Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men Evolution nor any of Marvel's characters.

Warning: Homosexuality and slight language.


The frog-like mutant slowly opened his eyes to see his lover grinning at him. "Guten Morgen, mein liebchen!"

Todd groaned as he rubbed his knuckles against his eyes and adjusted to a better position in his seat. "What time is it, yo?"

"Almost time to land!"

Suddenly, the reminder hit Todd of where they were going and he was wide awake. "Now?!" he asked, looking at Kurt who was looking out the window with a huge smile on his face.

"Of course, now!" the German teen said as he hopped up and down in his seat like a four year old going to Disney. "The pilot said we will be landing in a few minutes!"

"But," Todd looked down at himself, reminding Kurt of his usual grubby shirt and ripped jeans, "I can't meet yer mom an' dad wearin' this! What 'bout that whole makin' a good impression thing?"

Kurt looked back at him and blinked before giving a laugh. "They won't care. Don't worry. You'll be covered in a coat anyways."

"But what 'bout when we get back to yer—"

"You'll see when we get there," Kurt said with a mischievous giggle.

Todd raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. "What's that supposed tah mean?"

"Nothing…" Kurt said with a grin as he glanced out the window idly.

Todd tapped his foot impatiently, hating how long the baggage check took, while Kurt waited beside him.

"Ugh, why does this shit take so long?" Todd growled irritably.

"Don't be so moody," Kurt said, brushing a strand of hair out of Todd's eyes only to have the toad-like mutant fidget and accidentally push it back in place.

"I'm not moody," Todd grumbled, pouting in the most adorable way possible.

Kurt rolled his eyes, but gave a gentle smile. Finally, the baggage check was over and the two headed into the main part of the airport where people were all gathered, greeting their loved ones or awaiting the new arrivals.

Todd gulped as he glanced around nervously. He'd seen a couple pictures of what Kurt's parents looked like, so felt he'd be able to spot them, but he could feel himself growing dizzy from the anticipation and everything around him was becoming a little blurry.

"Oh, God…please don' get sick…please don' get sick…"

"There they are!" Kurt suddenly shouted as he ran towards an older couple who seemed to notice Kurt the same time he saw them.

Todd watched as Kurt dropped his bag just a few feet away from where they were to throw his arms around them and hug them tightly, to which they hugged him back just as fervently. After about a minute of hugging, Kurt pulled away and the three began speaking in thick German, all laughing.

The frog-like mutant waited quietly as the family was reunited, deciding he should wait to make himself known. Maybe wait for them to come to him. Or would that make him seem uninterested? But if he headed over, he might seem insensitive! Or maybe he could—

"Mama? Papa? This is Todd."

Todd glanced up suddenly, pulled roughly out of his paranoid thoughts, and was now staring at Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, Kurt grinning brightly beside them as he gestured to Todd like he was some kind of trophy.

The mutant gulped as the couple looked at him expectantly, their faces unreadable, waiting for him to say something. Todd realized his hands were shaking like mad at his sides, so he clasped them together behind his back. He felt like his throat had gone dry and was sure he was going to faint. He bit the inside of his bottom lip for a moment, trying to steady himself.

Then, he stuttered out in one of the quietest voices he'd ever used, his voice sounding like a pathetic croak (no pun intended), "G-Guten M-Morgen, Herr und Frau W-Wagner…"

If Todd hadn't been in the middle of having a panic attack, he probably would have been proud of himself for remembering the bit of German he'd learned and practiced a couple days before he and Kurt had left, wanting to make a good effort to show how much he cared about Kurt. Pronounced it pretty decently, too.

However, at the present moment, all Todd could think was how the man and woman were staring at him, eyes wide with surprise.

Then, something amazing happened.

Mrs. Wagner smiled warmly and stepped forward. She wrapped her arms around Todd and hugged him, much to the teen's surprise. Very, very, very few times in his life had he been hugged (not counting when Kurt did, since he was a different story) and, as one might be able to imagine, he was a bit at a loss when it came to reciprocating them. Too paralyzed in surprise, Todd felt himself stiffen and Mrs. Wagner pulled away. He expected her to look annoyed by his lack of response, but she still smiled softly at him and the mutant was amazed at how much her smile reminded him of Kurt's.

"Ve are so happy zhat you are here, Todd," the woman spoke, her voice sounding surprisingly genuine and her accent very similar to Kurt's (although slightly more thick with her 'w's' and 'th' sounds), so he understood her easily.

Todd had to admit, although the woman was quite old, she still maintained some of the beauty she'd most likely had when she was younger. She was a bit on the heavy side (Todd guessed from working inside and out) and she stood slightly hunched. Her green eyes were bright and caring, something that, if one looked at Todd's childhood, he would most definitely not be used to, especially in a mother.

"H-Happy tah be here, m-ma'am," Todd found himself saying back.

He could see behind the woman that Kurt was grinning brightly, looking positively elated at the conversation the two were having and that gave him a bit more confidence, at least to stop shaking.

Mrs. Wagner smiled more and put an arm around his shoulders and led him over to the other two, gesturing to the older man beside Kurt. "Zhis is mein husband," she said, still smiling.

Kurt's father was a very stern looking man and that immediately made Todd's nervousness fly right back to him. He was older and therefore, had a very tired look to his face, but his gaze was much darker than Mrs. Wagner's. As the man stared down at Todd, the poor mutant felt like he was going to keel over any second—

"Es ist schön, dich hier zu haben!" Todd suddenly found, not Mrs. Wagner's arm, but her husband's around his shoulders as the man suddenly smiled brightly. "Wir sind beide froh, dass unser Sohn so eine tolle Freundin gemacht hat!"

Todd blinked at him in obvious confusion. "Umm…thanks?" He guessed, floundering on how to respond.

"He says zhat he is very glad you are here and is glad our son has made such a great friend," Mrs. Wagner translated. "My husband is not very good vith English, so ve shall translate for him."

"Oh…" Todd said dumbly, blinking at the both of them, unable to say anything else.

"Why don't we all go Zuhause, ja?" Kurt said as he pulled on his father's free arm, still smiling, to which his father nodded, letting go of Todd's shoulders.

"Where?" Todd asked, still slightly shocked.

"Home!" Kurt replied.

Todd felt a bit unsteady from the loss of the man's weight, but managed to stay upright. Mrs. Wagner followed her husband over to pick up Kurt's luggage, laying a hand gently on Todd's shoulder for a moment, still smiling that kind smile, before resuming her walk.

Kurt suddenly came up behind Todd once their backs were turned and whispered excitedly, "See?! I told you they'd love you!"

"Yeah…" Todd said, a little at a loss for words.

He hadn't exactly expected this reaction.

Kurt didn't seem to notice and gave him a quick, albeit painful, hug to Todd as he squealed before going to help them with the luggage. Finally, Todd got his bearings and picked up his suitcase, following the Wagner's out the door.

They headed into the parking lot, Kurt and his parents going on about past events (luckily most of it was in English, at least between Mrs. Wagner and Kurt, so that made Todd feel a little more accepted) before they reached the car. They packed all the luggage into the trunk, Todd nervously handing his to Mr. Wagner who smiled kindly at him. Once everything was packed, Kurt and Todd piled into the backseat as Mrs. Wagner took the wheel and they headed home.

As much as Todd still felt nervous and very, very scared of how all this would turn out, he was questioning their use of the word "friend". Didn't Kurt tell them having a boyfriend wasn't the same as having a guy for a friend? Were they just ignoring the fact that they were a couple?

Todd glanced at Kurt, who was beaming with delight, before glancing over at Todd. He smiled gently at him and took his hand, squeezing it lightly.

In any other case, Todd would have squeezed his hand back, leaned against him, maybe even given him a little kiss, but there was no way in hell he was going to do any of those things with Mr. and Mrs. Wagner sitting in the front seat. Instead, he gave Kurt a weak smile, pulled his hand away, and glanced out the window, trying to keep from blushing.

Kurt furrowed his brow at Todd's feeble response, but didn't say anything. Was Todd really so miserable? Didn't he see how much his parents loved him? Kurt knew Todd had won them over with his greeting (he hadn't even mentioned to Kurt he was going to do that) and Kurt couldn't have been prouder of him.

"So, Todd," Mrs. Wagner asked as she drove, "Kurt's told us much about you. Vhat is your talent again?"

Todd gulped hard when his name was stated, taking a few moments to figure out "talent" meant his mutant powers before answering meekly, "Uhh, well, I can jump up really high an' I've got this long tongue that's pretty strong an' can wrap it 'round things. I can also make dis slime stuff, too."

When he was finished with his small explanation, he was expecting a weird look from one or both of them, but their facial expressions didn't change.

"How unique," the older woman said, and the funny thing was, her tone didn't sound condescending. "Kurt also told us you live vith a few people. Could you tell us more about zhem?"

Oh, well, that was a whole different can of worms.

"Umm…" he hesitated and he found his eyes meeting Kurt's. His boyfriend nodded eagerly for him to continue, so he gulped and answered, "Y'see, I live wit' four people. There's Lance, he's got the power to move the earth, then there's Pietro who's super-fast. Freddy—he's big and strong. Then, there's Wanda who can affect probability an' she's got these killer hexes." He paused before adding, "I mean, not killer, y'know, jus', uhh…pretty coo'."

Todd really wanted to smash his face into the window at that moment.

"How nice," Mrs. Wagner said as she drove.

Jeez, was there anything this woman would freak out at?!

"Are zhey like your family?" she asked.

This question actually gave Todd pause as he thought about it.

The Brotherhood…well, they were sort of like a family. Highly dysfunctional and always at each other's throats, but he supposed that made up a lot of families. Sure they would rip on each other all the time and make fun of one another, but they would stand together if someone outside of their group was trying to pick on someone from the Brotherhood. They all did care about one another in their own way and ever since Pietro was made leader, the team (as much as Lance had complained about it early on) had become much stronger.

"Y-Yeah," he answered hesitantly. "Kinda."

"Lovely," the woman commented, still smiling.

Todd chanced a glance over at Kurt who smiled brightly at him. God, he'd never seen fuzzball this ecstatic. He only hoped the warm fuzzies of their arrival would last over the next two weeks.

A/N: Alrighty, so here's the Wagners and boy, I'm gonna have fun with these two. I decided to make Mr. Wagner kinda bad with English, but don't worry, he knows a few words and phrases. He'll get a little better. Hope you guys like Mrs. Wagner! Just wait, you'll like her even more (I hope). And apologies if any of my German is incorrect, I'm googling this stuff.

Anyways, thanks for reading and drop me a review if you have an ideas or if you'd like to review!