Title: Someday the Dream Will End
Warnings: Male x Male
Disclaimers: Not mine
Chapter Two
"Be careful around, Seto, Marik. He has tendencies to be a manipulative bastard. I don't want to see you getting hurt." Marik ignored Ryou's voice in his head as the angelic Light had tried to warn him against Seto. Of course, Ryou blatantly forgot the fact that the psycho of Battle City had been his other half and that Marik was quite used to manipulative, violent bastards. Seto would be walk in the daisies compared to Yami no Malik. The young man sighed, leaning his head against the seat, gazing at the myriad of colors as the limousine sped towards Seto's mansion. Was there nothing that could end the anguish in his heart? Malik had been terrible to him and yet through it all, Marik had remained by his darker half's side. Just like Ryou did with Yami no Bakura. Marik smirked. That was a relationship that would put the most innocent virgin to shame to imagine. It was also a relationship that Marik completely understood. Those two made up the other half of the other's soul, it was endearing.
The car paused. Marik quickly adjusted his sunglasses, hiding the lovely lavender shade of his eyes. Seto was standing, disinterestedly with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Seto, I assume that you're ready to leave? Does your brother have an adequate guardian in your absence?" A smirk curled Seto's lips. Marik did not like the gleam in those cerulean shards as they locked on Marik's.
"I'm ready, Seto!"
"Oh hell no," Marik muttered as Mokuba came bounding from the mansion with one of the many servants lugging an entire trolley full of suitcases belonging to Seto's brother. "Seto! This was not part or our agreement! Yuy-san has no idea about Mokuba's living with us. He'll be highly suspicious of your brother's appearance at my home. What are you laughing at?"
"You are far too easy to read, Ishtar." Seto's chuckles trailed off. "He's going to be spending the time with Yuugi. I had assumed you wouldn't mind a little detour before our rendezvous with Yuy-san. And yes, my brother knows everything about our situation."
"Like I had thought otherwise," Marik said, charmingly smiling. "However, it might be do us better if Mokuba did in fact stay with us. It would add a family touch to our happy home, don't you agree, Seto-kun?" Marik inquired, voice nasally sweet. "It's a shame to separate brothers. It's not as if I'm some pedophiliac. We're involved in a very loving relationship."
Seto's eyes narrowed at Marik. "Alright. Mokuba, do you have any objection to spending Christmas with Isthar-san?"
"Of course not! It's cool. What's your house like, Marik-san?" Mokuba asked innocently.
Marik laughed, a genuine laugh that had Seto's eyes slitting even further. Where was that phony edge that Seto was accustomed to hearing when it came to Marik? "I think you'll find it to your liking. Unlike your brother's mansion, my house is quite homely. Well, as homely as a single bachelor's house can be." A bit of the loneliness crept into Marik's dulcet voice as he returned to watching the drifting scene outside the limousine. "It might be nice to have a child's touch."
"I'm no child! I'm thirteen." Mokuba pouted.
"No, I suppose you're not. I apologize for running late this morning, I had some finishing touches to do to the house to ready it for Yuy-san. Unfortunately, he called not long before I arrived at your place. He's moved our brunch with him to thirty minutes from now. I do apologize for being hasty, Mokuba, but Rishid will give you the tour and you can make yourself at home. The only bedroom off limits is on the left wing. You may choose one of the other's as your own."
"Wait, Ish-"
"My name is Marik."
Rolling his eyes, Seto continued, "Marik, why is only one bedroom off limits? We're not sleeping in the same room, are we?"
"Of course, moron. I doubt Yuy-san would believe we were a couple if we didn't even sleep together. When the lights go off we can make arrangements. I have a futon in the closet. Anxiety doesn't become Seto. It makes you seem...sad." Marik frowned, gazing deep into Seto's eyes. "You know, you look like you haven't been getting much sleep. Is there something bothering you that I should know about?"
"We are not a real couple so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't act like we are. I want nothing to do with you in that context. I want my share of the company. After the deal's signed, you can go to Hell to join your lover."
Marik's face contorted slightly but otherwise was impassive towards Seto's harsh words. "My lover? Are you referring to Malik?"
Seto snorted. "Who else has been sent to Hell? It's obvious you and he were hot and heavy for a while. Almost as much as you and Bakura. How you managed both of them at the same time is astonishing. Whore yourself to Yami no Yuugi as well?"
Marik chuckled. "You're bitter. Could it be you're not getting any? Oh, let me guess, you're still a virgin? There's no chance in hell in that any woman or man would willingly touch you unless there was a price. I bet you pay for services rendered."
"You're going too far, Ishtar," Seto scowled dangerously.
"And you did as well, Kaiba," Marik hissed, returning the glare just as nastily. Frustrated, Marik ran a hand through his hair. "We can't fight like this. There are certain things between Bakura and myself that remain unspoken and I really don't want to delve into that bit of my past quite yet. As for Malik, well, you know the answer. It comes with the territory, I suppose. Ryou and Bakura. Yuugi and Yami. Me and Malik. It's Yin and Yang, the two opposing forces balance one another creating a peaceful union."
"You call Bakura's constant arguing with Ryou, peaceful?"
"You don't know what goes on in the bedroom," Marik grinned wickedly. "Despite personality towards those he considers rivals-just about everyone except me-he's very caring towards Ryou and loves him immensely. He would rather destroy himself then Ryou."
Seto stared incredulously at Marik. "Did you hurt your head recently? Have you forgotten that Yami no Bakura carelessly betted with Ryou's life more then once, getting him killed twice? That's what love is to you? No wonder you're the way you are."
"Fine, genius, what's love to you."
Fortunately for Seto, the car stopped and Rishid was waiting. "Master Marik, Master Yuy is waiting at the café for you and Master Kaiba. I will take care of the baggage. Your Mercedes is prepared for departure when you are."
Cursing, Marik hastily clambered from the car, accepting the keys from Rishid. "Seto! Your brother is in good hands, don't worry. I trust Rishid with my life. Hurry!" Bolting for the Mercedes, Marik jumped into the driver's seat. Seto casually strolled towards the car, irking Marik to no end at his nonchalant attitude. "You idiot, Yuy-san's not someone to keep waiting. He's a very busy man and we have to make a good impression."
"Or he could just think that we were involved in other activities to pay attention to the time," Seto smirked at the blush staining Marik's bronzed cheeks. "This innocent act isn't like you at all. You're Egyptian. Don't you have the Kama Sutra as your bible?"
"The Kama Sutra is Indian, not Egyptian. Look, I don't understand what you're fascination with my sex life is. Since Malik died, I haven't had anyone so if you want to tease me, then tease me about that and not about something that doesn't exist."
Seto hned, glancing at Marik, seeing the brief flash of pain on his countenance before disappearing and leaving the calm formality in place. "You honestly miss him. Why? With all that he did to jeopardize everyone's lives, you still love him."
"I wish you understood but you don't because you've never been in love. You don't know what it's like and you sure as hell have no idea what it's like to have your entire world destroyed in a matter of seconds as the one person you love with your entire soul is ripped from you. Don't judge me. Haven't you ever yearned for someone, Seto?"
"Of course. I am a man."
"Not for sex. I mean for someone to be with as a person, because of who they are."
"No. Relationships are a crutch for the weak and I will have no part in it."
"You'll always be lonely then. Maybe one day you're mind will be changed and you'll see that you need love and compassion just as much as the next person. I used to be like you, Seto. Before Malik came into my life when I was a child, I was an innocent. I'd never left the tombs of the pharaoh but one day, my sister and I went above ground. It's safe to say that it corrupted me. I resented my way of life from that moment on. I resented the pharaoh my family had protected for millennia. Then, I met Yami no Bakura and I was immediately taken with him. Even you have to admit there's something incredibly wild and sexy about him." Seto arched a brow. "I felt I had an ally. When the lines between ally and partner blurred, I'm not exactly positive. Just one night, he came to me and we had the most passionate and animalistic sex you could think of. Later, I realized, we had both used one another to make the one we actually wanted jealous. It worked because, our trysts ended. I'm not lecturing you but, haven't you at least just once been in love?"
"No." Seto shrugged, not in the least bit bothered. "We need to talk about some details regarding Yuy-san. How did we meet? When did we get together? Our favorite foods, our favorite movies. You do have those details, I hope."
"Yes but only some. The rest we have to make up on our own. We met at Battle City and have been dating since then. It's basic, not very romantic but believable at least. It was love at first sight and because of our unique positions felt it would be better not to let anyone know we were together but that we were now deciding to pursue a commitment and felt it was best that the entire world know of our relationship."
"Commitment? What the hell? Marriage?"
"No, just a ceremony to bond us together. It was all I could think of and when I'm pressed to release information that doesn't exist, I make up just about anything. Anyway, we're also thinking of adopting a child to raise."
"You just keep adding more to this little arrangement. I hate kids. I swear, if you have us at some orphanage surrounded by bawling brats, I'll rip your throat out with my bare hands."
Marik laughed. "I might have to protect my neck then because Yuy-san's very adamant about community service and I mentioned to him that one of the local orphanages were having a Christmas play and I volunteered us to help."
"What?" Seto inquired, eerily placid. "What else have you volunteered to Yuy-san?"
"That we would were also avid entertainers at the New Hope Children's Hospital." Marik cringed as his lovely dashboard has a sudden dent in it. "I am sorry, Seto. Just think of all the publicity you'll receive from this. You might not be seen as the Evil Seto Kaiba but as the Nice, Humanitarian Seto Kaiba." Marik meekly grinned, pulling onto the street where the café was located.
"I do not want to be viewed as nice. Save that for someone who cares where their soul's going. Anything else I should be informed of before we join our gracious guest, darling?" Seto mocked sarcastically.
"Just that you might want to be a little nicer. You see, we are very much in love and no one in love would talk to their boyfriend in such terrible manners."
"I should kill myself now," Seto groaned as Marik slipped a hand into his, unprepared for the shock of electricity that traveled through his body. When was the last time he'd held hands with someone? His brother when they where children? Was that the only person? Seto glanced at Marik, at the odd little smile curling his lips. What was this entire charade to Marik? Admittedly, he would be receiving half of an extremely powerful company but other then that, did Marik have an ulterior motive? Seto shook his head. It didn't even matter.
I know. How terrible to not update in TWO YEARS. I apologize. Please Review.