It was your typical hot summer day. Children were playing outside, screaming hollers of delight. Dogs were running around the grass, and teenagers were chatting alongside the side walk. It seemed like the perfect day to go out and have fun. Not Kenma though. His ideal summer vacation was just playing video games 24/7. He was content with his summer plan, beating at least 5 bosses everyday, which was already a fun youthful life for Kenma. But, of course his best friend, and perhaps only friend, Kuroo, didn't allow that whatsoever.

"Kenmaaaa~" Kuroo said near Kenma's ear while sitting beside him watching him beat the 47th boss. Kenma, who had his eyes glued onto the video game simply responded, "No, the chocolate pudding is mine for the last time." "Not that!" Kuroo exclaimed, sounding a bit annoyed and disappointed. "We should go somewhere outside, it's a nice day y'know? Maybe play some volleyball? It's summer break and you havent done anything exciting!" Kenma would always wonder why Kuroo would even bother coming over. They were like magnets, Kenma being negative and Kuroo being positive. Although it seems that Kuroo was attracted to Kenma from the countless visits to Kenmas house, sticking with him for years as his best friend, pestering him to join the volleyball team. They had a strong bond. Just like magnets.

"I saved the world 3 times from dragons, a revolution, and zombies" Kenma calmly said.

"Those were all in video games!" Kuroo snapped with annoyance."Okay, we are absolutely going outside and have fun like average teenagers while you like it or not!" Kuro said while standing up, separating the controller Kenma was holding.

Kenmas stomach screeched out a huge growl. "If we're going outside, then can we go to a restaurant or any place that has food? There's nothing left in the fridge." Kenma said while reluctantly letting go of his controller. Kuroo, who was delighted to hear that Kenma was actually going to go outside, and a bit surprised that Kenma would put up more of a fight, nodded his head cheerfully in response.

Kuroo always liked Kenma. People would wonder and ask why Kuroo still stays with him after these many years, when he could've been having more fun. Kuroo would say that he enjoyed being with Kenma, as dull as he looked.

After walking to go find some place for lunch, they finally found a family restaurant." Heyyy~, maybe if we act like we were family, we could get the discount!" Kuroo said with his signature mischievous grin. Kenma sighed at Kuroos usual not so funny jokes.

"Let's just go in and eat. I'm really starving"

"Roger" Kuroo said, excited that he and Kenma were actually doing what friends should do. Maybe too excited.

After sitting at their table and ordering what to eat, they finally got their meals. Kenma ordered the daily special which consisted of two chicken breasts, various vegetables at the side, and dessert, apple pie. Kuroo ordered a meal of rice at the side, pork as the main dish, and also, some various vegetables at the side. Kenma who gobbled the chicken down, barely touched his vegetables.

"Kenma, eat your vegetables. If you ever wondered why you were so short, this is exactly why" Kuroo said as he glared at Kenma, stabbing a carrot with his fork and holding it mid-air, expecting Kenma to take it. "I don't like them, they're disgusting", Kenma said in response with a huge pout written on his face, making him undeniably cute. Kuroo stammered a bit. Did he just think Kenma was cute for a split second? What was he thinking? No way, Kenma was his childhood friend and best friend, the possibility of finding him a bit cute was impossible, he thought. "Tomorrow, I'll take you to this new arcade that opened up recently. The money I saved up is enough to play endless games. Only if you eat these vegetables though.", Kuroo offered. Kenma perked up with his head raising slightly more, with eyes glimmering of excitement. He looked like a kitten with its ears shooting straight up. A single word popped up in Kuroos mind. Cute. AHHHH WHAT AM I THINKINGGG?! he thought abruptly. Kenma suddenly lunged at the fork Kuroo was still holding mid-air and bit the carrot. Kenma had a face of slight discomfort and disgust when tasting the carrot, but still ate the carrot lingering onto the fork. Kuroo was taken back and suddenly blushed at the swift action of Kenma."T-that surprised me, just let handle this." Kuro stammered as he said that, not wanting any more sudden surprises. He took his fork and stabbed Kenmas vegetables and placed it right to his salmon coloured lips, almost touching them. Kenma ate the vegetable with no hesitation.

This went on for about five minutes until there was only a few pieces of vegetables left. As Kuroo began to raise a piece of celery to Kenma's lips, he heard a whisper.

"Hey hey, aren't those two boys cute over there? The taller one is feeding the short blonde boy! Its like they're acouple!" A girl whispered to another girl who were sitting at a table near them.

Kuro suddenly jumped in his seat in surprise with his face blushed and drowned in red realizing what this looked like to strangers. They were childhood friends, so it wasn't exactly weird that they did this, but maybe they were too old for this? Although it probably didn't help that he enjoyed feeding Kenma. He looked around to see if anybody else noticed, and to his surprise, many girls were staring happily at them watching Kuroo feed Kenma. He face palmed his head to the table. He was so embarrassed that his ears were tickled pink.

"Why did you stop?" Kenma asked as he tilted his head in curiosity. Oblivious to the situation.

"J-j-just do it by your own for now on" Kuroo stammered and muttered.

Kenma sighed in disappointment. " But I was making so much progress on levelling up my characters" he said, holding up his PSP from under the table to Kuroo.

"W-wait, you were playing a game while I was feeding you?!" Kuroo exclaimed. Kenma nodded as a response. Kuroo, who was already extremely embarrassed, couldn't find the words to say and just continued to cover his head with his hands on the table.

Kenma, who seemed eager that they were going to the new arcade tomorrow, seemed positive next to the negative Kuroo, who seemed all depressed and embarassed, was walking back home. They arrived at the intersection where they would part ways. " I guess this is where we say goodbye" Kuroo said. "Mhmm, See you later Kuroo. Looking forward to tomorrow" Kenma responded in high spirits. Kuroo immediately registered Kenmas words into his brain? He was looking forward tomorrow? Kuroo raised his head to catch a glimpse of Kenma before he walked away. All he saw was a bright smile before he left. Kuroo, frozen in place was thrilled inside as his heart was beating rapidly. All he could make out in words was,

"Am I gay?"

Heyyy! This is my first story i have ever written on FanFiction! So please review to tell me if I made any mistakes or how I did! I always loved reading fanfictions on this website, so hey, why not make my own? x) This was inspired by an episode from YuruYuri where Sakurako and Himawari were feeding each other without realizing the situation. I will make a part 2 where it will be about Kuroo and Kenma at the arcade.
Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu! Or any of the characters.