(Watchtower, 9:42 pm)

Fear was not something that Gohan had felt in many years. Sure, there were times when he was nervous, or anxious, but Gohan had not been afraid since he was a boy. He was not afraid of his fight against Bojack, he wasn't afraid of jumping onto a black hole to save the earth. In fact, the last time that Gohan had felt true fear was during his fight against Cell, when he was eleven.

Now, when he was young, Gohan had many things to be afraid of; actually, he was known as a bit of a cry baby. At the age of four he was kidnapped by his "uncle", the galactic space pirate, watched his father die as he looked on helplessly, and was then kidnapped again by his father's eternal rival. Not even a year later, Gohan was fighting alien after alien, both on Earth and planet Namek. Gohan was barely six when he encountered Frieza, someone who the mere thought of could give him the chills, even now despite the enormous difference in power.

After his return home, Gohan enjoyed three years of happiness with his Mother and Father. But this was not meant to last, that peace was soon interrupted by the androids. If not for the warnings of Trunks, the son of Vegeta and Bulma sent from an alternative future, then all of earth's forces would have been wiped out. During this time, Gohan had felt paranoia on top of his fear. There was no worse feeling than the sensation of being hunted like a wild animal, which was exactly what the androids were doing to his family.

They were monsters, the androids, all they knew was destruction and chaos. It was like they were juvenile children, with no regard for the damage they caused. However, there was one android who differed from the others, one who loved life and all that it created.

Android 16 was a being of pure good, he only wanted peace. But sadly, he would never be able experience peace, for his life was ended by someone who was probably the most diabolical thing that Gohan had ever met. Cell.

It would be would an insult, referring to Cell as a man. Not an insult to the creature, but an insult to everything that a man is supposed to stand for. A man was someone with honor, someone who would selflessly give up his own life for the well-being of others, someone who deserved the respect of everyone, but never asked for it. Cell was the opposite of a man, he was a thing created using the cells of real men. He was a cheap imitation, a fiend who wanted nothing but power.

But, although he knew all of this, Gohan stilled feared Cell. He feared the android's power, he feared it's strength. But most of all, Gohan was afraid of the fact that Cell had done the one thing he thought was impossible.

He killed Goku.

It was after that moment, that Son Gohan never again felt true fear. After that battle, there was no feeling of dread that could ever surmount the one he felt at the moment of Goku's death. Nothing, not Raditz, Frieza, Broly, or Bojack combined could match what Gohan had felt when he had lost his father. That was, not until now.

(Several Minutes ago)

He was standing in another room. Like the one before it and the passage ways leading to it, this room was covered in very expensive, and very high-tech, equipment. None of which Gohan had ever seen before. Odd, considering that Gohan was fairly knowledgable on all of Capsule Corp's most advanced projects, none of which looked similar to, or appeared to share the same functions with, the machines in this room. For instance, Gohan was fully aware that Bulma's company manufactured business style conference table, which had advanced, hyper sensitive, touch screens throughout the entire top frame. However, the table in front of Gohan seemed to be entirely metallic, and plain, aside from the large, 3-dimesional, holographic projector; that stood out a bit.

Gohan only knew the function of the device do to the fact that it was currently showing several holographic images of said Demi-Saiyan during his recovery.

'That's not doing much to help my nerves' Gohan inwardly sighed, at least he knew that this Justice League had helped him recover rather leave him to die in a hole somewhere. That was a good sign. Right?

However, that seemed to unnerve Gohan even more. The differences in the technology of his home and this place, they were severe, very severe. It only served to further prove Gohan's implausible theory that he was on another planet, similar to his home. Was that what was scaring him? No, it couldn't be. He'd been through deadly situations his entire life. Besides, this matter would likely be solved in a few minutes anyway.

Truth be told, Gohan didn't exactly know why he was feeling so anxious. What's to be afraid of? These people are obviously good meaning, they have showed no signs of harming him, and he sensed no form of killing intent from them at all. Except one, a man who seemed to be wearing a bright red suit of armor, complimented with a blue cape and a large yellow "T" in the center. Actually, Gohan couldn't sense any sort of life force coming from this man at all, he had not even noticed this man when he searched the area for any signs of life!

'Based on the others present, I doubt that he is hiding his energy. Even then, I'd be able to sense him, at least minorly, from this close. Is he an android?"

Though he was curious about the red man, or machine. Gohan pushed those thoughts from his mind. Now was not the time to get distracted, if anything, Gohan needed to be as focused as possible.

Seeing the wealth of eyes staring at him, watching his every move. Gohan decided that introductions would be the best thing for him to do. Bowing as a sign of respect to his…his hosts? Whatever they were. Gohan began to speak.

"Hello, umm, my name is Son Gohan. As might have informed you all, I am a bit confused as to my current whereabouts. I have some theories about where I might be, but it's definitely not home. So, if it's not too much trouble, could one of you tell me where I am?"


He, as the leader of the group, took charge of the situation. With the other Leaguers remaining seated, The Dark Knight stood up before addressing Gohan, knowing to be calm when dealing with children of any age.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Gohan. I'm Batman, and we are the Justice League." Batman swayed his arm across the room, giving a quick role call of the rest of the League. The hero was sure to mention the recently arrived, Martian Manhunter, who had only returned from his trip to mars mere minutes before Gohan and Black Canary had entered the meeting room. "As I'm sure Black Canary has told you, we are heroes who have banned together to help the people of the world and beyond. That includes you, Gohan, we intend to help you find your way home as soon as possible. That being said, we need you to trust us, okay?" Batman waited for a nod of understanding before he continued.

"Good. Now, regarding your questions. Yes, Black Canary, Dinah, has informed of your theory, which we will take into account. Also, I would like to welcome you to Planet Earth, of the Milkyway Galaxy." Gohan's reaction to this statement was….unexpected.

Suddenly, as if he was a ghost, all of the color had drained from Gohan's face. He wore a look of complete shock. The occupants of the meeting room all wondering the same thing, what had happened? Unbeknownst to them, their question would soon be answered.


"Wh-what? Did you say…no, it can't be." Gohan's hands grasped his head in pain, trying to grasp what he had just heard. He was so confused, what the hell was going on?

This wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening! There was no way that he could be on Earth! Where was everyone, where was his family? No, he must have heard Batman wrong. That had to be it.

"Gohan? Are you alright? I said, welcome to Earth."

There was definitely no mistaking it this time. He said Earth! What is going on, are these people some sort of sick game?! If Gohan was still on Earth and he couldn't, then that meant…that meant.

"My family, everyone, they're all….gone." Spreading out his energy farther than he had previously, Gohan felt the energy of every living being for thousands of miles. He felt them, the human race, they were all there, prospering, living their lives. All, that is, except for everyone that Gohan has ever known. Gohan fell to his knees at the realization, his family had disappeared. He knew that Batman wasn't lying to him; the man was clearly human, as were several other Justice League members. It was in this moment, that Gohan began to feel the fear that had not plagued him since boyhood.


It was like a virus, the fear that is. It spreads through the fiber of your very being, cultivating, multiplying. Until it eventually consumes you whole. That was what it felt like for Gohan. That was how it felt to know that he would never see his family again.

Batman had no idea the horror that his words had ignited. It wasn't hard to figure out, even in his traumatized state, Gohan could grasp the situation that he was in. Batman had said "Welcome to Earth", there was only one thing that this could have meant.

'Bulma's invention, the black hole, it – it somehow sent me to another universe!'

Gohan was well aware of the theories surrounding Black holes, and their properties in science. Specifically the theories speculating that the amazing forces of nature had the abilities to warp time and space with their immense output of gravity. It was for this reason that Gohan had presumed himself to be on an alternate planet, Black holes had the possibility of warping matter light-years away from it's point of origin. But this, this was just unreal!

Had Gohan's original theory been correct, he was sure that a simple message to King Kai, or a wish from the Dragon balls would get him home safely, deep space travel being well within the boundaries of science in his world. That hope was the only thing keeping Gohan calm, the fact that he was now hopelessly lost, standing in a large metal room, surrounded by strangely dressed people was all that it took to send him over the edge to hysteria.


The entire league stood in shock for a moment, it seemed as though a simple greeting from Batman had completely destroyed Gohan's emotional stability.

'He seems to be having an anxiety attack, could the stress of the situation finally be hitting him? Regardless, we need to calm him down before he harms himself, or us. I still don't know what this kid is capable of.' Reacting at inhuman speeds, Batman was at Gohan's side in seconds, quickly followed by Flash and Wonder Woman.

Gohan's hands were now on the ground as well, tears began to freely flow from the teen's face as he kneeled there. His mind on the family that he will never see again, Gohan didn't notice the approach of the three superheroes. He didn't even notice when he was suddenly being pulled up from the ground until he was facing the Leaguer known as Batman.

Kneeling down with Gohan, Bruce grasped Gohan by his shoulders. Shaking him out if his emotional days, Bruce was now face to face with the boy. Black eyes met brown, and Batman could see the tears rolling off of the boy's face, he knew that look. It was the same look that he saw in Dick's eyes, the same one that he dawns on his saddest days. It was the look of someone who had just lost their family.

In that moment, Bruce did something unprecedented, something that none would ever think to see from the Dark Knight, He hugged Gohan. Bruce knew all too well the pain of losing one's family. Even to this day, the deaths of his parents still haunted him. It was for this reason, that Bruce knew that the only thing Gohan needed right was a shoulder to cry on. He didn't know what had caused the teen's sudden outburst, but he recognized that Gohan was in no condition to explain.

(A few minutes later)


Time seemed to move in slow motion for Gohan. It seemed as though he was crying for hours, his only comfort coming from the man who had embraced him on the ground. It was odd, at first glance, Batman seemed to be the most emotionally distant out of all the other members of the Justice League, yet he was the first to arrive at Gohan's side. He felt something while being embraced by the older man, empathy? Gohan felt that Batman somehow knew of the cruel realization that his family was forever lost, but how did he know? Had he gone through a similar experience, was Batman just as alone as he was?

Gohan's thoughts were cut short as Batman broke off from the now, somewhat, stable teen. Keeping his hand firmly on Gohan's shoulder, the man began speaking.

"Listen to me Gohan. I know what you're feeling; I know what it's like to lose your family. We understand that you are in shock, and the League and I will do all we can to help send you home. But first, we need to know where you're from, Gohan. And how you wound up in that crater."

Gohan took a moment, he gazed around his surroundings. All of the Leaguers were surrounding him and Batman, their gaze fixed on the teen. A brief glance at their eyes would show Gohan that they meant no harm; they truly wanted to help him. However, it was not that easy.

Gohan wanted to tell them everything, the story of his father, Raditz's arrival, Frieza, Cell, every detail of his insane life. But, he couldn't, every memory, every memento of his past only served to show Gohan just how hopeless he truly was. All those battles, the tragedies he'd been through, Gohan's only solace during those times was his family, they were what kept him fighting, what kept him strong. Now, every memory only brought him sadness.

"I- I, you don't understand…." Gohan struggled to find the right words, still on the verge of more tears. "My family, friends. I- It's just… too hard."

Gohan was at his breaking point. Just as the stress of the situation was about to envelop him, a new voice was heard from the crowd of heroes.

"Pardon my intrusion. But, Batman, perhaps in this situation, my abilities could be of some use." Seeing Batman nod in agreement with the voice, Gohan looked for it's point of origin. It didn't take long to find it.

Standing in front of the large group of heroes was a tall man, if he could even be called that. He was wearing, what appeared to be, black spandex with a red 'X' across it's center and a blue cape. However, it was the man's face that Gohan noticed first. The man's screen appeared to be a light shade of green and his eyes were a deep red. Apart from those features, he looked human, in a sense. His body frame, the shape of his head, they all resembled that of the average human male.

As the green man began to approach Gohan and Batman, the teen was able to get a better view of him. a quick scan of his face would cause Gohan to recall this man's name as "Martian Manhunter", as Batman stated during his introductions.

'But what can he do? It's not as though he can make me forget my entire life. Even if he could, how would it help me?' Before he could think any further, Gohan was now face to face with the tall man. Having to look down at the shorter teen, Martian Manhunter extended his left hand to the boy.

"Greetings, young one. My name is J'onn J'onzz, as Batman stated, I also go by the name "Martian Manhunter". I wish to aid you in telling the League of your struggles" Gohan grasped the man he now knew as J'onn's hand. But there was still something that troubled him.

'How could he possibly help me? I can't tell them about my family, I can't. the mere thought of them is still killing me.' Gohan's thoughts were cut short by an unexpected intrusion.

'I expect to help you, Gohan, with this.'

Gohan suddenly jerked back, violently wrenching himself from Batman's grasp. Jumping back several feet, he glanced around the room at the league, looking for some explanation of what he had just experienced. But, what Gohan saw was not expected, the league did not appear confused, or shocked at his actions as they had previously been. Each member maintained a solid, emotionless, expression. Almost as if they expected this reaction from him.

Suddenly, Gohan witnessed Dinah step away from her place next the man in some sort of archery attire. What was his name again? Green Arrow, possibly? Not bothering to remember her ally's name, Gohan remained on alert as Dinah approached his former place next to Batman and J'onn.

"Calm down Gohan, everything is okay. I take it that you're not used to hearing voices in your head."

Voices in his head? What the hell was she talking about? How could she possibly know about what had just happened, did they all know? Was the Justice League playing some sick joke on him?

It wasn't the voice that startled him, no. It was hearing the voice within his mind that startled Gohan. Piccolo and he had spent years training their minds. The two were so in sync they eventually, over a long period of time, were able to develop a psychic connection between themselves. On top of that, Gohan had several mental barriers within his mind to protect against psychic based opponents.

With all of this at hand, Gohan was simply baffled that something was able to get passed his blocks so easily, and without him even realizing it!

"What was that? How were able to get into my head?" Inquired the confused saiyan. These people, he didn't know what to expect from them.

Once again, it was J'onn who was the first to speak up.

"My apologies. It was to my understanding that you would have been briefed on my abilities. It seems that some explanation is needed." Out of nowhere, J'onn raised him right arm towards the League board table. A chair suddenly began to move towards Gohan, seemingly of it's own volition. What was going on?

Once the seat had appeared next to him, Martian Manhunter gestured for Gohan to sit. Wearily complying, Gohan sat in the chair and waited for the green man to begin his explanation. He remained very alert.

"You see, Gohan, I am a Martian. My people are gifted with the extraordinary capabilities of telepathy and telekinesis. That is how I was able to move that chair, and that is how I was able to speak to you, through your mind."

Martian? As in from Mars?! Does this mean that, in this world at least, there was intelligent life on the red planet! Not only that, but they possessed telekinesis, what other differences did this world have from his own?

Even with his mind occupied with this new information, Gohan was still confused. How was J'onn's telekinetic power going to help him get past his emotions from the past?

"Aahh, you are wondering how my abilities will be of use to us in this situation. Well, as you can see, I am not merely limited to telepathic communication. I can also use my powers to see into one's past, relive their experiences, and, in a way, gain an understanding of them. Do you understand what I am asking, Gohan?"

This was weird. Gohan had never heard of such an ability. The power to relive another person's memories, heck. It even sounded strange! But Gohan couldn't shake the feeling that this was his only option. He couldn't tell the league himself, it was too hard. But, to allow someone to access his memories, live his life, see his most personal thoughts in his most private moments. It didn't sit well with him, but he didn't have much of a choice. Sucking up his pride, Gohan came to a decision.

"Do it." Stated the boy.

He received a small nod from the Martian before his entire world went black.

(Several minutes later)

He came smashing back to reality in an instant. His entire world being restored to the way it was before they started this encounter. Taking a look at his surroundings, Gohan once again observed the faces of those around him.

Each member of the Justice League was unique, in some way or another, Gohan had learned this while he was connected to J'onn. It would seem that Gohan was able to receive some of his memories as well. The man had seen battles, many of them, against both his own kind and the people of earth, people known as "Super Villians". In each encounter within J'onn's memories the league was always there, saving people, fighting against injustice, protecting the world. Whether or not these were the intentions of the Martian were still unknown, but they seemed to put Gohan's opinion of the league on better standing.

Gohan took a moment to look upon J'onn, the Martian appeared to be doing the same as he suddenly began to approach the teen Halfling. It only took seconds for the two to meet, once they did Gohan rose from his seat and stared up at the man who had just witnessed his entire life, everything he had ever been through, in a few short minutes. Looking into J'onn's eyes, Gohan noticed something within them, what was it? Pity? Sympathy? Maybe even empathy?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, J'onn bowed his entire body before Gohan. "It is an honor to be in the presence of one such as yourself, Gohan." Said the man, while his entire upper body was bent forward. The room stood in silent shock for a few seconds, waiting for the hero to get up and explain himself. What was he doing?!

Once he stood up from his bow, J'onn turned his attention to the Justice League. Laying a stray hand on Gohan's shoulder, the Martian began to speak.

"My friends, there is much to be discussed. But first, I believe that proper introductions are in order. I would like you all to meet Son Gohan. Son of Goku and Chichi, brother of Goten, and Godfather of young Marron. This boy, nay, this man has spent his entire life protecting those who could not protect themselves." Turning back towards Gohan, J'onn began to speak once again. "Gohan, it is my honor to introduce to you, The Justice League. Like you, we strive to protect the people of our world, no matter the cost to ourselves."

Gohan needed a moment to process what was going on, it appeared that what ever happened worked. J'onn was able to witness all of Gohan's memories of his past life. He even knew about Gohan being Marron's Godfather, which only occurred a short time before his "death". Very well, it would seem that now was as good a time as any for J'onn to enlighten the League on his past.

(Watchtower guest room, 11:30 pm)

"Aahh." Gohan let out a loud sigh of comfort. After all that he had been through today, he was looking forward to some sleep. His injuries still weren't fully healed, and they were beginning to sting.

Laying back against one of the bed's pillows, Gohan closed his eyes. Hopefully, he would wake up tomorrow in his own bedroom, of his own home, in his own world. Maybe he would wake up to the sound of Goten yelling at him to come and play outside, or to the screeches of his mother as she called him down for breakfast. These were all thoughts on Gohan's mind. But he knew that they would not come true. Gohan was well aware of his situation at this point, especially after J'onn had explained his origins to the League.

While the League themselves were fairly surprised at the story of Gohan's life, some seemed to be skeptical of his entrance into their world. Batman had even asked Gohan how someone like him could survive the crushing effects of a Black Hole, regardless of his power. Gohan was unable to answer the man properly, and chalked it up to "Fate". He was a bit take back when Red Tornado stated that "Fate was far too busy for something like that." Gohan wasn't sure what that meant, but felt like he would soon enough.

That was something that puzzled Gohan, J'onn's explanation. It had taken almost two hours for the Martian to give an accurate summary of Gohan's life, his struggles, his powers. However, that's not a word that Gohan would use to describe the story that J'onn told. While it was true, for the most part, J'onn explained many things about Gohan's life, his father's alien heritage, Gohan's training, the Saiyans, Frieza, the Androids, the Black Hole.

But, what concerned the half breed were the things not mentioned by J'onn. For instance, during his explanation of Goku's fight against Frieza, J'onn described Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan as "..a massive boost in power, brought about by the death of his comrade." and never actually used the term for the transformation. In fact, J'onn left out several things when describing Gohan's life. The Saiyan trait of having tails, their transformation into Great apes during a full moon, and Goku's death during the Cell games.

After J'onn had finished his tale, Gohan looked visibly confused. Apparently the Martian took notice as, seconds later, Gohan heard a familiar voice in his head.

'There are some things that you must tell them yourself. But only when you believe that you are ready, Gohan.'

Now, all Gohan could do was sit in his bed and think. What did J'onn mean by "when he was ready"? Did he think that Gohan would eventually be able to move passed his loss, or somehow come to terms with it? He continued to contemplate this well into the night. Only the sweet release of sleep being able to calm his mind.

Author's Notes:

Hey guys, sorry for the long delay. I've been pretty busy. I assume that some of you are aware of the crazy stuff going on in New York these past few weeks, so that has definatly been hectic, to say the least.

Anyway, I wanted to try something different with this chapter, give it a more emotional feel. I rewrote this thing like three times, I still don't love how it came out. So if this wasn't my best chapter, I apologize. I can only improve with time, right?


PutAsideDevil – I have seen Deathbattle, and it is a disgrace. I agree with the end result of the battle, but Goku was horribly miscalculated. Regarding Gohan's strength, he will be fairly above Superboy, but I want to save his actual "Strength" statistics for his first big fight (Which was hinted at in the first chapter)

DARK-ZERO-0000 - Gohan's training will play a big part in his effectiveness while fighting.

Bkaa19 – I hope that this initial conversation sounded natural enough. However, Gohan's powers were not yet fully explained to the League. J'onn only told them of what was necessary to Gohan's life story. So that means that they will get a full reveal later on.

Hybrid Potato – If all the bad guys got stronger, what would be the point of the Justice League if only Gohan could fight them? I'm trying to make a balanced story.

ActionBoy 87 – Haha! Gohan intro with the team has been in planning for a while now, he won't come in on episode one, but it will be pretty cool. Gohan is 16 now, so (Anime time) this story is two years Pre-Buu.

ArianniOokami – Trust me, Noone will be OP (Except for two people, One from DB, and one from DC, and they are primarily included for comedy, & Gohan's eventual departure)

SeanHicks4 – You seem to grasp what I'm trying to get at. Gohan won't be holding back, but he won't be going all out either. Also, Keep in kind that the nature of Gohan's powers are different that Supes, Darkseid, and Doomsday.

Guest – (You know who you are) Ki is the life energy of all sentient beings, even in our world many Martial Arts describe the use of Ki whilst fighting. That being said, every one, including DC characters, have Ki.

Thanks to everyone that reviewed, favorited, and followed!

P.S: Regarding Gohan's hair style, I think that my description last chapter was pretty bad. It's pretty much a shorter version of Gohan's Cell Games style. For a reference, check out Gohan's design for the new 2015 movie.

See ya next time! I'll try to update A.S.A.P.