Chapter 10

"Usagi, Usagi! Bad news!"

"Huh?" said a perplexed Akihiko to his mobile phone, stepping out from a convenience store when his best friend suddenly contacted him. "What's going on, Takahiro?"

Takahiro's voice cracked through the phone, "it's my little brother, Misaki!"

"Misaki? What about him again this time?"

Not again, Akihiko sighed. Takahiro seriously wouldn't shut up about his baby brother for a day, and Akihiko's ears were going to bleed from hearing more of it. But for the sake of spending more time with his crush, he had to tolerate it. At least Misaki was not a pain in the ass even for someone who disliked children like him.

"Did he cook something nasty for you just like the last time with the omurice?" Akihiko nonchalantly asked, sipping some boxed juice he had bought from the store.

"No, it's even worse!" Takahiro shrieked.

"What's worse than eating the cursed omurice arisen from the deepest gates of hell?"

Akihiko was being sarcastic as usual much to Takahiro's chagrin. He's the one to talk. Takahiro himself couldn't decide whether he should get offended on his beloved baby brother's behalf or agree with Akihiko – the atrocity and suffering done to his stomach that he had to endure for days was still unforgettable.

"Usagi, elementary school period is over now but Misaki hadn't come home yet! I'm so worried now!"

"What!?" Akihiko dropped the boxed juice onto the ground. "Does he have any tuition class at this time? Or going to a friend's house?"

"No, if he did he would tell me first!" Takahiro became more frantic, "I've searched the whole school but I can't find him! No one knows where he had been!"

Akihiko started to panic as well. "So what are you going to do now? How about your part-time job?"

"I already asked my boss for a day off! Maybe I should go to the police…?"

"I'm coming to your house now," Akihiko headed to a different direction. "I'll see what I can help."

"Oh, Usagi! Thank you so much! You're my best friend ever!"

The silver waned teen hastened his steps, from walking he went running and tried not to accidently crash into people in his way. More than his feelings for Takahiro, he was worried of Misaki's wellbeing which he didn't expect to probably because he was being human – capable of feeling sympathy toward others in trouble.

"Shit!" He cursed, stopping in front of a crossroad.

Too many cars passing on the road, he shouldn't cross or else death will wait for him. Or he could at least got injured and hospitalized, no good outcome from it indeed. A crowd of people were waiting for the stoplight for the cars to turn red and the one for the walkers to turn green. Once the cars were stopped by the stoplight, he dashed and made to the opposite side faster than everyone else.


On the way to the Takahashi residence Akihiko heard some noises from the woods at the roadside, what it sounded like Misaki's screams, or maybe it could've just his imagination. He went through the woods anyway, out of curiosity. Akihiko followed the source of voice, he grew more uneasy as it became louder when the closer he got, no doubt it was coming from Misaki himself.

"What –"Akihiko stuttered, "the fuck…?"

Misaki was there, lying weakly on the ground whereas three boys older and larger than him towering over him. One of the boys had his foot on the child's head, but the trampling stopped when they saw Akihiko. He shivered, slowly removing his foot from Misaki's head as he was caught in Akihiko's piercing stare of death.

"What have you done to him…?" Akihiko said, in the deepest tone he ever had to show how pissed he was.

"Gyaahhh! Runnnn!"

The boys fled as fast as how their legs could carry them, leaving Akihiko and Misaki behind. Akihiko rushed to the crying child on the ground and raised him into a sitting position. Noticeable bruises were apparent on Misaki's face and limbs, more on his torso when Akihiko lifted his shirt to check for more wounds.

"Misaki," Akihiko dusted the dirt on Misaki's clothes away, "I'm sorry for being late."

Misaki was still crying, tears continuously dribbling down his cheeks from his bloodshot eyes, sobs and hiccups stifled altogether. Looking at how physically and emotionally hurt the child was, a pang of sympathy struck him like thunder. Akihiko pulled Misaki closer, wrapping his arms around him and tightened the hug.

"U-Usagi-san…" Misaki sobbed, he hugged Akihiko back. "I'm so scared…"

Akihiko let the boy to bury his face into his chest and cry as much as he wanted to. The teen patted his back, stroking his hair to comfort him. "It's okay. After this, you wouldn't get hurt anymore."

They shouldn't waste too much time here, Akihiko thought. Takahiro was worried sick of his baby brother right now; he had to send him home. Akihiko picked the crying Misaki up and carried him with one arm, started to walk away from the woods. The teen had another arm around the child's waist in a protective manner, which he did out of instincts.

"Shh, we're going home. Your brother is worried about you."

Misaki cried softer as soon being held in Akihiko's arms, the warmth engulfing him made him feel secure and rested. The fact that it's Akihiko holding him made him flustered. It doesn't take long until the child stopped crying completely; he shyly leaned on the teen's chest and watched his serene profile. Oh no. He loved looking at the older's face so much.

"Usagi-san…" Misaki said, breaking the long silence between them.


"Please don't tell Nii-chan."

It took Akihiko a long pause before responding, "No. Takahiro needs to know."

Misaki widened his eyes in disbelief, there's no turning back now. If his ears were telling him right, Akihiko was going to reveal the secret he had been keeping from his brother all this time. And how Takahiro will react to it? The child began to tremble in fear in Akihiko's arms, he grew increasingly nervous once he felt of getting nearer to home.

"No need to worry. You won't get scolded; I'll make sure of it."

Akihiko added, "Takahiro cares a lot about your safety, and he had to know this so you wouldn't get bullied anymore after this. After all, you're his only living family member left. He doesn't want to lose you."

"You're going to be fine. Trust me."

The silver-waned teen smiled at him, making the child blush. One of the most beautiful things Misaki had seen in his life, not because of Akihiko's physical attractiveness. Rather, because of the immense amount of kindness overflowing from a defrosted icy exterior, represented by that smile. Feelings he never had for anyone else began to bloom in him.

Not sure if Misaki was imagining it, but Akihiko suddenly became hundredfold more attractive when he smiled.

Misaki scanned around the park, finding Akihiko sitting on a bench reading a book. His instincts were right; the teen always spent his time here right after he went to a nearby bookstore. It looked like his unsuspecting brother was a good source of information. He braced himself, and walked towards the teen.


Akihiko stopped reading upon his nickname being called by a familiar voice. "Misaki?"

"How are you now? Are those boys still bullying you again?" He closed the book and invited the child to sit next to him.

"No they're not," Misaki sat next to Akihiko on the same bench, "it's all thanks to Usagi-san."

"That's good to hear." Akihiko ruffled the child's brown hair. He showed his dangerous smile again.

"Umm, there's another thing…! Here!"

Misaki took out something and presented it in front of Akihiko. The teen stared at the thing shoved to him dumbfounded; it was a bar of milk chocolate. "Misaki, this is…"

"It's for the other day," Misaki cannot look at Akihiko in the eyes out of embarrassment. "Please… accept it. I will be happy if you do."

The child felt the chocolate had disappeared from his hands, the next thing he saw was Akihiko taking the chocolate, accepting it. Upon realizing the truth, Misaki's heart skipped a beat. It was beating too hard that his heart was going to burst. What should he do? His heart was not able to handle all this extreme happiness.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

Misaki nodded without saying a word, then, he fled away from the park. He ran as far as possible from Akihiko, as fast as how much his feet could carry him. Akihiko hated sweets, but he was grateful for the chocolate and was going to eat it anyway. He resumed reading the book whilst eating the chocolate; a passerby began to ask him a question.

"Excuse me boy, do you know what date today is?" said a woman in her 20s, looking very desperate.

Akihiko looked at his phone for the date. "It's February 14th."

"Ahh, how could I forget what day today is?! Hopefully the store still has plenty of chocolates! Thank you, boy!"

Akihiko began to wonder if today was a special day or not. Come to think of it, he found a lot of wrapped gifts sent from unknown people in his locker this morning, but he left it unopened. It's pretty normal for him to receive a lot of gifts from his admirers, but strangely today he got more gifts than usual. Most of them were chocolates from varying brands and flavours.

"Misaki, Usagi is coming here today so you need to behave. Be a good boy, okay?"

"Usagi-san is coming?!"

Misaki missed the silver waned teen so much after not seeing him for a while. As Akihiko settled himself on the couch and engaged into a chatter with Takahiro, Misaki excitedly entered the kitchen to find something to serve Akihiko with. On a tray he put a plate of snacks and glasses of fruit juice; he gleefully hummed while preparing them.

"Really, Usagi, thank you for saving Misaki."

The child accidentally eavesdropped on their conversation. He wasn't interested about what they were talking about; usually it's always about the most trivial stuff. He stared at the tray, hopefully with these tiny hands he was strong enough to carry these refreshments to the living room. He's looking forward to Akihiko praising him.

"Takahiro, it was nothing. If it's for you, I'll gladly do anything."


Akihiko sat closer to Takahiro, he cupped his best friend's face in his hands, lovingly looked at him. "Takahiro, I love you. If you're happy, then I'll be happy too."

"Aww Usagi, I love you too!"

From the way Akihiko looked at Takahiro, Misaki knew what kind of 'love' he meant towards his brother. So that's the actual reason why Akihiko saved him in the first place? It's for his brother, not him? Not because he sincerely care for the child, but it's to make his brother happy? It's to make his brother notice his affection, and possibly return it?

"Hey Usagi, get off! Haha!"

Misaki saw his brother was trapped into a bone-crushing hug initiated by Akihiko. Takahiro playfully laughed while being Akihiko was being clingy to him like a baby. Seeing their intimacy, Misaki couldn't stop those warm droplets of sorrow falling down his eyes. He held his sobs so it couldn't be heard from the kitchen.

He didn't expect to be hurt this much by the two persons he loved the most.


I stopped typing on the keyboard. Misaki who was sleeping on a couch in front of me was uncontrollably shaking; soon sobs and wails could be heard from him. He was crying in his sleep, probably he was having a nightmare. I rushed to him and immediately pulled into an embrace, stroking his hair to comfort him.

"Shh, there there. I'm here, darling. There's nothing to be scared of."

I started to rock him back and forth, patting his back and planting some kisses on his cheek. This was going to take long and Aikawa gonna kill me for procrastinating again, but Misaki was my top priority. I'll always try my best to put a smile on him, and I won't let anything to hurt him again. Maybe he didn't love me as much as before since he had forgotten everything, but it's fine.

"What's wrong, Misaki? What are you dreaming about, hm? My dearest cherry pie, I will feed you with your favourite ice cream soon."

This Misaki had the mentality of a newborn baby, unable to take care of himself after losing his sanity. But it's okay, I'll let him cry as much as he wanted. I'll let him scream as loud as he could. Let the entire burden to be released from his heart, no hard feelings will remain forever in him. He had been through a lot, now it's time for him to have the rest he deserved.

"Misaki, you're a good boy. We're going to watch tv altogether after this, okay?"

He was still crying. His wailings were loud. I became worried; it's the first time he's behaving like this, with no signs of stopping. Maybe I would need his therapist's help later on; I grabbed my phone just in case. I was curious of what kind of nightmare he was having to the point of breaking down like this. But I was sure it must be related to me by some sort.

Because I swore there's no one else who had destroyed his life as much as I did.

Hey I'm back! :D

Thank God I rediscovered my passion for writing once again. Something keeps telling me that I shouldn't stop writing, and I am glad I didn't. I missed on how fun writing actually is. It's like going an adventure, facing challenges along the way, piecing the clues altogether and finding a treasure hidden within. How magical.

I don't know why, but it's really hard to find a work of fiction that interests me these days. Let it be anime, manga, games, novels, et cetera. I can't even enjoy fanfiction reading anymore like the old times. It's too hard for me to get satisfied by a story now. So maybe it's better for me to create things that I find interesting for myself, eh?

So don't think I am forced to continue this, okay? :) I did it out of free will and very happy for it! I hope I have improved a lot as a writer, and my new writing style will please you.