Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or any of its characters.
Title: in awe of that which cannot be seen
Rating: K+
Summary: Kurosaki Ichigo can't see ghosts like his sisters but he doesn't really mind because at least he could see the old man.
Author's Notes: Boy, I have a bad habit of knocking Ichigo out at the end of a chapter, don't I? Sorry about the delay with this chapter. I've been busy with personal matters and I'm afraid this may be the last chapter for some time until I can get things sorted out. For now, I hope you enjoy this.

" This way," Hanataro whispered as he beckoned Ichigo and Ganju deeper into the sewers.

A part of him wanted to question why he was even trusting this shinigami. The only thing they had to rely on was his word that he knew Rukia and spoke to her during her imprisonment. For all they knew, Hanataro could have been leading them into a trap.

I sense no malicious intent in his reiatsu, the old man reaffirmed again. At Ichigo's hesitation, he pointed out, Why not ask his zanpakuto? A zanpakuto cannot hide their true purpose even if they may twist it to their own ends like Shinso.

The only problem with that was Hanataro's zanpakuto was too timid and barely managed to stutter out any sort of sentence in coherent syllables, though only the words "I" and "am" and "sorry" were the clearest.

" What's your name?" Ichigo had asked, deliberately staring directly at the zanpakuto perched behind Hanataro's right ear.

Even as Hanataro repeated his name again, the zanpakuto hid behind a lock of hair, trying to bury itself there, mumbling under its breath.

" It's all right," Ichigo sighed. " Tell me whenever you're ready."

The zanpakuto perked up, its one eye blinking in interest, even as his shinigami was confused at Ichigo's words.

As they travelled down the sewers, it was most content to stay hanging off of its shinigami's shoulder, occasionally glancing at Ichigo or the old man but quickly looking away with a muffled apology if it was caught staring. But once in a while it would pipe up, such as the time when he warned Ichigo to watch his step to avoid getting his feet soaked from the surprisingly deep puddle.

Still, it was nice to have some peace and quiet since storming Seireitei. Compared to Hozukimaru, a towering beast of a zanpakuto, who delighted in mockingly patting Ichigo's head like he was a pet and frequently mimicked the dance his master created for the sole purpose of annoying Ichigo, this zanpakuto had a relaxing presence much like the old man that Ichigo would gladly take over Hozukimaru anytime.

Which was quite telling of Hanataro's nature. He was curious about Ichigo from what he heard from Rukia but was careful not to indulge everything until he knew that he could trust Ichigo.

" We're here," Hanataro announced, after inspecting to make sure they were alone. " This is the most direct path to where Rukia is being held. I'm sorry this is the closest I can take you."

" Sorry," his zanpakuto echoed.

" No, this is fine. Thanks for all your help." Ichigo gave a sideways glance to Hanataro's zanpakuto. " You were a great help."

It turned crimson and ducked behind Hanataro's shoulder. " H-H-Hisagomaru!" it chirped, popping its head back up for a second to look at him before hiding once again.

Just as Ichigo realized he was given a name, the old man hissed, By the staircase!

A red-haired man stood there, swathed in the billowing mist. Black tattoos marked his face and neck in symmetrical patterns. " So you finally arrived, huh?" he said grimly.

With a gasp, Hanataro began to tremble. " That's – that person is – "

Ichigo was about to demand who he was but out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar monkey-snake hybrid trailing languidly behind the man.

" Boy," Zabimaru acknowledged with a nod.

That was all Ichigo needed for confirmation. " You're Renji."

" I don't remember introducing myself to you the last time we met." The shinigami narrowed his eyes warily. " Especially since you couldn't even see or hear me."

Ichigo quietly cursed at his slip up. He fervently wished that Ganju and Hanataro would stop staring at him in confusion and suspicion. " I – err heard Rukia mention you before and I figured it was you," he lamely said.

Renji looked unconvinced and even the old man in his head hummed in resignation. The snake part of Zabimaru snorted. " What an idiot," it said.

" Doesn't matter anyways," Renji continued. " I'm surprised you are still alive. I thought Kuchiki-taichou's attack would have killed a stronger person. For someone like you who doesn't have any notable reiatsu, the fact that you are standing here is something worth mentioning."

" Thank you," Ichigo shot back, matching Renji's sneering tone.

" But this is the end of the line. You will die here by my hand. I told you – well, not you but your zanpakuto before – that I will kill the one who did this to Rukia."

" What are you talking about?" Ichigo frowned. " I didn't do anything to Rukia."

" Her reiatsu is gone! Sucked away by you!" Renji harshly said, fury blazing in his eyes. " You took all of it! How else would you explain why she had to stay in that flimsy human gigai this whole time?"

That explained Rukia and Sode no Shirayuki's reluctance to fight after their meeting. Thinking back, Ichigo had assumed the reason why Rukia was mostly staying out of his battles was because she was still recovering from the initial Hollow attack. Sode no Shirayuki had hovered worriedly over her wielder for days on end during that period. But eventually, Rukia began being more involved in his fights, such as with Chad and Shrieker and with Grand Fisher, so he had assumed she was back to full strength.

But now, he realized why Rukia's zanpakuto never changed form and remained in its lackluster appearance, compared to the vivid and distinctive designs of Gin or Ikkaku's swords.

" I didn't take Rukia's reiatsu," he sought to defend himself. " I don't even remember doing something like that. And if I did, I never meant to."

" Well you can apologize to Rukia by letting me kill you! Once you're dead, her reiatsu will return to her!"

Renji brandished his sword and with a flash of light, it became a larger jagged sword with six segments, each piece as deadly as the next. And its tip was suddenly swinging towards Ichigo.

Faster than they could blink, the old man was already there to intercept it.

" Relying on your zanpakuto to fight your battles again?" Renji scoffed. " You're nothing more than a coward."

" You are wrong," the old man spoke up. " I am Ichigo."

Their swords collided once more, releasing a violent ripple of reiatsu to crackle the air and sending shock waves through the ground. Ichigo gritted his teeth, feeling the strain in his muscles as the old man tried to push Renji back. They knew of the sword's weakness, thanks to Urahara. This won't be a repeat of last time and the solemn agreement from the old man made him smile confidently.

" Who – who is that?" Hanataro fearfully asked. He had nearly forgot that this was Hanataro's first time seeing the old man.

Ganju was frowning but at least, he had seen the old man before when he and the others were at Kukaku's, trying to push their reiatsu into the reishukaku sphere. Despite his many attempts, Ichigo failed dismally at even forming a tiny spark of a barrier, at Kukaku's disapproval and the pitying glances of Orihime, Chad and Ishida.

But once the old man appeared and placed his hands over Ichigo's and the sphere glowed and that was all that was needed to make things right.

" That's the old man," Ichigo answered, as if that was enough. At Hanataro's confused look, he sighed. " I guess he's my zanpakuto? That's what everyone's been calling him."

" But you are not a – "

" – a shinigami? I'm not one," he shrugged carelessly.

" Which makes you something special, as I had said before," Zabimaru unexpectedly joined in.

The zanpakuto lazily settled itself next to Ichigo, just as Shinso had done, watching the ensuing fight with interest. Hisagomaru slowly raised its head from its spot before squeaking in fright and burrowing itself deeper into Hanataro's sleeve once Zabimaru turned towards it. " I'm sorry!" it mumbled.

" Is that all you can say?" the snake grumbled.

Ichigo would have told Zabimaru off for frightening off Hisagomaru if the resulting crash hadn't made all of them snap to attention.

His back arched in pain as the old man flew into the opposing wall, sending debris flying. Something sharp dug into the side of his head and Ichigo instinctively placed a hand above his brow as if to wipe away the blood there.

Old man!

I am ... fine, he replied breathlessly, gingerly picking himself up. His cloak was covered in dust and a part of his shades was cracked and smeared with blood. He didn't have any time to take a breath as Renji swooped in, sword shrieking in delight as it decimated the wall and building behind the old man.

Hanataro and Ganju were at Ichigo's side, troubled at his abruptly taut posture. " What happened? Are you hurt?"

" It's nothing," Ichigo gritted out. He could feel the exhaustion and tension building in the old man as he took several more wounds to the shoulder and arms. He tried not to let his worry and rising panic seep through their bond.

He is faster than I am, the old man reluctantly admitted.

" His timing was good," Renji said, jerking his head towards Ichigo, paying a rare compliment. " You were smart to attack me when my sword had retracted. But we are on two different levels. Your zanpakuto cannot reach me."

It was the simple and cold truth and Ichigo could feel the slowly growing despair that was tied between him and the old man.

" Will you save Rukia?" Zabimaru suddenly asked.

He wasn't sure if he heard right. " What?" Ichigo dumbly said.

" Will you save Rukia?" it repeated. " Will you protect her?"

" What sort of question is that?" Ichigo demanded, trying to hide his wince as his vision alternated between clear and blurry. He promptly ignored Hanataro and Ganju staring as he spoke openly to the empty air. " Of course I will!"

" But can you? Are you and your zanpakuto strong enough?" Zabimaru pressed. " There are still thirteen captains and some odd number of vice captains for you to defeat if you have any hope of rescuing Rukia."

" It doesn't matter who we have to fight," he snapped, agony radiating throughout his entire body making him ill-tempered. " We'll fight anyone who tries to stop us from reaching Rukia."

" But you are afraid," Zabimaru said.

("Are you afraid of getting hit?" Urahara had asked. " Are you afraid of getting hurt? Are you afraid of dying? I can sense the fear in your sword and in each other. If you give in to the fear of the fight, you cannot win!")

" Not anymore," he breathed. Ichigo lifted his head out of sheer determination and Zabimaru raised its eyebrow at the change. " I will rescue Rukia and Sode no Shirayuki! I have to!"

" Sode ... no Shirayuki?" Ganju cut in abruptly, unable to take this one-sided conversation any longer. " Who is that?"

He was fortunately – or unfortunately – saved from answering when the old man wasn't fast enough to avoid Renji's slash, burdened down with fatigue and blood loss. The pain that burned through his shoulder and chest made Ichigo drop to his knees.

" Ichigo!"

He doubled over, arms wrapped around his chest, trying to smoulder the howl that made its way to his throat. Struggling to raise his head, he squinted, barely making out the scene before him.

Like him, the old man was on his knees, sword hung limply at his side. Blood gushed from all his wounds but none was more serious than the one across his chest, drenching his cloak down his arm and chest. His breathing came in short gasps that shook his shoulders. Paralysed with pain, the old man could only contemptuously glare at his enemy who was evidently done talking.

Renji's sword swung down over the old man's neck –


– the blade screamed as it moved on its own accord, huge amounts of reiatsu suddenly pouring in, and lashed out towards the one who would do it harm.

The sword in Renji's hand didn't stand a chance as the steel was completely and entirely snapped off and broken by the ensuing strike. Renji staggered back, blood splattered over his face and clothes, shock riddling across his face before his eyes rolled up and he lost consciousness. Zabimaru's eyes widened as the snake part hissing in alarm. The monkey questioningly looked at Ichigo who had also collapsed on the ground.

" Ichigo!"


Hanataro hurriedly placed him on his back, frantically searching for some way to heal the unseen wounds that caused this. Ganju was gripping Ichigo's shoulder, shaking him and yelling words that he couldn't understand. (and where was the old man? Why couldn't he see him?) The world above him was spinning and slowly becoming dimmer. He could hear his own breathing loud and harsh in his ears.

Something moved at the corner of his eye and Ichigo weakly turned his head to see Zabimaru staring down at him with an inscrutable expression. " We will leave it to your hands then," it solemnly declared.

In a surprising gentle gesture, the snake lowered itself and rested its face against Ichigo's cheek, a cool caress to his feverish skin. " Please save Rukia and Sode no Shirayuki," it murmured. " Do what we cannot do."

He coughed, making a gurgling sound. " I – "

" Rest, boy," the monkey said softly. " You will be facing more challenges soon. You need to save your strength. Perhaps if you are lucky, we may meet again, this time as allies."

His injured body finally succumbed to exhaustion and he drifted away to the blissful darkness.