Chapter One

Summary:Four years ago, Clarissa left behind her tragic past in Idris and started over in New York, burying her grief, ignoring her demons and forging ahead without attachments. Her solitary life is working— until she moves into a new apartment, where she meets a man who shakes her gated up world to it's core.

Jace Lightwood is used to getting what he wants, and he's determined to get Clarissa into his bed. Knowing she's skittish about entering relationships, Jace proposes an arrangement that will satisfy their intense attraction without any strings attached.

But after an intrigued Clarissa accepts, she realizes that Jace won't be satisfied with just mind-blowing passion. The stubborn Scotsman is intent on truly knowing her...down to the very soul.

This is not my story. Just a rewrite of On Dublin Street by Samantha Young, Mortal Instrument style.

Warning! this is rated M for a reason! Yes, that means smut. So for those who don't like smut, don't come bitching to me that I didn't warn you! You have been warned. And for those who do like smut, continue on.



I was bored.

Ash Riles was kicking the back of my chair to get my attention, but he'd been kicking my best friend, Cherry Droler's, chair the other day, and I didn't want to upset her. She had a huge crush on Ash. Instead, I watched her as she sat beside me drawing a million little hearts around his name in her notebook as Mr. Lee scribbled down another equation on the board. I should have been paying more attention because I sucked at math. Mom and Dad wouldn't be happy if I failed a class the first semester of freshman year.

"Mr. Riles, would you care to come up to the board and answer this question, or would you prefer to remain behind Clarissa so you can kick her chair some more?"

The class snickered, and Cher shot me an accusing look. I grimaced and shot Mr. Lee a pointed glare.

"I'll stay here, if that's okay, Mr. Lee," Ash replied with impudent swagger. I rolled my eyes, refusing to turn around although I could feel the heat of his stare on my back.

"That actually was a rhetorical question, Ash. Get up here."

A knock on the door put a halt to Ash's groan of annoyance. At the sight of the principal, Mrs. Evan, the whole class grew still.

What was the principal doing in our class? That could only mean trouble.

"Shit," Cher muttered under her breath, and I looked up at her frowning. She nodded towards the doorway. "Cops."

Shocked, I turned to look at the door as Mrs. Evan murmured something to Mr. Lee, and sure enough, through the gap in the door, I could see two deputies waiting out in the hall.

"Miss Fray." Mrs. Evan's voice snapped my gaze back to her in surprise. She took a step towards me, and I felt my heart leap in my throat. Her eyes were wary, sympathetic, and I immediately wanted to get the hell away from her, and whatever she was going to tell me. "Can you come with me please? Grab your things."

This was usually the time when the class would ooh and ahh about how much trouble I was in, but like me, they sensed that this wasn't the time. Whatever the news was in the hall, they weren't going to tease me about it.

"Miss Fray?"

I was now shaking from the rush of adrenaline, and I could barely hear anything over the sound of blood rushing to my ears. Had something happened to Mom? Or Dad? Or my baby brother, Jon? My parents had taken some time off of work to de-stress from the crazy summer. They were taking Jon out today for a picnic.

"Clary." Cherry nudged me, and as soon as her arm touched mine, I shot back from the table, my chair screeching as it hit Ash's desk. Without looking at anyone, I fumbled with my bag, swiping everything off my desk into it. The whispers had started around the room like cold wind through a crack in a window. Despite not wanting to know what was ahead of me, I really wanted to leave the room.

Trying to remember to put one foot in front of the other, I followed the principal out of the room into the hall and listened as Mr. Lee clicked the door shut behind me. I didn't say anything. I just looked at Mrs. Evan and then at the two officers, who matched my curious gaze with distant compassion. Standing near a wall was a woman I hadn't noticed earlier. She looked grave but calm.

Mrs. Evan touched my arm, and I looked down at her hand on my sweater. I hadn't said two words to this woman, and now she was touching my arm? "Clarissa, these are Deputies Herondale and Penhallow. And this is Emmanuelle Joe from the DSS."

I looked at her questioningly.

Mrs. Evan blanched. "The Department of Social Services."

Fear gripped at my chest, and I fought to breathe.

"Clarissa," the principal continued, "I am so sorry to have to tell you this…but your parents and brother, Jonathan, were in a car accident."

I waited, feeling my chest tighten further.

"They were killed instantly, Clarissa. I'm so sorry."

The woman from the DSS stepped towards me and started speaking. I looked at her, but all I could see were the colours that she was made up of. All I could hear was the muffled sound of her talking, as someone was running tap water beside her.

I couldn't breathe.

Panicking, I reached for something, anything to help me breathe. I felt hands on me, calm words being spoken. Wetness on my cheeks. Salt on my tongue. And my heart felt like it was going to explode, beating so hard against my ribs.

I was dying.

"Breathe Clarissa."

These words were said over and over until I followed the instruction. After a while, my pulse slowed and my lungs opened up. The spots across my vision cleared.

"That's it." Mrs. Evan was whispering, a warm hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. "That's it."

"We should get going." The DSS woman's voice broke through my fog.

"Okay. Clarissa, are you ready?" Mrs. Evan spoke quietly.

"They're dead," I answered, needing to feel how the words felt. I couldn't be real.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

Cold sweat burst across my skin, sending cold shivers down my back. Goose bumps rose all over, and I couldn't stop shaking. A rush of dizziness swayed iver me in a wave and without warning, vomit surged up from my churning gut. I bent over, losing my breakfast all over the DSS lady's shoes.

"She's in shock.

Was I?

Or was this travel sickness?

One minute I had been sitting back there. There, where I was warm and safe. And in a matter of seconds, in the crunch of metal and glass…

…..I was someplace else entirely.

Okay guys, tell me what you think! Should I continue? Feedback is much appreciated thank you! Again, i love your reviews, so send me out them! I will try to continue updating as often as possible! Any ideas are welcome.

Which reminds me, if you want your name, or any name at all, just PM or review and tell me! You will see it around one way or another...

~Dust Angel