Hello! MY its been awhile! I hope you guys aren't fossils!

Nicks POV

There's one thing for sure about the cabin being quiet while the two girls were there; That they certainly were up to no good. Sure, their little pass times may not seem like a big deal to Luke or Pete, but they simply don't understand! They're blinded by their cute, big eyes! Clementine had devil horns and Sarah was slowly growing her own pair as well. So naturally, I did what every reasonable, responsible adult would do.

I spied on them.

I always made sure they were in my sight, but this time they seemed to have snuck passed me. I was really starting to get worried. Carlos would surly collect my head for losing Sarah and Luke was growing attached to Clem. And hearing Luke bitch is one of the worst things in this world. I was less afraid of getting my head cut off.

Regardless, I stared looking around the cabin for them. I looked everywhere. Outside, Sarah's room, the shed. I eventually found myself in the kitchen. I was ready to start yelling for them, about half an hour later, before I heard a light giggle on the other side of the pantry. I leaned up against it to listen very closely. Feminine, almost inhumane sound kept echoing down my ears, slowly killing my brain cells.

Yes, I was certain now it was them.

I tried to eaves drop of their conversation, but they're so hard to listen to sometimes. They mumbled something about... sticks? The dark? Secret? They could to be so quiet sometimes. No way a Lurker could hear that.

It was hard to not make an over-exaggerated groan as I turned the handle and opened the door. Clementine, who had been sitting, resting her back on the door, fell over and was now looking directly up at me. She didn't move, her back still on the ground. She looked like she dare not blink. Just staring at me with her golden, mischievous eyes. Though I was barley focused on her eyes, seeing at how she had a handful of glow sticks, those stupid things that glow in the dark, and had worn some around her neck, wrist, and ankles.

"Where'd you find those?" I asked as I pointed down on her. Still, she didn't seem to make an effort to blink, or breathe, or anything that might let me know she was still alive. Though soon enough, she dramatically lifted her hand to play with her finger nails.

"Find what?" She responded, like I was a mad man for asking, "Nothing new here."

I smirked down on her, "You mean you've always glowing in the dark?"

"Of course!" Sarah said, now realizing they've been discovered, put in a word of her own. She breathed out like she was a queen, and I a lonely peasant, "I've always glow. My beauty and charisma are too much for most to handle, that the gods had decided to gift me with the physical trait of mesmerizing hues! Bask in it!"

Now, usually I would be impressed that Sarah spoke so many big words at once, but what she said was just ridiculous, "I'm sure you meant ego rather than beauty and charisma."

"You dare insult the empress?!" Clementine started to her feet, "I'll have you know I am judge, jury, as well as the extinguisher!"



Sighing, I rubbed my head, "C'mon Clem, let me see those."

I reached out my hand to touch on of her pieces of 'jewelry' and she quickly smacked my hand away and went dashing into the living room. I tried to catch her, but she had been much too quick for me. Sarah charged after her, knocking me down into a kneel in the process. Damn those devil spawns! Why am I always stuck on babysitting duty?! I went after them and found them sitting on the sofa.

"What in the hell are you guys up to?!" I probably sounded harsher than I really felt, but neither girls flinched.

Clementine rolled her head to look at Sarah, "Should we tell him?"

"But what if he tells Luke?" She moaned, " And they find it before us?"

Clem bit her lip, carefully planning. She suddenly sprang up, "Oh! What if we skip telling Luke, tell him, and split it three ways?"

"But why couldn't we just keep it to ourselves?"

The younger covered her mouth to whisper into Sarah's ear. Thinking I couldn't hear her, she said, "He's big and tall. He could see higher than us and we could get more."

Sarah's eyes gleamed, "Oh yeah!"

"What in tarnation are you talking about?!" I was really getting curious, "Just tell me!"

Clementine stood tall, stuck her nose up, and walked around to me. Her stance was strong and confident, "We have conducted a search for treasure. You see, we are pirates. In search for booty."

"Dream on, I've been looking long before the apocalypse" I muttered, knowing she wouldn't know what I really meant by that.

"But we've already been successful!" Sarah gleamed, proudly holding her glow sticks up, "I'm sure there's more somewhere around the house! Help us find it!"

Well, after Clementine bullied me into it, by poking pointy sticks into my side and running away with my hat, I agreed to look for goodies with them. Those girls are bossy. I looked up on; shelves, under beds, inside 'spooky' closest. So far, we had dug up nothing but dust and dirt. This left them disappointed, but even more determined. Sarah was currently looking for a new job for me and Clem was searching a box she found under the house.

"Nothing!" Clem scowled and threw the box to the side, "Useless!"

I shrugged and crouched down to look under the couch. I expected to see nothing, but I could see something flat and shiny. I was confused to what it could've possibly been. A button? I reached in as far as I could. It stung a bit, but I managed to pull not only one, but three out. it surprised me a bit to discover coins. I hadn't lay eyes on a dime, nickel, or penny in years. I use to have my pockets full of them.

"What did you find?!" Sarah got excited once she noticed I had been rolling them in my hands.

Clementine heard her say that and just zoomed right in my direction. She opened my hands and grinned, "Oh chocolates!" Before I even had time to warn her, she grabbed the nickel and shoved it right in her mouth. I guess she swallowed, because she immediately started coughing and holding her throat. I slapped her back a bit, but I knew swallowing a coin wont kill her. She recovered quick and shook, "Eww! Its stale!"

"It's not chocolate," I crinkled my eyebrows, "What gave you that idea?"

"Gold coins, you know, circle chocolate," Her eyes widened, "What the hell did I just swallow?!"

I smirked a bit, "Just a nickel. Careful though. Might make you blind."

"Blind?" She repeated, "But I can see you!"

I waved my fingers in front of her face, "Clementine? Can you see me? Clem?!"

"I'm not that stupid, Nick," She folded her arms, pouting.

"Shit! Clem!" Continuing my teasing, I looked to Sarah, "Quick, get the eye drops from your dads bag! We're losing her!"

Sarah winked at me and started upstairs. Clementine started looking around, confused. She blank at a rapid rate. Reaching out, she touched my face, trying to figure out if I was actually there.

"Nick, stop this!"

"Clem, Please! Lukes gonna kill me when he find out you cant see anymore!"


"HEY GUYS?" We heard Sarah call from upstairs, "COME SEE WHAT I FOUND!"

Clem and I both stood up and went upstairs, prepared to see what it was. Clem was slower, probably still thinking that her sight was off. I grabbed her arm to 'help' her up. We made our way into Carlos's room. Sarah lifted up her hand. There was a box of crayons. Sarah was looking for them all the time, bit we never really found them. So this must've been a grand find for her.

"Oh cool!" Clem joined Sarah at her side, "I haven't had these in about two years!"

"Can we draw something?" The other girl asked, "Please?"

"Of course!" Clems face changed all the sudden as she waved her own fingers in her face, "Hey! I can see!"

Clem and Sarah used the box they found (Seeing as how the two of them could fit in it) and they colored it to make it look like a pirate ship, as they continued their hunt. I however, as punishment for fooling Clem into believing she was blind, had to walk the plank and stay on the couch for the entire time, as they enjoyed their prizes on their own. I, personally, don't see how this is a punishment. Though they did have me carve two large sticks into swords for them. But for the most part, I get to relax.

"You promise to attack Luke with these as soon as they get home?" I asked as a made another slice into the wood.

Clem nodded, "It's time he pay for eating the last poptart."

"Good," I chuckled and continued, "It's time he got his ass handed to him."

"You may have his remains!"

Sarah narrowed her eyes and, rather boldly, remarked, "Then you could get some booty of your own, Nick!"