Mabel and William stood next to each other in an awkward silence. The two of them were red in the face from William's response and didn't know how to break the ice without sounding stupid. Mabel looked to the older boy hiding within his hoodie.

"I see you got a bit of liquid sunshine on you!" Mabel laughed, trying to diffuse the situation.

William glanced at her, the pale blue eye seeming to glint a shining gold as the light hit it a certain way. "Heh heh, uh yeah." He looked down to his drenched hoodie, the color now a dull yellow as it continued to drip the "liquid sunshine". "Should've brought sunglasses I guess." William muttered. "N-nevermind, that didn't make any sense."

"HAHA! Sure it did!" Mabel hit him in the arm playfully. "That was funny!" She grabbed a hold of his sleeve, pulling him towards the linen closet. "Let's get you a towel before you catch a cold! Besides you're dripping everywhere!"

Once they rounded the corner, they could hear Mabel's Great Uncle coming out of his office, mumbling something about the electricity, before a hard thud came. "OW! MY HIP!" He cried out in agony.

William looked to Mabel with a raised eyebrow. She gave an amused snort and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine!" She opened the linen closet and got out the biggest, shaggiest towel she could find and draped it over William's head. The older boy just stood there accepting the kind gesture, nonchalantly waving a hand next to his head before replying with, "thanks." He proceeded to dry his hair out as Mabel stood there watching him with a smile plastered on her face making her braces twinkle in the light.

"I, uh, really like your hoodie." She tried for conversation once more.

"Thanks." William's voice cracked. "I really like your sweater." He said, pointing to Mabel's shooting star.

"Thanks! I made it myself!" She beamed.

"Yeah, I can tell." William muttered under his breath. "Hey uh..." William quickly glanced at his hand to see the names he had scribbled down earlier with a marker, "May-bell." He said with a bit of difficulty.


"You have a place I can hang my hoodie to dry?" He asked.

"YEAH! Right in here!" She directed him towards the bathroom. "I'd let you use the dryer, but you know! Heheh."

Meanwhile, as Wendy got to the stop of the stairs to get Dipper, she heard what sounded like shattered glass come from his and Mabel's room. She started to run as fast as she could towards him hoping that Dipper wasn't hurt. "Dipper?" She cried out as she kicked down the door. "What's going on?"

She looked around the room, shining the flashlight every which way, trying to find him. Glass glinted with spattered blood on the floor. She started to panic a bit trying to find a trace of him in his room when she finally landed on a spot below the triangle window.

"Wendy! Did you see it?" Dipper got up from where he had been sitting, holding onto his leg, his hair frazzled and his eyes wide with alarm.

"HOLY CRAP! Dipper! What happened?" Wendy went to his side to see if he was any worse for wear. "You okay, dude?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine! Just got bit is all." Dipper tried to comfort her. It really was nothing, he was honestly far more startled and a bit shaken.

"Then where'd all this blood come from?" Wendy looked back to the broken glass.

"It was some... thing! It just crashed right through the window and tried to take my journal! It bit me when I wouldn't let go of it then jumped back out again when it heard Grunkle Stan yelling! It was TOTALLY AWESOME!" Dipper smiled through the adrenaline rush that coursed through him. He felt completely unstoppable at that moment.

"Do you know what it is?"

Dipper's smile faltered. He had no clue, it was way too dark to see, and when the bits of lightning did decide to strike, it made sure to stay within the shadows of his room. "No." He sighed. "I don't. But I'll definitely find out!" He wished Mabel had come with the flashlights sooner. What was keeping her in the first place? A thought crossed his mind. "Where's Mabel?" He asked with frenzied worry.

"Whoa, calm down, dude, she's with my cousin right now. Nothing to worry about." Wendy put a hand on Dipper's shoulder, knowing just how protective of his sister he could be.


Wendy smiled. "Yeah! I'll introduce you! But first, let's make sure you didn't break anything besides that window, alright?"

"Yeah. Right." Dipper relaxed, hoping that whatever just attacked him stayed out of the shack from now on.