Author's Note;

Jester; Well partner another fic down several more in the wait.

Smiles; Yeah I know some of our readers are going to hate that we ended it so soon too.

Jester; Hey every please don't be angry. We went off a one-paragraph idea when Ghost509 pitched us the idea. Now we would have had more ideas but in the waiting time we put a good amount of ideas to some other fics that had more benefits to those ideas. This story was a self-finding journey for Finn but without Finn leaving OOO for odd amount of years.

Smiles; Didn't we do that already?

Jester; Yes we did now if Ghost wants us to continue to a different number you'll have to pitch some ideas his way. Cause remember our cap was ten chapters and we have other fics that still need our attention.

Smiles; We still have three open fics don't we?

Jester; Yes we do, now lets read some reviews. Sir Thumbzzy I understand Sir but remember Marcy and all Finn's family members wanted the old playful and easygoing Finn. If he were still cold inside Marcy would have found a way to change him back. He23t yes the battle that Finn ended with a good amount of strategy and foresight. Gold Testament I agree she was very cold in that idea. Attackme yes Goliad creation and lockdown even in the show was sad. Cause PB just doesn't know how to handle certain situations. Ventus Uzumaki well not sure cause remember final chapter. So if Ghost509 has more ideas or if he's satisfied with this I'm sure we'll get a message. Based Adventure thanks for that not many of our kind readers tell us they don't mind the small grammar problems. Smiles send Based a sweet Scythe Guitar.

Smiles; What color?

Jester; Go with midnight blue with gold flacks. Ok everyone here's the final chapter hope you enjoy.

Finn's View

Well here I am nearly one hundred years has passed since Goliad's Rattleball invasion came to an end. She was happy to redeem herself in the eyes of the people of OOO. After people found out that Bubblegum made her as a means to enslave everyone not many wanted to leave her alive. However Goliad rebelled against Bubblegum and sealed her into a forever coma. Still the Council was a little lenient but they still sentenced Goliad to seventy years for her crimes. Still I didn't give up on her every three days a week for all those years I visited her in isolation. Marcy wasn't too happy when a doctor told her that she wasn't able to have kids. It broke our hearts to know she couldn't birth little radical vampire adventures. But my mind turned to Goliad who needed a good mother. Marcy wasn't sure seeing as she was Bubblegum's creation from some of my DNA. However when Goliad did the sad eyes she was trapped and Marcy and I adopted Goliad.

Some didn't agree with the idea saying she was only using us. But when Goliad got out she used her smarts to reform her candy mass. She turned her skin a dark purple and chained her hair to match Marcy's. Marcy was overjoyed to see Goliad's new form and I was happy that OOO was growing. In time Goliad created an egg using Marcy's DNA and planted it inside Marcy. Several months of sex later Marcy gave birth to Stormo. His light blue skin showed he was Marcy and my son. But most of all he had my gold blonde hair with hints of white at the tips of his hairs. Goliad and Stormo are now in their late twenties and Marcy and I are retired. Jake and Lady passed away twenty years ago. It hurt to see them pass and to also see Jermaine pass away some time later. But seeing their kids and now grandchildren keep their legacies going was nice. Stormo is the ruler of the Grasslands, while his sister commands the role of queen of vampire and the Night-O-Sphere's ruler.

Goliad challenged Hunson and he lost. After we told him that she was our daughter Hunson was ok with retiring like Marcy and me. Still to see OOO advance to now have planes traveling around the world. News buzzing all over the lands from one TV set to another was great. Marcy and me still looked the same as when our aging stopped. She a nice an sexy eighteen year old and for me I stopped aging at twenty. Most of the older generations still told our tales to the younger generation. Some would come to the Tree Fort just to see if the tales were true and I would amaze them with my skills in alchemy. Some that got really annoying or rude Marcy would shape shift and scare them off. Goliad and Stormo would visit us ever two weeks and we were fine with it. But every day I wonder what my life would be like if PB had me under her full control. Still my heart is for my sweet lady vampire and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Smiles; That was nice.

Jester; Yes it was well everyone hope you enjoyed and had fun reading.

Smiles; Peace off and we'll hug you all later.