Hiro got on the bike. It was a little past 12, and he had plenty of time to get to the festival. He strapped the tube to his back, turned on his riding playlist, and hit the pedal. He loved random adventures like this. Riding to an unknown destination was always a treat for him. Just him, his music, and the road. It didn't really matter if he was riding a bike, or a bus, as long as he was moving towards an unknown destination. He sped past the golden bridge, the busy streets of San Fransokyo, and soon he left the city behind. He relaxed completely. With very few cars, the wind in his face and the loud music in his ears, he was having a great time. He kept looking at the sky, but there were no signs of a festival, much less a kite festival. There were green fields all around him, with a few little towns here and then. It amazed him how peaceful and slow life was, just a few minutes of driving from the city.

Soon, the road entered a forest, and he couldn't see much further ahead. As he was driving, he saw something he didn't expect: a bit deeper in the woods, he saw a magnificent huge white stag. He was so taken by the sight of the creature, that he lost focus for a second, and the next thing he knew, he was hurling over the road fence, because he missed a turn. He had enough time to hear the helmet transforming, and the next second he hit the ground.

The helmet worked, it protected his head and neck, but his body was still hurt by the impact. He took a moment to lay there, moving parts of his body, trying to check if anything was broken. He then got up, stretched a bit and went towards the road, to check on the bike. He wasn't really worried about himself anymore, but he was REALLY worried about the bike. And about Gogo, because he had a feeling she'd be really mad about him destroying her bike. To his amazement, the bike was looking absolutely fine. He took a mental note to praise Gogo for her amazing work on it. He got on, threw a glance to where he supposedly saw the stag, but no one was there. He sighed, and rode on.

His thoughts of the animal were abruptly interrupted the second he exited the forest. The view that opened to his eyes was incredible. The festival seemed to stretch over the next few miles, on both sides of the road. There were all kinds of tents, from small camping ones, to big circus tents here and there. A lot of things that you would expect to see on a fair, but not on a festival. Little shops set in tents as well, attractions, even a big Ferris wheel! But of course, the most amazing thing was the sky. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands of kites! Any color imaginable, the wildest shapes possible! From simple triangle ones, to flying boxes, dragons, fairies, animals, magic creatures, giant drawings! And all of them were moving, shaking, spinning even. Hiro was just standing there, stunned by the scale and beauty of the sight. He finally found the strength to pick up his dropped jaw, and slowly stroll through the fair. There were so many people there, that he had put his bike away, it folded so that I could be fit in a backpack. He decided to walk around the festival before looking for the man. He completely lost himself in the cheerful and "flying" atmosphere of the crowd, and the next thing he knew, he was enjoying a caramel apple while sitting on soft grass. As he ate, he thought of how was he supposed to find a man that he didn't even know in this crowd. He decided to just go for it, and ask around. He came to the nearest shop, which sold all kinds of Kabuki masks. They freaked him out a little, but the kind face of the old woman that was selling these masks calmed him.

"Hello, there, young man, would you like one of these hand-made masks?" She cheerfully asked

"Thanks, but I'll pass for now." He smiled sheepishly. "But perhaps you can help me with something else? I'm looking for a man named Yemon, do you know him?"

The lady looked a little disappointed that he wasn't going to buy anything, but still answered with a smile:

"Of course I know Yemon! Everyone here does! He and his daughter always take part in the kite competitions, and even when they don't win, they put one heck of a show! Folks are looking forward to seeing them perform tomorrow at the first stage, the race!"

It was clear that she was excited as well, and so was Hiro to hear that. He wanted to find out more about this Yemon.

"Wow, so do you know where can I find him now?"

"Well, supposedly, he is at the north end of the festival, he has a big blue tent, with huge hand drawn Calibri's on it, I don't think you can miss it!"

"Calibri? Hmm… Thank you so much, I'll make sure to come by your store again!"

Hiro quickly nodded and bolted to where the lady told him. He had a few thoughts and guesses forming in his head, concerning this Yemon, but he needed to see the man first. It wasn't too far away now.

A.N : I am terribly sorry for the long hiatus, too many things have happened, and I feel terrible for leaving this story for too long, but now I'm back, and I will write as much as I can, as good as I can! Cheers!