I do not own
During the battle Bard started to feel his heart ache and he knew that Kagome was in danger. He looked around and tried to find her through the crowed but he didn't see her. He saw Sesshomaru finishing off the last of the orcs and rushed over to him.
"Lord Sesshomaru have you seen Kagome?" He asked
"She headed to north mountain to aid the dwarf king." Sesshomaru said pointing to the mountain.
"But something is wrong with mama." Shippo said rushing over to them. "I can smell it. She's in danger."
Hearing enough Bard went to find his horse and hurried over to the mountain. Shippo ran alongside him and when he took a little glace at Bard he was surprise to see his eyes turn yellow.
In the darkness Kagome was brought to her knees as she was trying to fight off Sauron mine control.
"Fight all you want but you won't win." Sauron said "Why fight it?"
"I will never surrender. I have fought greater power than you before." She glared
She had been able to resurface her powers but it wasn't strong enough. Sauron darkly chuckled.
"Your powers won't work here. This is the realm of darkness. Light has no place here and no one can save her." He said
He went to reach out to her but a red flash came and knocked him away.
"Geez, I've been gone for over ten years and you still attract creeps like him."
Kagome eyes widen when she saw the red fire rat coat, long white hair and two dog ears on his head.
"Inuyasha?" She whispered
He turned around and gave her a smirk.
"The one and only." He said "It's good to see you again Kagome."
"And he's not alone." A female voice said
She turned around and saw Miroku and Sango standing behind her.
"Sango? Miroku? How?" She asked
"Lady Midoriko thought that you might need some help." Miroku said
Suddenly the nine shadow figures started to move and attack them. Miroku staff started to glow and started to blocked and attack two of them. Sango used her giant boomerang and attack two shadow figures herself while Inuyasha went to fight off four himself with a grin on his face. Kagome chuckled. Seeing that he hasn't changed one bit and attacked the only shadow figure left with her sword. The shadow figures were fast and skilled but so were they and they were able to send them back to the shadows from where they came. That only left Sauron who stand alone surrounded by fire.
"You weak mortals. You think you that can defeat me." Sauron snarl "I, the great, the powerful and the darkness in the world."
"Yap, yap…that's all I'm hearing from you pal." Inuyasha said and he started glowing. "You can't have Kagome or win her over with your dark powers because she has greater power than you and she has us."
Then Miroku and Sango stood beside her and they started to glow too.
"In life or death…we will always help her out when she needs us. Our light and spirit will give her power to defeat you." Sango said
With those words in mind Kagome could feel her powers getting stronger to the point that she was glowing white now. Seeing that her powers were getting stronger Sauron was being pushed back.
"And not just us. But all those that care for Lady Kagome and would do anything to protect her." Miroku said
Then more glowing figures started to appear and they all circled around Kagome. She looked around and saw everyone that she ever cared about and loved. Her family and friends from the modern time, to the friends from the feudal era and all her friends and family from middle earth. They all combine together with Kagome and she was shining brighter than the sun. Sauron hissed and shield away from the pure light.
"You won't be destroyed by me Sauron but you will not have me by your side. And I will never submit!" She said
She released her powers out and replaced the shadows with light. The last thing she heard was Sauron roaring in anger before seeing him going back to Mordor.
"You did it Kagome." Sango smiled
She and Kagome hugged.
"Well done Lady Kagome.' Miroku said
"It's time to go guys." Inuyasha said and looked at Kagome with pride in his eyes. "Just remember, if you ever have to face darkness again know that we're always here for you. In life and in death. Oh and tell that human that if he ever hurts you I'll come back and haunt his ass."
Kagome could help but laugh at his words.
"I'll miss you guys." She said and hugged them.
"We'll always be around if you ever need us Kagome." Sango said "Now you should head back. That man that you love is calling out for you."
They all disappeared and Kagome started to hear Bard pleading for her to wake up.
"Please my love, come back to me. Please. I cannot bare to lose another. Please I love you. Come back to me." Bard said
Tears flowed down his face as he cradle his love in his arms and look down at her pale face. The war was over and the dwarf lord was dead. Shippo had went to get Sesshomaru for help while Bard stayed with Kagome.
"Please my love." He said
He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead before preying to the gods to bring her back. Then he felt a hand on his face and he looked down to see two beautiful sapphire eyes staring up at him with a smile.
"Bard." Kagome smiled
He smiled down at her and kissed her with all his love for her.
"Never scare me like that again. I thought I lost you forever." He smiled
She laughed and brought him in another kiss before he helped her on her feet.
"What happened while I was away?" She asked
"We won the war...but…we lost a few people." He said
"And Thorin and Bilbo? What happened to them and the other dwarves?" She asked
Bard lowered his head and his eyes filled with sorrow and guilt.
"Lord Thorin is dead, as well as Kili. He died while fighting the orc Azog." He said "I couldn't get here in time to save them."
Kagome closed her eyes as her tears fell and she started to cry on his chest. Bard held her tight knowing that she greatly cared for them as her family. He then led her to where Thorin was and saw Bilbo by his side with Kilala comforting him. When Bilbo saw Kagome he quickly got up and ran into her arms.
"I was so worried that we lost you too." He said
"Its okay Bilbo, I'm here." She said
Kagome looked at Thorins lifeless body and then felt all those that lost their life because of this battle. Then she looked at the sword that she hasn't touched in over ten years beside her own. She grabbed the handle and felt it pulsing.
"Tenseiga let's test it shall we." She whispered
She stepped away from Bard and Bilbo and unsheathed her two swords. She unsealed what little power she had left and placed the two swords together. She lean her forehead towards the swords and they started to glow and combine together. It had grew longer and glowed pure white. She raised it up high and then slashed it to the ground which created a white light dome. The dome grew and spread out through the land of the lonely. Once the light fade the snow had disappeared and was replaced by fields of green and flowers all around. Then one by one every man, dwarf and elf that had died from the battle was once again alive. Bilbo and Bard were amazed by what had happened and got a shocking surprise when they heard Thorin breath for air and opened his eyes. Bilbo hurried to his side and Kagome couldn't help but smile. But then everything started to get burly for her and she couldn't stand straight anymore. Bard saw this and quickly caught her before she fell to the ground.
"Kagome!" Bard said with worried
"It's okay human."
He looked up and saw Sesshomaru standing beside him with Gandalf, Shippo, Koga and Ah-Un.
"She just over did it with her powers." Sesshomaru said
"Mama just needs some rest that all." Shippo smile
"That she does. And she very much earns it too." Gandalf chuckled
Bard smiled as he looked down at his beloved when he saw how peaceful she looked and had gentle smile on her face.
Kagome started to stir from her sleep when she felt the sun on her face. When she opened her eyes she saw that she was in an elegant room and she was about to get up until she felt two tiny arms wrapped around her. She looked down and smiled when she saw that Tilda was sleeping beside her. She looked around and Bard was sleeping on a long couch with Sigrid and Bain sleeping by his side. Kagome looked back down at Tilda and kissed her forehead.
"Morning sunshine." She whispered
Tilda started to stir from her sleep and when she opened up her eyes to see Kagome she jumped up from the bed and hugged her tightly.
"Mama!" Tilda shouted in joy
Kagome laughed as she held the little girl tightly and saw that her shout had woken everyone else in the room.
"Ma." Bain smiled
"Ma." Sigrid said
The two jumped on the bed and dog pile on her with hugs. Kagome laughed and asked for Bard to help her.
"Okay kids let her breath a little or you'll have no mother at all." He smiled
The kids got off of her one by one and when they did Bard helped her up and brought in her a passionate kiss.
"Ew." Tilda giggled
Sigrid had to close Tildas' eyes.
"Da, there are children present." She laughed
Bard and Kagome broke there kiss with laugh and lean their foreheads together.
"I'm glad your back my heart." He said
"Its good to be back my love." She smiled
"Come, everyone is waiting for to see you." He said
Once she was done getting dress he took her hand and led her down the hallway where she smiled at the familiar faces.
All thirteen dwarves and Bilbo ran over to her with joy and hugged her.
"My dear child you had us all worry there for moment. You have been asleep for three days." Gandalf said with a smile
"Three days huh. I guess I did over did it a little." She chuckled
"And we are entirely grateful for it." Thorin said as he, Kili and Fili walked up to her. "I am forever in your debt Milady. For not only saving me but also for my nephews as well. I can only hope that you can forgive me for all that I have done."
Kagome smiled and hugged Thorin.
"I had already forgive you my friend." She said
He smiled and kissed her hand before looking at Bard.
"You take good care of her Bowman, she worth more than all the gold in the world." Thorin said
"That she is." Bard smiled as he held her hand and Kagome winked at him
Later that day a celebration was made for their victory and a peace treaty was made between the Mirkwood elves and dwarves. Thorin had even kept to his word and offer not only the gold but his help to rebuild the ruins of Dale for the people in Lake-town. That was when Bard was finally restored his rightful birth right as King to his people.
"Bard where are we going?" Kagome smiled
He led her out to a balcony and she saw a lovely site of the kingdom and the moon.
"Kagome, you know I love you with all my heart." He said
"Of course and I love you with all mine." She said
Then she saw him go down one knee and her heart was beating fast.
"You are a great mother to my children. A kind and loving person that has a heart of gold with not only beauty but is very independent and wise. You are a fierce warrior and very skilled with a bow and sword. Over the years you have healed my broken heart when I lost my wife Sarah and I know that I have done the same for you. I don't care if you are immortal because I will always love you till the day I die and when I will be reborn again. I guess what I am asking is…" He said and held out a beautiful ring with a blue diamond and a gold band. "Will you marry me and say that you'll be my wife."
Kagome smiled and tears started form in her eyes.
"Yes. Yes Bard I will." She said
He smiled and placed the ring on her finger before kissing her.
Ten months later…
Kagome sat down next to a mirror as the elf queen fixed her hair.
"You look beautiful Kagome. That bowman is a lucky man. Or demon should I say." Aurora said
"How is he adjusting to his new abilities?" Tauriel asked as she helped place makeup on Kagome.
"Sesshomaru and Koga said that he doing well on his training but it's the heating season that was the hardest for him to control." Kagome blushed
"Well that should be good for the honeymoon." Aurora smirked
The three women giggled.
A knock was heard and Shippo popped his head in with his hand shielding his eyes.
"Mama, are you descent?" He asked
"Yes Shippo you may come in." Kagome said
Shippo walked in and hugged his mother.
"You look beautiful mama." He smiled "I have a surprise for you. It's a gift from me and Sesshomaru. Close your eyes."
Kagome a raise brow but did as she was asked. Shippo walked over to the door and opened it.
"Okay, open your eyes now."
When Kagome open eyes she gasped and smiled.
"Mama. Souta." She said
"Oh my baby girl, look at you." Saya said and hugged her tightly. "If grandpa or your father were still alive they would have be so happy for you."
"Oh kami, Souta. I can't believe how tall you have gotten." Kagome said when she hugged her little brother.
"I know. It's like you're the little sibling now." Souta laughed
"Don't push it. I may be little but I am still older than you and wiser and stronger than you." Kagome smiled "How is it that you're here?"
"Sesshomaru's mother brought them here. We all knew that this is a very important and memorial day for you and knew that you would love it if they were here." Shippo said
"Oh my sweet boy. Thank you so much." Kagome hugged him and then looked at the queen and her friend. "Queen Aurora. Tauriel. This is my mother Saya and my little brother Souta. Mama, Souta this is Lady Aurora, queen of the Mirkwood elves and my best friend Tauriel."
Two elves bow their heads to her mother and brother as they did the same to them.
"Hey Kagome, just a heads up, bowman, is worried that you're having second thoughts so better hurry before he comes and get you." Koga said
"He's right. We can't have the groom see the bride just yet. Its bad luck if he sees you before the ceremony." Saya smiled "But before you go I have to give you something."
She held out a small box and revile a hair piece with lilies decorated over it and had blue sapphire in it.
"It belonged to the first born woman in our family from many generations from mother to daughter. And now it belongs to you." Saya said trying to hold her tears. "Now you have something old and blue."
"Thank you mama, its beautiful." Kagome said
Saya placed the hair piece in Kagome hair before they all headed to the ceremony. The wedding was in the Mirkwood kingdom garden. Thranduil insisted on going overboard even though Kagome told him not to. She was still like a daughter to him and he wanted to treat her as one and because of this she let him walk her down the aisle. As she walked down aisle she looked around and saw everyone she knew and made friends with. Tauriel, Sigrid were her bridesmaids while Tilda was the flower girl. Bain stood by his father side along Shippo and Sesshomaru. Thorin, Kili, Fili and the other dwarves were there as well as Bilbo and Gandalf. Koga and Ayame were next to her mother and Souta. Beron, Lord Elrond, and even Lady Galadriel and her husband were there as well. She looked at the far side back and had a small smile when she saw that even Legolas there. He gave her a small smile as well and a nod. Then she looked back at Bard and he looked as handsome as she first saw him minus being wet. When Bard looked at her and couldn't believe how lucky he was because she looked like an angel to him right now. He will never forget how beautiful she looked. Her dress wasn't elven but not made by man from middle earth but from her home-world. A white kimono with beautiful gold design sewn in it. When she was close he held out his hand and she took it with a smile. They never broke eye contact as the priest married them off. It was as if one else was around and it was just them. They said their vows and placed their rings on their fingers and finally sealed their marriage with a kiss.
When night came the wedding was over and Bard had led Kagome to their honeymoon champers. Kagome had gone to change out of her dress and into a blue silk nightgown and when she came back out she saw Bard out in the balcony with his shirt off and looked up at the moon. She got closer to him and saw how the moonlight glowed on him and his eyes had turned yellow again. Then as if he sensed her near him he turned to her and eyes had turned back to normal.
"I understand now why you wouldn't want this. To never grow old while those that you love die before you." He said and wrapped his arms around her.
"Do you regret the gift that was given to you?" She asked and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Never. Because I have you with me. As long as you are here with me living forever is a blessing. My love. My treasure. My Queen." He smiled
"My heart and my King." She smiled
Then they kissed under the moonlight.
The End
A/N: There will be a sequel for 'the Lord of the Rings' but I don't know when.