Enjoy. Only thing I'm gonna say.
"Dragon army?" Astrid questioned to the strange man, who appeared to have known them (that, or he had the entire wrong impersonation of who he was talking to).
"Look, we don't want any trouble," said Hiccup.
"Ha!" the dragon trapper laughed. "You should have thought of that before you stole all of our dragons and blasted our fort to bits
"What are you... talking about?" Astrid questioned. Really, this guy was crazy.
"You think we did this?" said Hiccup.
"Ha," said the dragon trapper. "Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder Dragon Riders sneaking in to rescue them."
"What do-gooder- There are other Dragon Riders?" Hiccup asked, almost in awe.
"You mean, other than your thieving friend from last night?" the man frowned. "You tell me. You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side but I still have a quota to fill. How'd you suppose we explain this to Drago Bludvist?"
"Drago What-vist?" Hiccup asked. "Does anything you say make sense?"
"He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow," one of the other dragon trappers stated. Another one agreed, "And Drago don't take well to excuses."
"This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty handed," said the trapper that appeared to be the leader. He showed Astrid and Hiccup a deep scar on his shoulder. "He promised to be far less understanding in the future."
"Alright," said Hiccup. Really, he was having enough of this, "we don't know anything about a dragon thief or an ice-spitting dragon..."
Unbeknownst to them, Eret nodded to men hidden behind Hiccup, Astrid and Toothless.
"...or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay?" Hiccup continued. "Just give us back our dragon and we'll go, strange, hostile person whom we've never met."
"Oh, where are my manners?" said the head dragon trapper. "Ha, I'm Eret, son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive, after all it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury.
Beside Hiccup, Toothless growled.
"And this is Toothless," said Hiccup, "he says we're going. Now."
Eret laughed. "They all say that. Rush 'em, lads!"
The hidden dragon trappers attacked from nowhere. Toothless fired at a large icicle, blasting into the path, blocking the attacking trappers. They all shrieked and backed away in alarm. Hiccup raced forward, wielding Inferno, slashing wildly at the bonds that held Stormfly. They snapped in just another instant, leaving the dragon free. Hiccup sheathed his weapon and raced back to Toothless. They were going. Boy, were they going.
"Stormfly, come on!" Astrid encouraged. "Go! Go!"
Bolas and weapons starting heaving straight in their direction. The trappers weren't really aiming; just trying to bring down one of them.
"You will never hold onto those dragons!" Eret shouted. "You hear me?! Drago is coming for them all!"
They were just heading back to Berk, almost out of range. And I say almost for an important reason.
Hiccup didn't realize the arrow heading straight for him, until he felt a splitting, blinding pain in his side. It was literally blinding; when he opened his eyes, it appeared a white, blurry landscape of nothingness.
"HICCUP!" Astrid screamed. Wait...screamed? Since when did Fearless Astrid Hofferson scream in terror?
Hiccup opened his eyes again, blinking repeatedly to relieve himself of the fuzzy, spinny images that flashed before his eyes. When he finally saw what was happening, he realized that he and Toothless were plummeting straight for the ocean. It was coming up close...too close. Dangerously close.
Hiccup yanked on Toothless' saddlehorn, practically jamming his prosthetic unceremoniously into the foot petal. It must have slipped out between the time Hiccup was shot by the arrow and now.
Oh, right. Hiccup had almost forgotten he had an arrow sticking out of his side.
They just barely missed the ocean, Toothless skimming the water ever so slightly. Hiccup yanked again, and Toothless got the hint. He soared upwards, back into the clouds.
"HICCUP!" Astrid shouted again. "Are you okay?"
"FINE!" said Hiccup. "Yeah, just an arrow in my side...I've had worse!" He cringed. "NOT sarcasm!"
"NOT funny!" said Astrid. She didn't like to be reminded of past experiences. "We have to land!"
"Where!?" said Hiccup. "Oh, wait a minute, I have an idea! Let's go back and see if those dragon trappers want to offer us a room! Where else do we go, Astrid!? There is no where else!"
"Stop talking!" said Astrid. "Just stop talking! You're only making it...Hiccup!" She was about to point out the fact that talking would just make his heart pump faster, causing him to lose more blood from the wound, but apparently, it was too late to warn him. He fell sideways over Toothless, unconscious.
Toothless shrieked, not because he could no longer fly, but because his rider was free falling without consciousness. Toothless roared.
"Stormfly, fetch!" said Astrid. Stormfly did as she was told, grabbing Hiccup by the ankle just before he slammed into the ocean.
Toothless crashed into the sea, grabbing onto a chunk of ice to keep him afloat. Astrid felt awful for leaving the dragon, but Stormfly couldn't carry him, and Hiccup needed some sort of medical attention. Astrid had to find a place to land. Fast.
"Make it to shore, Toothless!" Astrid shouted. "I will find you! Just make it to shore!"
What shore? she thought. She couldn't even find a shore!
"Just...stay alive!" she shouted. "I'll be back!"
Then, she turned and headed off in the opposite direction.
Toothless couldn't stay up. He watched as his rider was carried off by Stormfly, and there was nothing he could do about it. He just watched Hiccup get shot, and it was possible he would never know whether or not he made it.
He slipped off the ice, sinking into the unforgiving, cold ocean. As long as Hiccup was okay, though, so would he. He would be okay, as long as his master was. He saw dark shapes looming towards him. Other dragons, he realized, probably out to eat him. He closed his eyes, not knowing that the dragons were taking him to a safe haven.
A Dragon Sanctuary.