{A/N: Hi! This is my first Big Hero 6 fanfic, and I've decided to make this a collection of short one-shots between the boys. However, this and the one I'm thinking of uploading next go together.

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Walt Disney and Disney Animation for characters and back stories.}

In grade school, his teachers would sometimes have 'Fun Fridays', which were laid back, game-style review of the week's lessons. Games could be competitive, and some kids would slam one of their hands to the desk as the other soared into the air, the eager elementary school kids stretching their small arms as far to the ceiling as they possibly could. All for that satisfaction of pleasing the teacher, and gaining a cheap toy or pencil from them in return. Things that could be bought in bulk for one dollar, and these kids were fighting like their lives depended on it. Hiro Hamada could've easily taken claim of all the small prizes in every class of his, as he was not only every staff member's favorite pupil, but knew every answer as well. He thought these 'fun' Fridays were petty; how could ANYONE struggle with long division? Why did they need scrap paper? Couldn't they just do it in their heads? Because of the simplistic boredom it caused him, Hiro often found himself with a pass to the bathroom, when he didn't need to go whatsoever. He just didn't feel like watching kids brawl over yet another 'SUPER STAR' eraser.

There were, however, those rare occasions when Hiro was in the battle just like the rest of the kids in class. When he competed viciously to be the first to answer right. When his eyes grew at the lustful idea of obtaining the prize. All of these occasions seemed to have something in common; the prizes were always pieces of sticky, sugary candy.

Hiro's hand would be in the air before the question was finished, the boy's answer always rushed. The correct words just flowed out of his mouth, like someone had flicked a switch and broke the Hoover dam. After the speech was over the teacher would be smiling, usually clasping his/her hands together as they came closer. The anticipation had Hiro bouncing as he/she would seem to take an eternity to reach him. Then, Hiro's prize would be awarded, and devoured, as quickly as the question had come. These moments made school all worth it. It doesn't matter that they taught common sense to the knuckleheads in his class. Who didn't know, as a toddler, their times tables? Who in their right mind didn't understand electrical currents? Did they just think the world was magic, or something?

The kid genius, in fifth grade, applied that big brain of his and made his own executive decision. All of that school year, he earned every single piece of candy offered to the class. But did he follow his standard inhalation as soon as he received it? No, Hiro Hamada slipped all of the small pieces into the front zipper of his backpack, where he could soundly have it out of sight, out of mind. He had bigger plans than singular candy pieces. Well, all with the exception of a few pieces here and there he would devour out of temptation.

A few things of note about this kid. He was reading high school level biographies in fourth grade. He'd accidentally stolen an old textbook on physics from the local library. He lived with his Aunt Cass in her own cafe, right in the heart of town. He skipped 2 grades already. He had an older brother, who personally made it his mission to protect Hiro at all costs, even if he was a bit /over/protective. Hiro sometimes didn't make the best decisions.

For the last month of school, the 9 year old's backpack crackled in sync with the boy's gait. Tadashi, the 15 year old sibling, was surprisingly mature about his teen life, and rather than being in an 'I-don't-care' mindset like many other kids his age, Tadashi decided one day to figure it all out. His efforts were fruitless, however, since the only source of noise alongside Hiro's books were crumpled up theorem proofs. That's what Hiro did, rather than doodle like a majority of kids when bored. Hiro was asleep by the time Tadashi had gone through his things, and the older boy tossed his brother's backpack onto the desk again. He'd figure this out one day.

That one day came much faster than anticipated, and it all started with the first night of summer.

"Tadashi! Dashidashidashi! Wake up wake up wake up!" A tiny kid clambered onto the bigger bed, bouncing the mattress his poor elder brother was enjoying a homework-less deep sleep on. "Ta-Da-Shi. Tadashi. Pssst. Tadashi. Guess what? Wake up!"

The boy was insane. Tadashi was positive of it. Either there was an emergency, or Hiro was crazy. As in, Tadashi was already thinking of psychologists he knew off the top of his head. The older Hamada squinted at the clock, making out the red 2:17 AM harshly. Hiro was still leaping about, causing Tadashi to groan when his stomach was practically karate chopped. Hiro's fingers stuck to his brother's arm, and that's what actually woke him. Sure, Hiro drooled in his\ sleep, but was it this... Gross? Not usually. Tadashi rubbed his eyes, sitting up. It took a few minutes of squinting to adjust his eyes to the moonlight shining in brightly, but Tadashi could squint and talk.

"Hiro… what the…"


Tadashi was convinced, Hiro was crazy.

The smaller boy slid off of his brother on accident, making that familiar cackle the elder had heard for a month now.

"Hiro! What is that?"

The younger brother hid his hands, which only made Tadashi more curious. "Hehehee… Nothin, Tadashiiii…"

That only sparked curiosity. "Hiro." The teenager grabbed his younger brother, pulling out his hand. Inside was a plastic candy wrapper, which crinkled like it had for ages now. "Hiro…" Tadashi said, confused before his eyes widened. He gripped the young boy's shoulders, shaking them slightly. "Hiro. You didn't have just one. How many have you eaten?"

As if to answer the question, the younger of the two fled back to his own mattress, an intense sizzle of wrappers marking his arrival. Tadashi hopped up, flicking on the light switch. Bummer, just as he adjusted, the lights got harsh. But Tadashi could see still, and with the new light, it was clear there was a sea of clear plastic wrappers covering Hiro's bed.


Hiro giggled, leaping up and running over to his big brother again. He nearly knocked him down in a clumsy bear hug, the 9 year old forgetting he was in trouble. "Hiro, what the mother of Mochi did you do?!"

This launched the genius into an explanation, which was interrupted often by giggles. "If you have one small piece of something that's real cool, imagine what it would be like if you a whole bunch of its friends to link it up with! Imagine how great! The options are limitless!" Hiro released his bro, flopping onto his plastic-clad bed again. "It's amazing. You know what we should do right now? Ride around town on your scooter! See the city at night! Dibs on the striped helmet!" Hiro hopped up, making his way to the helmet rack already, which was by the stairs. Tadashi grabbed at his hood, a common move for him. However, it was late, and Hiro was in a t-shirt. Luckily for Tadashi, he'd managed to snag his younger sibling's clothes anyway, pulling him back.

"Noooo way, little bro. That candy you've eaten is going to revisit you very soon, so we're grabbing you a trash can. That way you can throw out the rest of your candy, too." The way Tadashi said his words, it was clear they weren't a suggestion. His rules were met with a gap-toothed grin and a laugh, the kid nodding with no arguments. "Hiro… Remind me never to give you sugar again."

{A/N: Hope you all noticed my nod at Hiro's microbots. Thank you for taking the time to read this! }