Another Maki stories. Well, sorry for my lack of english grammars, guys. I can't hep it.
Anyway, enjoy this stories ^^
Disclaimer : I do not own Love Live! School Idol Project (although I want it T^T)
µ's Love Challenge
The nine girl of µ's were trained when the redhair stopped their practiced.
"Maybe I will get enough for today, guys." She gave a reason.
"Are you feeling unwell, Maki-chan?" The orange-hair approach Maki.
"Urgh, it's not like I feeling unwell or not. But, maybe I doesn't have a motivation today." She sighed.
"Well, only for today its not a problem at all. After all, you're the one who wrote all of our songs, Maki." Eli smile to her, gave a permittion.
"Is that right, Eli?" Umi asked the blonde.
"Well, maybe only for today."
"Then I will go first, guys. Sorry I didn't accompany all of you until the end." Maki waved her hands before going home.
"Well, what are we gonna do for today, guys?" Honoka asked the other girls.
"Ah, I have an idea." Rin rise her hands.
"Well, speak it up soldier." Honoka pointed Rin. Their both feeling excited.
"Well, what about Love Challenge? We're gonna confessed to the girls that we love." Rin said bluntly.
"Eh? Are you sure, Rin-chan?" Hanayo asked.
"Hehehe, pretty sure Kayo-chin. This should be great, right?" Rin laughed heavily.
"Well, maybe you're right. This should be interesting, guys." Nico, who keep her mouths down give a speak.
"Well, the captain said yes so lets do it." Honoka wided her eyes.
"W—wait a minute Honoka. We're still didn't know who's gonna be the one who getting confessed." Umi yelled, trying to stop the orange-haired girl.
"You didn't have to, Umi-chan. After all, I already know which one who gonna be the one who getting confessed with." Nozomi smirked, she hold her cards.
"Ahaha, as expected of Nozomi-chan. Always being prepared for something like this." Kotori smile.
"So, which one Nozomi?" Eli asked.
"Well, my cards tell me that you all have the same feelings for certain girls. So I kind of know who she is," Nozomi recall her explanation. The seventh girls gulped as she continue her speak. "Did you guys ready yet?" Nozomi asked.
"Speak it up, Nozomi." Nico order the pigtail.
"...Nishikino Maki-chan." Nozomi muttered something.
"Sorry, I don't get it. Who again?" Nico moved forward.
"It's Maki-chan, guys." As Nozomi speaked, all the girls blushed heavily. So it's right after all. Nozomi smile in silence. Even she blushed a bit by the result.
"So.. you mean that we should confessed our feelings to Maki-chan?" Umi hesitantly asked the pigtail.
"Of course, Umi-chan. After all I know that you all love her." Nozomi smile.
"Can it be someone else, Nozomi? It kind of awkward to tell her my honest feeling." Eli twirl her fingers, hesitate to asked.
"Hehehe, you can't Elicchi. This is the game that we made together. Not a game, actually. This is our challenge to conquer the tsundere girl hearts." Nozomi smile in victory.
"But, at the end one of us should date her. What others will feels if Maki rejected their feelings?" Umi asked again.
"Well, we will set the rule of our game. It will be no offense feeling if Maki actually choose someone." Nozomi think about something.
"So, we should accept the result if we didn't choose by Maki?" Eli asked.
"You have to do it. After all, we will give everything to Maki. Including the result." Nozomi answer.
"So, how long can we proceed this game Nozomi?" Nico muttered something.
"Well, lets just talk about 3 days per person? We will give exactly one months until the result."
"So, there will be one months until Maki can answer our feelings?" Honoka rise her hands.
"Exactly, Honoka-chan. It's interesting, right. Everyone get three days to proceed and confessed her feelings to Maki-chan." Nozomi smirked.
"Aaahh, I kind of know it will turned to be like this." Umi sighed, but she can't help herself getting interest by the games.
"Aahh, Nozomi-chan. I want to asked." Hanayo rise her voice.
"Speak up, Kayo-chin."
"Well, how will we took a turn to confessed to Maki-chan? We're eight cannot confessed at the same time and we should think about taking turn."
"Well, maybe you're right Hanayo. We have to control ourself with this confession." Eli speaks.
"Hmm, let's just make it like we will take our turn by our class. So it should be the first year first." Kotori gave an idea.
"Hey, it's not unfair. The one who started this game will get more change to win her heart." Nico protest.
"Well, what about our relationship with her. Like her bestfriend's first or something." Eli gave another idea.
"It's not fair too. It will gave the last person become the person who didn't have any connection with Maki." Another protest from Nico. I want to be the first though.
"Well well, let's just make it like this. The first person is the person who invited Maki to join µ's. So, you will come first, Honoka." Nozomi decided something.
"Wh—Why me first? I doesn't have any mental preparation." Honoka blushed heavily. Why I should come first instead of her friends.
"No, it's decided already. You will be the one who confessed first to Maki. I know you can do it. Followed by Hanayo, Rin, Umi, Kotori, Nico, Eli, and me as the last person." Nozomi decided the turn tables.
"Uurrgghh, I honestly didn't want to go first. I kind of lack of something." Honoka yelled, unsatisfied.
"Brace yourself, Honoka-chan. Maybe you will win, right?" Kotori smiled.
"Uurrgghh, don't say that Kotori. Well, then I will take it. The first turn. When should I proceed?" Honoka asked.
"Let's just say, tomorrow. We will make it fast, Honoka-chan." Nozomi decided.
"Eh! That fast!" Honoka rises her eyes, unbelieved.
"You should take the oppourtunity Honoka. Or, I will take the first." Nico glare at the orange-haired girls.
"Wh—No. I want to go first. I love her, so I will take this chance." Honoka pouted her lips.
"So, its decided. Now I will permitted myself, guys. Just be sure to prepare yourself with this game. There will be no training for about a month." Nozomi waved her hands before leave the clubroom.
"Haahh, you make a troublesome game, Rin." Umi sighed before leave the clubroom.
"Eh, I thought it will be interesting –nya! Confessed to Maki-chan." Rin yelled before leave.
"Well, you guys maybe didn't stand a chance. I will win this for sure." Nico place her hands on her hip and challenge the rest of the girls.
"Hehehe, maybe I will win this Nico-chan." Kotori laughed, but her eyes seems dark.
"I—I will followed Rin-chan. But, I will not gonna loose to all of you." Hanayo permitted herself before followed Rin.
"Haahh, why it should turn to be like this?" Eli sighed, but her cheeks burnt as same as her hearts. Confessed my feelings to Maki?.
"Well, just don't go in my way. This will be a war for about a month." Nico pouted before leave.
"What should I do, Kotori?" Honoka asked for help.
"Hehe, I'm sorry Honoka-chan. I can't helped at a time like this. I want to win too." Kotori smile.
"Why you all guys leave me behind?" Honoka yelled in tears. Just before she saw Maki enter the clubroom.
"I'm sorry, but I leave something here so I just want to took it." Maki explained.
"Eh, Maki-chan? What a coincidence." Honoka surprised by the redhair.
"Did I just tell you that I forgot to took something? Well, like a care about it anymore. You don't leave yet, Honoka?" Maki asked.
"Wh- well maybe soon. Listen, Maki-chan. Let's meet up tomorrow." Honoka rise her voice.
"Tomorrow? Well, maybe if its fast enough I can make it." Maki seems confused, but she agreed.
"Good. Now, see you tomorrow Maki-chan." Honoka wave her hands and run toward her classroom.
"Weird.. Well, maybe the one I loved is weirder than her." Maki smile and turn her eyes to the club's table. When will she realize.
Well, perhaps that's all for the opening.
Anyway, I will open the vote. The vote will decided which one will Maki choose at the end of the story.
It can be either MakixNico, MakixEli, MakixHono, or any other Maki pairings. So, I hope you guys vote ^^
I will open up the vote until another announcement, so keep vote. Just write it down on the reviews, guys.
Thank you ^^