Natsu ran into the cottage, panting heavily. Looking around for any sign of Lucy, he called for her. "Luce!" he yelled, running around. Poking her head out, Erza rubbed her eyes sleepily.
"Natsu! What are you doing?" she asked, covering her mouth to hide a wide yawn. Loke came out of his own room, eying the panting boy weirdly.
"What's wrong with ya?" he asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Have you seen, Lucy?" he asked, shaking.
"She left for a little walk earlier, she should-"
"No! The council, they're coming to get her!" he explained, running out of the house quickly. Jumping at that, the other two followed close behind the pinkette. Please be safe, Luce!
Lucy ran, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She heard them, the horses. She knew that it was the council, who else would be up here riding multiple horses. Jumping over a fallen tree, she screamed as she was yanked down, a vine tightly wrapped around her ankle. Yanking at it, she felt fear rush through her as she heard the horses coming closer. Finally managing to be free, she was about to start running again when she was met face to face with a pure white horse, who huffed in her face. Groaning inwardly, she looked up to a knight hop off the horse.
"You're under arrest ma'am." he said gruffly. Backing up, she ran into another knight who quickly chained up her wrists. Looking around, she held back another scream as she was pulled onto one of the horses. No, don't struggle. a voice whispered in her head. This is your destiny, this is what is supposed to happen to you... hanging her head, the blonde sighed, and nodded when one of the knights asked if she was alone up there.
"LUCY!" Natsu screamed, making her flinch. No! He was supposed to stay in the cottage. Looking up, she saw that Loke and Erza were with him as well. It was right when they were about to reach the small group when they were tackled down by some other knights and chained down.
"No!" the killer cried, leaning forward. Pushing her back, the horse moved forward. Meeting Natsu's eyes, she cried softly as he mouthed something to her.
"Don't cry, I'll get you out of this."
Natsu struggled against his restraints. How, how did the council manage to get up in the mountains so quickly. He finally shivered, realizing that as soon as he came into view, knights must have been sent out to look for Lucy, knowing that they had to collect her body or at least kill her themselves. How could he be so stupid about not looking. Banging his head against the post, he looked around. Not too far from where he sat, Loke and Erza were also chained to wooden posts. People in the town had started to gather, staring at them before turning their attention to a post in the middle of the plaza.
"Are they finally going to kill her?" someone whispered, making the boy look up to them.
"Of course they are! They wouldn't risk anyone else being killed of course!" the other whispered back, crossing their arms over their chest.
"Oh look, there she is now!" someone called, pointing to a small, barred cart. Looking over to that direction, Natsu yet again, yanked forward. Lucy was sitting in there, her head hanging low. When reaching the big post, they yanked out the blonde resulting in her letting gout a small scream, only enraging the boy even more. Under a few seconds, she was tied up to the post and staring ahead to where Goldmine, Bob, and Makarov stood. Looking around, Makarov rose his hands to silence everyone.
"Thank you. Now, we all know things like this are usually held till the next day, but, due to certain reasons, the council has agreed to do it now rather than wait so we can assure your safety! Now, let's all start the-"
"Wait!" Mavis screamed, pushing her way thought the crowd till she reached the three men that stood there, shocked looks on their faces.
"Who let her out of her room?" Goldmine asked, looking at the rest of the council who shrugged, looking nervously at the small blonde.
"Before any of you think it's a-okay just to kill this girl, please, let me show you that there is a better way!" before anyone could object, she spun around and held her arms up high. "This one who has been cursed, show her the light of freedom, and the justice that will be shown in her new life!" she chanted, a bright light filling the air. Screams erupted from the crowd, the light blinding everyone for a minute.
Dimming down at last, Mavis stood there panting, smiling in victory. Lucy blinked her eyes open slowly, both the same chocolate colored eyes that she was borne with, the one that was lost ever since the curse was put upon her. "It worked!" Mavis cheered, running up to Lucy smiling. "I don't feel your evil anymore!" she grinned, pressing her hand against the girls stomach. "You're free!" she cheered, unlocking her chains. Rubbing her wrists, she slowly touched her left eye. Tears rained down her cheek, pulling her hand away, she gasped when she saw it wasn't red. The little woman...definitely did something.
Makarov slowly approached her, reaching his hand up and touched her forehead. "Yes...remember when we examined her earlier, and we did confirm that there was defiantly dark magic in her." he asked the others, who nodded in response. "It's gone..." Looking around, Lucy stared right into Natsu's eyes, his mouth a gap as he stared at both, identical eyes. Running up to him, she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Feeling his hands free, he looked up to see Mavis stand there, a small smile on her lips. Eyes widening, he hugged the girl in his arms tightly, kissing her head gently. He saw Erza and Loke being freed as well, their own lovers coming up to them, smiling in relief.
Pulling away, she held back tears as she stared into Natsu's eyes. "I'm free..."
Smiling, he put his hand on her heart. "Yes...I can tell. But honestly...I think I'm going to miss that mad heart that you had when I first met you..." he whispered, wiping away the tears the fell down her cheeks.
The End
(sorry if it was a crappy ending haha)