"Hey, Bunny."
"Yes Jack?"
"You know, since you are the Easter Bunny, I was wondering...can you whip up any good egg jokes for me? Or is your brain fried?"
(Groans) "Here we go."
"Or is it scrambled?"
"Come on, Bunny! I'm b-egging you!"
"Lighten up! I think you need to come out of your shell more!"
"Don't make any more egg puns."
"But they're so egg-citing!"
(Groans) "Oh Jack, please stop."
"Why? Are they not egg-stravagant enough for you?"
"No. They're excellent...ly horrible."
"You mean egg-cellent."
(Groans) "Why did I say that?"
(Laughs) "I'm cracking up!"
"That's it, I'm leaving!"
"Aren't you going to egg-cept my challenge and hatch up a joke for me?"
"See ya, Jack."
"Don't poach any of my best yolks!"
"Thank you."
"That's all, yolks!"
"That's it you're dead!"
"What egg-actly do you mean by that?"
So I told an egg joke in science class today...this is the result.
Hope you guys enjoyed!