Author's note:

Thank you for support, it's needed, even if I didn't want for my brother to tell you about the whole accident thing.

Either way, due to that and the rehabilitation that took most of my energy for a lot time it took me really long to finish this chapter and since the UEFA Euro 2016 came along in that time and Poland is in Quarter Finals which is a really big thing for me and our country, so yeah…

Anyway I'll try to post another chapter next month if nothing bad happens, fingers crossed, and once again I'm looking for a Beta so anyone up for the job send me a message

Oh, Yeah… I don't own anything but my ideas. Review if you like or have something constructive to write. Once again thanks for the support and I wish all of you the best of luck and health.

Chapter 23

"K-…Kuro-…tsuchi…" said shocked Naruto as he looked with disbelief at someone he called precious, or could call just moments ago

Kurotsuchi for one had eyes tightly closed as she took out another kunai and moved to strike the blond in the neck… only to jump away and at the last second too as kunai went through the place her head was a mere second ago. Genma who threw that kunai was immediately engaged by Baki as both of her teammates landed on both sides of Iwa kunoichi.

"Wh-Why?" asked Naruto as he fell to his knees while holding his bleeding stomach


"HA! Don't tell me that you thought that she is your friend for real" Kagetsuchi mocked blond interrupting his teammate as six Iwa jonins surrounded Naruto whose head was bowed down "Normally I'd kill you, but as you're a jinchūriki we'll use the weapon inside you to bring Iwa to the top where it should be from the beginning. Of course the extraction will kill you, so it's a win-win situation for me and Iwa." said Iwa genin as the jonins almost reached the blond


(The rooftop of the Kage booth)

"What is the meaning of this Kazekage-dono, Tsuchikage-dono?" asked Hiruzen as he stood across from the two Kages while Mizukage and Raikage stood on the sidelines "Why are you doing this?" he asked once more as he looked at the barrier that was erected mere second after they all landed on the roof

"That's rather stupid question" said Ōnoki "Why? To destroy your village of course"

"I told you many times, Hiruzen…" said a cloaked figure as he stepped from behind of the Kazekage "…you're just an old fool that will lead this village to it's downfall" the person said as he took off his hood only to reveal…

"Danzō" growled Hiruzen "I thought that all that you're doing was for betterment of Konoha. Why are you trying to destroy your own home?!"

"This village is infested by the cancer of your and Yondaime's believes. I have to cut off and burn down the infested roots for Konoha to become what it should be from the start" said old war hawk "If I have to sacrifice lives of hundreds of shinobi loyal to Konoha… so be it"

"You're a mad man" said Sarutobi

"I prefer the term visionary" said Danzō as he looked at the pair on the sidelines "What do you say, Raikage? Join us and your village can finally get the Byakugan. And you, Mizukage? Now you can make them pay for not aiding you in your rebellion when you and your people really needed it. Together we'll punish this village for all the wrong doings"

"Actually…" started Mei as she slowly walked towards Hiruzen "… if it wasn't for the blond Uzumaki boy and his generous donation for our cause we wouldn't make swift recovery from the war like we have made. I was going to propose an alliance between our villages to Hokage-dono, now though, thanks to you I can cement our partnership in this way." she said as she stood next to the Sarutobi "Zabuza! Ao! Go and make yourselves useful! Help repel the invasion. We're going to help protect Konoha"

"Darui, C, Bee you go as well" said Ā as he landed on the other side of Hiruzen and addressed Ōnoki who looked at him disapprovingly "What? I am not my father, I don't hold grudges for the last war like him or you… quite the contrary I have great respect to Minato and his speed and prowess in fūinjutsu. Most of all though I will rather die than stand side by side with your "ally"."

"I'm quite disappointed, but with Kazekage under my power…" said Danzō as he took of the bandages to reveal Sharingans "… I don't think I need this, but better be safe than sorry…" he said as he quickly went through handseals "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei" he said slamming his hand on the ground and two coffins raised from between him and his opponents and when the lids fell of two figures stepped out

"Danzō… what have you done?" said Hiruzen


(The audience)

"What the hell is going on?!" screamed frightened Ino

"Are you that dumb?" asked Karui as she cut down Oto chunnin that attacked her "It's rather obvious, isn't it? Your village is being invaded by Oto, Suna and Iwa"

"What about Kumo?" asked Ino not really able to wrap her mind around the situation

"Are you blind? We are fighting them too!" screamed Karui "You should worry more about Kiri than…"

"Karui look out!" screamed Chōji as he jumped between the red head and Suna shinobi that sneaked up on her trying to protect his friend only to pale as the man before him was cut down… literally cut down in half with both half's landing on each side of two genins allowing them to see Zabuza with his zanbato drown "I think Kiri is on our side too" he said after couple seconds

"Listen up kids" said Asuma as he killed Iwa jonin on top of the stairs "You need to take civilians and VIP's to the safety"

"Before that I need you Shikamaru to take a team to check out on those genins that already lost their matches and were admitted to infirmary inside the arena" said Kakashi as he landed next to Zabuza

"What the fuck are you standing for?! Move!" screamed Zabuza

"Troublesome… Chōji, Karui and…"

"Me" said Karin "I'm a sensor, I can help"

"Fine. Chōji, Karui and Karin with me, the rest is going to escort civilians and VIP's to the safety" said Shikamaru

"Hai" all of them said at once and move out


(Arena floor)

"You know what?! After we'll destroy this pathetic village I will take that pink haired girl and teach her what a real guy can do…" said Kagetsuchi as he grinned lecherously "… and when I'm done with her I sell her to the dirtiest whore house I'll find, then I'll repeat that with that blond one and that princess…"

"ENOUGH!" bellowed Naruto as he released burst of Haō-shoku no Haki and knocked out not only the Iwa shinobi that were closing on him and Baki who was engaging Genma, but all of the invading forces that were in the stands as well, stopping all the fights immediately.

"Wh-What the…" stuttered Akatsuchi

"I have to thank you, trash" said Naruto as he raised his head to show everybody his mask covered face "Until now I had reservations, but now…" he said as he put his hand, that was already covered in black flames, over his stomach wound and with one sharp move he seemed to pull out some golden flame that for some reason stayed in the air next to him "… I don't have them anymore" 'Are you sure it'll work, Kurama?'

'I told you most of my memories of old times are foggy because I was split in half, but I'm pretty sure it'll work' said Kyūbi

'OK, I'll trust you' Naruto replayed and put his hand that was still covered in black flames into the gold flames getting an immediate reaction as it intensified forcing everyone to cover their eyes while at the same time giving off whips of energy.

After what seems like eternity, but was just about half a minute it all deceased allowing everybody to see what exactly happened and what they saw shocked everyone as instead of one person they saw two people as beside crouching Naruto they saw standing and very much alive Yondaime Hokage in all of his glory

"How am I alive?" asked Minato after awhile with confusion clear as day in his voice

"Well… you're not quite alive" said Naruto as he put a pressure on his stomach wound trying (and failing) to stop the bleeding "According to Kyūbi your soul is bind to this plane for a day at most since it's my first time doing something like that… sorry" he said gaining the attention of older blond who finally noticed him.

"N-Naruto?" asked Minato after couple seconds as his eyes became wide as plates

"You know my name?" asked Naruto now with equally wide eyes "I mean I know that you sealed my furry friend in me, but I didn't know that you would go as far as to get to know my name. I mean it's just…"

"I know your name because I gave it to you with your mother" said Minato interrupting younger blonds rumbling "I see you inherited her motor mouth… HEHE… good for you, Sochi"

"S-Sochi? I'm your… I-I mean you're m-my…"

"Tō-san? Yes" said Minato "Although you should know this by now from your kyōfu, Jiraiya. He was taking care of you after we passed away, right"

"Wait! That old pervert was supposed to take care of me!" screamed Naruto and was about to scream a little more, but explosion from somewhere in the village brought him back to earth

"What's the situation?" asked now serious Minato

"We're under attack from Iwa apparently,…" said Naruto as he glared at three genins rooted in place on the other side of the arena "… and Suna and Oto… I think"

"Well… as much as I would want to spend the little time I have talking to you, as I would guess you have a lot of questions, you have brought me here for a reason" said Minato

"Yeah…" started Naruto weakly "… I need you to go and help Jiji up there" he said as he pointed towards the barrier

"Naruto!" screamed Sakura as she landed near him "You're wounded, baka…" she said as she immediately began to heal him, which caused Minato to chuckle at the scene gaining her attention "… what's so fun-… -ny?… Yon-… Yondaime-sama? How?"

"Beats me… so… are you my Sochi's girlfriend?" asked boldly Minato and chuckled once more as the girl blushed and stuttered

"Not yet…" answered Naruto for Sakura which made her blush more and earned him a punch on the head

"Don't embarrass me in front of your father, baka!" screamed Sakura as she wrapped her head around that sentence "Wait! Yondaime is your father?"

"Yeah… That's a shocker for me too…" said Naruto as he noticed that his wound was closing thanks to Sakura's healing 'I thought you said I won't be able to heal with chakra once I free Yondaime… I mean Tō-san from the belly of that monster'

'I said that you won't be able to heal with MY chakra or yours for that matter since we're both connected to that thing that sealed me into you all those years ago' said Kurama

'Oh… I need to start listen to you more' replied Naruto gaining a growl in return

"Who's the current Hokage?" asked Minato

"Jiji" said simply Naruto gaining one more punch over his head

"Baka… Hiruzen Sarutobi, Sandaime Hokage, Yondaime-sama" said respectfully Sakura

"I see we share the same taste in women, Sochi-kun" said chuckling Minato "Your Kā-san was very violent and passionate as well." he chuckled as he said that… and quickly added "I would appreciate if you don't repeat what I just said to her if you ever meet her"

"Are you scared, Tō-san?" asked grinning Naruto

"I'm not scared… I simply feel great respect for Kushina-chan" said Naruto as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly

'Just like Naruto' thought Sakura as she watched at the mannerism of the older blond

"Well… I'm leaving everything here to you, Sochi." said Minato "I'm going to help out Hiruzen…" he said ant turned to the still shocked audience "… AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GAPING AT?! GO AND MAKE YOURSELF USEFULL! PROTECT KONOHA AND IT'S PEOPLE!" screamed Minato which seemed to finally snapped them out of their stupor and after a bunch "HAI's" they all left

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" said Naruto as he slammed his hand on the ground and immediately whole arena was covered in smoke. Once it cleared the arena floor, walls and even the now deserted, besides bounded, unconscious and chakra-sealed enemies, was covered by sea of clones. Ten of them where standing around Naruto in circle while behind each of them where kneeling hundreds of others clones positioned in a way that it became obvious that those standing one's where leading groups each one equal in numbers.

"One to Six: In pairs go to each gate and help repel invading forces" said Naruto as he unsealed Fūjin and Kusanagi "Seven: take Fūjin go help protect hospital and take Sakura-chan with you" he said as he turned to the girl in question "You'll be able to help over there, Eight: take Kusanagi and secure the Safe Houses; Nine: secure Hokage Tower and Library since they're nearby; Ten: go and check on the clans, help them as much as you can if they're under attack. GO! PROTECT KONOHA AND ALL ALLIES! DESTROY THE ENEMY!" and with that they all left taking Sakura with them before she could say anything

"No matter what happens today know that I'll be always proud of you and I'll always love you, Sochi-kun. Good luck" said Minato completely taking his son by surprise and before anything more could be said he disappeared with his trademark jutsu.

"So you really are this monster's spawn" said Kagetsuchi after some time "I'm not strong enough to fight him, but now I'm gonna ki-…"

"I don't know why you have betrayed me or why your village have attacked mine, Kurotsuchi,…" said Naruto as his chakra spiked and his hands turned black coated in Haki "… but I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO HURT MY PRECIOUS PEOPLE" he screamed and disappeared in a burst of speed.

Akatsuchi reacted by trying to create a stone golem, but was too slow as Naruto's fist smashed through the not-fully formed golem and sent him flying into the wall, knocking him out. Before Kagetsuchi could even think about doing something elbow hit him in the center of his chest, shuttering his sternum, breaking most of his ribs and sending him flying into the wall, knocking him out as well. Kurotsuchi's only reaction she managed to squeeze in that timespan was wide eyes before palm strike made her follow the suit of her teammates.

Before he could do anything else he jumped back and at the last minute too as he was almost crushed or screwed by a fist covered in lava. The man who attacked him was quite tall had some kind of armor and distinct war paint on his face

"Good, but you are Kuroi no Senkou's son after all" said the man


(Inside of the barrier)

"Ah… Saru. You got old, How many years it has been?" asked Shodaime Hokage

"Around sixty years from your death Hashirama-sama" said Hiruzen

"Edo Tensei. Using my own jutsu to bring me back" said Nidaime Hokage as he looked back at the person who summoned him "Danzō? You've… changed"

"You know him?" asked Hashirama

"Yes, he was my student, I even considered giving him the title of Sandaime Hokage" said Tobirama

"Why does he have my face on his shoulder?" asked Hashirama

"I knew I saw that ugly mug somewhere" said Tobirama

"So mean" said Hashirama as he crouched while drawing circles with fingers on the rooftop with his finger with an air of depression around him… which was completely ignored by his brother

"What is the meaning of all of this, Danzō?" asked Nidaime Hokage

"I'm going to redefine the village,…" started Danzō"… turned it from peace loving bunch of fools into what it was supposed to be from the star-…"

"Some student you have there" said Hashirama

"How was I supposed to know that he'll lost his mind?" asked Tobirama

"I created this village with Madara to bring peace not more wars, child" said Hashirama

"I don't have time for this" said Danzō as he put kunai into the back of both revived Hokages heads "This way they may not have full power, but I'll have full control over them"

"And that's why I would never side with that monster like you did, Tsuchikage" said Ā "He's beyond being a simple monster and I have no doubt that he will betray you given a chance"

"That's for me to worry about" said Ōnoki

"I think it's time to end this small talk" said Danzō "Shodaime, Nidaime kill my enemies"

As soon as he said it both reanimated Hokages went through handseals "Suiton: Suiryūben no Jutsu/Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kōtan" they said at the same time and from the rooftop behind of the three Kages trees started emerging while in front of Nidaime a ball of water appeared from the air and soon three sharp whips shoot towards their opponents. Mei, Ā and Hiruzen reacted quickly by jumping to the side, but the whips followed right behind bending and twisting, ultimately forcing them to jump backwards, right into the Shodaime's jutsu and just as they were about to be caught…

"Rasengan" screamed two figures as they slammed the balls of chakra into reanimated Hokages breaking their concentration over their jutsu and then dispelled into clouds of smoke while another one landed in front of the Kages "I hope you didn't wait too long"

"Minato?" asked Ā

"But how?" asked Hiruzen

"Beats me" said Minato as he shrugged his shoulders "You should ask my son… son that didn't know that I was his father until I told him so" he said with the anger clear in his voice "I don't know what happened to Jiraiya-sensei that he abandoned his own godson, but I hope that he found a way to live forever, cause the last thing he'd want is to meet Kushina-chan"

"That's unexpected…" said Danzō

"… but not unwanted" added smirking Ōnoki

"Nevertheless his appearance is problematic" said Danzō

"Thank you" said Minato "I aim to be problematic for people like you"

"I don't know how you got revived, but it doesn't matter, as you will die once more" said Ōnoki

"Now listen" said Minato barely above whisper so that only the ones behind him "I was brought back only for this fight so let's make it count as I don't want to regret not spending this time with my son too much. We have to split them up. I'll take Shodaime and Nidaime, Hiruzen will take on Danzō, Ā will take on Ōnoki and…"

"Mei Terumi, Godaime Mizukage" said Mei

"… Mei-san will take on Rasa, be careful though his golden sand is faster than it looks" ended Minato

"If possible try to capture him, his only a puppet to Danzō's Sharingan technique" said Sarutobi

"I can't promise anything " said smiling Mei

"Ready?!" asked Minato "Let's go!"


(Arena floor)

"Argh!" screamed Naruto as he hit arena's wall once again after yet another punch from Iwa shinobi

"Is that all you got?" asked the man "It's quite disappointing"

"I'm thirteen… you're a war veteran… Yōton no Rōshi" said Naruto as he kneeled trying to regain his breathing

"So you know who I am?" asked Rōshi with amusement clear in his voice "Good for you, Kyūbi jinchūriki"

"So you know who I am too" said Naruto as he stood up

"I don't know what kind of jutsu you're using to protect yourself from my Yōton no Yoroi, but it seems it tires you out quite quickly" said Rōshi

"Not really,…" started Naruto as he grinned "… but I wasted a lot of chakra to set up this Uzumaki Hijutsu: Sekai no Enjo(World's Assistance)" said Naruto as he slammed both of his hands and immediately a seal appeared over the entire arena floor.

Rōshi preparing himself for everything activated his Yōton no Yoroi spreading it over his whole body, but after some time when nothing happened he started to chuckling first, which soon evolved into a full blown laughter "HAHAHAHAHA… What kind of shinobi wastes so much chakra on a jutsu that does absolutely nothing?"

"Absolutely nothing?" Naruto repeated as he smiled and unsealed Enraiha, that appeared in his right hand and Raijin no Ken that appeared in his left hand "Let's check this theory of yours, Rōshi-san"

As soon as Naruto said that he disappeared in a spotless Shunshin no Jutsu and appeared above Rōshi and swung both swords down. Iwa jinchūriki barely managed to block the swords with his forearm while still being covered with his Yōton no Yoroi, but then Naruto's right leg completely covered in Busō-shoku no Haki connected with the side of Rōshi's head sending him flying. Once he righted himself and managed to stop before reaching the wall his face one more time met Naruto's completely black right leg, this time the blond kicked Rōshi across his face and sent him flying into the wall.

'What is going on?' thought Yōnbi's jinchūriki to himself 'He wasn't as fast before… and even my moves are slower than before…'

"Do you still think that my jutsu was useless" asked Naruto and Rōshi's eyes widen "Sekai no Enjo uses too much chakra even for Uzumaki to use freely, but it gives great advantage to the user… it greatly reduces the air resistance giving me boost in speed while increasing yours slowing you down and while activating the jutsu takes shit tone of chakra after it's done it is your chakra that is used for maintaining the jutsu… oh and the more chakra you're using the stronger effect the jutsu will have on both of us"

"I have underestimated you greatly, boy" said grinning Rōshi "I will not do it again" he said as he tapped into his Bijū chakra gaining a one tail cloak "Let's use our weapons chakra to end this fight!"

"Weapons?" asked slowly Naruto as his grip over the handles of the swords tighten "Bijūs are not weapons" he said with anger clear in his voice "They are beings with souls just like us… people like you are pissing me of" and with that said he shot towards Rōshi


(Near the North gate)

'Most of the Oto-nins are not a threat, they're really weak…' thought Ibiki to himself '… but Suna and Iwa jonins are just as skilled as our own.' he thought as he saw yet another Oto-nin cut down with ease by Zabuza's Kubikiribōchō 'At least we don't have to worry about Kiri and Kumo'

While deep in his thoughts the top interrogator of Konoha didn't noticed Iwa shinobi sneaking up on him from behind until it was too late, only a shout from one of his comrades alerted him of enemy presence and just as he was about to get cut his surroundings blurred and not even a second later he saw young blond in his place with a katana in his chest.

'Shit.' thought Ibiki as he thought that the boy is done for, but before he could ponder on this thought the boy disappeared in a cloud of smoke and another one jumped right through the smoke cutting the enemy down with kunai enveloped in fūton chakra while capitalizing on the surprise that man felt in this situation

'What the hell?!' thought Zabuza as he saw a sea of blonds flooded the battlefield quickly killing or knocking out all the enemies working in perfect synch

"What the hell are you looking at?!" screamed yet another blond that stood above them on the lantern with another one of the clones "Those are Kage Bunshin's and will get overwhelmed quickly so move your butts and use the numbers to your advantage. Go protect KONOHA!"

"Hai!" screamed all shinobi from Konoha and it's allies and with renewed energy joined the fray

"Good speech, but we still have to take care of those snake summons, otherwise they'll destroy the village" said Ibiki

"Consider it's done" said second Chi Bunshin

"They may be just Kage Bunshins, but we're not" said the first one as both of them created Taiyōnotate in each hand

"We're much stronger" said the second one as both of them jumped towards the snakes


(In front of the hospital)

"When will those reinforcements come?" asked one of the jonins that were protecting the hospital

"Doesn't matter!" said the Oushi(Bull) ANBU that were leading the units that were stationed there as he thought 'Damn, we need more people'

As soon as he thought that shadow spread upon the enemy forces and while the more experienced shinobis jumped back, over half of the invaders stayed in place only to not even a second later hear shout "UZUMAKI SUTAIRU: RASENGAN NO AME(UZUMAKI STYLE: RASENGAN RAIN)" and all of the people that stayed in place were crushed to the ground by a rain of clones each using a Rasengan.

"I hope we're not too late?" asked a Chi Bunshin No. 7 as he landed in front of Oushi with a Fūjin on his shoulder

"Not at all. Are you the original Uzumaki-sama?" asked the ANBU

"No, I am more than simple clone though, so don't worry" said Chi Bunshin "Sakura-San you should go inside and help as much as you can with those wounded"


"No buts. Go!" said No.7 with commanding tone and the girl complied

"Either way we have to stall them for some time before my subordinate will come back with reinforcements" said ANBU as No. 7 looked at the remaining enemies

"OK I need five of you to stay here and provide support to me and all the Kage Bunshins, while the rest of you will go to the other side of the hospital and help there" said No. 7

"Don't be…" started Oushi as No. 7 drew upon Fūjin with a quick horizontal slash unleashing wind waves that cut six enemy shinobis into pieces… as well as two nearby stores "… stupid?"

"I have this sword for less than a day, I can't really control it yet so if you don't stay here you will get cut down" said No. 7 "This is the only sensible option, so go and once you're done there, come back to help over here, right now though you'll be a liability"

"OK, you heard the man. I and my team will secure this side of the hospital while the rest of you will go and help the second team from the other side. Now GO!" ordered Oushi


"Now…" said No. 7 "… let's play" he said as he ran towards his enemies


(Corridor to the safe house behind Hokage mountain)

"Do you understand your orders?" asked Fū Yamanaka


"Very well" said Torune to twenty Ne ANBU "Then you will follow me and Fū…"

"… to your death" said No.8 from behind of Torune as Kusanagi went straight through Torune's head and before any of the He could even react at least 50 Kage Bunshins ran at them from both sides with a battle cry, confusing them even further and before they snapped out of it their numbers decreased from nineteen to fifteen.

When Ne finally got a hold of themselves the clones were starting falling like flies. Fū as the leader of the unit was taking down clones left and right. He kicked one in the head sending him into two others dispelling them, then punched another in the chest and threw kunai at the one that tried to jump him from behind, but to his shock when this one turned into smoke next to one of his shinobi, who with one sweep of his katana cut down three clones, yet another clone came out of the smoke caught the kunai and ran it through his jaw it to his brain with enough force to not only raise the man from the ground, but to pin him to the ceiling of the corridor as well

'They're not as strong or durable as we are, but they're better coordinated than us' thought Fū We have to end this as quickly as possible'

The fight between two forces lasted five more minutes and took down six more Ne shinobi in the process. As Fū turned towards his subordinates to assess the situation one of them yelled a warning and without thinking he span around on his heel and kicked No. 8 in the chest expecting a poof of smoke, but his eyes narrowed at the fact that not only didn't dispel, but he righted himself mid air and landed on his feet in crouched position

"You're not a simple Kage Bunshin" said Fū

"No shit" was the eloquent answer of No.8

"Either way you're on the lost position. You cannot win against me and my 8 subordinates" said Fū and his eyes narrowed when he saw smirk on Chi Bunshin's face

"Eight?" asked No.8 "Are you sure?"


"What is going on soldier?" asked Fū who didn't turn back not wanting to turn his eyes from enemy in front of him as he noticed that his vision started getting blurry as pain started spreading through his body

"He's poisoned just like the rest of you" answered him No. 8 "During the fight I used shadow step to hide in the clones shadow and gave you insignificant cuts that you had not even noticed simply to make sure that even if those Kage Bunshins would fail to take you down, you will still not proceed with your mission, whatever it is, but since I got specific orders…" he said with a sinister smile "… prepare to get SLAUGHTERED"

As soon as he screamed another wave of the clones came out with a battle cry on their lips. The fight was short and bloody and aside from Fū, that managed to take down two Kage Bunshins there was no resistance from Ne.

"Five of you stay here and clean this mess before some kid see this, while the rest will go with me to secure the rest of the safe houses" said No. 8 "Now LET'S MOVE OUT!"



(Inside of the Arena, with Shikamaru's team)

"That's the last one, right?" asked Karui

"Yes" said Karin

"You were right, without you it would be much harder" said Chōji

"We're on a tight schedule." said Shikamaru "Let's move out"


"Karin, make sure to keep your senses up to watch our surroundings" said Shikamaru

"Hai" and with that they move out. It took them another five minutes to actually reach the infirmary, but before they walked in Shikamaru stopped them from entering

"We are under attack from Suna as well and we don't know what that Gaara guy will do, so be prepared to fight" said Shikamaru "OK, let's move in"

Once the door opened they all jumped in and saw two bloodied and crushed ANBU lying on the floor, couple genins on the beds, including Gaara as his two siblings were standing in front of him, ready to protect him, no matter the costs.

"We won't let you touch our brother!" screamed Tamari

"We would want to avoid conflict as well if possible" said Shikamaru

"You're not serious, are you?" asked Karui "Suna attacked your village as well"

"I will not attack Naruto Uzumaki's village" said Gaara as he turned his head to the three genins "He allowed me to sleep without fear of hurting my siblings, he have my gratitude as he did in this little of time more for me than my father in all the previous years."

"Yeah… as troublesome as he is he have a way for doing things like that" said Shikamaru

"Are you really going to believe them?" asked Karui

"Where's Sasuke-kun?" asked Karin

"Those Oto ANBU managed to take him" said Gaara "They tried to kill the rest of your genins, but I stopped them" he said as he gestured towards two dead shinobi on the floor

"Do you know which way they went?" asked Chōji

"How? He can't stand up after his last fight" said Kankurō

"OK, Karin… where's Karin?" asked Shikamaru as he turned around and noticed his missing teammate

"She left the moment Gaara said that Uchiha was taken" said Temari

"Tch, troublesome"


(Near Hokage Tower)

"Man… those guys are just cannon fodder" said one of the Kage Bunshins "Why would they send them here?"

"Shut up or you jinx it" said No.9 "You should be glad that it is that easy rather than complain, or…"

He was interrupted by spikes that rose from the ground cutting their numbers in half as the other half managed to jump away at the last moment. As No.9 looked at the other side of the spiked see he saw Kitsuchi standing there with a big smirk on his face, then he looked directly at the clone he talked with before

"I fucking told you so!" said No.9 to the clone he talked with earlier with anger clear in his voice

"I'm surprised that a mere clones were able to avoid my attack…" said Kitsuchi "… but you won't be able to survive this one" he said as he went through handseals and was about to unleash his jutsu, until…

"Dainamikku Entorī(Dynamic Entry)" he was kicked in the face and sent flying back by Gai who then jumped back and landed next to Kakashi

"Naruto it would be best…" started Kakashi only to be interrupted

"I'm No.9, Oyabun is still at the Arena… I think" said Chi Bunshin

"He made nine of you?" asked clearly shocked Gai confusing Kakashi even further

"Actually he made ten of us" said No.9

"Either way you and the clones should stay back and protect do what you're doing up until now" said Kakashi "Leave Kitsuchi-san to us"

"Yea… he's S-rank shinobi, so I don't think I would be that much of a support to you" said No.9 "You heard Kakashi-san! MOVE BACK!"

"So what is your plan my youthful friend?" asked Gai

"Well it's quite easy" said Kakashi as he revealed his Sharingan "We fight togeth"