Alliance: HiiT!

A/N: ii is the name of the participant letter 'I'. As it might be confused with a narrative, I changed the letter to a double letter. It sounds the same as the letter 'I'.

"I will master fire types."

"I will master grass types."

"I will master water types."

"This is our alliance! We will be the final three of the 26, and have a competition to decide the final winner! We will win the ABC project!"

Those were the words uttered by T, ii, and H that day. I was the only one to bear witness to it. And, for some time, I would be the only one to know of it.

The ABC project, explained simply, was a cult ritual performed by two evil corporations. These two corporations, called Team Alpha and Team Omega, banded together and kidnapped 26 people. 18 of these were 9 year old children. These children were from skilled or rich families. The remaining 8 were trainers from across the land. All of the 26 were given a letter of the alphabet as their name. The children were harshly trained for the next year. Each was taught to specialize in one type of pokemon, and they were then sent out into the Hoenn region.

The rules of the project were simple. The 26 participants could do anything they wanted within the Hoenn region. However, if they wanted to regain their names and be reunited with their families, then they would have to brutally defeat all of the other participants' pokemon in a battle, or kill the other participants. Upon defeat or death, the participant is no longer part of the ABC project, leaving one less competitor. The final participant would retrieve their old names and reunite with their families.

Teams Alpha and Omega made a big show of their project. Demonstrations of the participants' power were broadcasted across the world. Many of the world's most influential people placed their bets on participants. In addition, two participants were representatives of Team Omega and Team Alpha respectively. Participants also began to form alliances, deals that would bring them farther into the project.

In the middle of this, I, the boy labeled as G, was alone.

And on the first day I was very close to being killed by H, ii, and T.

When T, ii, and H made that alliance, I was there.

I too had come to Littleroot in search of strong pokemon, but was forced to hide behind a bush when I spotted the three.

Upon hearing them pledge allegiance to each other, I knew that I had to run from Littleroot as quickly as possible.

After all, I wasn't exactly the most talented of the 18. I was the shortest and one of the physically weakest. I had yellow hair and green eyes. The alpha and omega symbols were burned onto my forehead, in purple and black respectively.

T, meanwhile, was pretty tall, with dark skin and black eyes. ii was moderately tall and pretty physically fit. She had excelled at the physical training during the past year. She had dark skin and dark eyes. H was on the shorter side, but was intelligent and able. He had red hair and pale eyes. These three all had the same brands as I did, as every member of the ABC project had on their forehead. They were a menace to me alone, forget banded together.

So I began to try and run away...

But then they entered a building.

And I became curious, and peeked in a window...

"We would like to receive pokemon!" All three of the participants exclaimed at once. They were talking to whom I assumed was Professor Birch...

And he was giving them pokemon! He was giving them his rare pokemon! That was bad news...

I backed away from the window and began running. Unfortunately, I didn't even make it through the town...

A Treecko landed in front of me and lashed out, sending me sprawling backwards.

"You thought we didn't know you were there?"

"Geez, G, you really don't change. You're still a weakling."

"You didn't even gain anything from the training... You'll be an easy kill."

"Er... Kill?" T glanced at H, who had made the last remark. "Can't we just... Beat him up and stuff? Defeat him in combat? Three on one? You remember the rules and all..."

"Idiot! He obviously doesn't have any pokemon! He would have defended, or even ambushed us! Not to mention the only reason for coming to this town is getting a pokemon!" H snapped. "The only other way is to kill him!"

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" T looked uneasy.

"We're in a giant death game instigated by two cults!" H fired back.

Unfortunately, H was right. I had no pokemon. I had heard about someone getting a Pikachu at a professor's lab, and had come to get a pokemon... Unfortunately, most of the participants in the ABC project were not supplied with pokemon at the beginning. I was trained to specialize in electric types, so I had figured a place like this would be ideal if a Pikachu were around...

But I now regretted my decision. My eyes flitted back and forth between the arguing T and H, before I made a run for it.

I didn't do much, because Treecko immediately tripped me up. ii was still paying attention.

"Nice try, weakling. We're not done with you." The girl said coldly.

A Torchic and Mudkip popped out behind me. Their roars signified my end in my ears. I suddenly felt desperation shoot through me. This wouldn't be the end... It couldn't be...! And I kicked at Treecko. Desperately. Again and again. That was when I found out my skill- adaptability. This ability would save me many times later, and desperation seemed to trigger my strongest attacks and smartest strategies. But for now, I kicked and kicked, until I connected with the gecko pokemon's face. As soon as it fell back, I had darted off. Mudkip and Torchic gave chase, but my adrenaline gave me energy. I managed to make it out of the city and into a forest route...

But then my escape was forcibly halted when I crashed into someone.
