Okay, I know I said this was over, but a certain loyal reviewer (you know who you are) brought up that Kerry has some aspects that make her comparable to one of the first-generation characters. So here's an alternate version of the last chapter.

Everyone turned up at the replica of the Playa, some reluctantly. Others were more enthustiastic, like Owen, who was as loud and as large as he was last time he was on the show. I spotted Duncan spiking the nonalcoholic punch early on, even though there was alcohol for the older contestants (they were mostly of age, while the youngest of us was only just sixteen).

I walked up. "So, since when did you get deemed safe to be around the public again?" I asked sweetly.

Duncan shrugged. "Since I got bailed out. What's it to you?"

"Just wondering why you are insistent on leading us sweet innocent underage contestants astray. What did you put in it, anyway?"

"Why don't you try it and find out?"

I thought it over. "Nah, don't think I will. I should probably say something."

Duncan scowled as he spoke. "Seriously, you're worse than Courtney was! You really should loosen up a bit."

"Chill out, stupid." I snapped. "I wasn't serious about telling anyone. Fine, I'll try some." I poured some of the spiked punch into a paper cup and took a gulp. "Huh, can't taste any difference. Now are you going to tell me what you put in it?"

Duncan had that careless grin I'd seen him wear on the show so many times. "Nah, not like it's important."

"You know," I added, still sipping my punch, "I kind of liked you on the show. That is, when you weren't being a douche and cheating on your girlfriend. Or talking about your ex constantly to your second girlfriend. I'd ask you why, but I'm pretty sure you don't have any answers."

We verbally sparred for some time. I drank a few cups of the punch (was I glad I'd had alcohol before). I did talk to a few other contestants, which was pretty cool. But honestly, Duncan was more interesting to talk to. I hadn't really paid that much attention to him on the show unless I had to, but I kind of enjoyed it. It reminded me of some of the clips when he and Gwen were still just friends and most of the time, they teased each other and had fun together. He didn't even seem to mind when I teased him about All-Stars, saying "What the heck happened to you? I had no idea you could be such a wimp – like, scared about upsetting a bird, unable to fight it, you can't even swear! And you made it worse by not accepting it."

Okay, to be fair, we'd both had at least four drinks by then, and it turned out Duncan was more of a happy/flirtatious drunk than angry, so it made sense that he laughed instead of wanting to kill me. Still, I was glad.

And yes, I said flirtatious. I'd seen the way Duncan had made moves on Courtney in the first season. When she freaked out in the first season, letting her cuddle up to him during that night in the woods, teasing her, semi-seriously suggesting they make out when their antlers tangled, calling her "Princess"...so I had a good idea of what kind of way he flirted. So I flirted back.

At one point, Scarlett did pull me away, asking me what was going on. "I'm just having some fun." I protested. "Besides, he started it."

"Kerry, seriously." Scarlett said quietly. "I can tell you're intoxicated. You're probably going to embarrass yourself. I mean, did you see the way Courtney was drinking earlier?" She pointed over to Courtney, who looked pretty crazy out of control. Half the guys from the latest season were cheering for her. She was dancing, flaunting her visible figure, and singing, although her voice still seemed almost pitch perfect as usual.

"So what?" I said. "It's not like anyone can get out of control without something making them do it."

Scarlett immediately knew that I was making a reference to what happened on the island. "Kerry, I know I didn't tell you this, but I thought it was a given that we never speak of that...incident...again. It was a mistake, I didn't plan to do it, and I am not going to do something like that again."

I shrugged. "Okay, Scarlett, I hear you. Now can I please go back to what I was doing?"

To be honest, I don't remember the rest of the evening well. The last thing I remember was still hanging out with Duncan. We were talking about something, laughing, our faces really close, and then, suddenly...

We kissed.

Yeah, I know. I'd never kissed drunk before, but you know what? Out of everything I remember, even drunk, Duncan was a really good kisser. So I let him.

I guess that's how I got to where I was when I woke up. Most people from the other seasons didn't crash in the bedrooms – in fact, when I went downstairs, half of them were either still asleep on couches, or in random rooms. Several were only half-dressed. As for me, I knew I must've done more than kiss, because somehow, Duncan ended up in my bedroom there. In my bed. Shirtless.

I don't think we went past making out, since my skirt and bra were still on, but when I woke up, he was still asleep, with one arm holding me close and the other under my skirt, unconsiously rubbing at what my panties covered. Not that I was in any position to stop him. Hangovers sucked, and to be honest, it was okay.

When Duncan finally did wake up, he immediately realized what position he was in, then grinned wickedly. "So I guess you took the phrase 'loosen up' a bit more literally. Not that I'm complaining – you're the first girl who dragged me up to a bedroom to make out."

I groaned. "Stop talking. Didn't you drink as well last night? Why doesn't it affect you?"

"Experience, sweetheart." Duncan said casually. "I can't say my head doesn't hurt, but I'm not bothered by it. And I remember stuff better than most people. Besides, you drank a lot more than I did. You probably couldn't tell that I hadn't filled my cup in awhile."

"Your fault." I managed to croak out. "You really are a douche."

"So maybe I wanted to get you drunk." Duncan admitted like it was no big deal. "I don't do that to just any girl who cracks a few one-liners at me. And if I didn't like you, I probably would've left by now. I don't keep track of all the girls I hook up with."

My head spun even more. "You...you like me? Like...not just because I hooked up with you?" I gave him a suspicous look. "You're not saying that just so I'll make out or strip or something, are you?"

"Although I wouldn't mind seeing you strip," the delinquent winked. "I'm not. I only met you last night, but you probably know what I do. I see something I like, I take it. And I like you. So...you wanna go out sometime?"

I paused. "Where do you live?"

I couldn't believe it when he told me. It was only twenty minutes away from my high school!

"Sure, if you want." I said. "But you're buying."

"Not so fast, sweetheart – I don't buy on the first date."

"If you want me to go out with you, you buy. I don't tell you to do anything else, you don't dump me like you did to the last girl who tried to tell you what to do."

"Deal. But you're still buying."

We spent a long time talking like that, and then we made out again. I even let Duncan finish what his skirted hand started. And to be honest, I enjoyed it. All the same, I was glad the season was over. Maybe dating a first-generation cast member would be fun.

In Ella's words, I came on Total Drama, and survived it just fine. And I'm glad I did. But now, to you, my readers, I have to say goodbye.

How's that for an alternate ending? Hope you liked it! Please review this one!