Chapter 1

All rights go to Keira Cass for writing the beautiful book I'm basing them after and taylor swift for some of the songs I use.

"Last night

I heard my own heart beating

Sounding like footsteps

On my stairs

Six months gone and I'm still reaching

Even though I know your not there."

I slam my fingers into the keys of the piano, finishing the melody. I've had the tune stuck in my head ever since Aspen became a guard here.

I've been feeling a burning in my chest since I realized it. It's making me think if I've made the right choices.

Ugh. I slam my face against the piano keys making an unpleasant sound.

"You know I liked it better when you were actually playing" a familiar voice says.

I quickly jump up from my place a the bench to only be brought back down, while I ungracefully trip over the piano stool.

"Shit" I say. Not exactly caring who's there.

"Well that wasn't very lady like, my dear" someone says, and I look up to see none other than Maxon, Smirking between laughs.

"Well my dear I don't really care. And who ever said I was a lady? Because grace and elegance aren't my thing."

I spit back.

"I'm sorry darling, are you ok?" He asks

"Yes. I'm fine" I say shortly

"Ok. Are you mad I snook in and listened to you sing? By the way that song was amazing what was is called?" He says after a few silent moments.

"Oh" I say feeling my cheeks burn like a fire, "I actually wrote it, I'm still trying to finish it. Would you like to hear more?" I say, looking every where but his beautiful, warm, brown eyes

"Of course my dear" he replies

"Firstly," I say walking to the piano."I'm not your dear. And secondly I named it if this were a movie, I'll play you the chorus since that's all the far I've gotton" I say.

I gently sit down,trying to be graceful And start playing the music. I take a deep breath before looking down at my hands running across the piano's keys.

Then I start to sing.

"Come back, come back, come back to me like

You would, you would if this was a movie

Stand in the rain outside 'til I came out

Come back, come back, come back to me like

You could, you could if you just said you're sorry

I know that we could work it out somehow

But if this was a movie you'd be here by now"

I silently turn around to see his jaw a bit slack.

"Was I really that bad" I whisper, slightly discouraged. It comes out of my mouth as a high-pitched squeak.

"No you were you were amazing! Your voice ... It's.. it's like an angel singing!" He nearly screams

"Oh thank you" I say blushing as I look down at my fiddling hands

He silently stands and walks over to the bench and sits next to me. I scoot over quickly making room, making sure not to fall off. He turns to me and says

"Really that was beautiful. What was it about?"

" oh uh..just past experiences " I say quickly, ashamed of myself.

"Oh" he says with a sheepish smile.

Then he does it. He kisses me again. It's felt like years since our last one. As our lips touch I feel fireworks go off.

Then the worst thing possible happens... I fall off the piano stool.

"That damn stool" I say

And we stare at each other for a while. Then we both just die laughing.

After we both recover, we are gripping our stomachs from the pain of laughing to hard. Then we just stare at each other.

"I think I should get going" I hear him wispher

" ya maybe" I say silently.

Things between us have been weird since my incident on the report.

He silently gets up and kisses the top of my head before turning and leaving.

After a while I get up and stare out the balcony. Just breathing in the cool Angeles air. My god it's beautiful.

I go back into my room. On my bed I find no other than Kriss.

"Well well well, if it isn't Miss America." She spits at me

"Hello Kriss how may I help you?" I say sweetly, knowing it's annoying her.

" ah not much. Just leaving actually"

She says

"Ok bye" I say waving

"No no stupid I meant you. I'm going to say this one time and one time only. If you want to keep your life its in your best interest to leave now. Maxon is mine and I love him. I'm going to win and I will do whatever I have to get rid of all his distractions. So this is a warning, leave before I have to do something we both will regret."

"Kriss I'm not going anywhere! Now get out of my room!" I practically scream

"Watch your back five"

She says walking out of my room. Leaving me speechless

"Whatever" I mutter and slam the door.

The next Morning I wake up to my maids shaking me awake. "What time is it" I moan

" Lady, it's almost 9:00!" Anne says

"what?! I'm going to be late!" I say

we start getting ready, skipping my bath To save time. they do llight makeup, making look as if I have none on other than my pink lip gloss. We decide to leave my hair fine and lightly curl it. as soon as we're done they throw me into a turquoise with pink flowered daydress. I look breath taking. Simple, but absolutely beautiful.

"you guys did an amazing job" I breathe examining myself in the full length mirror.

"Your welcome" they all chirp, before Anne literally pushes me out the doors,

"you better hurry it's nearly 9:40!" anne says

"oh crap thanks!" I say sprinting down the halll

i arrive 15 minutes late to breakfast. when I enter the room everyone is there, and I get a lot of stares-and not nice ones. I walk over and sit next to Marlee

"your late" she wishper yells

"I know, i woke up late." I say, looking around.

" ok, by the way, we have a meeting with Sylvia afterwards" she says.

" oh joy. Ok that'll be fun" I say sarcastically.

I look over at the Royal family and catch the King and Maxon having a heated Conversation. Wonder what about... I realize what it is when the king gives me a nasty stare. Must be trying to get Maxon to send me home. Hope he doesn't agree, eventually the King storms outs.

I realize I'm picking at my food and not saying a word when Marlee says

" are you ok America? You've been awful quiet and haven't eaten a thing!"

" oh yea! Of course just thinking that's all!" I reply back. which isn't a lie at all. I can't stop thinking about the look the king gave Me.

"really what kind of things?" Kriss asks sweetly with a little bit of bitterness.

"what task Sylvia might want us to do." I say with a smirk. The anger comes and leaves her eyes quickly-barley noticeable. I know what she wanted me say how I was leaving, but that I was not doing. After that we all leave to find Syliva and see whatever it is we have to do.

we find her in the women's room waiting for us

"hello ladies. Sit, sit we have quite a bit to discuss." She says

"yes mam." we all mumble

"firstly this is about nothing bad at all. There are two tasks you are to prepare. The first one is pretty normal. The Royal Family of England will be coming to visit us. It is your lady's jobs to prepare a welcoming and a ball in their honor. It'll be just like the one you prepared for The Royal Family of Italy. Have fun with it and don't stress out about it too much. Ok? Good." She says

"oh wow cool, sounds like fun!" I say

"ya defintally I can't wait!" Marlee squeals. If the girls say other things but I don't pay attention just wait for the second task. What could it be ?

" Ok ladies now for your second task. Since we are at our Elite six the Queen and King along with Gravil suggested we do a..." Come on women spit it out.

"TALENT SHOW! Won't that be fun? Oh goodness. Ok it's never been done before ever. So it'll be new. Anyways you are to choose one of your girls many alerts and perform it on the report from dancing to baking choose anything! Tell me by Thursday night along with the music and props or anything you may need." she finally finishes. Is she serious? squeals fill the room. Oh god what song am I going to sing?

"I'll leave you to yourselves now so you can get started. Also lessons swill not take place again until next Saturday, after the Royal family leaves. Well see you later ladies" she curtsies and walks out, her heels clicking all the way with her.

I immeaditly know I'm going to sing and have an Idea of which song too,but I have to finish it first. I run off to my room Instantly. As a round the corner to my room I hit a wall.

"what the? Could've sworn there wasn't a wall there" I say my head pinning from the impact.

"Well my dear, you are right in a way, except I'm not a wall." Maxon says standing up and extending his arm to help me up.

"Oh wow, really? I'm sorry. And thank You" I stammer out.

" Haha it's ok, and your welcome darling. Now tell me why are you in such a hurry?" He asks

" oh I just found out there's going to be a talent show this week on the report, and wanted to get to my room to finish some songs and decide which one i want to choose to sing." I say

"oh isn't that wonderful? Well you better get on with that, see you tonight?" He says

" yes I guess and of course your highness," I say snickering in between.

"Yes my lady see you soon." He says playing in before kissing my hand and walking away. I run off to my room to finish the songs.


The end of chapter 1! I hope you like it! Btw this is my first story and my first time writing like this, so please no hate on my grammar or spelling or something... I have a hard time with it, I try my best so please and thank you. ( all hate/haters will be blocked)

I'll try to update soon... With a better chapter, this one was a little random and jammed pack so wish me luck!

