"The Boys are Back in Town"
It was a Friday night when Miles and Bass rolled back into Willoughby after spending a week in Austin sitting through some of the most mind numbing meetings he'd ever been a part of and that was saying something. It seemed everyone had chosen to forget or wanted to ignore the fact that "The Generals," as they were being called, had run a country before. By themselves. They weren't snot-nosed recruits that needed their hands held. Miles had finally begged off and damn near pleaded with Blanchard to send them home for a few weeks until he had a more solid plan in place after catching a wild-eyed glimmer in Bass' eyes after one too many late night meeting. They had both been pretty quiet the entire way home.
Without even questioning it, they headed straight for Dino's bar, tying their horses off to the side with the rest of them. The night was warm, summer would be upon them soon, and the doors were open letting the music of the live band he had hired that night (ok let's face it, the only band) drift out to the street.
They were greeted warmly by the townsfolk enjoying the music and the free-flowing house brew. Bellying up to the bar Miles signaled to Dino for a bottle and glasses. Wandering through the crowd, they found an empty table a bit further away from the music and closer to the pool tables.
Bass caught Connors attention as he straightened up from making a shot and waved him over. Handing his stick over to the man next to him, Connor joined them, flipping his chair around to straddle it, accepting the drink put in front of him.
"Man am I ever glad to see the two of you," he said draining his glass in one go of it, holding it out for a refill. Bass looked over at Miles, eyes twinkling as he refilled his sons glass.
"Why's that?" Miles drawled leaning back in his chair as he sipped his drink.
"You're niece is out of control, I can't keep up with her," Connor said slamming his glass down on the table in front of him, poking a finger in Charlie's direction. Miles tilted his head back to get a glimpse of her as Bass leaned to the side.
Charlie was dressed to kill tonight in tight jeans, boots and a handkerchief shirt that was only held on by a tie around her neck and one around her back. Bass' eyes shuttered in lust as Miles met his gaze, adjusting in his seat.
"I wouldn't say out of control," Miles smirked filling his glass again. Bass nodded his head, raising his glass in Miles' direction, "I'd say more like a handful."
Conner scoffed shaking his head. "You three are seriously fucked up, you know that, right?"
Charlie was playing pool at one of the other tables and was lining up her shot when she felt a someone grab a handful of her ass. Standing up straight, she turned to find Johnny Ray standing so close she could feel his breath against her skin, as well as a few other things.
And he still hadn't let go of her ass.
With a sigh, Connor stood ready to get involved before it turned into an all-out brawl. Both Miles and Bass reached out grabbing an arm, pushing him back into his seat.
"Connor," Bass said, never taking his eyes from Charlie, "your problem is that you're trying to control Charlie." Miles nodded refilling their glasses before picking his glass and the bottle up off the table. "The secret is to just let her be." He said tilting the bottle in Connors direction as a resounding slap made its way to their ears. Scooting away from the table, Bass pulled Connor back with him as they watched the fight between Johnny Ray and Charlie break out.
"Dammit, Miles!" Dino shouted causing Miles to lift his shoulders in a "Kids, what can you do?" shrug. "This is the second time this week! One more time and she's banned!"
Miles waved indicating that he heard the man as Dino starting yelling and cursing at Charlie and the rest of the combatants that had joined in.
Picking his glass up off the table, Bass turned to the side as Johnny Ray landed squarely on top of their table collapsing it to the floor. Miles raised his glass in salute at the man and drained his glass, perching it on one knee and the bottle on the other.
Charlie came flying through the crowd grabbing Johnny's collar before she realized whose table he landed on. "You're home!" she said brightly, chest heaving from the exertion of the fight, blood trickling from her lip and brow, and her hair in wild disarray.
"I'll be right back," she grunted hauling Johnny up off the floor.
"Take your time, Charlotte, we've got all night." Bass replied mildly.
Charlie smacked her lips at him before throwing Miles a wink, as she planted her boot in Johnny's ass, pushing back into the fray. It was over when she had Johnny on his knees in front of her apologizing for his numerous infractions.
Digging a small satchel of diamonds out of her pocket, she tossed them to Dino who caught them in his outstretched hand, still grumbling about the destruction and chaos as everyone settled down and the band got back to business.
Watching Charlie practically stalk towards the two men, Connor stood. "I'll stay in Miles studio. You guys can have the house." He said to no one in particular as Miles and Bass' attention was thoroughly fixated on Charlie.
Shaking his head, Connor clasped his hand on Bass' shoulder. "Take the house tonight." He said leaning down towards his ear so that he could hear.
Bass gave a quick nod of his head in acknowledgement as Charlie approached them giving Miles a perfectly acceptable public kiss at the corner of his mouth, taking the bottle from his hands as she moved to Bass' side tilting the bottle to her lips as his arm twisted around her hip.
Miles eyes darkened as Bass moved his hand steadily up her side and under her blouse "Heard you kept yourself busy while we were away."
Charlie shrugged in an exact imitation of him. "Had to do something to keep myself entertained while you were away, Uncle Miles," Charlie purred in mischievousness watching his cock strain against his zipper.
He smirked when she unexpectedly jumped, from the pinch Bass gave her nipple. "Charlie," Bass growled at the thought of anyone else touching her while he and Miles were away. They were nothing, if not possessive of this woman that they shared. She leaned over handing the bottle back to Miles meeting his eyes, but addressing her words to Bass with a pout, "I'm afraid that Uncle Miles might have to spank me, Bass."
Charlie bit her already bloody lip, hiding a grin as both men stood, Miles dropping the bottle off at the bar as Bass kept his arm firmly around her waist as they made their way out the door. As they approached their horses, Miles grabbed her hand making sure they were blocked from view. Taking her chin between his finger and thumb he turned her face looking over her injuries. Tilting his head down, he licked his way up the dribble of blood running down the side of her chin to her mouth, their tongues tangling together.
"Charlie," Bass chuckled watching Miles go nearly out of his mind, "You know you shouldn't tease Miles like that."
"Who said I was teasing?" She asked fisting her hand in his jacket pulling him to where she and Miles stood.
"Home, now." He growled practically pushing her on his horse, mounting behind her, Miles right beside them.
a.n. Title and inspiration taken from song of the same title by the group Thin Lizzy. And one small line inspired by JaqofSpades newest story "Pilots of the Storm."