touched Tom's head, it shouted out Slytherin. His new housemates looked at him with varying degrees of contempt. Tom made his way to the dark green table, ignoring the glares and hostility directed at him.
I let out a breath of relief.
We were together.
That was all that counted.
After that, my brother and I stayed with the other sibling. We sat next to each other and we shared answers in assessments and tests. I soon found out- to my mortification- that we weren't allowed to share rooms unless you were of the same gender and year. Tom and I had already captivated our professors with our profficiency of magic and our intelligence, so it didn't take long for Dippet to succumb to Tom's charm and allow us to have our own room to share. As per usual, I had often felt envy for my elder brother, but he had always told me that I had some other kind of gift- a charm that was diverse to his- that could be equally as effective. However, when I had asked, he claimed that I was too innocent to fully understand and comprehend what he was talking about. Musing on those thoughts, I walked down to our room after a quick trip to the toilets and gently pushed the door open before flopping onto the lower bunk. Tom stuck his head down from the top bunk.
" Where did you go?" He asked. I sighed and fell back on the bed.
" The restroom." I replied. He eyed me for a second longer before climbing back up. He was still awake, I could tell, but I wanted to know why. " Are you okay, Tom?" I called, uncertainty colouring my voice. He sighed and poked his head down again.
" I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about." He answered, his tone light. An hour later, I heard soft snoring. I couldn't sleep- but I wasn't allowed to use potions unless in the infirmary. Moments later, I heard Tom's laboured breathing and thrashing about in the mattress above.
"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted. I got out of bed and climbed up the ladder to his bunk. His hair was slick with sweat and his face was pink. His striped pyjamas were ruffled and he was constantly on the move. But what got my attention was that his movements were restricted- as if held by chains. I hopped into his bed and sat next to him, pondering whether I should be merciful and wake him up or leave him to be energized for the coming day with his sleep. I chose to wake him up. I shook his arm.
" Tom?" I hissed. " Tom?!" He did nothing to show he heard me." By Salazar, you are a heavy sleeper." I murmured. Just then, I remembered my strange ability to speak with snakes.
My six year old self sat outside, isolated whilst Tom fought in the back ground with Billy Stubbs. I played with the dirt, making shapes and small mounds with it when a snake came into view. Startled, I jumped back, frightened. The snake made its way closer, inching nearer and nearer to me.
' Thank you for freeing me from the dirt prisson, ssnakeling.' It hissed. I felt my lips moving on their own accord.
' You're welcome, ssir.' I replied and watched as it slithered away.
' Tom? Wake up.' I commanded in this strange language. His movements stilled and his eyes snapped open. I jumped back, startled, but quickly disguised my fear.
His usual sparkling- green eyes had turned blood red.
He opened his mouth to speak.
' I shall give you the chancce of a life time, ssisster.' He bit out. It looked like a strange force was commanding him to say things he didn't want to.
' What chancce?' I replied, the rest of my body paralyzed with fear.
' I am Lord Voldemort, the pressently unknown dark sside of your brother. I shall return ssoon. Remember my offer, ssisster. I shall return.' He said.
' But you gave me no offer!' I exclaimed.
' I shall tell you when I return.' He replied. Quaking with fear, I yelped when his body shot into a sitting position. But I stared into his eyes and saw the calm, sparkling green with in his iris again, with a tint of fear.
' You sspoke with Voldemort, didn't you?' He was also trembling. I nodded, hesitantly. He shakily pulled up the duvet and moved over, his back to me. Whilst to some, this movement may look like an act of defiance; to Tom it was asking if someone could join him. I knew who he was- I had lived with him for eleven years, for heaven's sake- but I also knew that these moments were rare and that Tom- my protector, my elder brother-also needed to be protected from his own demons, too. So I climbed onto the mattress next to him and pulled my side of the duvet over us. I hesitated, but leaned over my sleeping brother.
" Sweet dreams, Tom." I whispered into his ear. With a satisfied smile, I settled back into my own position-I preferred sleeping on my right, the same as Tom, which was why the fact that he had rolled over to his left was a little strange-and finally closed my eyes.
Just as I wavered between my world and the gate of Morpheus' realm, I dimly registered a whispered voice filled with love and conviction.
" Sweet dreams, Katherine Merope Riddle." I realised that Tom had been awake all this time- but it was too late. Slim arms slipped around my side in a loving embrace just as the blackness consumed me.
A/N: How did it go? Better than my previous one? Or is the other one better? Or, if you're feeling vindictive, do both of them suck?
Sneak Peak:
" Words that were often used to describe Tom and I were often something along the lines of 'Demonic' or 'the Devil's Spawn'."
" I understood Tom's reason why he wanted me right next to him- our 'house mates' looked like they wanted to murder us on the spot, the only thing preventing them from doing so was the fact that they were in such a public space."
"I'd suggest that you discourage your favouritism from blinding your opinion of us, Professor Dumbledore," I hissed. "Tom is an excellent student- and though we haven't made the best of first impressions- I'd rather you judge my brother based on his knowledge and intelligence rather than his house."
"Fifty points from you, Miss Riddle, for your lack of respect to authority."
End Sneak Peak:
I hope you enjoyed :) Pretty please review- Tom will give you a huge hug if you do!