Hello everyone who is reading this! Again i am sorry about the gaps in this story and i feel like the last two chapters just don't compare to all the ones before them but i wanted to finish this FIC. Charles AKA The Good Doctor still continues to be one of my favs who never got enough screen time but beside that sad fact i really hope i did a good job and would love some feed back! I had some many loyal readers on this story and i just wanted to thank you all! Nothing makes me happier then hearing from you! Well here's the last chapter enjoy!

Let the Horror story begin...

I had told my parents Gwen the girl I was living with was crazy, that I left and I knew no one lived in our old house they still owned and I had nowhere to go for the time being. With a lot of wine and drugs they pretend what they saw wasn't true and after hours had agreed to let me stay in the house. I had turned the power back on and it took all weekend but I cleaned the house top to bottom with the help of Moira. Things weren't the same but they were better. I still went to work every week day but I finally had somebody to come home to, I tried to just think about it like Charles stayed home with the child and I worked.

I didn't care about everyone who lived in the house and allowed them to walk around freely. I spent most my time with Charles and Thaddeus playing house. One day though something I didn't like happened. The doorbell rang and I answered it. A woman named Jamie Kelly was standing on the other side of the door and convinced me to allow her in.

"Ghost" I laughed. "You think my house is hunted?"

"I know it is" She sounded so confident.

"You can look around if you like but no cameras" I shrugged off the truth she knew.

"If you wouldn't mind I'd love to"

She stood up and I continued making myself lunch not caring to follow her. I knew soon enough she'd get scared out of this house. I sat down on the sofa that reminded me how close I came to dying in this house and watched my cartoons relaxing from a long day of work just waiting for her to leave so I can go find Charles. After a good twenty minutes I stood up, I half thought she would have run out of the house already screaming.

"Jamie" I called out her name.

Just outside the nursery bedroom door I saw a video camera of the floor. That lair. I looked around but didn't see her so I started to watch the video that she filmed. Nothing but hall ways and empty rooms but then she started following a shadow to this room then my eyes widen as I watched that sick woman who had nearly killed me before drag her out of the room.

"Jamie!" I rushed down the stairs knowing they would take her to the basement.

I nearly tripped as I rushed down the basement stairs and saw her tied up and gaged on the floor the same way I was once.

"Oh crap" I mutter.

I rushed to her side trying to untie the tight knots. She scream through the gag looking behind me. I couldn't turn fast enough and was hit over the head hard but the thin haired girl. I remembered this feeling well, the ooziness. I caught myself a little on my hands and knees my face still hitting the ground. I couldn't hear anything for a minute but I was sure I screamed from the shock and pain.

"Go, uh, go" I couldn't collect myself enough to send them away.

"Look who it is" The girl grabbed me by the hair. "It's Maria" She teased.

"Ch-CHARLES!" I finally got out.

The woman hit me another time sending me straight to the ground but I looked back to her smiling and spat out blood. Charles stood right behind the woman and grabbed her hard throwing her far away from me. She stood up fast detrained to finish what she started years ago.

"Go away!" She said stern to Charles.

I knew it was only a matter of time till Charles disappeared so I tried acting fast and continued to untie Jamie from the knots she was bound in.

"Go away!" She shouted again. "Go away, go away, go away" She panic backing against the wall of the basement.

"Shhh it's time for your treatment" Charles said dragging the girl into his work room.

The screams were none stop from the bitch who had it coming. I finally got feed up and knew I needed a knife to get her out of these bonds.

"Just hold on I'm getting something to cut you out of these" I told her standing up.

She squirmed and squealed but I left anyways to the closet room to have a sharp blade. With shaky feet I walked into the room where Charles had taken that murder. I tried my hardest not to look to where the screams were coming from but I couldn't help myself. I turned seeing her strapped to the metal operating table I've often sat and laid on. The two nurses stood beside Charles and I knew they had every right to enjoy what was happening but as much as I thought she deserved I didn't have the stomach for it. Luckily for me Charles covered any view I could see what he was doing to her, however, I did see gallons of blood rushing underneath the table coming from her lower body.

His hands stopped and he looked over to me, the only thing I could see were his blood shot blue eyes. That was the man I loved, I was almost scared of myself.

"Lamb, did you need something?" He asked in a voice much too soft for someone who could do this, enjoy this.

"A-um, I need a knife" I stuttered out.

"Of course" I could tell he was smiling under his mask. "Nurse" He order them to give me one of his blades.

Maria walked over to me with a small smile on her face and handed me a surgical blade.

"Thank you"

She only nodded and walked back to Charles side helping when asked.

"Lamb, I'm working is there anything else?" He asked.


"Well then dear why don't you go clean off and I'll be up for dinner shortly" He told me. "And I'll look and that mean bruise as well Lamb"

"Yes Charles"

He smile and nodded then his hands started his 'work' again. I basically ran out as her screams started back up. I cut Jamie free and helped her up the stairs sitting her down on an island chair.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She defiantly was not okay, and I knew it was a dumb question but I felt like it was the only thing I could ask.

"You knew!" She said looking to me.

"You can't live in this house and not know" I told her the truth. "Everything going to be okay" I promised her.

"How do you know that?"

"Sometimes some of them get out of hand but Charles always straightens them out" I explained.

"That was Charles Montgomery?" She asked pointing to the basement. "Wow, this is amazing and terrifying"

"I think you should go home and get some rest" I told her.

"Yeah, yeah" She agreed. "I'll be back" She promised.

I only nodded not waiting to fight and lead her out of the house. I sat down on the sofa thinking what the hell had I gotten myself in to? The screaming became quieter till finally I didn't hear it but Charles still didn't come up, I knew he might be down there all night. She had told him to go away and he didn't. I wondered how that could have happened. After a while I shook my head knowing none of this was doing me any good I had laid down on the sofa about ten minutes ago and now that my heart had calmed down I let my eyes shut trying to think of happier times.

Dove slept restless on the sofa she had almost died on years ago and downstairs Charles finally finished ripping what he wished out of the girl. At the start of all this he knew she had meant Dove harm but sometime through he almost forgotten and just thought she was another one of 'his girls' when he finished playing doctor he remembered again about Dove. He untied the covering protecting his clothes removing it along with his gloves and mask. Charles left the woman there legs spread open and passed out from pain if she were alive she would be dead now.

Charles straightened his suite jacket before entering the living room but once he saw Dove passed out of the sofa he knew no formalities were needed. He took a seat in his chair facing her as he smoked from his pipe. He knew he should have taken her to bed but he just wanted to admire her a moment longer. As ghost moved all around him he didn't see a single one his mind only on one woman. If only I married you. The good doctor thought. If only. He had no sense of time in this moment, not understanding he could have never married his Lamb in his living life. In his death his innocent childlike mind was only amplified.

"If only" He whispered.

Some sense came back to the good doctor as he looked at Dove he could have kicked himself. He had been having conflicting thoughts as of late weather to kill her or to ask if it was alright to do so. He had an chance to not have to do either if he would have just like the sickly girl do what he was having trouble with. It would be so easy to just cut her up, he knew that yet he didn't wish to do anything without her consent. It was hard to be a man in love. He thought. He put his pipe back into his ash tray and stood grabbing the small fair haired girl into his arms like a bride. She moaned in his arms almost waking.

"Shhh, lamb it is only me" He soothed her.

Quickly enough she fell back to sleep in his arms. Charles carried her to her room and placed her into bed joining her after taking off some of his many layers. Thaddeus climbed into bed with them as well and for a moment Charles saw the child he had sewn back together but either a blonde hair toddler with dimples or a ratted, grey monstrous toddler Charles didn't care taking his boy into his arms kissing the top of his head. They both joined Dove in sleep.

I woke up to sunlight in my eyes and a small hand holding on to me. I turned seeing Charles holding Thaddeus between us and it made me smile. I sat up and right after regretted it. I winced in pain and held my head. I knew a drop of a pen could wake Charles lately so I should have been quiet. He sat up looking at me with soft eyes as he took in my bruised face. He told Thaddeus to go play and picked me up in his arms carrying me down to the basement.

I was relieved to see the woman who tried killing me yesterday was gone. He sat me down on the metal slab and looked my face over.

"Am I going to live doctor" I teased.

"It appears so" He said so with a displeased look.

I understood why but I was in no mood to finally have that talk. I swayed my feet in the air waiting for him to cover the cloth mask in his ether.

"Small breaths" He instructed me.

I listened. I opened my eyes wide for a moment before being able to hardly keep them open. I felt good, like I was flying. It didn't take him but a second to take in three long breaths for himself. Same old Charles.

"Thank you for saving me… again" I laughed at the end.

"I promised I would never fail you" He said swaying slightly from his drugs tears building up in his eyes.

"I know." I kissed his cheek. "Charles why didn't you go away when she told you to?" I asked.

"I made this house what it is" He said simply. "There is nowhere for me to go"

I still didn't understand but I knew it was best to leave it there. My eyes kept fluttering.

"Come lamb, more sleep is needed" He said. "Doctors orders"

He laid me down gentle on the metal bed and just stood there rubbing my hair, I held on for a few minutes till finally the drugs over took me and I was deep in sleep…

1 years later…

For the past two years we have continued on the same way as always. I went to work on the weekdays and came home making dinner, I spent as many weekends in as I could and me and Charles had made a life for ourselves. It wasn't easy but I loved him. The house wasn't always quiet but Charles dealt with any trouble makers in his own way. One day after being on and off again sick Charles had given me a checkup and told me news I didn't believe. "Pregnant" I about fell over. After talking to Tate I learned it was very possible, I was scared to death but beyond happy. I was lucky to give birth inside the house with no complications, for five years we raised our child doing the best we could being a part of two different worlds. However, one night everything changed.

Charles and I were talking for hours, bring up the first time I ever sat on his operating table, how he was my hero, and about all the things I did while I was away. After the let hours he laid me down of the metal bed continuing to talk until I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Dove slept as Charles watched over her thinking of all the thing that had happen. That murderess continues to be a pain in his side, years ago Dove was gone and he feared it was only a matter of time before she left again, they had a beautiful son Thaddeus and now a beautiful daughter, Megan. Life was complete. Charles thought back to his youth before Dove, Megan and Thaddeus, before Nora, he was in medical school and they brought in a lamb for the students to study with but it was not the first time Charles held a blade to a lamb. In his childhood he remember being so taken by how every living thing worked, and moved. He would cut open anything that moved. And now he stood over another lamb so taken over by who she was. Charles picked up a saw knowing he wanted to see in side everything of her but remembered the screams such a tool caused.

He hovered over his tools wondering what he could use to be gentle. Till finally his hand grasped the one thing he thought he loved most until he meant the blonde girl, ether. He soaked the rag in his drug of choice taking a few courage whiffs himself. Slaughter the lamb, it was only natural. He reminded himself. Charles was kind he applied no pressure as he put the drugged cover rag to his beloved face. He knew he should ask but the fear of her never coming home again, and the curiosity to play with her body was too much for the good doctor.

12:45 Dr. Charles Montgomery pronounced Devon dead…

"Charles?" Dove called out to her lover from the other side of the room while her body laid on the metal bed.

"We'll be together forever" His voice broke and he breathed in more of his drugs. "Oh, lamb you look just like you did when I first saw you"

Tears fell from the good doctors eyes and he petted Dove lifeless body's blonde locks over joyed with himself.

I looked to Charles, I stood here yet laid there for a moment I couldn't understand and then I knew it I was dead. After all these years he broke, he had done it. Some part of me was angry, felt unready yet I knew no matter the timing I would feel this way. And another part of me was happy, I always worried I would die outside this house and have to live forever without him but now I knew that would never happen.

"Forever" I agreed.

"Forever" He smiled tears running down his cheeks. "My Dove" He said grabbing me in our first embrace that had the reinsurance of forever.

"I love you" I told him.

"And I you lamb"


Alright my dear fans I feel like this story has come to an end. I couldn't just leave it in the last chapter I wanted to give just a little more and I always knew I wanted the last word to be "Lamb" Said by Charles or as I love to call him the Good Doctor! I hope you all enjoyed this FIC because I did writing it! I hate to call it an end but I'm glad they got their version of happy ever after. LOVE YOU ALL

Xoxo, Quinn