Hey Guys! Christmas Break is upon us. That means I must go and hide in my little hidey hole called my Bed XD

On a serious note, This will be the last chapter of anything that I will upload this year, i will return with the story in the new year, we are not even a third the way through this story. So review and give me a run-down on how well it is doing so far, If I need to fix things/change up the style, now is the time to do it

On another side of the internet, if you want me, I will eb hanging out in my swag hub on Deviantart, where I sit most of my time to, I have a Christmas Story on there that will only be on there, so make sure to check it out if you have time! - eclipse-luna-da . deviantart . com

See you in 2015 Guys, hope it is as good as the back end of this year *Salute*

Chapter 5: Varli

"Listen Varli, we are here on equal terms and I hope to keep it that way from now on. We don't want to get into any conflict that could end us up in another huge war, ala the Warfang conflict." Prowlus said as he sat down at the table, Lunar flanked Varli, being his protector for now, not like he had much else to do anyway.

"Yes, but how are we suppose to keep this clear without any documentation of this event, I think that with the impending civil war, we should at least have a seal so that my people can trust it."

"Yes, yes, we will have the legal documentation soon, maybe as I speak, but you will get it, don't you worry." Prowlus said back.

"You better Prowlus, I'm not going to be happy if this little crap get nothing and I didn't get to kill him." Lunar said from behind Varli.

"Just don't rush Dragon, you will get it, just be patient, I'm pretty sure that Hunter was suppose to teach you that while you were around him, he has that kind of influence."

"Whatever you say Prowlus. Are we done here?"

Varli looked at the cheetah and then looked back at the dragon. "I'm sure, unless the Captain has other things to discuss."

"No, we are done here, we will give you the binding documents when they are ready. Good day to you." He said and showed the duo out of the tent.

Once they get far enough away from it, Varli turned around on Lunar. "What are you thinking? You were going to kill me if that deal went wrong?"

"Pretty much." Lunar said smugly 'This isn't going to get you anywhere friend.' "Oh shut up. I can do what I want." 'Hang on….' he voice and the ringing inside of Lunar's head disappeared and then reappeared as fast as it did. 'There, now try and have those evil thoughts, damn, Xenos left a lot of debris in here, needed to clear it out of dust.' Lunar felt light headed as the voice inside of his head bombarded his senses, his legs giving away and him falling straight to the ground. "Ugh, that hurt."

"What just happened to you? You were just talking about you can do what you want?" Varli looked at the dragon, pulling him up and off the floor.

"No, nothing, this usually happens to me, sometimes I get voices inside of my head. Don't worry, all sorted now, what were we talking about?"

"You were going to kill me?"

"Oh? Really? No-no. I wouldn't say anything like that at all, must have been my inner demons getting the better of me."

"Whatever you say then."

"Yeah, whoops." Lunar looked out into the distance, embarrassed by his actions prior. "Look, follow me and I'll take you to my hut, I'm sure I can share with you, if you don't mind?"

"No, not a problem, as long as I get my own bed, I'll be fine with that anyway." The two walked around the village until Lunar came up upon his hut and opened the door, the scene inside of it shocked Varli, dragons leading a civilized manner of living, he had not seen the great age of the dragons back before the darkness started to take over the world. But he looked upon the walls, a entire plan of something was up on it. "What is this?" Varli asked as he pointed up at the floor-plan thing.

"That, that my friend, is the plan for Warfang, the city of dragon's home, everything from the front gate, to the districts, is all in plain view here. Just something that I procured from the cheetahs."

"Why are you showing me this? Don't you have any sense of danger? Like if someone takes this and uses it against Warfang?"

"It doesn't matter if you see this, you will need to know the layout anyway, it gets very confusing if you haven't lived there all your life, just a bloody maze if you ask me, anyway, I will need you to know what it looks like."

"And why is that may I ask?"

"You are going to get me back there."

Under Warfang

"Come, come, we are almost there." Yssar calls as he finds Hunter looking at the walls of the stairs, all carved out and detailed as much as Moles and dragons could, Hunter was amazed at the sight of this, showing off more of the class act that the allies could do together to make a good place look great.

"How old is this place?" Hunter asked as he proceeded down the steps.

"Many centuries, this was built when the dragons wanted something to put all of their hard earned secrets, this place was built when Fireheart, Frost, Electria and Tyr were in power."

"A dragoness Electric guardian I presume?"

"Yes, one of the few dragoness Guardians, only two have been around, one Electric and one Earth, Terrador's Mother. Such a fickle sight, the dragonesses should have a fair chance to get it, but it's been drake dominant even since. But eh, my opinion doesn't really count in the big world, I'm a librarian."

"One voice is all that it needs to start a revolution in politics, I know that more than anything." Hunter commented as they made it to the bottom of the stairs, the underground area was freezing. Yssar pulled a torch off the side of the wall and lit another one, giving that one to Hunter.

"Here, take this, you'll need it, it's pitch black from now on." He started to walk down the corridor. Pulling a right and then a left, Hunter following nimbly. "Ah ha, there you are." He said and got up on a rock, pulling out a tube, one side having a dragon on the cap, shining in gold as he put it down as the mole reached down to the floor. "This is what you are looking for." Hunter put his torch on the placement next to him. Opening up the tube, pulling out the ancient scroll, he unwound it and looked at the design.

"Looks good, thank you. Lead out." Hunter replied and the Mole grabbed his torch and lead Hunter all the way out, where at the top, he saw Cynder and her gang still looking at the books. "Huh, they didn't get very far with their research did they?"

"They have been here for a while I have to admit, maybe they need some help finding something?"

"I doubt it, but it can't hurt to try, see you sometime soon Yssar."

"You too Hunter." Hunter walked out of the Library and went on his journey back to the village. Ysser walked over to the group of dragons who were engrossed in their books. "Hello there, I've seen you have been reading ever since you got in… is there anything in particular that you need?"

"Something on rare gemstones would be nice." Cynder replied and Yssar went off to go and find what she asked him.

"Anyone getting annoyed at how little we have here to go on?" Cynder asked the group.

"Yeah." Was the unanimous response from the other three, Sol, Flame and Kayler. Yssar came back with a book the size of his arm.

"Here you go. 'Jewels of the Dragons' Should be good enough for you to use." He put it down next to the lot and went off back to his duties.

"Er, Cynder? What do you need that for?" Sol asked as she flanked her, looking over her and into the book, which Cynder was flicking through. "Seems irrelevant to what we are trying to do."

"Not really, you know that necklet that Lunar procured sometime ago?" Sol nodded in response. "Well, I keep getting weird feelings whenever I am near one of those stones, the orange one in particular. It feels like somebody is pushing in my skull." Cynder landed on a page that had the gemstone in front of her and she was shocked at what the name was.

'Gemstone of the Sun'

And the Description didn't make it any better.

'Only to be in possession of the Moon Guardian as the power within this stone can cause brain damage if left too long in possession of another being. Usually held due to the power of the Moon Guardian within the stone and helps power up the dragon is extraordinary levels, outdoing even the power of Convexity and Concavity.'

"Woah. Crap. That isn't good is it?" Sol said as she finished reading over the text.

"No, that is not good, and now that explains why he was going a bit jittery even when he didn't have that voice inside of his head pestering him every moment, he is carrying the power of something that he can't handle!"

"Who gave this to him then? Could have it been somebody who wants to kill him?"

"No, it was given to him with this note. Addressed by Sahrend and Neferet…"

"That explains it!"


"Neferet said that he needed help with his power when we were with them for some of our teenage years, we were learning how to control the power of the Moon and Sun, she must have given it to him to help him, but he wasn't ready at all for the power increase, so now his mind is going into overdrive to stop it."

"That gives us one more reason to find him now, and I hope he doesn't succumb to the power this quickly."


Lunar lays down on her bed and closes his eyes, ready for sleep. Then his brain starts to play tricks on him. 'OI! Sleepy head! Wake up!' he hears and instantly opens his eyes, but he is not in his hut, he is in space. "Oh damn." He said as he body flails in the space that he is in,l no gravity was affecting him, making it a surreal experience for him. "What do you want now Ignitus?!" HE shouted into the space.

"Who said Ignitus wants to speak with you this time Lunar?" She the voice that he had been hearing in his head for the last few weeks, the voice started to merge out of its sweet state and change into a female voice. A voice that Lunar recognised

"I think that you need to control yourself, you are lucky that I cleared out all the mess, bloody Spyro garbage was inside of here, got rid of it, at least Xenos won't bother you anymore."

"Wait… Neferet!?"

"Yeah? And?"

"What in the name of Dante Freezer are you doing here?!"

"Oh. Whoops, my mistake, I'm not here, just a imagining of me, you know that necklace you got from me and Sah? That had this form inside of it, we have been trying to contact you ever since you got it, but the demon you call Xenos or Elprup. Which is a dumb anagram of Purple if you didn't already realise. Yeah, so I was trying to get in your brain since you got it and only now I can get into it and actually speak with you."

"Was Xenos that powerful, he stopped you from getting in here? Well, that's a new thing I've heard."

"Oh shut up, now need to be funny here, at least I can actually speak with you know, I'm surprised that Ignitus got past the barrier before me. Now that was a shock."

"Ok, Ignitus is better than you, boo hoo, now what do you want from me?"

"Just to speak to you."

"About what exactly?"

"Oh, I don't know… what about finding us two and getting us out of this blasted prison!? We have been stuck here for months!"

See you in 2015!... And sorry about the cliffhanger *sniggers*