Naruto Konoha's Shinigami
Disclaimer: Naruto is property of Masashi Kishimoto and Bleach is property of Tite Kubo. I don't own either manga in anyway so please don't sue me.
(A/N: this story will have CJ Kenpachi make brief appearances and for filling the role of the Shinigami once again but after the Chunin exams will play no significant part.)
Chapter 1: Roar, ZANGETSU!
(Konohagakure no Sato)
A small boy in an orange jump suit was leaping through the trees a scroll clutched to his back and then he landed in a small clearing and he started giggling to himself.
"Alright now that I have the scroll I might as well look through it after all I may know the Kage Bunshin but it doesn't hurt to look thought it."
"Good thinking Kit personally I think you should see what is in this scroll." Kurama said.
"Yeah sure think Kurama let's see what's in this scroll." Naruto opened the scroll and started reading he saw the Kage Bunshin written down and he started reading it. 'Kage Bunshin a jutsu that creates a replicate of the user but it disperses the chakra evenly among the clones. When the clone disperses any information that was learned by the clone is returned to the user and any clones generated by the user. CAUTION: THIS TECHNIQUE CONSUMES A LARGE AMOUNT OF CHAKRA DO NOT USE RECKLESSLY!'
"Well that's not an issue for us. Any other techniques we can learn?"
"Hmm." Naruto flipped through the scroll and saw the Kanji for 'Sword' on the scroll.
"Channel chakra into the seal I'm sure you remember that much."
"Of course I do I'm not a seal master for nothing 'Ttebayo."
"Ugh you've inherited your mother's catch phrase."
"You say that like it's a bad thing Kurama."
"I thought Kami-chan had blessed me with the fact that you didn't say that but I guess I was wrong. Your mother's catch phrase was 'Ttebane and it annoyed me to no end."
"Atleast I have something to remember her by."
"What about all those times she taught you things."
"Oh yeah why does she have that chain over her heart?"
"Hmm I don't know that's a question you might want to ask her later. Anyway were off topic channel chakra into that seal and draw the sword." With that Kurama cut the connection and Naruto did as his Nii-san told him. With the chakra added to the seal and a katana and note popped out, Naruto looked at the note and instantly recognized his mother's handwriting.
If you are reading this then it means that what your father and I fear has come to pass and you are alone in this world. I write this now during my final days of my pregnancy I can feel you kick a lot you're strong like your mother 'TTEBANE! Sorry about that I hope you don't inherited that verbal tick of mine. Anyway in this seal hidden in the forbidden scroll of the Hokage is my old blade, this blade earned me my nickname 'Aki Shini' the red death now this sword is unique as, like the sword Samehada, it is sentient which means it has a mind and soul of its own, this sword was given to me by a very good friend of both your father and myself, I will not tell you its name as is it might change when you place your hand on it, know this though your father and I love so much and I'm sorry it had to come to this.
This is my final goodbye
Kushina Uzumaki aka your mother
Naruto started weeping at the words that his mother wrote on the page.
"Well here goes nothing." Naruto placed his hand on the blade instantly pain shot through his whole body and the sword broadened and expanded it was now a tall as his normal height of 5'3. After the pain subsided Naruto collapsed into the bliss of unconsciousness. When Naruto opened his eyes Naruto was standing on the side of a large sky scraper he could see Kurama's forest to the east then he looked at his surroundings trying to figure out what was going on.
("Naruto.") A voice called and Naruto spun around and saw a man standing there. He was a lean-built, and stoic middle-aged man. He has pale skin, high cheekbones, stubble, and long ragged black hair with brown highlights. His attire consists of a tattered white dress shirt with an upturned collar and cuffs, black pants, low-heeled boots, and a long, amorphous black overcoat with a burgundy highlight that flares out into ragged ends. He wears brown-tinted, semi-transparent wraparound sunglasses. ("Naruto can you hear me?")
"Of course I can hear you why wouldn't I be able to?"
("Interesting you can hear my voice but I wonder can you hear my name.") the man responded.
"Well what is your name and how did you get here I know where we are as that forest over there." Naruto pointed to the forest and the man turned and looked at it with an impassive look on his face. "Is where Kurama Nii-san lives."
("Kurama Nii-san?") the man asked.
"I'm a Jinchūriki and my Bijū is the mighty and all powerful Kyūbi No Kitsune aka Kurama."
("I see.") The man replied impassively. ("Anyway to answer your question I am the spirit of the sword you picked up and as for my name it is Zangetsu.") Zangetsu said silently praying that Naruto could hear him.
"Zangetsu eh? That's a nice name." Zangetsu's eyes widened in shock.
("Y-y-you heard my name?")
"Of course I did why wouldn't it?" Naruto tilled his head confused.
("My last wielder couldn't hear my name the first time I called out to him.")
"Don't you mean her?"
("I'm pretty sure Ichigo was a boy.")
"You're last wielder was Kushina Uzumaki."
("I don't know that name.")
"Then something must have happened to change you but that's in the past the point is I can hear your name is that good or bad?"
("It's very good.") Zangetsu smiled.
"If you know my name then you can see my memories am I correct?"
("Yes I can and I'm impress with your tenacious attitude most people would have gone insane from the pain you have suffered. Well I know you can hear my name but now you must learn to wield me, for now I'll transfer to you the knowledge on my powers that Ichigo knew when he was around but after your mission is over they will fade so you and I are going to be training here while you sleep tonight.")
"Gotcha Zangetsu see ya around." Naruto faded from his mind and he was holding the sword in his hand and to his shock it had grown quite a bit. "Why is this blade so big I was sure it was a regular katana a few minutes ago?"
("That is because of your massive Reiatsu.") (Spiritual Pressure)A new voice answered him.
"Zangetsu? Is that you?"
("Yeah I'm Zangetsu, anyway I'd place the sword on your back and seal up that scroll I'm sure you feel the power headed your way.")
"Oh yeah I feel it Zangetsu its Iruka and Mizuki-teme isn't far behind." Naruto placed the blade on his back and used his chakra to hold it there until he could find a sheath for it. The blade was heavy but Naruto could comfortably wield it with one hand thanks to his training with Sasuke. Naruto then he noticed that his henge (Transformation jutsu) was gone. "Why is my Henge gone?"
("The unleashing of your Reiatsu caused your henge to break I suggest you put it back up so Mizuki and Iruka don't get suspicious.")
"Right." Naruto placed his hands together and called out. "Henge." Naruto transformed into his mask form just then Iruka landed in the clearing.
"What are you talking about? I was just doing the make-up exam that Mizuki-sensei told me about." Naruto cocked his head to the side. "Mizuki-sensei told me that if I took this and learned a jutsu from it then I would pass the exams."
"Naruto there is no exam like that."
"Well I learned a jutsu from the scroll."
"Good job Naruto." A new voice called out and Mizuki landed in the clearing. "Now hand me the scroll so you can pass."
"NARUTO DON'T!" Iruka shouted. "He tricked you into stealing it and if you give it to him he'll kill you."
"Why are you defending this demon brat Iruka he killed your parents?" Mizuki smirked.
"What are you talking about?" Naruto asked playing dumb.
"Oh that's right you were never told were you? So I'll tell you…the reason you are hated by the village!"
"Mizuki don't its forbidden!" Iruka shouted.
"Haven't you always wondered why the villagers looked at you the way to do? Like you've committed some heinous crime for just existing."
"Well that reason is because…."
"The fox spirit that attacked this village and killed Iruka's parents has taken over your body you are the KYUBI!" Mizuki grabbed the shuriken on his back and started twirling it. "NOW I'LL KILL YOU AND BE HAILED AS A HERO!" Mizuki tossed the shuriken but Naruto dodged with ease. Iruka and Mizuki's eyes widened in shock.
"Surprised?" Naruto asked. "I've known about the Kyūbi for 8 years now and I've been tricking all of you with this Naiveté now you've broken the law and I will pass your punishment."
"Just try it demon fox!" Mizuki started twirling another shuriken but Naruto unleashed a blast of chakra breaking his henge. The jacket was replaced with a new one and his blue under shirt covered what wouldn't be by the jacket his pants also turned black and were now a more Anbu style pair of pants, Naruto was back to his original form and he grabbed Zangetsu off his back.
"Face your punishment Mizuki-teme."
("That's right Naruto.") Zangetsu said proudly. ("Let me tell you something I told Ichigo, there is only one enemy and there is one of you, abandon your fear turn and face him, don't give an inch, advance, never stop, if you retreat you will age, be afraid and you will die. NOW SHOUT OUT MY NAME!")
"ROAR, ZAGETSU!" Naruto shouted and Zangetsu responded to his call and transformed and resembles an oversized Khyber knife instead of a formal katana. It has no guard and no proper hilt; the sword is about as tall as Naruto is and has a black blade with a silver edge. Naruto held the blade on his shoulder and smiled at Mizuki a cruel look on his face. "You better doge this attack Mizuki because if you don't, you'll die." Naruto channeled his Reiatsu into Zangetsu. The weight of its power crushed Mizuki into place and Naruto smiled again. "Aw who the hell am I kidding? You're going to die anyway." Naruto smiled again. "Die. GETSUGA TENSHO!" (Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer) Naruto swung his blade and fired off a blast of Reiatsu and sliced Mizuki in half.
(With Sasuke)
Sasuke was pacing his room a worried look on his face when suddenly a huge weight fell on him. The weight brought him to his knees.
"What that hell?!" Sasuke thought as his hand twitched instinctively towards the sword at his waist.
("You feel it don't you? Sasuke.") A voice called out to him.
"You and I both know that we both feel it and I'm going to guess you know it don't you…Ryujin Jakka."
("Yes master I remember this Reiatsu all too well, it belonged to a man by the name of Ichigo Kurosaki and his Zanpaktou, Zangetsu.") Ryujin Jakka said to Sasuke
"To think Naruto would gain the same power we have I'll have to help him train with it later."
("Yeah you're right but for now you need to focus if this Reiatsu forces you to your knees then it must be intense.")
"Yeah like your previous wielder I was blessed with insane amounts of Reiatsu and we've had four years together. For Naruto to surpass that power in a mere instant he must be strong indeed. Could it be the Kyūbi within him?"
("Naruto did say that he only had the Yang half of the Kyūbi within him so it stands to reason that his body would naturally create huge amounts of Yin chakra to compensate.")
"Well he has power I'll give him that but I've got experience but I'll ask him about tonight after he gets back."
("Fair enough Master.") Ryujin Jakka cut the connection.
(With Naruto)
Naruto rolled his neck and placed Zangetsu on his back and the white sash on the hilt wrapped around it and clung to his back.
"N-Naruto w-wh-what did you just do?" Iruka asked shocked and unable to stand because of Naruto's power.
"This might be a bad time to mention this but you're kind of crushing the village with that Reiatsu of your's Naruto." Kurama said gaining Naruto's attention.
("Any idea on how to turn that down Kurama, Zangetsu?") Naruto asked
"I'm new to this stuff I've never used it before so I'm kind of useless here what about you, Zangetsu?"
("Ichigo was always crappy at controlling his Reiatsu but if you don't learn you'll kill everyone you care for so I'll teach you just imagine a flame and imagine it shrinking to a size that you can control.") Zangetsu said and Naruto did as he was instructed and he caught a flash of huge burning inferno shrinking to the size of about a large campfire. Iruka got to his feet as the pressure around him vanished.
"Just what is going Naruto?" Iruka asked
"I'm far more powerful than you think and the person you think you knew never truly existed." Naruto replied. "By the way the hatred of Sasuke is also a lie we are very good friends and we train together all the time trying to push each other to our limits." Iruka looked at Naruto shocked.
"Next you're gonna tell me that you're not in love with Sakura and you're very much aware of Hinata's feelings towards you and this was all a mission from Hokage-sama." Naruto started rubbing the back of his head.
"About that…" Naruto trailed off.
"Oh my god. What's next you don't like ramen?" the invisible weight came crashing back down on Iruka.
"Don't ever say that again." Naruto said straight faced canceling the pressure.
"Good atleast I know some part of you is actually real."
"Good work Naruto." A new voice called out and Naruto and Iruka turned to see Sarutobi standing there two Anbu flanking him. "But you should have kept him alive." Sarutobi scolded.
"Sorry Jiji." Naruto hung his head in shame.
"Well it's okay, under normal circumstances I would dock your pay for this but apparently Mizuki didn't expect to get caught and we got a complete diary on his actions over the past 4 years guy really should be more careful. As it stands congratulations Gennin Uzumaki for your completion of a high B-rank mission I will wire the money to your account later this evening, now go home and rest you've got a busy week coming up."
"Hai Sandaime-sama." Naruto said with an air of respect then he leapt off towards the Uchiha compound. Naruto snuck in and knocked on the door and Sasuke's voice answered.
"What the secret that no one knows?"
"That the last Uchiha is a true phoenix and the clan that was dishonored will be reborn in flame." Naruto answered calmly. "What is better to know love and lose it or to never know it and die alone?" Naruto countered.
"Neither is better one must protect those one cares for to find true strength." Sasuke replied. The door then opened and Sasuke smiled at his friend then he noticed Zangetsu on Naruto's back. "Explain." Sasuke said Naruto looked around then dashed inside and activated the privacy seals around the room.
"This is my mother's sword she gave it to me and it was sealed inside the forbidden scroll and I awakened Zangetsu and with his power I killed that damned traitor Mizuki." Naruto smiled at his friend. "Now look at it this way you have a Kenjutsu sparring partner now."
"That I do."
"Anyway I'm gonna head to bed Zangetsu and I wanted to train this evening."
"Alright see you in the morning." Sasuke said Naruto walked towards his room and fell asleep. When Naruto's eyes opened Zangetsu was standing before a smirk on his otherwise impassive face.
("I see you've come here to train as I asked you to very well let us begin we have atleast 8 hours of training but here in your mind 8 hours can be as much as 4 years as this is your mind the flow of time is as fast or as slow as you desire.")
"Let's say 8 hours in the real world will equal 4 years here I'm gonna need all the training I can get."
("Very well Naruto let's get started.") Zangetsu smiled at his new wielder.