The Private Rehabilitation Center of Minas Tirith

By Aiwendil Greenleaf

Disclaimer: All Tolkien characters belong to Tolkien (*gasp* who would've thought??), and the OC created by others then me, belongs to those who created them.

A/N: At least it's a little quicker then last time. Okay, I wanna cry on your shoulders for a bit. I get up at six, get ready, take my bike, then the train and then a bus to my High School. I was home at four today. And then there's homework. I have no time to eat, or read any fan fiction for the matter. And I'm so tired all the time. WHHHHHAAAAAAHHHH!!!!... I feel better now.

Beta: Steff

WARNING: This chapter will contain loads of suck-y Pirates of the Caribbean jokes (I found a transcript, the movie doesn't come out 'till the 12th of September here, crap-country). You have been warned.


Kate: I'm so using that idea!! It's great, but you'll have to wait for spring. In the story I mean. Mating seasons tend to be in the spring. Thanks for the great idea!!

Lily: ... Really no need to answer here also, is there??

offspring-the-kids-aint-a: Okay, people get murdered around your ears?? Creepy. OH, it makes me so happy when people say they love Nef'n'Haldir. Something I made, yay. And if you hold a secret, Merry is gonna get together with Brook. Brooks creator asked for it, when Brook first appeared. So technically, it's the relationship which had the most warm-up. And I'm glad you're gonna like them too... Let's hope Bert doesn't get jealous and eat Merry...

Crypticelfdreamer Idril: I happen to like Bret very much, just like you. And I send you a mail, saying that it's so cool to have my story on your page. So you know that... Right, eh, thanks for reviewing. *Bows and walks off stage*

Raveness: Sorry it took so long. And thank you for reviewing, good lady.

bratpincess: Thanks, I'm glad you like.

Eve Devonshire: Look, I'm updating right now!! And I'm glad you like the story.


"Miss Anìron," Elrond let his piercing gaze fall on the blond youth, "Mr. Greenleaf," before moving it on to the male, blond youth. They both shifted around nervously in their chairs. Elrond smiled sadistically. "Both of you are shining examples of the poor state the land is in," he then announced.

Nef frowned, "Thank you??"

"Detention with Sauron, for being provocative and talking back," Elrond said plainly, and picked up a sheet of paper. "I'm putting you two in charge of the Parents/Teachers Night."

Legolas gasped, while Nef stared, "Us??"

"Yes, Mr. Greenleaf," Elrond answered. "Decoration, punch, snacks, everything must be perfect. Or what I tell your parents will be worse then it already is. Have a nice day." The Elf Lord smiled pleasantly. He held his cackle back 'till both students were out the room.


"I don't believe it," Nef declared loudly, and kicked the nearest wall. She then howled and started jumping around on one leg.

Legolas seemed deep in thought, "So, what are we gonna do??"

Nef paused, gently massaging her injured toe, "Well," she began, and put it down, "I say we get back at him."

Her friend gave her a curious look, "How, Nefhuinëiel??" Legolas let her full-name flow gently from his tongue.

Nef smiled, no one actually said her name, unless it was "We'll make it a night to remember."


Gaelwyn leaned her back against Faramir's chest and sighed. She really missed this position, sitting on his lap during lunch, leaning back into those strong arms. The boys left arm squeezed reassuringly around her waist, while the right was occupied, holding a half drunk cup of chocolate.

"Look at the two star-crossed lovers, already in character," Figwit joked.

Gaelwyn stuck her tongue out, and Faramir gave him the finger. Nevertheless, the dark Elf sat down. And he was soon joined by those who'd walked with him. Elladan, Elrohir, Aragorn, Rúmil, Orophin, Haldir (no Nef in sight), Glorfindel and a sulky looking Boromir. Note that he lagged behind the group, still not loving any of the group.

"What's the matter, Bro??" Gaelwyn asked joyfully, passing him her left- over pie.

Boromir wrinkled his nose, but accepted, picked up the fork on the plate, "Melianwen is sick."

"Came too close to one of Saruman's paintings, didn't she??" Glorfindel asked, leaning forward to have a look at the person he was asking.

"Yeah," Boromir replied, chewing the first bite of apple pie. "This is really bad," he remarked, pointing at the dessert.

"Why'd you thing I hadn't eaten it yet?" Gaelwyn asked, her tone still ecstatic.

Boromir sent Faramir a "look". The younger of the two blushed slightly, and kissed his girlfriends cheek. Gaelwyn grinned, and smiled broadly. Figwit sighed loudly, making Haldir pat his back soothingly.

"Hello all," a voice beamed. Nef strolled over to the group, Legolas following. While she was looked unusually happy, Legolas looked rather thoughtful. Nef passed Faramir and Gaelwyn, and with a smile, she got a hold of Gaelwyns chin, between her thumb and index finger.

"What is wrong with you??" Gaelwyn asked, slightly muffled since her jaw was stuck.

Nef smiled warmly, "I love you," gave her friend a kiss on the cheek, and moved to sit in Haldir's lap.

There was a brief silence, in which all eyes were on the cheerful blond. "What in all of Middle Earth, are you so happy about??"

"I..." she paused, then nodded at Legolas, "We, get to make Elronds life hell."

Haldir raised a brow, "How exactly??"

"Oh well, it's just that WE'RE in charge of parent/teacher night. We've decided to make it as horrible as possible," Nef proclaimed proudly.

Legolas frowned, a look of concern on his features, "I don't think it's a good idea, Nef. He'll tell our parents..."

"Legolas!!" At least six individuals were in on that statement.

Aragorn was eying his boyfriend sceptically, "Since when do you care??"

"When I'm within striking distance."

"So, we'll make all these guys mess it up," Nef grinned at her friend, and then looked around, "'You all in??"

Gaelwyn squealed, "Hell yeah!!"

"Wouldn't miss it," Figwit agreed.

"He gets really mad when you spill paint," Elladan supplied.

Elrohir nodded enthusiastically, "Or if you spike punch."

"I can get the key to the supply room," Gaelwyn suggested. "I'll just smile at Wormtongue.

Faramir puffed up his chest, "I'll kill him if he tries anything."

"You're with us Leggy," Nef stated firmly, then added in a dreadful accent, "Savvy?"

Legolas paused, but let his tense shoulders fall, "Savvy."

(A/N: *Cackles* Oh, little Will Turner. My little Jack Sparrow. My precioussssss...)



Said redhead snorted as she woke, only to find Gimli eyeing her pleadingly. "Can I come out now??"

Mîm blinked a few times, then rubbed her eyes. "Erm..." she murmured uncertainly. To be honest, she kinda fell asleep halfway through Basketball Diaries, much as she had done in the current situation.

Gimli smiled slightly, "You have no idea??"

"Not really," Mîm admitted, "I don't know that much about heroin."

Her cousin shook his head and let out a sigh, "I give you my word."

"And I'll take it if you don't behave," Mîm stated firmly. As Gimli chuckled, she added in a severe voice; "I'm serious, I'll rip out you vocal cords."


"VALAR!!" Pearl cried out loudly, jumping back.

Brook looked insulted, petting Bert gently, "He won't hurt you."

"I thought Merry was lying," Pippin said in a shaky voice, clutching his chest like he was having a heart attack. Pearl had slowly moved behind him, and was peeking at the spider over his shoulder.

Brook smiled broadly, and threw a piece of toast down at her feet, where Bert ate it greedily, "Did he tell you about the part where he fainted??"

The two hobbits smiled slightly, "He conveniently forgot that part," Pip answered.

"You coming to class then??" Pearl asked, keeping her eyes on Bert, since he'd now finished eating and was making a really disturbing *stomach- growling*-sound.

Brook shook her head no, "I'm cutting this one out. I'm gonna teach Bert how to fetch," Pearl raised an eyebrow, but Brook continued, " and he needs to be housetrained."

"Please, spare us the details," Pippin pleaded, urging his girlfriend out the door. "See ya', Brook!!"

"Yep," Brook grinned absently, and as Pearl closed the door, she swore she heard Brook say, "Now Bert, when nature calls, you just jump up and down, 'k??"


Upon hearing someone knock on the door, Melianwen slowly pulled the blankets back from her face. "Com' in." Her voice had, much like Legolas had joked, entered a very stuffy stage.

Boromir entered, carrying a plastic cup filled with chocolate. He gracefully put it down on her bedside table, sitting down on her bed, "How are you?" he asked, trying to sound optimistic.

Melianwen glared, "'Ow do you dink??"

"Not better then," Boromir concluded, deciding to ignore his girlfriend's current moodiness. "Here, have some." He held out the chocolate.

Melianwen got up on one elbow, accepted the cup and took a sip. "I can'd daste a ding."

Boromir sighed in defeat, and took the cup back, "You staying here??"

Melainwen looked like she was about to snap something cruel, but within seconds her face turned sad instead. "Mmm hmm," she 'answered' and tucked the blankets back under her chin.

Boromir raised his brow questioningly, before seeing the obvious plan in the dark-haired's behaviour. "You little cheater, you just want me to take care of you."

Melianwen smiled briefly, before her face contracted, and she sneezed loudly.


"I'm bored," Figwit groaned, throwing the fifth straw of hair from his head(boredom leads to masochistic behaviour) he managed to make twenty knots on away.

Around the dorm (his and Haldir's) there was a general mumbling of agreement. You now that atmosphere of total laziness. The one that makes everybody just sit there and either stare into thin air, or do some minor (and totally stupid) thing? That was how the atmosphere was in Figwit's dorm. Legolas was playing with a yo-yo, Aragorn was pretending to read a book for English class (Figwit had noticed he hadn't been moving his eyes for several minutes), Éomer was staring into thin air while drinking a beer, Elladan and Elrohir was having a who-blinks-first competition, and Glorfindel had fallen asleep with his head in Fiora's lap. Said redhead was practising raising first the left, then the right eyebrow. So it appeared anyway...

"Where's Nef when you need her??" Legolas whined, throwing the yo-yo into a pile of laundry.

Aragorn closed his book with a snap, and threw it in the same direction as the disappeared yo-yo, "She's with Haldir in her dorm."

Elrohir tore his eyes from those of his twin, "In front of Faramir??"

Aragorn sent a glare in the sniggering half-elf's direction, "Faramir is with Gaelwyn, in her dorm."

The subject was closed. Legolas started ripping up a sheet of paper, while Aragorn cleaned his fingernails with a pen from Figwit's desk.

"What about Idril??" Figwit suggested, "She's amusing."

Glorfindel snorted, thereby proving that he was, in fact, awake, "Her and Lainauriel are having a detention with Bombadil. They wrote 'SlipKnot rulez' with black magic marker, all over their table."

"Where's Celebrían?" Elladan asked.

Fiora shrugged, "She might be out flirting." Pausing a bit, she added, "The odds are high."

Again, thick silence. "We should do something mean to Arwench..." Éomer mused, taking another sip of his beer.

"And your sister, if we're doing anything," Legolas reminded him.

Fiora chewed on her bottom lip, then lighted up, "We could lock them in their dorm!!"

"How??" Figwit asked, not lifting his head from the window still, where he'd put it the minute before. "We don't have a key."

Fiora beamed and pulled out the key dangling from then chain around her neck, "I have the universal-key!!" A few eyebrows were raised, but no one seemed to have the energy to ask how she got it. Fiora carried on, not minding the silence, "I've got a plan. We need a branch, a distracting team, the key, and eight beers... For celebrating the success, the beers I mean."

No one even bothered to appear interested. Except Éomer, who was looking *mildly* interested. Fiora swapped Glorfindel's head. He didn't even flinch. But a few seconds of breathing deeply, the redhead was back in her bouncy mood. "Someone will get them in there, I was thinking loud talking about a new painting of Saruman's. We'll before that have blocked their window with the branch. Then we'll lock the door, and then we'll go celebrate!!"

"Nice idea," Elladan said, muffled, since his head was buried deeply in a pillow.

Aragorn threw the pencil away, and admired his handy work, "Could be fun."

"Doesn't it require moving??" Legolas asked, lifting his hand and putting it down, to prove his point.

Seeing the entire room was not planning on participating, Fiora momentarily abandoned her cheerful personality. "I'm surrounded by armatures and ignorants, idiots and ass-wipes," she began to rant, getting up. "First there's one problem, then there's another problem. Useless bastards!! Tell me, aren't you interested at all?? Childish fools!!" And with that, she strode out the dorm, smacking the door behind her. Unfortunately, her exit, which was meant to startle them, didn't even get a raised brow.

Éomer sighed, "Never seen her mad before," he mused loud enough for all to hear.

"Worried??" Glorfindel asked casually.

"Nah, she'll come around," the blond said, emptying his beer.

Figwit groaned, and straightened up, "We should go through with that fine plan."

"How's that??" Aragorn asked blankly, "The key's run off." "Good point," Figwit muttered, and now settled on leaning up the wall. "Guess that's that."

(A/N: The KEY'S run off!! Love that line. Love Jack Sparrow actually... Will have the *Why is the rum gone*-one in the next chapter. *GGG*)


Pearl swallowed heavily. Her mouth was watering up again, and if it didn't stop soon, she would be throwing up. Sam was gently massaging her hand for comfort. She sent him a weak smile, and continued to scribble down Math notes. "I'm fine Sam," she whispered, even managing perfect punctuation in the sentence she was writing.

Sam did not look convinced, but let go of her hand. He had barely begun writing himself, when Pearl moaned in pain and closed her mouth tightly. Sam seized her left hand again, holding it tightly. "Are you...??"

The lass gave him a weak look, "I think I have to go to the bathroom," she whispered. The words had barely left her mouth, then her eyes widened, and she stormed out the classroom.

Professor Celeborn stared after her with a outraged expression. "She isn't feeling well," Sam explained, before following his roommate. Half way out the door he could hear Pippin's voice too; "We'll check if she's alright."

Sam found his rommie right around the nearest corner, leaning heavily against the wall, a puddle of throw-up at her feet. "Sam??" She questioned, not looking up.

"Yes," he whispered, pulling her arm around his shoulder, "Lead on, I'll follow you back to your dorm."

"*We* will follow you back to your dorm," Pippin corrected, and behind him Merry nodded. Pearl managed a weak smile, and allowed them to drag her along.


Professor Oakenshield held up a piece of...something, "And this is??"

"Mithril!!" The class responded simultaneously.

Thorin nodded and picked up another piece of... stuff, "And this??"

"Gold!!" The class responded.

"How educational," Rosie hissed at her friend. Mîm was smiling broadly, practically bouncing around in her seat. Not as much as Gimli though.

"Oh yes," both responded jubilantly. Rosie groaned, rolling her eyes.


"It's amazing!!"

Haldir smiled, gasping for breath, "Yeah, hell yeah," he wheezed, wiping his sweaty brown with the back of his hand.

Nef snuggled up to him, laying her head on his chest, "Not that." She quickly added, "Though that indeed was amazing." Haldir smiled, and kissed her hair. Nef continued, "How the two of us manage to stay issue-free, I mean."

Haldir frowned, "We're just lucky, I guess."

Nef sighed loudly and yawned, "I just can't help thinking..." She trailed off.

Haldir got up on one elbow, making her wove up as well, "What??"

"That it'll go bad eventually. We'll have problems too."

Haldir couldn't help but laugh at the nervous face his girlfriend was putting on. He took a deep calming breath, kissing her deeply, before pulling away and looking her in the eye, "Don't worry about stuff like that."

"Hakuna Matata??" Nef suggested.

"Exactly." With that, Haldir kissed her again and laid down again, Nef going back to her former position, her head on his bare chest. Neither of them knew, that issues actually were produced minutes before...


A/N: You Know what I mean!!! But does it still count as a cliff-hanger?? Not really...