A strange sound woke Daryl from a light sleep. It wasn't loud, but something different that peeked his curiosity. It wasn't often he got into a deep sleep because over the years he'd trained his body to be on high alert. When he was fully awake he realized the sound was actually extremely quiet and it surprised him he'd actually awoke considering how tired he'd been.

It was coming from the Princess, sleeping in his bed, though she clearly wasn't sleeping. She was sniffling and her body appeared to be shaking. At first Daryl thought she was sick, but a light sob made him realize she was crying.

Shit, what should I do? He wondered. Should I see if she's okay? Leave her alone and pretend I didn't hear? Daryl wasn't sure if she would be embarrassed he heard her or if she needed something from him. He closed his eyes and attempted to sleep, but another sob and his eyes were wide open again.

"Carol? Carol?" he whispered.

"You should get used to calling me Sophia," she replied, between sniffs.

"Oh, right. Sophia, are you okay?" Daryl stood and moved to the side of the bed. He sat back down on the floor. "What's wrong Princess?"

"Nothing, it's stupid," she muttered, rolling over to face him. Her cheeks looked blotchy and her eyes were puffy - she'd been crying for a while, that much was clear.

"Just tell me," Daryl urged her. "No judgement from me. Promise."

"I miss my family," Carol said softly.

"That ain't stupid," Daryl replied carefully. "Did you think you wouldn't?"

"No. Yes. Maybe? I don't know," Carol sighed. "I guess I never thought that far ahead. I was so focussed on getting away from Prince Edward… I mean, I know I may never see my father again and I thought I had accepted that fate… But the rest of my family is still alive too… Lori and my girls… even Sir Rick," she looked up. "I miss them."

"Missed my family for a while too," Daryl admitted. "Mean, I didn't really have the kind of family you did, but I still miss my brother, even now. Gets easier though. I have a new family and they mean every bit as much to me as my blood."

"Where is he?" Carol asked. "Your brother?"

Daryl snorted. "He was conceited enough to think he could face the Dark Wizard and win."

"No," Carol's eyes were wide and she sat up. "Did he have magic?"

Daryl laughed, "Merle? God no."

"Why did he even try?" Carol looked mystified. "Even those with the strongest magic who've practiced for years can't defeat the Dark Wizard."

Daryl sighed, "Merle never was very bright. Just full of himself. But he did save a lot of people by distracting the wizard long enough to let them escape."

"So he's a hero," Carol stated, smiling at him.

"Guess you could say that," Daryl nodded. "I still like to call him stupid."

"All heroes have their flaws," she said, giving him a look. Is she talking about Merle? Or me? Daryl wondered. He still had a hard time reading her sometimes. He had a hard time reading most people but for some reason Carol was easier. Still, there were times he wasn't quite sure how to interpret her words. They'd flirted, he knew that. But every once in a while he just wasn't sure if it was a flirt again, or if it was something else.

"Want to know a secret?" Daryl asked. Carol nodded enthusiastically. He noticed her mood had changed and was glad he'd decided to check on her. "That eye patch the Dark Wizard wears… that was Michonne."

"No way…" Carol was engrossed.

"Yep. It was before he come into his powers… He was always evil… But, I don't know the whole story," Daryl shrugged and gave her an apologetic look when he saw the disappointment. "She's never told anyone."

"Hmm," she said, clearly pondering what could have happened from the endless possibilities. Daryl wondered why women did that? There was likely no way to know for sure, but they always had to fantasize about all the possibilities.

There was a rap on the door and Daryl got up to answer it, while Carol snuggled herself back down into his bed. "Hey, sorry to wake you." It was Tyreese. "Got some news that I think you'll want to hear."

"It's okay, I was awake," Daryl replied. "Give me 5 minutes to change and I'll be there." As soon as the words were out of his mouth he regretted them. But he shut the door anyway and wondered how he was supposed to change with Carol in the room.

"I gotta go see what's up," Daryl explained. "But you stay, get some more sleep. I'll come back and fill you in when I can." Carol still looked exhausted and she didn't protest, simply nodded. "Uh… so I have to change my clothes…"

"Oh, yeah…" Carol rolled over and faced the wall.

Daryl changed his clothes quickly, but found himself staring at her form in the bed the entire time, which led to him thinking about kissing her earlier. It had taken him a while to get to sleep at first because he couldn't get the feel of her kiss off his mind. This wasn't the kind of woman he should be thinking about the way he was. She's a fucking Princess, Daryl reminded himself, yet again. Princesses marry Princes and rule kingdoms. They don't run away and fall in love with bandits and live happily ever after. But she had run away… with a bandit… Daryl shook the thought out of his mind. He would protect her until he could return her home. That was it.

"Okay, I'm dressed," he announced. Carol rolled back over. "Sleep," Daryl said gently. "I'll make sure you don't miss dinner." She gave him a sleep smile and closed her eyes. Fuck, she's beautiful, he thought, fighting the urge to kiss her forehead before he left. With one last look, he turned and walked out of the room to find Tyreese.

He found Tyreese with Bob, Michonne and Glenn. "What's up?" he asked, grabbing an apple from a bowl on the table and taking a bite.

"There's big news… everyone's talking about it," Glenn said. "Princess Carol is missing. They're saying she's been kidnapped…" he paused and looked at Daryl. "By the bandit that escaped the dungeon…"

Daryl felt sick to his stomach. "Fuck," he muttered, starting to pace.

"They're offering a lot of gold for her safe return. No questions asked," Tyreese added.

"Fuck," Daryl said again. Why hadn't he thought about the fact they would blame him for her disappearance? Sir Rick knew the truth. Carol's friends knew the truth. But none of them could admit it. Who would suspect a princess would run away all on her own? Of course they would blame him.

"Daryl, it's her isn't it? Sophia? That's not her real name is it?" Michonne asked. "You brought the Princess here, didn't you?"

Daryl sunk into the nearest chair and nodded. "She helped me escape," he said with a sigh. "But the deal was… I had to bring her with me."

"Why'd you lie? To us?" Bob asked. The four of them were looking at him and they all looked hurt.

"She wanted the chance to fit in before you guys found out the truth," Daryl admitted. "She doesn't want to be treated like a princess, she just wants to be one of us."

"That won't be a problem for many of us, you know that," Michonne replied.

Daryl drummed his fingers on the table. "Yeah, I know. But there are some that are going to overreact and treat her like she's different."

"So what's the plan?" Glenn asked, after a few minutes of silence.

"We keep it between us for now," Daryl said. "Let me talk to her and decide what we're going to do."

"You know some are going to suggest we take her back, right?" Bob pipped up. "That's a lot of money, that could help a lot of people…"

"Are you suggesting that?" Daryl snapped, standing up and taking a step towards Bob.

"Woah, woah, of course not," he said, holding up his hands. "I'm just preparing you for it, in case the others find out."

"They won't find out," Daryl said in a warning tone. The group nodded.

"Hey, uh, I assume the story about the horses was all a lie?" Glenn asked. Daryl nodded. "Can we take 'em to Hershel's farm? Might be best to keep the saddles hidden here… in case anyone from the castle searches the farm…"

Daryl smirked, "And I suppose you want to be the one to deliver the goods, huh?" Glenn blushed slightly. "See that girl Maggie you fancy?"

The entire group started to tease Glenn. They all knew he had fallen in love with Hershel's oldest daughter. "Hey Daryl," Glenn said, before walking away. "I don't think your entire story was a lie. That kiss…" Glenn took off before he could respond with words or his fists.

Bob and Tyreese slinked off, laughing, but Michonne hung back. "Ya know, even if this hadn't happened… I didn't buy your story. I might be a bit more perceptive than most, but there are things that just glare that need to be fixed if you want to keep your secret for now."

"Like what?" Daryl asked curiously.

"She cut her hair and that's a good start. But those shoes have to go. They likely cost more than our entire stable of horses," Michonne said. "The dress… the cape… they might be plain, but they definitely don't scream farm girl from a poor peasant family."

"I get it," Daryl said, chewing his lip. "Will you help her?" he asked. "Later on, after I tell her what's going on… Can you talk to her, maybe help find some things for her to wear?"

Michonne gave him a big smile. "Sure. I'd be happy to help." She reached out and touched his arm. "Don't look so scared. We've got this. Everything will be fine."

"Can you do me one more favour?" Daryl asked. "Can you fill in Abraham, Sasha… the people who need to know. Make sure they realize it's top secret." Michonne nodded and left.

Daryl walked slowly back towards his room. He wasn't the least bit concerned for his own safety, but he was concerned for hers and his group. If the kingdom was being led to believe he'd kidnapped the Princess they would all be on high alert for his men. It could get bad, with such a huge reward at stake. Even those they were trying to help could turn on them if they got greedy. He entered the room quietly. Carol was still in the same position he'd left her a few minutes ago, but the blanket had slipped off her and her dress was pushed up exposing one leg up to her thigh.

Daryl shivered with desire, feeling a ripple of heat move through his body. God how he wanted to run his hand up that leg and feel her smooth skin on his finger tips. He moved his eyes to her face and looked at the lips he longed to kiss again. His heart was pounding so hard he could hear thudding in his ears. Cover her up, he told himself. Daryl took a couple steps closer and bent down to pick up the blanket, continuing to stare at her.

He tried to ignore the disappointment he felt as he started to cover her from the bottom up. Daryl was bent over pulling the blanket up to her shoulders when Carol's eyes blinked open. So blue. Like sapphires. Like the ocean. Like the sky on a bright sunny day. He couldn't look away. Even when he felt her hand on his chest, her fingers grabbing his shirt, Carol pulling him closer… he just couldn't look away. Daryl suddenly wondered if she was actually a sorceress that had casted some sort of spell on him? But when her warm, smooth lips landed on his Daryl didn't care. He knew in that moment why the Sirens in the Lake of Mystery, deep in the woods killed so many men. How do you say no to someone so beautiful? How do you escape from lips like hers?

Daryl knew he should stop, but it was impossible. He kissed her back and let Carol draw him into bed with her. He pulled her into his arms, felt her breasts pressing into his chest, felt his own body responding instantly, but still he couldn't stop. There was so much going on in his mind, but the only thing he knew for sure was that he'd completely lost his heart. It was gone and it now belonged solely to her - his Princess.