A/N: So, when I hit 500 followers on tumblr, I threw a #500FollowerBash and asked people for prompts to fill. They are all filled on tumblr (my URL is kittyorleans), but I thought I should put them in a place that's easier to find. So here they are again. These are all of the Merlin prompts. There is one Merlin prompt, one Merlin/Star Trek crossover prompt, and one Merlin/HP crossover prompt.

Merlin Prompt #1: Merlin and Arthur (with background Arwen if you can hack it) general h/c fic - by reallybadacid

"Hey, Arthur."

"I'm still listening."

"Could you be the one who acts like everything's going to be fine this time? I just don't have it in me right now."

"We're going to be fine, Merlin. Don't be such a girl."

"Thank you, Arthur."

They'd had two horses, which were now gone. There were four dead men laying on the ground surrounding them, but to look on the bright side, at least they weren't anyone from Camelot. They'd barely managed to stagger from the scene before they both collapsed against a fallen log. Arthur's leg was probably broken. Merlin had taken a blow to the head and couldn't really see straight. He thought about using magic, and nearly vomited. Overall, it had been a rough day for the king of Camelot and his trusted manservant.

"If I tried to go to sleep," Merlin asked, "what would you do?"

"Hit you."

"Oh." Merlin's head fell back against the wood. Arthur reached over and hit him in the chest, and Merlin gave a little scream of indignation as he sat back up again. "Really?" he said. "Really? I'm injured."

"It's not like you've never been injured before, you know. You're being selfish."

"Are you trying to make me mad or make me laugh?" Merlin asked. Once, so many years ago, he would have held back, thought about what he was saying to the king. People might not believe it, but he knew what it meant to bite your tongue. But he and Arthur had moved past that. He'd be snarky, and Arthur would yell at him, and then they'd get over it – probably after somebody evil died. It was actually a sort of worrying pattern. His head hurt.

"Both," Arthur said. "Either. Doesn't matter. Stay awake."

"I do a lot of things for you, but…"

"Let's talk about something else. What are you thinking?"

"My head hurts."

"What else?"

"The first time I killed someone, I'd just met you, and I did it to save you because they were attacking – and I didn't even lose any sleep. I barely thought about it afterward. Does that make me a bad person?" Merlin's head had fallen back again, but he was awake, so Arthur didn't hit him again. "Was it that easy for you the first time you killed someone?"

"No," said Arthur, taken aback. "But that doesn't mean… Merlin, let's talk about something else."

"Remember the little Druid boy we saved?"

"Yes," Arthur said, relieved.

"I nearly didn't come."

Arthur froze. "I nearly left you there to get caught, because he had magic and I thought he'd be dangerous when he grew up. I was scared, so I nearly told myself it was for you and let him die. Sometimes I worry that he's going to come back and hurt someone, and it will be my fault."

"Merlin, you're upset right now. It's just the head injury talking." Maybe it made him a poor friend, but Arthur didn't want to hear Merlin tell him about his coldheartedness, not in this state. Arthur had his own conscience to live with, and Merlin was probably suffering from a concussion. This was a conversation for when both were well and, if possible, a little drunk.

"Sometimes I think if I lost you and Gwen, I wouldn't have any conscience left."

Gwen. Arthur sat up straighter, flinching at the pain in his leg. "I'm going to propose to Guinevere," he said to his manservant.

Merlin was instantly distracted. He even picked his head up – and then turned green. "Oh," he said, breathing hard. "Really? When did you…?"

"A few weeks ago. I wasn't sure when to tell you because I figured when you two were gossiping, you'd spoil the surprise. I asked Elyan – you know, since her father…"

"Got executed, yeah, I remember," said Merlin.

"Guinevere's an amazing girl," said Arthur. "She's beautiful, and sweet, and smart, and I'm lucky that she likes me. I know I want her to be my queen. And I'm ready for this."

"I don't disagree with a single thing you just said," said Merlin.

"I'm nervous as hell."

Merlin laughed out loud, but then groaned. Arthur immediately shifted and reached for him, and it occurred to Merlin all at once that Arthur was worried about him. Arthur was legitimately, deeply worried about him right now.

That was bad.

"I've heard that's normal," said Merlin. "But it'll pass, and it will be worth it. You love her."


"Remember when you didn't think it would ever work out?"

"All those years ago."

"Yeah," said Merlin sadly, "All those years ago." Oh, no. The world was starting to spin, and the pain cranked itself up a notch. "Don't hit me," he demanded as he closed his eyes.

Arthur didn't, but his hand closed on Merlin's shoulder. "After we're married – you know, if she says yes, and I hope she does – then we'll have to find you a girl. How old are you now, twenty-seven?"

"I'm twenty-five," said Merlin. "You're twenty-seven."

"Guinevere has some nice friends. Maybe you should start thinking about meeting the girl for you," said Arthur. He was desperate, then, if that was the topic he was choosing.

"I think I might be going to meet her now," Merlin said, drifting.

"What does that mean? Merlin? Merlin, hey, open your eyes."

Arthur shook him and Merlin groaned at the pain that caused, closing his eyes tighter. He'd do anything Arthur wanted, of course, except obey him, because he didn't want to. And we wasn't sure he knew how, anyway.

"Merlin!" Arthur said, louder. "No, you need to stay awake. That's what Gaius would say. For the love of – I need you to wake up. You useless idiot, I hate you for this. Merlin? Merlin!" Merlin only groaned, but he was sleeping. His face was smooth. And Arthur was sitting here, helpless and with a broken leg, and he was terrified. "You can't sleep, Merlin, what if you die? What if you die and I'm here alone?"

No response. Arthur couldn't breathe.

Arthur felt for a pulse, and it was still there, but that didn't mean Merlin was going to make it. The horses had made it to Camelot by now, and surely the men were out tracking them. They'd be here soon, but it would be too late if Merlin –

"Merlin," said Arthur, shifting again – and this time he didn't even feel his legs. "I need you too, you know. You're my conscience too, Merlin. It's been too long for you to leave me here now, like this."

Merlin didn't respond.

But he didn't leave his master, either.

In ten minutes, the men would come, and Gaius would be with them. Merlin would wake up, eventually, and he would be okay. Arthur would have another chance to tell Merlin anything he wanted to say, and Merlin had a chance to ruin the surprise for Gwen – but he didn't. Merlin never did obey Arthur, but he'd never leave the king either.

Not in a thousand years.