No Copyright Infringement Intended

And I apologize for the very last time for a late update. But let us be realistic here, so far this was not the longest time I took for an update. Anyway, i just had to make sure to proof read this piece twice before presenting it to you people out there because well (sobs a little) this is my baby's last chapter. Also if anyone of you had forgotten Eba-san is the name I had given for Hiruma's grandmother in the previous chapter that she had appeared. Enough drama and nonsense, let me present you with more drama...

Mamori cried her eyes and heart out into her pillows, those same wretched pillows that smells so much like him. Of course, he had been using it everytime he spend the night. Hiruma, if they were characters in a movie he would have been right there arguing with her. Of course he wouldn't be pleading. We're talking of Hiruma here. Hiruma would just let out a loud scowl and argue his valid point. If they were in a movie, he would have said how stupid her point is, how drastic she was being and how he was willing to let it pass for now. But half of her mind was sane enough to know it was not going to happen. Because this was reality and she had lost Hiruma.

Moments later, Mamori sat quietly as Kurita-san cried his heart out with the turn of events. His best friend who 2 hours prior was engaged and now, he couldn't even finish the thought of it. He couldn't even fathom the cruel reality. Half of his mind wanted to scold Mamori with her stupid decision but the moment he saw her face, he knew that it was also killing her inside. That same way of killing he saw in Hiruma's face an hour or so ago. His crying was starting to die down when Musashi cleared his throat.

"Here." Musashi stated as he placed a box in the table. It was the same box that held her engagement ring. She stared at him as if he just grew a second head.

"Hiruma gave it to me before he left. He said to dispose of it, sell it or whatever I want to do with it. But I knew he just wanted me to return it to you."

"I already called off the engagement."

"Just hold on to it until he decide to man up and return to Japan." with that said, Musashi motioned Kurita to go on their way.

One Year After:

Mamori listened as her two closest friends complain on their individual boyfriends. Suzuna and Seizu-chan was there too. After her break up with the infamous demon, her circle of friends widen to almost all of the female population who know the deepness of her previous (that word hurt every inch of her) relationship. It came to a shock to almost everyone when Seizu-san kept being friends with Mamori. But unlike the Hiruma's blasted grandmother, she loved Mamori. And she would do anything for Mamori and her little brother to end up together, though right now it seems a little bit impossible.

To be truthful, Mamori wasn't even half listening to their rampage. Her mind still wandered on Hiruma Youichi. What is he doing? Is he eating fine? Does he miss her the way she misses him? Hiruma left Japan hours after what happened or what she did. He didn't even wait for their graduation which was just a month away nor did he say goodbye to anyone. Only Musashi and Kurita had the knowledge about his sudden urge to go to America with no plans of returning. In a way she was relieved that he was going after his dream, on the other hand she was devastated that he wasn't planning on returning.

She held her bag close to her person. Ever since the day when Musashi-san returned the box, it never left her side. She always carries it with her but not on her ring finger. She would only look foolish by doing so. It was always inside her bag. Close enough to be far away. The ring was the only thing that was left for her to remember that everything between her and Youichi was not a dream, that their love for each other was indeed true and not just a mere fictional story.

"Well I should be going ahead. I still got a business to run." Seizu-san stated. Mamori took a moment to drift away from her train of thoughts. Mamori got a hold of her hand and whispered that she wanted to come with her to the office. She wanted to discuss about him and Seizu-chan was the only one she could run to.

Hiruma waited patiently for his luggage to be revealed in that spinning thing in the airport. If one would look at him, one would not believe that he is the same man who not long ago was dub as the infamous Demon of Japan. He hadn't bleached his hair and it wasn't as spiky as it used to be. His teeth were less pointy after several visits to the orthodontist. Heck he even only has one weapon with him, a handgun which is disappointing for his image. But what changed drastically was his aura. Of course it still held the fearsome part, but the demonic part it was long gone. He wasn't the demon anymore. He is just Hiruma Youichi a fearsome person you don't mess with.

Arriving at the office, Mamori was starting to question herself as to why in the world she came with Seizu-san. What if on her way out she'll bump with the as Hiruma dub, 'fucking old woman'. Hiruma, oh how she missed him so much. She even missed his foul mouth for crying out loud.

"You want to talk about it?" Mamori's eyes bulged out for a second there. She really doesn't want to talk about it but half of her wanted to. She knows she wasn't making any sense. Maybe Hiruma took her sanity with him, along with her heart.

"I miss him" she admitted.

"We all reckon that." Mamori wasn't surprised by her response. For the past year her friends had been trying to cheer her up. They even planned a blind date for her but she never did go. Nevertheless that never stops them from letting her meet numerous boys to be her potential next boyfriend. And it sucked, because she doesn't want a new boyfriend. All she ever wanted was to go back to that time and be brave for herself and for Hiruma. All she ever wanted is to have been completely honest with him and maybe he could have reassured her that they were always meant for each other. But no, time machine does not exist. The past will always remain in the past and the present is her biggest downfall.

"It is obvious isn't it nii-chan?" Oh yeah right, Seizu-san gave Mamori the approval of calling her nii-chan though she broke up with Youichi. Seizu is mature enough to look past everything that had transpired for the short span of time.

"What's the real reason why you broke up with him? I know you wanted him to reach for his dreams but you could have persuaded him without breaking up." Mamori felt all the heaven weight down on her. Yes she could have done that, with just one word she could. Yet she had to break two hearts which was purely stupid. And now she's suffering from it and maybe just maybe he is too.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?" that got her thinking. What was it again that she was afraid of?

"That our love will eventually die, that we'll get boring. I'm scared of ending up like most of the married couples nowadays. I'm scared that we will eventually end up hating each other. Not talking to each other. And frankly I'm scared to be a Hiruma." Mamori's chest tightened and her eyes were starting to get wet.

"You're scared of being a Hiruma?"

"I'm scared of marrying into your family. I'm scared that I won't be able to live up to your grandma's approval. I'm scared of your grandma." Seizu sighed. She knew what she meant. And she knows by experience that it wasn't easy being them. That was the main reason she never married Kenji's father. She was scared for him. Their grandmother would eat him alive but Mamori on the other hand. Mamori would survive, and Hiruma would never let her on her own in that jungle. He never cared about what the old woman thinks anyway.

"You should have told him all of that before breaking up."

"It's not just that." the older woman eyed Mamori to gesture for her to continue. Mamori swallowed hard. How can she state it in a matter of not looking like the biggest fool in the world?

"I had a dream that night, before I went berserk." Mamori stifled a mock laugh. She'd been doing that recently, a coping mechanism maybe? She really couldn't tell.

"I was walking down the aisle, happily making my way to him. He's waiting for me patiently with a goofy smile he only wore when we are together. I walked faster, eager to be with him, but the more I walk the more the distance between us lengthens. It was like I was walking backwards or maybe he was walking away." Mamori fought back the tears that were already threatening to fall. She didn't want to appear weak in front of Hiruma's sister. She trusted her of course but she didn't trust herself nowadays. She lost the Mamori flare.

"You were having second thoughts?"

"Of course not! I wanted to reach him desperately. It was like there was some force driving us apart. I guess my issues could have been summarized into the fact that I'm afraid of what the future may look for us."

"I know I shouldn't be a hypocrite because I did the same thing with Kenji's father, but Mamori I had seen you two. I saw two people who would never stop caring, loving each other. And didn't it occur to you that maybe you two were worth the fight?"

Suddenly the office door opened revealing the Hiruma's grandmother. Mamori flinched at the sight of the oldest woman.


"Young Anezaki you may take your leave now."

"I'm still talking to her grandma." Seizu protested.

"It's okay Seizu-san. It's best to be on my way." Mamori got up from her sit and bowed as a sign of respect to the grandmother.

Hiruma stopped on his tracks upon entering the building and hid behind a pillar just enough to be out of her peripheral vision. There was no mistaking it, it was her. Her long hair which she purposely grew in college was no longer there. It was replaced by the same her she had back in highschool. She still wears the same kind of clothes she used to, simple, demure and beautiful. But her eyes and her smile were not the same. It held pain and longing. She was worse than him. Anezaki Mamori was and is suffering just like him, maybe even more.

"About time you arrive my grandson."

"What the fuck do you want fucking old woman?"

For the first time ever since the graduation from college of all the members of the original Deimon Devilbats, they were having a reunion. Suzuna was the head of planning such a thing, with the ever support of Kurita-san, Musashi-san and of course Sena-kun and Monta-kun. Mamori was just shocked that they were planning such a thing without her. Come to think of it, it was better to keep her away from it. She might pour out her negative aura on it.

So here she was at the mall, looking for a dress to wear for the reunion or more like accompanying Suzuna-chan to look for her dress. The theme for the reunion was something classy; like that time they won against the Dinosaurs. Why does it have to be classy anyway? They could have just a barbeque; it would have been more enjoyable. Besides classy things usually remind her of Hiruma, he was a classy person in his own way. And there was a slim to none chance that he was going to be there.

"Remind me why is our reunion had to be classy?" Mamori had to ask one more time.

"It was a request." was Suzuna-chan's casual response.

"Who requested it?" A huge grin appeared in Suzuna-chan's face. She could have sworn it was a little demonic. The girl never outgrew her Hiruma impersonation. Mamori was a bit thankful for that.

"If I tell you I'd have to kill you Mamonee."

Saturday came without a glitch. Everyone was having a good time, turns out it wasn't just a Deimon Devilbats reunion but an actual reunion of all the Christmas Bowl competitors back in highschool. Mamori was glad that there were more people in the party, more people to distract her of thinking about Hiruma for the meantime. She was having a conversation with the other team managers back in the day when she caught a glimpse of Eba-san on her peripheral vision. She shook her head which caused her to get a bit dizzier than she already was due to the alcohol. Mamori was about to excuse herself when all of a sudden, a familiar butler came to her.

"The mistress wants to talk to you Anezaki-san."

Hiruma walked casually at the hotel. How he ended up in the said hotel remained a question for him. Of course how he got back in Japan or what possessed him to go back to Japan in the first place was the main question he couldn't answer. Still he was there much to his own dismay especially with the fact that there was this nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen.

He stood by the balcony, watching over the scenery of the dawning sun. He rested his elbows on the pedestal (?) and relaxed his shoulders. Seconds later, he placed his hands on his pocket and straightened his posture. In his pocket, he was tracing a small object delicately. As if a small gesture of roughness would break the thing. He sighed; rough he was nothing but rough. Maybe that was the reason, maybe.

Mamori stopped dead on her tracks. Her chest tightened and her breathing became shallow. Her eyes started feeling dry, the first sign that she was about to cry. Sure the hair was not blonde, his aura not as threatening as it was. He wasn't half the man she used to know by the way he carried himself. Call it her heart's intuition or anything but she knew for a fact, a 100% fact that in front of her was Hiruma Youichi with his back facing her.

"Youichi" her voice finally escaped the clutches of her mouth, though it only came above a whisper.

Hiruma stiffened like a rusted metal unable to move at the sound of that familiar, nostalgic voice saying his birth name. He cursed mentally. What in the fucking world is she doing in this place at the same night and at the same part at the same time with him? Wasn't it enough that he was dying inside just being here in Japan, knowing for a fact that he could run into her with maybe a new boyfriend of some sort?

"Youichi" Mamori stated again, afraid that maybe he hadn't heard her the first time. This time, he finally turned around so that they were face to face. Her shallow breath came to a full stop, her heart squeezed tighter and her hands were starting to shake. She had imagines almost every single day how they will meet again, but each scenario she'd always end up speechless and he would just mock her.

Hiruma looked at her, nope stared at her. If his eyes could take picture, he would have done it already but he had this powerful brain that could almost make him paint her in his mind. He eyed her cautiously, not wanting to seemingly look like he was missing her. His posture took the most casual route as possible. He was not missing her that was his play.

A second had passed and they just stood there, not believing the circumstances they were in.


"Ahem" they whispered in unison. After a year of being separated, one thing remained. They still remained in sync, an infamous HiruMamo thing.

"How…how you've been?" Mamori asked. She mentally scolded herself after hearing her question. Right now she didn't know what was worse, being nervous in front of Hiruma or asking a very stupid question. How he has been? It takes no brain to figure out that there was something not right at the state of a man he was right now, and she asked that question?

He snickered and looked at the side. What was he supposed to answer? Well, there was always bluffing. He could tell her that he's dandy and some stupid shit. That his life is better now, oh he could lie that he was so over her, that his life was finally falling according to the pieces he had carved all his lifetime. And with the level of his expertise on bluffing right now, she wouldn't be able to tell a thing. Hiruma shook his head in a not so obvious passion. There was a huge but at bluffing, and this is his chance to finally close all the doors that was left open.

"I'm fucking miserable." The words formed on its own, spoke on their own without a warning. He could see the way she flinched when the words reached her ears and it almost tore her. It made him think that maybe she was and is still in love with him just as he was and is still in love with her. When the realization hit him that she was not going to say something, his emotional side (which he buried deep inside and killed a thousand times over) came sprouting like a magic bean from Jack.

"Give me one more fucking year and I could take Armadillo. Give me a lifetime Anezaki but I can't stop loving you. And that's why I'm fucking, fucking miserable because you are not there to be with Me." he paused as he felt his vocal cords tightened.

"I admit that I wasn't exactly the best boyfriend there was and I'm practically the worst person to be with especially by an angel like you but I was and am the guy who love you more than I could imagine loving someone."

"Youichi" Mamori's voice was hoarse as she was fighting back the tears that were so close from falling. Oh how she wanted to run over to him and hug him and put the two of them out of their misery. Yet everytime she stepped a little closer, he would stiffen. Though he was pouring out his heart to her, his defenses was still up typical Hiruma.

"And fuck it, for the love of Amefuto and weapons I could never fucking figure out why you had to fucking break up with me. If you wanted me to reach my dreams that bad I would do it. We could have had a long distance relationship and we could have, no we would make it because damn it fucking Anezaki I would never, ever cheat on you!" his voice raised. All his frustrations and emotional turmoil released at the same time, like a fireworks in New Year that was both dangerous and beautiful.

"I know." She looked down both in shame and fear.

"Then why? Were you afraid of me? What's the real reason?!"

"I was afraid that we'd end up hating each other!" she shouted in top of her lungs and looked at him straight in the eye, the tears finally falling.

"I'm afraid that we'd end up like most of the married couple right now. I don't want to hate you someday Youichi. I was afraid of our future together. I know it's pathetic but especially with your grandmother hating me I just cave in. And I felt stupid because I kept on reassuring you that I was not going anywhere. That I would never leave you but I actually did. I wanted to keep all those promises to you because I love you Hiruma Youichi but I was just a big hypocrite, a liar who couldn't keep a promise." she was sobbing hard now. The way she said it ridiculed herself, was she really that weak to give up something so magical for a pathetic excuse? (Okay maybe not so pathetic)

"Kekekeke" suddenly Hiruma laughed hard that tears were out of his eyes. (If you ask me it was just his defense mechanism to mask the tears he was so used to shredding whenever he thinks of her.)

"It's not funny Youichi!" she scolded him.

"That's the most stupid reasoning I have ever heard from you fucking Anezaki." His smugness was starting to get back on him. His posture was a little bit better. His aura became livelier and more traumatizing. He walked a little closer to her. Each step echoed the fast beating of their individual heart. As he was near enough, he grabbed her purse.

"Hey what are you doing Hiruma-kun?" He rampaged the poor purse until he found the small box that was both significant to them.

"I always knew that the fucking old man gave this back to you." He took the ring from the box and looked at it for a second. Then he looked at her and grabbed her right hand. With an unHiruma like gesture, he kissed her right hand and got on one knee.

"Be my wife forever Anezaki Mamori. We both know we're miserable without each other."

"Wait what? You forgive me?"

"You weren't thinking straight. I'm willing to look past that for once because I can't spend my lifetime hating you and not being with you when I could spend it with you, loving you forever."

"Yes, I'll marry you."

"But this time you're not going to call our fucking engagement off."

"I won't" Hiruma inserted the ring on her ring finger, stood up and kissed her on the lips, soft at first that eventually lead to a very passionate deep kiss. They both inhaled for some air and rested their foreheads on each other.

"I think my fucking grandmother likes you now."


"She led me here, the way she led you here." Mamori smiled as she realized that it was true. If it wasn't for the butler who said that 'the mistress' wanted to speak to her, she wouldn't be here in the first place. Perhaps Eba-san is warming up to her.

"I hope so."

"We've got a lot of fucking to do." Mamori blushed at his directness.

"I'm going back to America in 2 days." He added.

"Promise me we could make long distance work, for us."

"We would make it work, because believe it or not you are my fucking soul mate, my better half and my dream Anezaki. And I would never let anyone get in the way from me achieving my dream." Mamori bit her lower lip at Hiruma's sweetness. Sure he wasn't usually this way, but they just spend a year apart. It would not discredit his demonic person to be sweet and honest.

"I love you Hiruma Youichi, more than I could ever love another person."

Youichi cupped her cheeks, traced her lips with his long slender fingers and stare at her beauty in awe.

"I fucking love you my fucking future wife."

So to some Hiruma might have been a little OOC but hey he just wanted to be honest of his own feelings for his love. Give the guy some break guys. Oh yeah, in a lighter context I wanted to write a new story still about HiruMamo that would continue where this baby left off. If you want to see it publish people just pm me or better review.

I bid farewell for now. Hope this won't be the last time we would meet other HiruMamo shippers. And always remember what Suzuna said, "HiruMamo fandom is not dead yet!"