Message to the Readers: Hiiiiii guys! It's been a month that I haven't visited FanFiction. I'm very busy on stuff from Deviantart, on my projects and academics in college and my laptop(where I usually write my stories in document before uploading here) has serious HDD issues and needs to be repaired T^T SERIOUSLY I completed up to two chapters including this before it went rock bottom. This one is the fragment of my last backup so I need to upload this one.
That's enough from my blabbering! To my (fragmented) chapter!

3 The Emperor 3

"Welcome to the Velvet Room..."

The familiar voice greeted the groggy Minako in the said place. Her mind clouds most of the cognitive activity, but she interpret those lines. "It's been a while since I last summon you here." The long-nosed-Igor welcomed her with a wide grin. Minako is not sure why she was forcibly summoned so she asked. "Ah...You've been dreaming for a long time, ergo this is our chance to have a word with you."

Minako raised her brow in response; she'll listen to what Igor says. "A great ordeal is fast approaching. You have only one week to prepare; soon great danger is cast upon your friends." Minako was perplexed on what 'ordeal' is Igor talking about but before she asked, her consciousness began to falter. "I shouldn't keep you any longer, Farewell."

Time: Afternoon Date: 2nd of June

Place: Tatsumi Memorial Hospital

Minako opened her eyes. White is the first color she perceived with her eyes. She squinted to get a clearer picture of her surroundings. She is indeed confined in a hospital. She wears the standard green patient's gown and she felt that her head is wrapped in cast the moment she clutched her head in pain. "Owww...right." She gently touch her head which she experienced minor pain due to her clumsy accident that day. "What day is it?" Minako muttered to herself but she received an unexpected answer from her side.

"It's second of May." As Minako took a glance to her side, she found the student council secretary accompanying her. "Hisoka-kun!?" Minako gasped in surprise but the bespectacled man gave no reaction. He let Minako suppress her sudden rush of emotions before he explain to her what happen. "*sigh* You fell from the stairs head-first and fell unconscious for several days. It's quite unexpected, but it happened."

Minako fell silent as she cast her gaze to the setting sun through the window. She wondered how much time she spent wasted for her recovery. "Now that you've regained consciousness; I will inform the doctor to release you as soon as you wake up." Hisoka left these words before leaving the room. I've got so many questions to ask...

Not long, he returned quite quickly to Minako. "Regrettably, the doctor is quite busy. It will be a while before he attends to you." He said as he take a seat. Minako took a deep breath, probably to catch his attention. "Hisoka-kun, would you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Anything within my abilities, yes."

"Where should I start...Did I miss anything since I fell unconscious?"

"...Quite many. One of them is my visitation to the dormitory yesterday; and if you're a fan of rumors, there are plenty of them flying around since last Friday."

"What rumors? Please tell me..."

" A girl in class 2-E hasn't returned from her home since Friday night. Although most people believe that she is gone sick, her sudden absence makes the probability of being missing is quite high. At Saturday morning, we witnessed a girl lying around the school gates unconscious and we found another girl unconscious at the same spot yesterday. They say it's Fuuka's spirit that caused them. What do you think?"


"It's the first time for the school to experience such case, that's why the rumors are quite widespread. Even the faculty were alarmed by this."


"Is there something you've might ask?"

"Yeah, I just want to know a little about you."

"Hmmm...Where should I start?" Hisoka took a deep breath as he cast off his gaze to the gleaming sun.


I am a child of a successful businessman. Our family business is one of the affiliates of the Kirijo group; you might be guessing that's how I knew Mitsuru Kirijo since childhood. I knew her since preschool and we've been classmates until one day I am diagnosed with a heart disease that made me left the school for three months. I have to repeat my grade and until now I'm one academic year behind her. I hoped that I would regain my lost year by studying harder to skip one grade but it didn't happened.

Since Mitsuru and I grow up in an aristocratic environment, we share the same interests, principles, pool of knowledge and anything that money can offer. Except that I am trained to be more independent since youth. My family limits the staff, only the most loyal and most trusted servants were spared. I was taught to do the simple chores that our servants usually attend. My family is in social elite but we wished to stay as a normal middle-class family.

That heart disease changed my whole life. Starting the day I'm diagnosed, I have to drink certain medications, check my condition every month and to maintain a healthier lifestyle. This walking cane will help me if I lost my balance due to my weakening heart, also it's not abnormal to have wheezing attacks or vertigo with this condition.

After my first diagnosis, my doctor told me that if my condition gets worse, I might not live 'to see as a middle-age adult' .

Hisoka fell silent. He stares down to his feet as he is troubled by his last statement. Minako felt the troubled silence he's having.

"Has the patient woke up?" From the doorway, the doctor for Minako came in. He commenced the final diagnosis before he release Minako from the hospital.

Time: Evening Date: 2nd of June

Minako arrived the dorm at 19:00. She expect her dorm mates to give her a warm hug or similar, but she found Labrys at the kitchen preparing something for dinner. "Labrys? Where are the others?" As Minako called her, Labrys turned around and she is delighted to see her as she gave Minako a warm welcome. "Minako-san! Rio-san, Yuko-san and Yuko-san left ten minutes ago to see you."

"They might have been far enough to catch upon them. I'll just call them through the phone."

Minako pop up her phone and call her friends back now she is home feeling fine.

While cooking, Labrys took a glance to Minako who took a seat at the couch. "Minako-san, how is your head?" Minako pat lightly at the area where the cast once applied. Minako gave her a thumbs-up hinting that she's okay.

The dorm fell silent again. Minako has been thinking too much lately. Now, she begin to question many things like...

"Labrys, how did you come here in Iwatodai? What or where were you before you live here in the dorms?"

Labrys was shocked, her surprise made her to lose concentration and stares blankly at the ceiling, trying to look for answers. Unfortunately, she didn't find the answers she is looking for. "I dunno. My earliest memory is that I became a student and lives here. I can't remember anything else, Minako-san." Afterwards, Labrys was more troubled as she tried her best to remember anything before that.

Time: Morning Date: 3rd of June

Minako was the first to be ready for school. She waited outside the dorm for her friends to come. Few more minutes, her dorm mates came down together but she noticed something strange. "Uhm...Minako, starting June we're wearing the summer uniform." Yuko observed as she squinted her eyes to Minako's uniform. Aside from Labrys, they all wear the summer uniform of Gekkoukan High. "I have to remain wearing the winter uniform or else my mechanical parts will be exposed." Labrys quoted, thinking if Minako asked why she didn't wear the summer uniform.

Unusually, Minako giggled by herself. "Summer uniform, eh? Then I'll just take off this blazer." While Minako talks, she put down her bag and starts undressing her school jacket. That act made her friends to express disbelief. "MINAKO, NOOOOO!" Before they stop Minako, she already took of her jacket and starts walking down the path. "MINAKO! What will the others think when you do that, especially boys!?" Rio catch up to her best friend while worried about her privacy.

Minako smirked in response. "I don't care what they think of me." She left Rio lost in thought as she walk along the road.

Time: Morning Date: 4th of June

Hisoka arrived at the shoe locker. He opened it and exchange few things from his bag but before he close the locker, he noticed a white envelope fell from the locker. He discreetly opened it and reveals a letter inside. It reads 'Hisoka-kun, I hope you notice me one day... -Y.T.' and a doodle of him is placed along with the letter. Who would send a novelty letter to me?

While Hisoka put back the letter inside and closed the locker, the brunette in pink peeped at him at the doorway to the faculty office hallway. Hisoka side-glanced, the brunette was almost seen and hid at the corner. She took a deep sigh. Hisoka-kun...

Time: After School Date: 4th of June

Minako is passing along the school gates by herself. Along the way, she heard some students gossiping quite loudly.

"You hear about the revenge request website?"

"Uh huh. It's trending in the internet right now!"

"You have tried it? Seriously?"

"Nah, but one of my neighbor's friend did that, and it was successful!"

"Woahh...the rumors were real! If I caught my boyfriend cheating, the revenge website is my first stop!"

Minako sighed at their conversation. "Meh." She walked off to the station.

The familiar green-jacket nerd is sitting by himself at one of the public benches at the Port Island station plaza. Minako rushed to his side and greeted him. "Jin-kun!" At her voice, he waved his hand and offer to sit with him. "Minako-san, I haven't seen you for a while."

"I fell through the stairs and knocked out cold for four days!"

"So you're okay now, right?"

"Totally fine. Wanna eat some Takoyaki at Iwatodai?"

"Perfectly." Then, the two jumped in the train then took off at Iwatodai then grab a bite at the takoyaki. "Be careful, its hot." Jin warned. "I ate several times of these, you don't have to warn me about that."

The two sat at the bench and ate the takoyaki in peace.

After their meal is done, Jin was the first to speak. "Minako-san? How'" Minako took a while as she thought of an answer. "I think's its fine, I guess."

"Heh, 'I guess'? You don't seem so sure."

"What's the big idea?"

"Just live your life to the fullest while you can. Think what you can do for now."


"Didn't mean to depress you or what. I have to go."

Jin left the bench without looking back.

Fortune Social Link Level 6!


Time: Daytime Date: 7th of June

The beanie teenager sits by himself on his usual spot at the outskirts of the Port Island station. Unlike other regulars of the area, he'd stay here like a living statue sulking at his favorite corner alone. To be alone is his desire, but something else is hidden behind that. After one session of heavy coughing, he spat to his side before he notice an unusual visitor who would come just to see him.

"Arigatou, senpai!" The auburn girl stood before the annoyed Shinjiro, with a bag of groceries at one hand. "Here, help yourself senpai."

"I'm not surprised by the fact you didn't come last week." He smug as Minako handed him the bag. The bag's content is quite the same as last time. "Sorry I didn't come. I fell from the stairs and hit my head really hard. I slept the whole Sunday so this one's for the last one and today." Shinjiro secretly smiles from her excuse. A girl who would come all the way to a dangerous territory just to give something nice, this girl's not normal. She's very brave and fearless for a girl.

"Why do you still keep going here? This place's dangerous and I'm not a nice guy. You hear me?"

"...I wonder."

"*cringes* Whatever your reasons, just don't come here again. It's not good for you."

"Hey! You said that we're friends, so I came here to check up on you. Isn't how friends are for, senpai?"


"C'mon, Let's talk something fun while you eat."

"Huh!? W-What are you, my mom?"

"Hmmm...What we have here? Look! A glazed doughnut! Say 'aaaah'!"

"...Just give me that."

" look cute while you do that 3"

"STOP TEASING ME! If you let me finish this doughnut, you'll leave right?"

"Okay, fine. After all, I just wanna see you eat every Sunday morning. It's so dreamy..."

"...!? *cough* *cough* *choke* *choke*"

"Oh dear, here is a bottled water that I just drank from it earlier before I came here. *sinister giggle*"

"...Forget the water. I'm fine now."

"Aww man... you finished it too early. You win this time senpai, but next time I won't go easy on you. Bye-bye." Minako winked at Shinjiro before she finally walked home. Shinjiro sighed as he fixed his gaze to the auburn girl until she disappeared from sight.

"...What a crazy girl. Bet she'll come here again next week." Shinjiro quietly ate his breakfast alone at the deserted alleys of Port Island.

Time: Evening Date: 7th of June

The sound of ringing phone echoed at the lounge of the dorm. Minako was the first to answer the phone call. "Good evening. It's me, Hisoka." "Good evening, Hisoka-kun!" "There is something I should tell you, please listen to this carefully." "Gotcha, just give us a moment first." Minako switched the telephone into 'speaker mode' so the residents can hear him as well. All of them circled by the phone to listen to what he says.

"Good evening. I am here to notify you about our new resident." Hisoka opened his thoughts to the girls before he was interjected by Yuko. "There will be a new tenant, for real?"

"Yes, Haven't I told you before? Tomorrow, there will be movers who will clean the prepared room and drop off our new tenant's furniture."

"But, the room you're talking about is the storage room!" Rio cuts-in in protest.

"I understand, but the room is never used since march. I'm converting it to a standard dormitory room."

"Are you sure about this Hisoka-kun?"

"I'm very sure about it. Don't bother the movers if you arrive here tomorrow. Our new resident will join us in a week or less."

Before they could react, the phone call hung up.

Time: After School Date: 8th of June

Hajime was walking along the hallways of 2nd floor. He sensed somewhat a presence inside the student council room. He tried to open the doorknob gently but it's locked. "...tonight...infiltrate the campus." He heard there is definitely someone inside so he stick his ear at the door trying to gather information. "Yamagishi...Tartarus...Dark Hour..." Hajime was surprised that there is someone who would get in the campus at night time and mentioned Fuuka Yamagishi and also Tartarus and Dark Hour, which only persona-users know about. He pressed his ear deeper hoping to acquire more info. "...we can save her." So, there are people who attempt to save Fuuka during the dark hour. There is a big chance that Fuuka strayed into Tartarus from her ten day of absences. Before he listen any longer, he heard the noise of the footsteps inside. Are they leaving? He noticed their shadow from the door. He quickly left to the downstairs to avoid getting caught by them.

Time: Evening Date: 8th of June

Minako and her dorm mates are gathered around at their operations room. All of them are losing patience bit by bit from waiting. "It's the full moon, why didn't Osiris foresee where the shadow will come up like last time?" Minako expressed her annoyance. They were told to stand-by at the dorm until orders were issued.


KNOCK! KNOCK! "It's me." Hajime came to visit his sensei's house. Upon answering the door, the doctor greeted him while wearing a stern face. "Can I borrow an evoker? ...I need to train my persona." From Hajime's plea, the doctor reached to the holster strapped at his shoulder and handed him the gun-like evoker. "Don't lose it, and your life." That's his words of caution before the boy left hurriedly.

He run towards the school gates. It is a matter of time before the Dark Hour.

As he arrived by the school gates, he can see two girls at the entrance so he sneak behind the bushes. "I must save her, I have to go inside the Gym without being spotted." He had less than a minute to spare. He stick with the shadows and managed to get in the campus. Before he reached for the Gym, the time is already midnight.


The structure of the school changes, the linings became twisted and the hue turned goth violet. Hajime cling to one of the pillars, but it slipped from his hand. He tried to scream in terror until his head was hit bluntly to the hard surface, knocking him unconscious.

Few minutes later, he regained his consciousness at last. He was awakened by the soft voice that resonated the hallways of Tartarus. He hasn't reached this part of Tartarus so he stand up and roam the hallways in caution hoping to find the lost girl.

"...Are you human?" He heard the voice echoed to him, he answered to the voice. "I'm a human! Stay where you are, I'll save you!" He shouted as he ran towards the voice. At the corner, he made a sharp turn before he bump into a girl. OOOMMMPPF!

After the collision, Hajime found Fuuka at last, well in a rough manner. "I have found you, Fuuka!" "Hajime-kun, are you lost too?" Fuuka has a pale face and short turquoise hair. She seemed very scared, but now she is breathing easily thanks to him.

Hajime raised his brow in confusion, nonetheless he helped her stand up. "I'm not lost, I'm here to get you out of here. I know the way out." Fuuka is relieved from hearing this. "C'mon, let's go." Hajime proceed to walk the halls with Fuuka trailing him behind. "Have you encounter those teleport-pads? The device that is shining in green?" He asked, but Fuuka shook her head. Not long before they heard a monstrous voice near them. "I-It's a monster! We have to hide!" Fuuka said in a hush tone, but Hajime grinned instead. "Fuuka-san, do you now what is a persona?" She replied negatively. He bring out the evoker that he borrowed from the doctor. "I'll show you what a persona is. Just stay back, I don't want you to get hurt." Fuuka didn't understand what's going on, but she maintained a distance to him as he ordered. "Hajime-kun, be careful!" Fuuka shouted as the 'monster' emerged from the darkness. It became a single, tower-like creature and is ready to attack. Hajime put the evoker at his temple and began to concentrate intently. "Hajime, don't shoot yourself!" She cried out but before it reached his ears, he pulled the trigger.

Blue mist has surrounded him, a persona emerged from his psyche. A black, spheroid mechanical persona has risen up. It has four dangling metallic arms and there are several crevices that covers the mechanical surface like it has been damaged. Flares have seeped out randomly from these cracks.


From his calling, a pillar of fire is summoned beneath the shadow, incinerating it. However, the persona didn't returned from his psyche. Instead, it went amok. "HHHHNNNNNNNRRRRAAAAGGGGH!" He clutched his head and screamed in deep pain. The persona randomly throws out fireballs and crashed aimlessly at the walls. Fuuka couldn't do anything but hid behind the corner to avoid being hit.

"Concentrate, take it easy." As he muttered to himself, the persona slowly disappeared. Fuuka went to him to help him this time. "Are you okay, Hajime-kun?"

"...It happens once in a while." He smirked in response. "You might have a persona, why don't you give it a try?" Hajime picked up the evoker and shove it to Fuuka. "I don't know, it looks like a painful thing to do." Fuuka is worried it might happen to her, but Hajime smiled to show confidence.

"That happpens only to me, it's the only way to defeat these creatures." Fuuka took the evoker and trying to imitate what he did. "That's an evoker. Before you pull the trigger, you need to concentrate your mind. Channel your inner power to your head before you summon your persona."

"Does everyone has this 'power'?"

"I dunno. And it's called a 'persona', Fuuka-san."

"Okay, I will try."

Fuuka placed the evoker to her left temple and closed her eyes. She concentrated deeply and took a deep breath. After seconds of meditation, she finally have the confidence to pull the trigger. PER-SO-NA!

As she pulled the trigger, she can feel the power that surfaced from her. "Lucia" She muttered the name of her persona. But as she opened her eyes, she lost her balance and stumbled. "...This is awkward." He mumbled as they fell together to the ground. OOF!

"We're...inside your persona?" He was amazed to see as he observe the inside of her persona. They're inside a translucent sphere. He took a glance to the hurt Fuuka. "I'm really sorry, Fuuka-san." He helped her to stand for the second time.

"Fuuka-san, You're..."

"Just call me Fuuka...Hajime." She replied with a blushing face. He also blushed in return, but he tried to hide quickly.

"...You have an awesome persona, Fuuka. Can it fight?"

"I'm not sure, but I can sense where the monsters are right now. There's no creature at this area, though."

He was stunned to know the fact that her persona is the 'analytic-type' or those who can sense shadows from afar. He show a faint smile at her. "Can you find the teleport pad that I've mentioned earlier?"

"I think I've found one, if you go straight and then turn right at the farthest corner."

They did as directed and found one. "You did it, Fuuka! It's the only way to get out of here."

"Thank-Thank you, Hajime. But..."

"But what?"

"I am sensing two big creatures, and it's attacking two persons!"

He paused for a while. The two persons meant that the two girls he saw earlier before the dark hour. Few seconds later, he felt an uncanny presence slowly approaches their position. "Fuuka, let's go!" He took Fuuka's hand and hurried to the teleport pad. "Hajime..." Fuuka mumbled to herself as she hid her face glimmers in red. They can hear a faint sound. Were they the sound of dangling chains?

"Fuuka, you go first. I'll catch up on you later!" Hajime shouted as he drag her to the teleport pad. Before Fuuka teleported away against her will, a giant shadow attempts to attack Hajime from behind. Her consciousness slowly covers in white before she can warn Hajime on his attacker.

After Fuuka's presence is gone, Hajime turn around to face his attacker.

At the dorm...

{*Static at background* Come in...Do you read me?}

The silence was broken with the static message from the transceiver. "Hello?" Minako responded to the blurry voice.

{Someone's in trouble at Tartarus! Go *static* quickly! *Continuous static feedback*}

Everyone stood up and prepared for battle. "You hear that? This is the day that our powers are needed. LET'S SAVE THEM!" Rio quipped excitedly as she charged downstairs. "Rio hasn't change that much, though." Yuko commented while going downstairs with the rest.

The girls hurriedly went to the Tartarus. Upon arriving, they saw...

"The Emperor and Empress." Minako muttered to herself. The Empress is a large, pot-bellied Shadow that resembling turkey/peacock with a staff, a blue dress and a green cloak; while the Emperor is a tall Shadow that carries a rather small sword. On its torso is a large red cross, and its arms are long and almost floppy, with small tassels at the end of its "sleeves". It has no neck or head, only a floating Emperor mask, identifiable by its signature purple color and spiked top. Near the staircase are two unconscious persona-users and a teal-haired girl who desperately tries to wake them up.

This is definitely a crisis. Only one choice is left at hand: Fight. Minako boldly pointed her finger to the two shadow, ready to give orders. "TEAM! Rio and Labrys will attack the Empress while Saori and Yuko will fight the Emperor. I will heal them myself. GO!" Her teammates did what they are told to. Minako rushed to the unconscious persona-users who were Mitsuru and Yukari. "Don't worry, I got you covered." While running, she evoked her persona, Sati to heal them. "Media." A healing light shines them and then regained their consciousness afterwards with Yukari being the first to recover. "W-What...happened?" Yukari asked groggily while maintaining her balance for standing. "We need you to get out of here, Yukari-san." Minako replied as she helped them stand up.

"Wait...Minako, you're a persona-user!?" Yukari asked as she get a clearer mind.

"Yeah, but we will explain everything later!"

As they take a look to the shadows, Minako's team is on the verge of losing. "We need to help them! Where's Fuuka?"

"I'm right here."

"Okay Fuuka, you should go home and -" Before Yukari finished what she is about to say, three figures pop out from the access point. Among them is the capped boy Junpei, the silver-haired Akihiko, and the blue boy who she recalled as 'Makoto' appeared. "Wooooaah...what happ-" The capped boy, Junpei, was shocked on what's going on but he was cut-in by Minako. "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! HELP US DEFEAT THE SHADOW!" She angrily commanded which made them to comply immediately. "She is like a pissed-off samurai" Junpei muttered to himself while running towards the shadow.

There are many questions on what happened just now. How did Fuuka reached to the first floor? How did the shadows appeared? Why there are other Persona users in the Tartarus? Who's Makoto?

"...Normal attacks won't work on them..." Mitsuru spoke weakly as she recovers her strength. Minako and Yukari joint together to heal her so Mitsuru would recover much faster. "Fuuka-san, stay with Mitsuru-senpai while I and Yukari-san will fight the shadow." Minako urged as she grab on her naginata and rushed to the battleground.

Two shadows versus nine persona-users. It seems that the shadow is on the winning side as it successfully blocks some of the attack while relenting them with a powerful counter attack.

"I dunno what are their weaknesses. It's random!" Labrys gave a briefing to Minako. Minako thought that the Empress is initially weak at physical attacks while the Emperor is weak at elemental attacks, so she allocate them with the proper members but it seems they have cover up their weaknesses. I need analysis, too bad Osiris' not here - hmph, like last time.

From what the looks of it, Makoto's team focused on the Emperor while her comrades concentrates on the Empress. Both parties are worn out and act defensively. Minako have thought of an idea. "Fuuka-san, can you call out your persona?"

"Persona? I... don't know..." Fuuka walked near Minako. While en route, a silhouette of a girl is walking to Tartarus. "F-Fuuka..." a ghostly voice entered the lobby. "Moriyama-san!?" Fuuka changed her direction and rushed to the brunette who acted like a zombie. Minako followed Fuuka attempting to pull her off. "I...want to tell you...I'm sorry." Moriyama respond with an emotionless tone. "LOOK OUT!" Labrys shouted as the Empress shadow turns its attention to the newcomer. "Moriyama-sam! I need to protect her!" Protecting her 'friend' is the only thing playing at her mind. She noticed the evoker that is placed at Minako's waist holster. It is the similar one that Hajime had to summon a persona. She strongly believed that the same mechanic applied. She needed to protect Moriyama! There's no other choice but to save her!

Fuuka snatched the evoker from the unsuspecting Minako who focuses on defending her with her naginata on both hands. From her last lesson on evoking personas, she remembered that it is the only way to defeat these creatures. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and concentrate your mind. If she has channeled enough energy, she can summon her inner power. "FUUUKAAA!" She can hear their horrified scream, but she didn't let it bother her. She needed to protect her precious friend, one way or another. She can sense the Empress' staff about to hammer her to her death. I need to protect!


In split-second, the force that the shadow delivered resonated back, losing her balance in process and stumbled to the ground with the Emperor.

"A Persona!?" Akihiko exclaimed from the sudden turn of events. The rest of them had the same surprised face, at least Fuuka wasn't hurt by the looks of it. Her persona shielded her from the incoming blow from the Empress. Fuuka and Moriyama is inside the persona Lucia safe from the shadows. "...I can see...I can sense these monster's weaknesses somehow..." Fuuka spoke using her telepathic power of her persona. "I'll try and find out the enemy's weakness. Just let me know when."

With Fuuka's power, the battle might turn around for the persona-users. "Fuuka-san, analyze their weakness, now!" Minako ordered as she change her stance to battle mode. "Give me a second, I'll scan the target."

"Guys, keep bombarding them whatever skills you have. Fuuka's analysis might take long." Minako added as she rushed forward to deliver the first strike.


HYAH! She cleaved her naginata to the Empress, but it didn't seem to work. "Slash attacks are not working!"

While Minako is staggered from the fact, the shadow cast magarula to its enemies. Although Labrys was caught from the gust of wind, the rest managed to evade the attack. Labrys wasn't happy that she was falling behind them. How could she be of use if she can only use her giant axe as her only means of attack?

Labrys landed safely to the hard ground. She is sick of the thought that she can't summon a persona. But after she let herself in a deep thought, she smirked. "Slash attacks are ineffective, huh? What about strike attacks?" She tightened her grasp to her trusty ax and pulled down her knight-like visor that is commonly mistook as a headband. This time, Labrys feels enervated as she leaped towards the shadow and pummeled it with her giant battle axe. AIIIIIEEEE! The shadow let a piecing cry from the impact. It seems strike attacks work right now. "See that? Pour out all the strike skills you have!"

Rio and Labrys co-op their attack to deliver a powerful strike combo to the shadow. Minako summoned Orpheus to cast bash to the shadow as a follow-up attack.

After the attack, a strange seal has appeared from the shadow. It 'activates' by rotating the seal quickly before it finally disappeared. "I think I know that. If they do that, their properties have altered somehow. " Fuuka commented from witnessing the 'seal' that the shadow performed. "That shadow's weakness is now slash attacks!"

"Slash-type will work now, right? I have that thing right now. PERSONA!" Yuko evoked her persona as it delivers a slash-type attack to the shadow which made it knocked down and staggered. After the shadow made a sharp cry, it could do nothing but to lie down at its back helpless from its attackers.

"Let us commence an All-Out Attack!" Labrys called out Minako to perform an All-out attack. "Hell Yeah!"


They swarmed up around the shadow, attacking every point of the shadow. The shadow is at its mercy from the S.O.S. members. Not long it took before the shadow let out one last shriek before its body turns into shadow dust.


"HO! HO! HO! HO!" The emperor breaks into a deep laugh as it casts swift strike using its sword. "AAAARRGH!" "SON-OF-A...!" The attack landed to Junpei and Akihiko but Makoto gracefully dodged the attack. While his teammates are staggered from sustaining damage, Makoto prefer to summon his persona and continued fighting. "Hey, you're gonna leave us like this dude?" Junpei tried to stand up using his katana. It seems he is quite pissed off to Makoto by hogging all the fighting to himself.


The persona Sarasvati appeared from Makoto and casts Bufula to the Emperor. "HRRAGH!" The Emperor has its body covered in ice, imprisoning his movements momentarily.


Another persona, Narcissus, appeared from Makoto and casts Media that healed Akihiko and Junpei. "Heh, I thought you're defeating the shadow without us." Akihiko chuckled as he prepare to summon his persona from his evoker. "PERSONA!"

Akihiko's persona, Polydeuces, was summoned before to the frozen Emperor and sends a zio to strike at it.

Another of the 'seal' that the Empress performed earlier is now performed by the Emperor which it attempts to cover its current weakness but exposing another of its properties.

"It's weak against fire skills. Try Agi!." Fuuka warned after the shifting ended. "Makoto, It's my time to kick this shadow's ass!" Junpei smirked as he fired his evoker to his head. His Persona, Hermes, appeared and casts agi to the shadow. It lets out a deep cry which made it lost its balance. "Here's our chance, let's do this!"

Makoto nodded to his plea. The Trio rushed to the Emperor and hack every part of the shadow.


The once haughty shadow became nothing but a dust that slowly dissipates into thin air. At last, the shadows that endangers them no longer threatens the lobby of Tartarus.

"Is it all over?" After dispelling her persona, Fuuka asked the other persona-users if everything's okay. Obviously, it's not. "If you're talking about the shadows, yeah. But we have this one here..." Minako was the one to answer hers. She pointed her finger to the 'one' who was the ghoul-faced Moriyama who was beside Fuuka.

It took shortly before Fuuka fell unconscious much to Moriyama's surprise. "Fuuka...? Fuuka!"She fell to her knees and sobs over the pale girl's unconscious body. "No way, is she?" Saori quipped worried to the collapsed girl but as she took a glance to Minako, she knew that Fuuka's okay. "She's just exhausted." She muttered softly.

"I think she's learned her lesson." Mitsuru sighed from the drama that took place. They plan to take Fuuka to the hospital after the Dark Hour and probably Moriyama if she became unstable. And not just that the problem they are having...

"Uhmm... You know? It's kinda awkward that the persona-users outside of SEES showed up out of the blue, don't you think?" Akihiko stated as he scan Minako's team with his squinted eyes. "I believe a proper introduction is needed here. Let's go outside first." Mitsuru hinted as she walked away to the outside. Akihiko, Junpei and Minako's team mates followed her while the field leaders of both teams stayed behind.

"Hold up there." Minako stopped Makoto from joining them and she dragged him to a corner. Something's serious is about to happen to them.

As the blue boy made eye contact with the auburn girl, Minako raised her naginata pointing its blade to Makoto that barely touches his face. "Who are you again?" She interrogated with a serious, stern face that she didn't normally show even to her friends. The question made him flinch and took a while to get words out of his mouth. "...Makoto ... Yuki." She didn't seemed to satisfy her question, now she furrowed her brows much deeper. "What were your memories ten years ago?"

"10...years ago? ...My parents died in a car accident."

"Hmph, so your parents died then. Do you know the Velvet Room?"

"*silently nods*"

"Do you not have the Wild Card ability?"

"*shook its head*"

"...Do you know the mysterious boy in your dreams? Was it named Pharos?"

"*nods twice*"

After her barrage of questions, she lower down her weapon and walked away with her head hanging low. Makoto fixed his silver eyes to Minako's direction before he joins his friends outside.


The persona-users, both SEES and S.O.S. are gathered by the school gates for a proper introduction of themselves. "I'm Akihiko Sanada and this is Mitsuru Kirijo, although all of you might be already aware of that."

"I'm Yukari Takeba and this is Junpei Iori or...Stupei for much cuter nickname *giggle*"

"Stop calling me that, YUKA-TAN! Don't let the introduction ruined by some nasty name. Sheesh."

They share a moment of laughter, after it died down it's the turn for S.O.S. to introduce. In a manner similar to a pageant, Rio acted as the 'Host' and pretends to hold a microphone.

"For those who haven't catch our names yet, I'm Rio Iwasaki, your host; a junior in 2-E who is the team leader... for the Tennis club. And we have here my classmate Yuko Nishiwaki, the fire-and-ice beauty who is the strict manager of the boy's Kendo team."

"Hey! I don't think that fire-and-ice is not just an insult. Anyway, it's nice to meet some fellow persona-users."

"Fine, whatevs. We have here the most kind and the most mature Saori Hasegawa of 2-F. You can see her every Tuesdays and Thursdays as the representative for the Library committee!"


"...Okay. Then we have here one of the Gekko-high's transfer cuties; The cyan-haired ruby-eyed wonder of Class 2-F , please welcome Labrys-chan!"

"Nice to meet ya, guys!"

"That's the confidence that I'm talking about! She's the last, but definitely not the least, the moment that everybody's waiting for..." Rio pointed her finger to the school entrance way which there IS a girl that come out like a real contest. "Please welcome, the Auburn-girl that makes every guy fall for her, the Sleeping Beautiiieeee...Minako Arisato!" At Rio's signal Minako walked down to the school gates with a shower of confetti (that apparently came out of nowhere) rained down to her. Minako put a fake smile and imitated the catwalk as she approached them. Junpei, Saori and Labrys gave her a round of applause.

"Looks like their bonds are stronger than we've thought." Akihiko commented quietly as all of them chuckled at the fake presentation.

Junpei crept near Akihiko and whispered to his ear. "Who's you pick, senpai?" Akihiko gave a deep thought and occasional glances to the girls before answering. "Err...ah...Minako, I guess?"

"N-No sh*t, senpai!?" Junpei exclaimed, then Akihiko smack his head to silence the idiot. "KEEP IT DOWN, YOU IDIOT!" Both turn their faces into glowing red.

"Oh...if you're gonna ask me, Labby-chan and Mina-tan are both cute." Junpei smirked perversely as he pat the senior's back in a teasing manner.

"Where's our leader anyway?"Junpei asked to his senpais as they create a small distance to their new friends. "Beats me. I know he'll be fine." Akihiko replied as he gaze to the tower of demise.

After the Dark Hour, Tartarus undergoes a dramatic change back to Gekkoukan High. Before it finally returned to its original form, Makoto emerged from the shadows of Tartarus.

Time: Early Morning Date: 9th of June

It's a beautiful Tuesday morning, the sun shines brightly across Iwatodai. However, the residents of the dorm had a terrible morning to start the day. Their common morning routine is to go to school together, but most of them woke up late. At 05:40 am, Saori is in the shower while Yuko, Rio and Minako are lined up waiting for their turn. "Saori-san, hurry up! We'll gonna be late for school!" Yuko complained.

In the end, they left the dorm at 06:15. Fortunately, they got in the school at the nick of time.

Time: Lunchtime Date: 9th of June

Makoto is sitting by himself at the bench in the rooftop. He opened up his packed lunch and started digging it. Few moments later, the sound of footsteps approached to his private space. "Oh, it's you." The auburn-hair girl Minako puts a smile on her face while she sat at the same bench with Makoto.

"Didn't know you eat here during lunchtime. I eat here sometimes if I want to be alone, but I guess we're both want to be alone..." Minako chuckled lightly as she carefully unwrap her boxed lunch. Minako took a glance to Makoto's bento to compare hers, it seems they have similar menu.

"Yours is tempura, too? Lame...I wish I could eat some of your lunch." Minako joked on his lunch, but Makoto didn't seem to care at all. Maybe the reason he's giving the cold shoulder is the effect from what happened last night. Minako sighed as she put aside her lunch.

"Hey, Makoto-kun. Sorry for being too hard on you last night and I got carried away. We're cool, right?" For the first time, Makoto was evidently surprised. He even stopped eating and glanced at Minako. "Yeah, me too." Makoto spoke apologetic to Minako.

After a moment of silence, they resumed eating their lunches together in peace.

Time: After School Date: 9th of June

Like what fate decided, Makoto and Minako bumped to each other at the school lobby. The two gave each other a long stare. Minako was the first to speak as she approached Makoto. "Hey, you're busy?"

Makoto answered with a small smile on his lips. "No. Are you free today?"

"Nah. Let's hangout somewhere where we can eat."

"I'd like a ramen at Hagakure's. My treat."

"Sounds great, Makoto-kun!"

The two went straight to Hagakure's.

Time: Evening Date: 9th of June


Minako opened the lounge door. Hisoka was the one who greet her at the doorway. "Our new resident is arriving a little late, I'm here to give a warm welcome."

"Hello Hisoka-kun." "Hi Mister secretary!" "Good evening." "Greetings"

Each girls greeted the bespectacled man with a smile. They waited the new arrival with much anticipation. They chattered and talked excitedly by pressing Hisoka for info about the new resident but he wanted to keep it mysterious for "surprise". At fate's trick...


Another set of knock echoes the lounge. Hisoka answered the door and slowly open it to reveal the new tenant of the dormitory. "Our new resident. I'm sure all of you are familiar with 'him' sinCe he's the same grade with you."

"Uhh...I guess I'm going to live with you guys..." As he tried to give the best but awkward smile, his face revealed to be...

"HAJIME-KUN!? HE'S STAYING HERE?" Rio exclaimed with a shocked face which she shared with her fellow dorm mates.

As the first male resident of the dormitory, Minako hoped everything will go well.

| The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed... |
|It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guide oneself...|

Author's Notes: Hi! Some of you might think that I rushed this chap a little than expected. Yeah, I mentioned that this is supposed to be completed and the next chapter but something made it to jeopardize my fanfic and my motivation to continue it since I cannot recover them. Aww... is this fanfic's going downhill? My honest answer is 'Maybe' since I know it's losing its 'glitter' and I'm running out of incentive to continue it. However, there might be a tiny bit of hope that I might continue it should I found my motivation. Hahaha I think that's all and I will not add any knick-knacks after this except for disclaimer note-something. But you might like another of my Fanfic - It's called Persona 5: The Journey. It's a one-shot fanfic that I mostly refer to the trailer from youtube and a little blend of my story. Check it now and leave a review please! ^_^
And one more thing... It might be that related to the fanfic, but recently I've been submitting Labrys art in Deviantart. She's fun to color and stuff and she's very very cute. noypi6 is my account name there so you might like to take a peek. fav it or leave a comment on my art in Deviantart. Thanks! ;)