This is my second story its one I've been working on for a really long time so please enjoy.

This was it this was her... The real her... not the human miko she though she was but the white dragoness of the north. Long pure white hair that flowed down her back from a high red ribbon, a scaled tail that was the same pure crystal white,and the same crystal white that spread proudly from her back. She wore the two colors of her clan, red, and black. Beautiful colors her favorite in-fact. Her long sleeve shirt was black with red buttons and red trim and her cargo pants were black, black combat boots with red lacing pulled it together. Smiling softly she zipped up her black and red suit case. She had gotten it when she bought a black version of her old yellow bag. Picking up her suitcase and throwing herm bag over the same shoulder she picked up her guitar in the other.

"Bye Mama Bye Sota!" She didn't really care they weren't really related she still loved them. Sota ran in hugging her tightly telling her to be careful and to come back for him, mama and gramps. Agreeing quickly she thanked her mother who was humbled saying it was the least she could do and that she loved her and would see her soon. Gramps on the other hand was a big baby trying to make her stay.

"I love you all and will come back as soon as I can." the young demoness said as she left for the well house. Effortlessly she jumped in. Knowing full and well she was a pure blood princess and that she was expected be stoic and to take charge of her pack. Something she's wanted to do for so long, and now she would. She'd get to knock Inuyasha down a few spots. Jumping from the well she landed softly on her feet only to see her small pack approaching weapons drawn. Some one else approaching from behind that she was sure was only slightly curious. Since he gave up on Inuyashas sword long ago.

"Who the hell are you wench!?" Came Inuyashas loud annoying voice. Making sure her posture was straight and her gaze cold Kagome spoke. It was unlike her she knew but if it would help knock some sense into him then why not try?

"Do not speak to your superior in that way Inuyasha" She made sure to put infuses on his name.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Was his again annoying reply. It was time to tell them her real name she wasn't Kagome Higurashi.

"Kagome Eldest Princess of the North." Was her calm reply as she walked up to Inuyasha grabbing the blade of his sword in her claws. His face was of shock as he tried to yank away from her.

"What the hell?! That's impossible!" His sword didn't budge from between her claws. Gripping tightly this was how she would knock him down. A thin hair-line crack started to form down his blade until it eventually shattered.

"My Lady why would you target my friend Inuyasha in such a way?" It was Miroku who spoke the others to speechless to ask.

"Miroku please call me by my name you always have..." Kagome almost face palmed as they were still confused. "I am the same Kagome who traveled with you only days ago. A spell has been lifted and now I am free." She explained. Wiping he metal of her hand. Picking pieces from under her claws.

"M-Mama?" Shippo spoke softly frightened. His eyes wide as he watched her.

"Hai. My son..." Kagome knelt and gave the small kit a reassuring smile opening her arms for him to come and hug her. His face lit up and he ran for her embrace but was stopped by Inuyasha.

"Don't listen to her lies Shippo we both know Kagome wouldn't have shattered my sward"

"You want to know why I did Inuyasha because no matter how hard I would try I was just a weak wench a jewel detector. Second to Kikyo and I still am in your mind. Breaking your sward was my way of showing you how strong I really am. I jumped out of the well ready to explain who I was tell you all a nice story to prove it. But I see you and your covered in her sent because you mated her while I was gone and you betrayed me and you deserve to have my eternal hate. Though I'm not that upset I realize I never loved you so I will do you a favor. Stand down and realize who I am and I will bring your precious Kikyo back to life with her soul the one she had before Naraku killed her." Inuyasha gaped. Sango stepped forward.

"Prove it...That your my sister" Kagome could hear the wavering in her sisters voice. That the question was to prove to Inuyasha not her self.

"Once a month Inuyasha turns human and is vulnerable... Mirokus perved on every girl he had met except you and we helped avenge Shippos parents." She answered. Shippo finally getting passed Inuyasha and jumping into his mothers hold. Stuffing his face into her hair. Holding onto her tightly. Standing straight Kagome smiled. Watching as Inuyashas face when through so many emotions she couldn't count.

"You lie ..." He mumbled his bangs shadowing his eyes.

"No I am not. I do not lie though first I must get to my home and find my scythe ... I should bring you all. You can meet my father and my army... bring her back to the group by night fall and we will leave at sunrise..." Kagome spoke as she turned to the woods behind her.

"Come on Sesshomaru you might as well come to.." Every one looked at her like she was crazy. Well until Sesshomaru walked into the clearing. A slight smirk played his lips. So slight no one noticed except Kagome.

"How did Inuyasha not notice him but you did Lady Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"He was standing down wind so his sent never came this way, but for dragons there is no down wind... there is no place we can not smell you or sense you,we are the wind..." Came her smooth reply. As she allowed her wings to spread proudly behind her. Showing off her new look she snapped her tail. She just loved her wings and tail. They made her giddy even if only a little.