It was one of those typical summer hot days where everyone would go out having fun. Surprisingly, Kuroo and Kenma were going to become average teenagers and do exactly like that. Of course this didn't mean that they were exactly average or normal.

Kuroo was at Kenma's front door wearing jeans and a black shirt, dressed casually. As he was halfway to knocking on his door, the door swung open, knocking Kuroo off his feet with a surprised expression which crept to his face.

"W-what the?!" Kuroo suddenly exclaimed as he brung his hand over his head, rubbing the newly bruise. As Kuroo looked up, he saw a gleaming boy with black sweatpants and a dark slightly big hoodie, with a not-so-hidden grin planted on the boy.

"What are you doing on the floor?", Kenma asked with a grin.

"J-just chilling here. Its comfortable.", Kuroo intelligently said, but cursed himself for the stuttering.

"You can do whatever you want with the floor, but after we go to the arcade." Kenma said with a slight emphasis on "arcade" as he was grinning.

Kenma started walking first while Kuroo got up the floor and started slightly sprinting to catch up with Kenma who was going at a scramble dash pace.

"Out of character", Kuroo silently muttered to himself.

Kenma was always composed. He rarely showed his feelings around others. Except today.

Of course he would be showing off his feelings more than other days. When it came to games, Kenma was a huge fan of them. Every genre, you call it, he played them. You need advice on how to defeat the boss who was seemingly impossible? Dial up a call and Kenma could instantly send you a package full of diagrams and text of beating the boss all the way to how much mana depletion you would have and the enemy's attack patterns.

The arcade is like a gift sent from heaven to him. So of course it was the reason for why he was grinning like a little kid.

After they arrived at the heart of where all the fun was ( Kuroos definition of fun )They were around a busy street where stores were clustered around. As they were waiting for the signal to indicate that they could cross, Kuroo decided to strike conversation.

" Sooo, what happened to the conceal don't fear?", Kuroo said with a smirk.

" I decided to let it go." Kenma said with a cunning comeback.

" Couldn't hold it back any more?"

Kenma sighed, can't believing he was having a Frozen pun conversation with Kuroo.

" Can we just stop the Frozen puns?, we can cross the street now." Kenma replied as he struck a finger to the signal.

"Roger." Kuroo grinned as he let out a throaty laugh.

As they were walking on the side walk, the sun was slightly slowing them down and the lack of water wasn't helping so much.

"So thirsty", Kuroo muttered under his breath.

" You should have bought a water bottle then", Kenma scolded.

" Can I just drink yours?"

" I'm not sure I want it contaminated"

"I'm the one with the money for the arcade"

Kenma then eagerly shoved his half filled water bottle towards him.

"Why thank you!" Kuroo exclaimed with a victory filled smirk. Kuroo then proceeded to take a sip for Kenmas water bottle when he stopped halfway. "Wait, isn't this an indirect kiss?!" he thought." No, no, we do this all the time and we're childhood friends, so it doesn't count. Wait, what if it did count?! THEN WE MUST'VE HAD MORE KISSES THAN A BABY HAS BY THEIR PARENTS! OR, OR, MORE THAN A-" he abruptly stopped thinking as Kenma poked him on the shoulder.

" Are you going to drink that yet? I need a drink also."

" Y-yeah", Kuroo replied with a huge blush that crept onto his face, as he gulped down the chugs he took, almost finishing the whole bottle. Kuroo then realized he left none for Kenma because he was nervous about the whole fantasy he had in his head. Quickly, he gave it to Kenma hoping he wouldn't know. Although of course, he knew that it was impossible.

"Jerk" Kenma said when he held the almost empty water bottle by his thumb and index finger, swinging it in front of his face.

" Ahah, sorry" Kuroo said with guilt written all over his voice and face.

As they kept walking, they finally arrived at the newly built arcade. The whole thing seemed black, but with flashing electric blue and neon green letters printed on it, saying "Haruhi's Arcade".

" PRAISE LORD HARUHI FOR DELIVERING US THIS MAJESTIC ARCADE!" Kenma suddenly shouted in glee upon encountering the arcade he has been waiting for see for about a decade ( Yesterday, really ). Kuroo jumped in surprise by seeing this oddly out of character Kenma. He looked around to see if people were surprised, and every passing stranger had their eyes glued on them. Kenma, suddenly realizing what he said out loud, cupped his mouth with his hands as his face was flushed with bright red embarrassment reaching all the way to his ears. He must be really embarrassed since he's so sensitive to what other people think of him, Kuroo thought as he had a panic face on him, figuring out what to do to help his socially awkward insecure sensitive friend.

Quickly, he covered Kenma's eyes with his hand, blocking most of his face from the strangers that were eyeing them in curiosity, also taking Kenma's hand and sprinted to the entrance, guiding Kenma along the way.

"E-ehh?" Kenma said in surprise as a large hand had blinded him from seeing. Reluctantly, after processing the situation they recently were in, he was relieved and let Kuroo guide him, knowing he would do something about it. Of course along the way, his face was steaming and boiling full of embarassment of the very out of character thing he said. When it came to games, he just couldn't let his emotions be hidden.

Kenma wasn't the only one who had their face red. Kuroo was as equally as red as the young blonde boy next to him. "His hands are so small." Kuroo thought, as he continued to guide him through the dark hallway which was connected to the entrance. He could feel Kenma's breath slightly on his hand, which made Kuroo a bit uneasy.

Suddenly, Kuroo stopped in surprise. He saw a scenery that consisted mostly of flashing. Lights were lit up almost everywhere, neon green, electric blue, neon yellow, and many more were in sync when running around the whole arcade. There were tubes connected to the ceiling where little lasers of coloured lights would swim from tube to tube. There were dozens of gaming machines, blending in with the colours. The place was packed with many young adolescents. The whole arcade gave off the feeling of a funky retro place where you could spend the whole day there.

" This place is immediately Photosensitive epilepsy ", Kuroo chuckled.

" W-wait, we're already here?! I WANT TO SEE TOO!" Kenma exclaimed, thrashing around, trying to take Kuroos hands ( Which Kuroo forgot that was still onto him ).

" Ah, sorry, I forgot", Kuroo said as he took of both of his hands that were on Kenma's eyes and small hand. Kenmas eyes widened in shock.

The flashing colours and gaming machines reflected his brown cat-like eyes. The sounds that emitted from the gaming machines sounded like harmony to his ears. All Kenma could make out was a few audible gasps and murmurs, leaving Kuroo in confusion on what he was trying to say. Kenma then suddenly sprinted to the nearest gaming machine he could find and shook the control stick and spammed the arrow keys.

"Maybe you should play it when you actually have tokens to activate the game" Kuroo said sarcastically.

Kenma shot Kuroo a quick glance, his cat-like eyes full of excitement.

"Shut up" he murmured while lowering his head in a deep red blush.

After Kuroo and Kenma bought some tokens ( It took all of Kuroos strength to shake off Kenma from trying to press the '80 tokens + free 5 tokens' option, they ended up with each of the young boys having 30 tokens.

"Alright, what do you want to play fir-" Kuroo said but stopped when he looked around and saw his blonde childhood friend nowhere in sight. "That boy" he murmured. "Its going to be pretty hard finding him in this huge arcade.", he sighed as he started his search for Kenma.

Fortunately, it didn't take quite long Kuroo to find him. Okay, within 15 seconds, he already found him. There was a huge crowd around a small arena with a huge gaming machine and 2 podiums with large control keys. The screen was flashing hysterically and kept screaming out "18 Hit! 19 Hit! 20 Hit!, KO!, C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!". The crowd cheered in excitement every time they heard the 'KO!' part. Kuroo pushed and shoved his way through the crowd, hoping Kenma was somewhere here. He was in fact, but not in the crowd, behind the podium. Kenma was on fire. Literally, his character had a powerup and was on fire. Kenma was spamming the controls so fast that all you could see was a fuzzy blur. Kenma was insanely beating his opponent like there was no tomorrow. His combos would increase rapidly and he didn't even let his opponent land a punch or him, or even come close. The game ending with a "3 KO'S! YOU LOSE!" in front of Kenmas opponent. The crowd went wild with excitement as Kuroo covered his ears.

The crowd suddenly started to chant, making Kuroos ears bleed more." ARCADE MASTER, ARCADE MASTER, ARCADE MASTER!"

"More like arcade geek" Kuroo muttered when he eyed Kenma with his hoodie covering his hair and parts of his face. Even though he couldn't see Kenmas face, he knew that he was blushing madly. He was always sensitive about how people thought of him, so no doubt the horde of gamers praising him would send him blushing like a school girl.

Kenma reached into his pockets in search of something, and was panicking when he pulled out nothing. The crowd quickly dispersed when they realized that the 'Arcade Master' wasn't playing anymore. "Did that idiot seriously waste all his tokens?" Kuroo muttered as he face palmed in Kenmas direction. Kenma instantly took notice of him and jumped off the platform which the game he was playing was on and dashed to him.

" Hey Kuroo do you have any more tokens? I wasted all of mines already", Kenma eagerly said, as if he was going to play dozens of more games like he already got tokens.

Of course, this earned Kenma a karate chop on the head from Kuroo.

"How is it possible that you wasted 30 tokens in this amount of time?!" Kenma exclaimed and lectured more about preserving and saving to the Kenma who had guilt written all over his face.

"S-sorry", Kenma said in a low voice. His face seemed genuinely sorry and that made the taller boy blush like a high school girl.

"W-well, we can go play games together using my tokens", Kuroo said as he looked away in embarrassment. Kenma immediately brightened up when he heard the word "games" and nodded in response.

"Alright then! First game will be this one!", Kuroo exclaimed as he pointed to a huge screen with a camera on top of it. The screen had dancers all around it and a big "START" in the middle of it.

" A dancing game?!" Kenma said in surprise.

" Yeah, what's wrong with it? Aren't you the Arcade Master? You shouldn't have any problem beating the high score on this", Kenma said slyly, his lips turning into his signature smirk.

Kenma blushed when he heard "Game Master" and remembered all the strangers praising him, making him blush even deeper.

"I-its fine. Its a game after all", Kenma replied, the blonde hair boy still blushing.

The two boys climbed the platform of the small dancing arena and browsed the options for which song to dance to.

"Lucky star opening dance?", Kuroo asked.

"My body will break from exhaustion."

"Attack on titan Linked Horizon?"

"Somebody already scored maximum points to that" Kenma replied as he pointed at the top 10 highscores.

"Ohoho, didn't know you were aiming for a high score"

"Well then, how about some Mirai nikki?" Kuroo said.

" I bet its just a bunch of "Yukki" in it." Kenma replied, unknowingly that he was right. This went on for a good 5 minutes that consisted of Kenma rejecting every song Kuroo asked.

"ALRIGHT, THEN WHAT ABOUT THIS "IMAGINATION SONG"?" Kuroo exclaimed as he darted his eyes at Kenma full of annoyance.

"Sure", Kenma said as he signalled the start button. He suddenly hovered the pointer on the game to mode 'easy', but then darted it over to 'extreme' and started the game ( While Kuroo was glaring daggers at Kenma from his response ).

"W-wait, are you insane?! We can't do this!" Kuroo exclaimed in surprise with wide eyes, then got ready to dance to the opening.

"To get the best high score, I need to do extreme" Kenma said with little emotion as he was fully concentrated on the game.

After at least 30 seconds had passed, a crowd had begun forming around them, watching Kenma and Kuroo in astonishment. Well, only Kenma. Kuroo was messing up the moves as he tried to keep up with the insane rapid rhythm. He almost punched Kenma when he had to swing his hands. Kenma, was dancing flawlessly to the beat."How is he doing better than me?! I thought he would suck at games like these!" Kuroo was thinking as he was dancing like a gerbil on steroids." ARCADE MASTER! ARCADE MASTER! ARCADE MASTER!" the crowd chanted as the song was coming to an end. Finally, the song had ended and Kenma received maximum points, beating his opponent Kuroo, who got as little as 500/5000.

"O-ONE MORE!" Kuroo exclaimed after he took a glance of his utter defeat.

"AH-CHOO!", Hinata sneezed in the middle of bumping a volleyball to Kageyama.

"OY! Focus! You're not sick, right?", Kageyama scolded as he began to bump the ball back.

"Nope, maybe somebody is just talking about me!", Hinata said as he grinned, bumping the ball back.

Song after song after song, Kuroo didnt beat the arcade master once. He tried different types of songs, such as Sword Art Online, Akame Ga Kill, K-ON!, and even Tokyo Ghoul openings and endings ( Kenma really liked anime ). But not once, did he beat him, or even get a record close to his.

"Am I just that bad of a dancer?" Kuroo said miserably as they were both walking back home from the arcade as they ran out of tokens.

"Well, you almost got me on that Pokémon one", Kenma replied in an attempt to bring his friends mood up.

"That was because I accidentally tripped you." Kuroo said even more miserably.

"Don't worry about it too much. Besides it was fun." Kenma said as he stopped in front of Kuroo and tilted his head in a smile.

"S-shut up", Kuroo said, looking away in hopes to hide his already formed blush on his face."Oh god, he's so cute when he's smiling. GAHH WHAT AM I THINKING?" he thought as he kept walking, in a lazy lethargic way. Kenma continued to walk alongside him, looking in perfect condition beside the extremely tired Kuroo.

"You were pretty out of character today", Kuroo said.

"W-well, I guess I get excited over games, so maybe that's why."

" Guess? Maybe? That was the whole reason idiot"

"S-shut up, I just hope nobody saw my face", Kenma said quietly, squirming a bit from his insecurity.

"Don't worry, nobody saw your face", Kuroo said as he chuckled.

"Of course. I can always count on you.", Kenma replied, although whispering it so Kuroo couldn't hear, with a gentle smile.

They finally reached Kenma's house. " Do you want something to eat or just rest? You seem pretty tired.", Kenma asked, frowning slightly when he looked at the state he was in. " Yup, I would love that. Definitely. Lets go." Kuroo said in his head. But he knew that if he stayed with Kenma any longer, aware that he might have feelings for him, he would just burst.

"No, its okay.", Kuroo replied as he turned to walk away to his house, but abruptly stopped. "W-wait, actually let me do something first." Kuro said, glancing away from Kenma, blushing madly. Kenma tilted his head like a cat in confusion, "What is it?" he said.

Kuroo suddenly embraced Kenma in a hug near his doorsteps. He buried his head in Kenmas shoulder. "W-wha-", Kenma said in surprise. " Mmmn,charging, don't pull the device away from you", Kuroo muttered, audible enough for Kenma to hear him, as he leaned his tall figure onto the small fragile figure, smirking. Kuroo continued to embrace Kenma for at least 10 seconds, until Kuroo pulled away.

"Heh, sorry about tha-" Kuroo said but stopped as he found a red blushed Kenma when he pulled away."E-eh?", Kuroo said in excitement mixed with confusion, when he received a reaction from Kenma which he never thought would happen.

"U-um, I had fun today, s-see you later Kuroo!" Kenma quickly said as he swung his door open and dashed inside, then closed it quickly.

Kuroo stood frozen by his doorsteps, registering the image of Kenma blushing. Suddenly, his face boiled up in red.

"He's so cute.", he thought as he cupped one hand over his mouth, partially hiding the blush that was showing on his face.


I hope you enjoyed it! I worked really hard on this and giving me a review always makes me really happy ^U^

I tried to finish this as fast as possible but time flew and the school assignments kept piling up (Nice exc-reason)

As a beginner, please write a review to tell me what you think and if I need anything to improve. Reviews really make my day :)

I WILL CONTINUE THIS! I'm not sure when I'll make a rated M scene yet because I wanted to show the progress of Kenmas and Kuroos relationship so please bear with it!