Author's Note: Hey everyone, sorry for not updating in a little while; I've been working on another story, it's called The Destiny of Ten: A High School Loric Story, it's pretty much a story where Lorien was never attacked and the Garde are now in high school. Please check it out, it'll really mean a lot to me!

Anyway back to business; also thanks to aRedStarintheSky, I'm Number Eleven, ZazzyZ, The Robot Reader and the Guest for reviewing. (And anyone else I missed)

Nine POV

"Nine. Don't. Move. A. Muscle." Two's voice rings out through my head. I don't usually freak out, but now I'm starting to consider it as an option. Who knew that the Alaska safe house would have a frickin defence system installed; Sandor didn't tell me. But I guess we thought that the John Hancock Centre safe house wouldn't get compromised.

The safe house looks pretty ordinary from the outside, like a regular large cabin, but what we didn't know, is that this 'cabin' is about as secure as the frickin Pentagon. But on the bright side, all the Chimæra got miraculously teleported here, they were guarding it. But they're not inside with us now...

"OK, Nine, I'm going to Phase Shift, get Sam and go behind cover" Two orders slowly pointing at the nearby white wall. Usually I wouldn't take orders from anybody, but since we have about 22 automatic mini-guns, 4 gun turrets and a f*ck load of automatic snipers aiming at us; I'll just go with the flow this time. I look to Sam; he's... actually doing ok for a human nerd, I nod at Two.

"OK 3. 2. 1-"

As soon as I move, all the guns aiming at us fire. It's a warzone. I speed towards Sam and grab his hand and run towards the cover. Bullets are flying everywhere, the floor and walls are bullet proof, but we're not. I throw Sam behind the cover, and I quickly dive over, but something breaks my train of thought. Excruciating pain forms in my lower right leg as I hit the ground behind cover with Sam. I quickly look to Two, she's using her Phase Shifting Legacy to dodge the bullets; she's taken the airy form and is slowly make her way to us, dodging and weaving. She shifts into a water form and crashes over the cover to join Sam and me.

"OK, any idea on how to stop this?" she says while shifting back to solid.

"Why don't you use your tech-mojo and just turn it off?" I ask, that is actually a really good question. She shakes her head,

"I can't turn off the turrets and guns, there's something blocking me from getting to it, but if I can get into that room" she points to the long glass paned room suspended above the floor about 10 feet and in the wall,

"I can probably do something from there" she finishes, I nod, it's not the best plan, but it won't get us killed. Hopefully...

"How do we get in there?" I ask, she face-palms, for what might be the 10th time today, and points to the door, Ohhhh. I grin and open my chest quickly. As I'm doing that the gunfire stops,

"They're reloading, hurry!" Two says, her British accent really emphasising her urgency.

"Hold on, hold on" I say, trying to find what I'm looking for,

"Hurry Nine!"

"I'm trying... shut up"


"Woman! I'm trying! Stop yelling in my face!" I shout back, Sam starts grinning, I get what I need and shut my chest; Two breathes a sigh of relief.

"OK Sam stay here and mind Nine's chest, Nine you and me are gonna try and get into that room before the gunfire starts up again" Two says, getting ready to jump out and sprint to the door.

I grab her hand and speed over the cover and blur to the door. We reach their easily. I look at the door with Two and see a keypad with symbols and numbers,

"Uh, try 1, 2, 3?" I say, Two gives me the 'really?' look and I shut up. This girl really knows how to do that well. Two tries a combination and the keypad beeps a red flashing light,

"ACCESS DENIED" It flashes in big red writing,

"I think you got it wrong Two" I say, teasing her, I know we're in the middle of a life-death situation, but it's always good to laugh it off – at least that's what Eight says. Anyway she elbows me pretty hard for a person of her height. I hear the turrets and guns turn back on, the sound of electrical movement rings throughout my ears,


"Two come on" I say urgently with a bit of vibrato,

"Guys!" Sam shouts, I look back; he has a look of fear and worry,

"Sh*t. Two we gotta go!" I say trying to grab her hand, but it's too late; the sound of gunfire breaks the tension...


I don't know what to expect when over 10 gun turrets aiming at you go off; maybe get ripped to shreds? I hear Sam shout, wait? I'm hearing? I'm not dead!

I open my eyes, I see Nine has positioned himself around me, protecting me... oh no. But I don't have a scar... Nine opens his eyes and looks around, the gun turrets have stopped, probably reloading. I step back from him and look at him in awe,

"What. The. F*ck." He says, I look at the ground behind us, bullets lie there motionless. I'm confused... we should be dead, but somehow we dodged the bullets.

"Two! The door?" Nine says, motioning towards the keypad still flashing red; I run over to it and press the number 2. You ask why, well I figured since this room is built for the Nine that escaped, so why not just see if these numbers are related?

"Two come on" Nine says urgently, looking at the turrets individually, his eyes darting between each one nervously. As soon as I press the numeral for two the light flashes a green colour, and the keypad expands into a keyboard; ok I can work with this.

"Two, what's taking so long?" Nine says, a bit of vibrato in his voice,

"Shut up Nine"

I use my Legacy of Technokinesis to hack into the keypad/board. After a minute of coding and decoding the keypad blinks a bright green. It disappears into the floor compartment and the door slowly opens.

Nine POV

"I did it!" Two screams, jumping up and down, I can't help but smile at her excitement. Sam jogs over and hugs her; they pull away; Sam blushing like an idiot. Ugh nerd love.

"Finally" I say mockingly as I step through the door, Two rolls her eyes and Sam gives a smirk. The room is dimly lit by a blue light; we walk up a set of stairs before turning to see the control panel for the training hall and safe house.

"Holy crap" Sam mutters. Just what I was thinking; Holy crap. This is frickin awesome! It has monitors for the whole of the safe house, the training room which I'm going to call The Lecture Hall, is packed with more and more training facilities than the Lecture Hall at Chicago! Two and Sam are frozen with awe; I walk up to the main computer, which looks a lot like the Bat Computer, and press the big red button. Nothing,

"Well that's not good" I say, pressing it again, Two face-palms and Sam tries to resist the urge to laugh,

"Nine normally when there's a big red button, you don't push it – it's in every frickin movie! But no, you had to go and push it twice. Not once Nine, TWICE!" Two shouts, Sam laughs, but tries to suppress with his hand. Before I can answer her rant the screen flashes on, showing a world map, there are dots around the world, two in Alaska; that's us, and the others are in what seems to be, Iceland, Australia, Germany and one moving away from California.

"What is this?" Sam asks taking a step forward towards the big screen, I smile and answer,

"This is a big a*s Macrocosm"

Adam POV

I don't really mind airplane rides, it's relaxing; One hates them, figures, since she got an earthquake Legacy.

I wake up from what seems to be an endless deep sleep. The plane is the same as it was before I fell asleep; nothing's changed. Good. I look over to One, she stares out the window, watching the misty clouds and fogs go past;

"Landing in one hour" the pilots voice rings through the overhead speakers. I faintly remember One's hands glowing blue before I fell asleep. I look over at them again, sure enough they're the same; One probably hasn't noticed yet. She turns her head and smiles,

"Hey, you're awake" she says softly, I smile at her. I've become a bit more confident around her. I said a bit. I'm still very nervous,

"Don't worry, she's going to be fine" I say, squeezing her shoulder; I know she's thinking about Emily, she's worried for her. She nods and rests her head on my shoulder. I nearly jerk backwards, man I've got to control myself. Normally One would say something like, 'Adam, you can't control yourself, you're an unco.', but since she's here with me now and the reason I'm terribly nervous - God help me.

"Hey One? How many Legacies do you have?"I ask trying to break the silence. She looks up and lifts her head from my shoulder, which I'm kinda bummed about,

"Uh, seismic manipulation, force field projection and telekinesis, so three" she counts with her fingers; she soon recognises that her hands are glowing blue and freaks.


"Shh Shh, calm down One, it's OK, it's OK" I say, trying to get her to stop freaking out, she looks at her hands and starts waving them everywhere; it looks like she's trying to snuff the glow out, like a fire. I look at her, her breathing rate has increased and her eyes are wide with shock. We're panicking.

"Adam? What's happening?" she asks, I can hear the fear in her voice, I stare at her hands for a good 10 seconds,

"Uh, um, I think you might be developing a new Legacy" I say softly. Hopefully it's not the kind that blows up stuff on manifestation. Ok, what to do... what to do. I start looking around for something to wrap her hands in; I look under the seat in front of me and see a red towel.

"Adam?" One's voice peeps again; I sit back up and bring the towel with me. Only to realise, a towel is not going to help this. The glow around her hands have now thickened, and pulsing slightly. That's not a good sign.

"Oh sh*t" I mutter before wrapping them in the towel, One raises her eyebrows,

"Adam, what do you mean 'oh sh*t'?! What are you doing?!" she says, my heart is beating way too fast for my age right now,

"Uhh, I dunno! It's like it's going to blow up!" I say, trying to tie the knot around her hands with the towel. I can see the blue glow through the towel. I look to One, she's wide-eyed and looking around, panicking, I'm no better.

Suddenly the lights above us flicker like a candle getting blown out, it soon stops and darkness surrounds all the passengers. I quickly lean over One and look outside the window at the airplane engine. It's stopped turning, the airplane hum has gone and a shocked and panicked flight attendant runs out into the walkway full of panicking passengers.

The airplane begins to shake as the front of it dips forward.

"Oh sh*t"

Author's Note: Hey guys thanks for the reviews, hope you enjoyed that chapter. I just had to end on a cliff-hanger. Please also check out my other story The Destiny of Ten: A High School Loric Story – I'll be updating that one a bit more frequently than The Stand of Eight.

Thanks again!

Please review and tell me your thoughts and ideas for any Legacies, new characters, plots, theories, etc. (ANYTHING!)


Paragon 8