"SCREEEECH," groaned the elevator. A flashing red light buzzed about and a voice came over the intercom.
"Your elevator has stalled. Please remain calm, help is on the way," announced the voice, much too cheery for Nico's liking. Nico cursed and clenched his fists. The elevator in his apartment building was always breaking down.
"Don't act so huffy. I'm stuck in here too," mumbled a man with curly blond hair and an almost glowing tan. He looked about twenty two and sported flip flops, an orange t-shirt and a scowl. Nico sighed. Great. Not only was he stuck in the elevator, he was stuck in the elevator with an insanely hot boy. Straight no doubt. Nico racked his mind. He had never encountered this man before in his building.
"Sorry. Erm, I'm Nico," grumbled the dark haired boy, chewing the inside of his cheek. The other man's expression seemed to soften.
"Will," he replied. He inspected elevator buttons, none were lit up. "Guess we're stuck in here for a while."
"Guess so. Um, so I've never seen you around the building or whatever."
"I just moved in about two weeks ago, needed a place to stay while at university." Nico smiled. So they went to the same university.
"What are you studying?" Nico asked curiously.
"Meteorology, astronomy. Mostly learning about the sun and other stars. I don't know what it is, but I just find them fascinating." Nico responded with a shy smile. "Why are you living in this dump shack?"
"I uh, university too." Nico didn't dare expose what he was studying. Telling people that he strived to learn about dead bodies was not a great conversation maker. Will chuckled.
"Hoping to meet some new people here. Maybe find a little special someone," sighed Will, dramatically looking off into the distance. Nico pursed his lips. Yep, he's straight all right. "What about you, do you have a girlfriend?"
"I don't like girls," said Nico flatly. He had lost interest in trying to get with this Will guy. Going after straight boys always ended badly. Will's face lit up and he gave a crooked smile.
"Well you're the first person I've met here who's gay. Consider it an honour," Smiled Will. "Let's sit down shall we." Nico obliged, the soles of his feet starting to numb from standing on one spot. He plopped himself down and rested his back against the wall. Will sat directly opposite. He felt Will's blue stare on his chest, almost boring into his ribcage.
"Don't worry. I won't come on to you," Assured Nico. Will cocked an eyebrow.
"Well that's quite a shame considering how cute you are," Chided Will. Nico's stomach dropped.
"You're gay?" Nico said too quickly. Will chuckled.
"I guess so. Although I bet anyone would go gay for you." Nico's jaw literally dropped. Was this hot dude actually hitting on him? After years of teasing and torture during high school, Nico never really paid attention to anyone else. Especially people in the dating department. But now, there he was, stuck with Will. Needless to say, he was definitely not used to being hit on.
"You-you think I'm," Nico drifted off, at a loss for words.
"Hot? More like smoking actually." Nico sucked in a breath and bit his bottom lip. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Never in his life had he ever been called 'hot,' or even, 'good looking.' He let out a small squeak and grabbed his ankles. "Aw, I made you blush." Will reached an arm out to touch Nico's cheek. The smaller man stared wide eyed at the foreign limb. He's touching me. A tanned index finger traced Nico's jawline, stopping at the bottom of his chin.
"Eeep," Squeaked Nico. The finger lifted up Nico's face.
"Can I-sorry," Will suddenly recoiled. Nico reached for the other man in his head. "Sorry, sorry." Will hit a hand on his forehead. "I'm sorry. I just- came on so strong and I made you so uncomfortable didn't I?" Nico didn't respond. He was too stunned to say anything. "Sorry." Will backed into a corner of the elevator and slumped against a wall. Nico drummed his fingers, unaware of what to do in the current situation. He sure as hell wanted to kiss Will. The feeling when the blond peeled himself away felt like taking off his coat in the middle of winter. Cold, disappointed, and most of all wanting. He wanted to be kissed and felt for. He looked over to Will, still slumped against the metal wall. Nico made a butt-shuffle. He landed about a foot closer to Will. At this, the blond looked up. Nico rolled over onto his knees and crawled towards Will. Once close enough, he stood on his knees, overlooking Will. Slowly bending down, he timidly moved his face closer to Will's.
"Can I kiss you?" Whispered Nico, his nose brushing against Will's. Will smiled warmly.
"Of couse."
To smut or not to smut, that is the question. Tough call guys, if you want me to continue this story as smut, comment "Confined space. How kinky." Although if you think I should continue it as fluff, comment "I AM GOING TO TAKE MY PHONE AND. SWALLOW. IT."