PROLOGUE - Bad Romance

Woah. Yeah. Bad Romance, I prefer the 30 Seconds to Mars cover. It's pretty hot. And if you haven't read part 1 to this, you're going to be mighty confused. So I suggest you go read it. If you've already read it, don't mind this. Pay no attention to the voice in bold.

"Boy, wake up."

The hero slowly opened his eyes, batting lightly at the demon's hand. He heard a light growl emanate from the other and growled in response, lifting his head slowly. "What do you want? Why are you waking me up?" he demanded in a sleepy anger.

"You've been asleep for over half the day. I understand that you're tired," the demon sighed, speaking slowly as if he were speaking to a child, "but you were kicking me. If I can't sleep, neither can you." he said, suddenly smug.

As the blonde began to wake up properly, his surroundings slowly came into view. Oh yeah... It's been a few weeks since we first came here. He thought to himself, rolling over onto his back. The bed was soft beneath him. I wonder if Zero was right when she said the darkness of this realm would change me. I don't know... I don't feel any different. He lifted his hand up, studying the skin where the Triforce mark used to be.

He almost missed it.


"How long are you going to stare at your hand, sky child?" the Demon Lord's weary voice brought him back to the present.

Shaking his head, Link looked up at him. "Have I changed? We've only been here a short while, but Zero said that the darkness here might change me." he tried to keep any tell-tale emotion out of his voice, but judging from the demon's expression, he failed.

Ghirahim – propped up on his elbow beside the boy with his hair a mess, and still managing to look incredibly annoyed and a little frightening – narrowed his eyes. "Not noticeably. However... I did notice that your teeth are sharper and that you have a fondness for biting." the demon frowned, lightly touching a bruise on the pale flesh of his throat.

Link blushed. No matter how much time he spent in the demon realm, it seemed he would never stop blushing at the demon's remarks. "So I'm not..." he shrugged, at a loss for words.

"Broken? Particularly traumatized by what you've seen? Not at all. You've become accustomed to my touches, but I'd hardly blame that on your location." the white-haired demon snorted in amusement. "After last night... I'd go so far as to say you crave my touches."

The boy wondered if it would be possible to smother the melodramatic demon with one of the soft, downy pillows they rested on. Unfortunately, the demon seemed to know what he was planning. He shifted to straddle the boy, pinning his hands above his head. "I can't read your mind, but when you broadcast your plans so obviously..."

He struggled beneath the demon's grip, painfully aware of their proximity. "If I say please, will you let me go?" he managed, gazing up into the demon's tawny eyes. "Pretty please with sugar on?"

Laughing, the demon shook his head. "Unfortunately not, sky child. You'd have to beg better than that if you want me to let you go. If you really want me to let you go." he purred, shifting to kiss down the boy's neck.

Link laughed with him for a moment, tipping his head back to expose his neck. "That's hardly fair." he allowed his eyes to slide closed at the touches. "You know I enjoy it too much to want you to stop."

As they sank into the sheets together, he found himself wondering how far he had fallen.