Lucy was late. Like, really late. She had taken ages to finally get out of the sea of people streaming in and out of the packed airport, and now stood on her tiptoes, squinting at the infinite lines of yellow taxi cabs and buses. Searching the sea of cars frantically, she spotted a large silver van identical to her best friend Levy's. Found it! She picked up her suitcase and began sprinting through the lines of taxis surrounding the airport, gaining a few honks here and there. She wrenched the door of the car open and launched herself into the passenger side, throwing her suitcase into the backseat.
"Oh my god, Levy, I am so sorry," Lucy moaned, "My seat was in the middle of the plane and it took forever for me to get out and then I couldn't find my suitcase-" She stopped short. Whoops.
She had gotten into the wrong car.
Next to her sat a salmon haired boy, in what seemed to be his early 20s, trying his best not to have a laughing fit. "Oh my god, I am so sorry," Lucy began, blushing head to toe.
Nice one Lucy, a half hour in Magnolia and you've already completely embarrassed yourself, she thought, facepalming herself. At this point, the boy's face was as red as the sweater he was wearing, and he was crying. "Hey, it wasn't that funny.." Lucy pouted, but had to smile all the same.
"I'm sorry, it's just that's happened to me twice today already," the salmon-haired boy said, grinning at her. "I guess that's what I get for buying a generic van like everyone else, huh.."
The blonde laughed. "Funny, I have the same car.." She smiled at him apologetically one more time. "I'll just take my leave then." Lucy went to grab her bag out the back when, "Wait! Do you need a ride?" She looked back at the boy. He looked pretty sincere, and didn't look like a serial killer. Then againā€¦ She gazed back at the crowd of cars with a cringe. "If it's not too much of an inconvenienceā€¦"
Salmon-hair's face lit up instantaneously. "No,no, it's no problem! Everything here is relatively close, so it's nothing," he grinned. The blonde smiled at him and held out her hand.
"Lucy Heartfilia, nice to meet you."
"Natsu Dragneel. Welcome to Magnolia."